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  1. Basically everytime an NCR personel says "We wont go quietly the legion can count on that" 20 Legion centurions or 20 Legion Veterans spawn and attack the NCR Personel
  2. Would it be possible to have the Veteran NCR armours along with the Patrolman and Trooper armours in the colours and styles of Minutemen? Perhaps the General's outfit could be modified Vet armour. (Colour optional) NCR Armours in question; NCR Ranger Veteran ArmorNCR Patrolman and Trooper Armors
  3. Fallout: West Coast Blues post: "The year 2285: After retaking the Hoover Dam and defeating the Legion, sending them into a civil war in the process, the NCR decided to expand their boundaries to a place the Brotherhood of Steel had ventured only once, and to expect many new changes and challenges there, from the synthetics of the shadowy Institute, to the new and mutated creatures of the East Coast, not mentioning the rumors of a huge, unchecked, and regional power the Eastern BOS had become... 2287, August: The NCR finally arrive in the Commonwealth, lead by 3 people in three separate goals and visions for the area: The COSI, Commonwealth Office of Science and Industry, lead by a former Vault City citizen, who seeks to study or partner with the most technologically advanced faction of the region. The Army, lead by Warrant Officer Safran, seeking to first secure NCR areas of interest, and begin bringing democracy and peace to the area. And finally, the Diplomatic leader of the NCR in the region: Ambassador Henry Guzman, seeking to make peace with the various factions of the area, but won't hesitate in making war and calling the fury of the Bear and the West Coast upon their foes..." Hey there, we're making a new medium-scale faction mod bringing the Mojave to the Commonwealth, beginning with the New California Republic. We currently are partnered with the group Creator's Network and modder BlaineMobius, both assisting us in our development, which you can view with our Artstation. We're currently looking for people of all skillsets - Drop in as you like and contribute where you can. The most valued skills we are currently looking for are: Quest Creators, Scripters, Writers, and other sorts of modders. Contact us at our Discord or PM me if you're looking to apply! Thanks in advance, WCB Modding Team. Pictures Of Assets And WIP Items: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yra1J Discord: https://discord.gg/xfzcz8M
  4. So, the title pretty much sums it up, just wanted to see if some modders here would be interested in granting me my request: a set of Advanced power armor from the Enclave now belonging to the NCR (captured at Navarro). My request is basically nothing too fancy, just a suit of Remnant Armor, with the NCR bear logo instead of the Enclave E, The idea could be fleshed out with a NCR faction tagging, and perhaps a new sand NCR paint scheme, but honeslty if someone could even just add the bear, i would be super grateful. Thanks in advance!
  5. Basically, what the title says. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a mod which changes the flag on Paciencia to have the flag of different factions. Mainly, Caesar's Legion and The NCR. But also The Brotherhood of Steel, Ulysses, Courier 6. BoS could possibly be the one with the white stripes, BoS logo and the red background. The Yes-Man one could simply have yes man's face on a white background and Mr. House could have the Platinum Chip or The Lucky 38. The The Ulysses one could have his logo, the one with the star and stripes, and Courier 6 could have the 6 Ulysses paints everywhere. The NCR and Caesar's legion ones are pretty self explanatory. This would be awesome to use on a playthrough for that faction, even though the BoS, Ulysses and Courier 6 aren't really a faction, it would certainly be cool.
  6. I have a bunch of mods installed (as most do) - here are the one's that relevant to my post: - Alternative Start (Gribbleshnibit8) - EnclaveComanderNV (J3X and RickerHK) ( EnclaveCommanderNV is pretty cool, click this to check it out for context - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44657/ ) So, I'm an avid fan of the Brotherhood of Steel. I decided to use Alt Start RP and start off as a Brotherhood Knight. I had to do some leg work before beginning the RP though - with the Alt Start mod the player starts with traits and I think some rep, but not in the Brotherhood Chapter itself. I did all the quests and even maxed all the Brotherhood related stuff. I even have the Mod Safehouse. So, after all that I set off to RP. I felt like doing the Fiends quests in Camp McCarran. I forgot that the NCR and Brotherhood don't see eye to eye. I landed in the Airport via the Vertibird from EnclaveComander with a squad of Brotherhood. This was a small oversight as all hell broke loose (as it obliviously would). It is here I realized that this was going to be an adventure of sorts. So, any advice for trailing the wastelands now that the NCR wants to eat me alive as a member of the Brotherhood lock, stock, and barrel?
  7. I am looking for something similar to the ADAM outcast armor (not quite sure how to install ADAM) but mixed with the defaced armor like on the combat armor part it has the defaced part. I also kinda want the glowing red eyes and white (maybe red), hood and duster or something like that but on the helmet it says help kind of like the desert armor from HH. Or if someone could help me figure out how to install ADAM I will be happy, seriously i have been trying to get ADAM to work for like 3 days.
  8. I usually join the Legion, but I love that NCR veteran ranger armor. Now I read somewhere about an idea of defacing faction armor, which is a cool idea. Though what I'm thinking here is set of NCR veteran armor that isn't necessarily defaced, but more or less refurbished to a more legion theme color-wise and what not. If anyone could do this that would be awesome and I'd be thankful. There aren't that many legion mods out there and I'm sure people would appreciate it.
  9. Ive been dying for a regular NCR Troop outfit and Legion soldier outfit mod to come out. The NCR ranger outfit is out, now bring the rest!!!!
  10. So, I know there is an NCR ranger mod for Fallout 4. But what about the standard NCR troop outfit? I'd love to see that in the mods for fallout 4. I've been itching to make an NCR settlement.
  11. Hello, I really love the mods people create and always wanted to make one of my own. I got an idea about the NCR being a new faction you could join in the Commonwealth after seeing (and wearing) The NCR Ranger Veteran Armor by the talented DogtoothCG and Unoctium. I want the mod to be more than a generic,"Oh, here's some Rangers you can spawn, you're NCR now." I want to have an actual PRESENCE of NCR in the Commonwealth. I was thinking something smallish, a scouting camp of Rangers who each have their own quests. Now, of course I have never made a mod, never meddled with textures, and I don't know anything about meshes.... But I can write pretty well and I think I can master the CK with some VERY patient help :sweat: . I'm a huge fan of the games and would like to make a mod that seems like it could've fit right in the main game. With a small team, I think we can make a truly awesome mod. Here are some of the things the mod needs: NEW TEXTURES AND MESHES I need someone who can make new NCR flags and posters. Also I was thinking of implementing a NCR themed Power Armor later in the mod like the one from Fallout: New Vegas. Really that's it. The rest I can use vanilla textures and meshes. VOICE ACTORS: There are a total of six Rangers in the scouting camp with a few side-quest characters. If you or someone you know are interested in helping with the voice acting PM me or email me and I will send you the cast list PDF (with the characters description) so you can choose a character you think you can fit. IDEAS I am only one man so new and exciting ideas are more than welcome. Now those are what the mod needs, this is what the mod will have: NEW AND EXCITING QUESTS You guys remember some of the goofy but really cool quests from the original Fallouts? Fallout 1, you can uncover a plot of cannibalism by the infamous Iguana Bob. In Fallout 2 you can converse with a plant and become a porn star!! I'm going to make some crazy and fun quests that'll be inspired by the quests we fondly remember from those beloved games. A NEW COMPANION A certain Ranger Recruit just might travel with you.. That is if you can convince Ranger Alpha... She will be fully voiced, fully functional and by golly she'll even say those fun little comments that the companions make, "Why are you picking up that junk anyways?"! NEW FACTION You'll be able to join the Rangers! Though the mod will start small, with some time and effort I believe I can make a fully functional faction with elements from the Brotherhood of Steel (Vertibirds) and the Minuteman (Flares). AND MAYBE A NEW RADIO STATION? If I can find a talented voice actor to play Ranger Mike, the affable radio operator, then I could maybe set up a quest where you can unlock a new radio station with news announcements and everything. That's about it everybody! I've never made a mod with a team so I'm not sure if pay is to be expected. If that is the case, then it is unfortunate as I cannot pay people. But you'll have the satisfaction of making a great mod and have some fun doing it. Let me know if you want to help out gang. Anyways, PM me or leave a comment so I can hear your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks all! :D
  12. Hello everyone, I have been attempting to replace the minutemen outfits with my own composition of helmets and armor but i ran into sort of a snag. Replacing the vanilla armors with vanilla armors and equipment works fine. No problem there. The minutemen in my game walk around wearing Marine armor from Far Harbor with BOS officers underarmor. They also wear the Operators goggles at times (75% chance). Anyway, getting the custom armor to work is a different matter. I want them to wear the Rebel gasmask and NCR Ranger Helmet at lvl 1-29 with the Operators goggles, (made enough changes in my game already to make it work for myself and ingame settlers.) Also at lvl 30 and above i want them to wear the NCR Riot helmet+mask. (It's a nice combo) So i made changes to the Minutemen Outfit and the proper minutemen leveled lists. Now like i said, all vanilla items work fine and as intended but even though i CAN add the custom gear in the CK and the preview window SHOWS them wearing it. As soon as i save and reload the ESPs/ESMs in CK all custom gear is removed from the list. No clue why. I asked youtube-user Felloutislife for help in his custom weapon tutorial video. He told me they don't work because the Masters are loaded before the mods, so i changed the loadorder for my testmod to be loaded after everything. Masters and Gearmods are loaded prior to the testmod (with the changes). But same issue occurs. He also suggested i create brand new leveled lists and load them into the proper characters. I did, yet they also get the same result. Vanilla gear present, modgear gone. He also suggested i come here for help aswell, so here i am. Sorry for any typo's, not native english speaker. Kind regards, Chrophiss PS. I also read somewhere to create a quest and a script and than add it to the leveled list through that, but i think i did that wrong.. because the script didnt compile. Not sure what to do there.
  13. Hi everyone I have been playing a lot of quest mods recently, and I was wondering if anyone would create an NCR quest including NCR Rangers? A lot of the Fallout community just love NCR Rangers (including myself) and their armor, and I just thought it would be great to center a quest around them. An idea I had thought up, was that some former NCR Rangers had been exiled up to Boston and had found refuge in an old bunker. They ask that you assassinate certain people and in reward they grant you bottlecaps. At the end of the storyline you receive a full set of NCR Ranger Armor from the Ranger assigning you missions and are regarded as an ally. You can find an Anti-Materiel Rifle in a cabinet in the bunker. I thought it could be a bit like the Brotherhood who were confined to the hidden valley bunker in Fallout New Vegas but different idea, completely different storyline to that. It's kinda a crappy storyline as it isn't very detailed but I thought one of the mod creators could think of a better version of this story. Thanks and I hope someone can make an NCR Ranger quest mod!
  14. Yo Modding nerds I would really apericate it if you could add the NCR Ranger Patrol armor, and before any of you guys say the ranger armor has already been added true. However, That armor is the NCR Ranger Combat armor I want the patrol armor I think my settlement guards and maybe the gunners would look dank as f*#@ wearing this armor link to what it looks like below. Thanks and best wishes Kirby1994 http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/NCR_Ranger_patrol_armor
  15. Ahoy! I'll get straight into it, someone should ask for unoctium permission and then make NCR Scouting Parties that roam around like for example the Outcasts in Fallout 3 or like the Brotherhood in Fallout 4. Feel free to make up a story why they are scouting here and so on, voice acting would be nice but since the G.E.C.K is not out yet... Heck any of this might not be possible without the G.E.C.K, but at least it's out there now. Feel free to do what you want with this idea. Cheers, Tabe.
  16. in the future i would like to see some old factions return to fo4 but at the moment or as start i would like to request amor and clothes of these factions, cause i already saw some great work at clothes ncr, legion,great khans and enclave gear so if any modder would be kind enough to take a look and try to create some of those i would be really happy
  17. I've been searching in the wiki, and I came across a note cut from the game that described the peaceful annexation of New Vegas by the NCR, with the condition that House continues to control the Strip as CEO. I'd love for this to be in the base game, because I never liked the fact that I can't even bring it up with House without starting the events which kill him. For all the other options you have the chance to go behind Col. Cassandra's back and prove to the bloodthirsty moron there's alternatives besides slaughter (Khans and Brotherhood alliance come to mind), except for Mr. House's fate. Anyone knows if there's a mod for this? Or the how-to for making one?
  18. A removal of the Duster. That's it. Just a simple request for a scout armor for the rangers. We often hear how they go about scouting and the like and it really boggles my mind why anyone would go stealthing with a duster on.
  19. I am trying to create a new group of 'NCR Special Forces'. So far I have created all the NPC's and have scripted them into the world, etc. The only thing I have left to do is give them weapons with attachments on them. I am giving them millenias weapons mod guns and they all have the required attachments in their inventories. But they just spawn with the basic weapon and the mods separately in their inventory. How do I get them to spawn with the scopes and other attachments already on their weapons?!
  20. Hey. New user. I was looking around on the Nexus and noticed there is no coatless Ranger Combat armor. I'd love to see coatless Riot, Dessert, and NCR combat gear. I have never modded anything so I tried to see if I could do it. After a bit of research and loading up the file in Nifskope, I noticed that the "upper torso" section of the mesh for the armors are actually connected to the coat. Is there maybe a work-round and advice I could get or someone with enough patience and talent to do this? Thanks.
  21. I think it would be great if someone made a tactical outfit with Daugthers of Ares patch. I love the T6M Combat Uniform by Izumiko, but I really want a NCR themed version of it that makes you dressed as an NCR soldier for quest and also looks good on players using Daugthers of Areas. I would be happy with any NCR outfit with DoA patch. Think anyone can make this? It would be great, we can always use more outfits for DoA.
  22. Iv'e been having troubles with adding new armor and clothing to leveled lists, specifically for the NCR troopers and Heavies. Often the soldiers spawn without armor entirely, and show up in their underwear while the ncr heavies often spawn with their original sets along with their new armors. I do not have this problem with legion units. I am trying to build this alongside the NCR trooper overhaul, could this be the reason? and is there a way around it or fix it?. I can provide pictures if needed.
  23. Hello everyone! I was hoping to see if anyone would be interested in making a mod where the NCR Ranger's armors from New Vegas would be changed to a different looking armor such as this one: http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/4223/rangercombatarmor1.png http://modgames.net/_ld/192/08720196.jpg Personally I like the coat but to make the game seem more immersive I thought that it would be a good idea to have some rangers wear the coat whereas other don't. I thought that this idea would go good with mods like the NCR Armor Overhaul mod for example! The original mod is from Mastiff_Jean and he can be contacted through nexus http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showuser=12345914 http://modgames.net/load/fallout_new_vegas/bronja/bronja_prizrak/94-1-0-19281 Thank you everyone for your time, and if you know someone who might be interested in a mod like this one, please pass on the word :smile: ! Again thank you and have a great day! =====================UPDATE===================== I found someone else who did a similar job, here it is; http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/44970-1-1324546968.png http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44970/? - Shushi
  24. sow i was hooping this wud come at same point but wel dident thear ncr ghoul rangers and i was hooping smae one cut script em sow thea wud apear moor offen as wel as ncr ghoul troopers know its not lore frendly but its somting that wud be realy cool ranger station echo is olready full of ghoul rangers sow tehar is audio whits can eb youst for ncr rangers and troopers anyway if some one cut put this in teh radom spawn list of troopers and rangers i wud be reather happy
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