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  1. I want to ask for a surface spider removal.... It makes no sense to me for the spiders to hunt in the surface, and also makes me feel away from the northern ambience. IThe Pale region has plenty of spiders....strolling in the surface, as if they were not in caves as they should be, this is unimmersive to me, no matter what the lore says. i was thinking of finding bears or wolves, more atone with the Skyrim "viking" "nordic" theme and not giant spiders. -----I dont want to remove the spiders from the game, just leave them in caves or catacombs but removed from all the surfaces and possibly replaced by wolves or one bear for every 3 or 4 spiders replaced. THanks!!!
  2. If someone even work with trees or plants, please tell me how this pipeline work, i'd appreciate it! So, this part of mod will replace vanilla on my trees with regional placement, depending on nature aspect. I never tryed before do somthing for Skyrim. But, work with few engines, like cryengine, udk. This whole new world for me guys )))) Maybe someone share link on tutorial or smthg. This software im using: Creation Kit, BSAopt, NIFScope, Cinema 4D(optional) I want to know how create new tree with animation and collusion of course. How to do easy: make new tree or replace existing? VERY HOPE ON YOU, DOVAKHIN :] Seriously, its important for me. If i dont get it, maybe great modification will be gone forever. Thanks.
  3. Today I started to think about magic, since I am about to write a novel that involves magic and then suddenly I had an idea for Skyrim. This could involve re-naming the schools of magic and remove spells. Destruction; Rather than flames bursting from your fingertips, fire magic now will require a source, that means a fire or a flame. That includes; torches, campfires, kitchen fires ans so on. The magic is now done by either; take a torch and place it front you; take a deep breath, and blow. The effect is scaled by the casters mana/skill ratio. The higher the skill, the more damage caused. The higher the mana, the longer the range. Or; cause the kitchen fire to reach for a target standing either left, right, front of, or behind the fire. With enough skill; cause the fire to erupt and consuming an entire room. Ice is done in a similar way were the requirements are ice. Raise a Ice wall that seperates you from attackers, seal a corridor in a cave or trap those bandits in an ice cage. Restoration; basically the same, but something should be done about sun spells, not sure what right now. Illusion; is based on the concept of manipulating your opponent. Make him think you are more powerful than him and he´ll surrender/flee. Create a mirage of a giant frost troll that´s just waiting to tear him apart. Illusion is a weaker form of conjuration that only projects the image of a conjuration but doesn´t conjure anything. Conjuration; will require a lot more work for a mage to raise a corpse, possibly baking in Corpse Preparation - True Necromancy by Mojo. Either included with permission or made a required mod. No raise dead without the hard work. This will make Undead rare but much more powerful, another mod to possibly incude is Truly Undead. Conjure deadric summons will require an altar and a proper ritual. With the possibility of the summon to turn against the conjurer. Animals can not be conjured, but they might be able to raise. Alteration; this should be difficult school to master since it is alterating the real world, it is not illusions or winds or fire. More ideas are welcome. But I´d like to point out that spells such as Firebolt/Flames and their Novice/ adept structure is what I am trying to avoid here. I´d like the magic to be the use of natures elements (Fire, Ice, Earth and Wind) and the I don´t like the vanilla learning process.
  4. Remember back in Fallout New Vegas how we could just roll out our sleeping bags, perhaps make a campfire and have a snack? Well after learning that Kellogg was a previously a member of the NCR it got me to thinking adding these in wouldn't be lore breaking to add if possible. Stores could have shipments of Gecko meat sent to them because in Goodsprings Sunny Smiles did say something to the extent of trade routes and caravans. We could buy gecko meat and hide from the stores perhaps some of the many chems, food and drinks. There's so much from New Vegas that I really wish was ported over but I chose to ask for camping, food, chems, recipes and a sleeping bag. As I walk through the Commonwealth through the shadows of exactly what should be alive I find myself in a portal to the nexus forums asking can we please make this possible?
  5. I know about the druid essentials mod. I think its amazing for a ranger like character but not for a mage. I searched for keywords such as druid, nature, ranger, Kynareth , Hercine. I was unable to find decent robe. I was wondering if anyone could make a druid robe. There are great mods for druid playstyle but none for the esthetics . A simple robe, like the one the druid in the Risen game has ( long, furry, loose sleeves etc. ) would be awesome in my oppinion and would give me that feeling of radiant wisdom im looking for : http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/risenpedia/images/6/68/Eldric_(R1)_(by_Jao98).png/revision/latest?cb=20140205094223&path-prefix=pl I'd really appreciate it. If it can be hooded, all the better. Thanks in advance to anyone considering doing it. Best regards.
  6. RELEASE DATE: JUNE 27th http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/Druidessentialstitle_zpsc45909a3.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/ArcZeroEssentialsLogo_zpsa3bcd40e.png Druid Essentials is a mod dedicated to really bring the druid class to skyrim, for real this time. This mod includes 20+ Spells, a player home, armor and a few weapons to get our druid ready. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-03-14_00001_zpsef4fee15.jpg Druidism dates back over 2000 years ago. Very little is known about the druids and the types of rituals they performed. But most believed they were one with nature and they had a knowledge that far exceeded your average man. Our modern depiction of druids in video games have created a nature wielding warrior whom can manipulate the laws of mother nature. To summon animals to there aid, or to conjure up some plants to vanquish foes, controlling the weather because thats just badass. Oh did I forget shapeshifting? Well thats already been covered by another modder. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-03-19_00006_zps947acd3c.jpg (Entrance to the Druid Homestead.) Many druid fans on skyrim whom are part of the modding community may already know about the mod Wrath of Nature by Bluarchon. A very well done mod about druid Shapeshifting and conquering Nature. When Developing Druid Essentials we wanted to bring the other side of Druidism to skyrim. The creating of Nature spells, manipluating weather, and commanding animals to your side. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-06-03_00001_zpscda7c4fa.jpg (The Druids tool, this mace does many things accept harm animals. Using this mace on a creature of the wild will automatically tame it to fight for you.) When creating spells, we wanted to make playing the druid work for different types of play. We created spells, for spell casters, tamers, hunters, stealth and even melee. Now this spell does not have a conjure animal spell. We wanted to make Animal husbandry a bit different where instead of making animals, you simply find them and tame them. There are also spells to help you track friendly animals to mass your army. There are also a few spells to buff your animals defense and heal them. Oh and if your animal buddy falls victim to death a simple animal res spell will do the trick. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-06-02_00001_zps409d221a.jpg (Druid Treant Arm, this spell forms a thick vine on the druids left hand. It can be used to deal melee damage as well as absorb health and stamina.) We hope to have this out for release by the end of June, We are looking for a talented/experienced video maker to produce a "Commercial" for the mod. They would also get first access to the mod. Below I will display several screenshots of some aspects and what they are. Thank you all for reading, and any questions post in the comment section and we will try to answer them. Sincerely, ZeroEternals and Arcane51388 http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-03-17_00001_zpsee3b0480.jpg (Druid Combat Staves, a new crafting system based on alchemy allows you to transmute Staves. You then use a Treant Art Spell to imbue them with nature energy. They work as a light source as well.) http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-06-03_00006_zps784eb989.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-06-02_00003_zpsacad9b5c.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo284/Arcane51388/2013-06-03_00005_zpsb8bb3207.jpg (Druid Archery, You think your average Archer can grow there own Bow from there bare hands? Well a Druid Sure can. This spell comes with 30 thorn tipped poison arrows.)
  7. Hello everyone. I had this idea for a mod I thought would be kinda cool. You would have these masks that when you wear them transforms you into different beasts from Skyrim until you took it off (or until it wears off). Kind of like the masks in Zelda MM. e.g. You put on the Giant's Mask to transform into a giant, or the Flame Atronach's Mask to transform into a flame Atronach, Reindeer Mask etc. There would be a mask for most of the creatures in Skyrim. Maybe you would find these masks as loot when you kill one of the beasts? Or you would cast a spell on their corpse that adds the mask of that creature to your inventory. I'd work on this mod myself but I'm only still learning how the Creation Kit works and I have no idea how any of this would be accomplished. What do you guys think?
  8. I do NOT mean just big nords. The ultimate goal of this project will be be to add a custom giant race to the game, using the vanilla giants as a base. I am not the best modder, so I really need support and help with this, but I believe this project is within my capabilities, I made around 4 or 5 race mods for oblivion, and this can't be much harder. I remember a project back then that let you play as a goblin in oblivion, and I was the first person to test a beta of that mod for the creator, and thinking back on it has inspired me to do something similar for Skyrim! ^_^ Planned features; Custom Start; Giants should start in a place that makes sense for giants! Customization; While the race may end up being male only,(skyrims fault not mine) you will hopefully be able to change your giants hair, eyes, and skin as well as colors of all the aforementioned. Full armor compatibility. Not sure how well I can get this to work, but I want giants to be able to equip any kind of armor! If I can't, then I will add in as many giant specific armors as I can. Interact and talk with Giants, heard and command mammoths! Because what fun would being a giant be if you can't command a herd of mammoths to attack dawnstar? If I can find a voice actor, I would love to give the giants voices as well! I would also like to design a plugin for frostfall that allows you to build giant fires, mammoth cheese sacks, giant tents, and more! Should also be fully compatible with RND! Disguise your self as a man; What if I told you Giants actually had the ability to turn into regular sizes men, in the same manner men can turn into werewolves and the like? Not the most lore friendly, but being 20 feet tall makes exploring dungeons and doing quests neigh impossible... Giant shouts; Not actually the Dragon Tongue, but powerful ancient words known by the dragon, which can command animals, the weather, and even nature itself! have pet Saber Cats, Collect your Mammoth heard through interact with other giants, be a lone giant he attacks other giant camps and human settlements, or be a social kind giant! If you are an aggressive giant that attacks town, they will send hunting parties after you! If you have any ideas, or just like the sound of the project in general, please post and discuss with me! ^_^ I have some big plans for this, and none of it should be to hard with a little help, so if you like the idea at all, even giving me some pointers and links as to how to do things on this list will help tremendously!
  9. I figured I'd throw this mod out there since there seems to be immersion & overhaul mods left right and centre popping up and so far there seems to be a lack of good mods that add more creatures to the game that fit in well to the Skyrim landscape. I figured I'd throw some suggestions on here, all of which are mammal species that are either extinct or still living and lived or still inhabit woodland or Arctic tundra environments. First I would like to suggest are musk ox. These are hardy animals which inhabit the arctic and group together to defend themselves and young against predators: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muskox . Second species I thought might be an interesting addition was the wolverine. These are about the size of a small/middle sized dog and can be quite vicious in defending their food and they've been known to attack larger animals like wolves on their own: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolverine . Thirdly I thought Ibex might be a cool addition since the are larger goats that tend to be found on mountain tops with large horns that could be used in defense: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpine_ibex . Fourth addition that I believe would fit in very well are the lynx. They are a species of big cat which roam the forests and ambush their prey and are often undetectable. They can tackle anything from a rabbit to a deer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_lynx. Another large herbiverous species that might be as fierce as the massive wholly mammoths is the elasmotherium (giant one horned rhino). They were most likey very dangerous creatures when tackling, being close to the same size as a mammoth and & likely could kill with a single gorge from it's massive horn. I believe they most likey inhabited open plains: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elasmotherium . The Auroch is another large species, basically wild cattle that roam woodland regions and grassland. These were fierce when approached or cornered and had the neck muscles to toss a man into the air: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurochs . Another species of bear once roamed the plains known as the short faced bear. I believe this species was taller than a man at the shoulder and had legs for running and chasing down large game. It would most likely have had the power to bring down bison or moose and an encounter with this creature would have most definetly have been a fatal one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-faced_bear I was also thinking red squirrels might be something since there is a lack of small animals in the woodland regions of Skyrim. Apart from collected nuts and evading pine martins and birds of prey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_squirrel . Lastly two species which are both semi aquatic are the otter and the beaver. Beavers tend to live in woodland areas in either rivers or lakes. They live off trees by knawing them and building dams with the trunks and using branches to build their family homes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver . Otters are small slender creatures that can live in both rivers and seas and tend to hunt creatures that dwell on the sea bottom and they can also come onto land to hunt for food: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otter Right now these are my suggestions for a more realistic wild environment. If you have any more ideas then feel free to add them as I know my list is a bit short and skyrim could probably do with more birds,reptiles, lizards as well. if you're a modder that like my suggestions then feel free to give me some feedback on my requests and work on it to you're hearts content.
  10. I have installed a few animal mods (have some tech issues with some, but asides that...), but I noticed from searches, there is a devoid of much variety in overall types...but I'm still glad there are some to make the world more alive. Fantasy creatures: Though Skyrim is fantasy, I cannot really find any mythical creatures like the classics (other dragon characters maybe? not really needed, but maybe some pegasus or such-like, griffons, manticores, etc). -Classic creatures -creatures from old mythologies -Sea monsters, like a Leviathon Characters creatures:-Smaug, Saphira, -Dinosaurs (preferably feathered, since Skyrim is generally too cold to imagine them otherwise....unless it's for tropical enviro mods), Maybe flocks of feathered raptors? about 5-7 with a leader. Ideas of expanding the natural world of creatures: We could probably use some ocean life like some whales, perhaps that breach and go back under water occasionally, and possibly in pods...or maybe some sharks...but huge humpback whales would be lovely or blue whales. Most ideal is them breathing out the air as they come up, but it could be an upgraded feature. -Whales, pref large breeds -More small birds, perhaps in trees near pathways -Reptiles -fresh water-preferring birds such as herons -Rare versions of animals, like white stags that are elusive and legendary I guess the ocean thing is less a deal for those who stay in-land...but I confess I fly around a lot with "Burning Skies" mod as a dragon....and it would be neat anyway...especially too if you can ride on boats out to sea (can you? I'm still new since I primarily just mess around when I play XD). Don't forget, whales are part of the life of Nord peoples, they hunt sea mammals and I'm sure inspire sea monster tales..perhaps a giant whale as Moby Dick XD
  11. I know this might be too much to ask or maybe even impossible but is there anyone who can make skyrim look like crysis 3 Or maybe convert skyrim from creation engine to cryenigne 3. I don't mean like adding plants or changing any textures but just make it look as good as crysis 3.
  12. Hey I have been thinking about how awesome it would be to have some more unique shields? I had 3 models in my head already: Earth Shield: This would do some kind of nature like damage upon block and/or bashing. and should look somewhat made of natural materials that are not metal. Shield of Ice: Stahlrim is awesome but what about more ice? or an enchantment that exploads in shards of ice upon block and/or bash? Serpent Shield: A shield with snake heads on the front. Upon block and/or bash there needs to be some sort of poison and paralyze damage kind of like Medusas head. All should not be overpowered and placed at epic locations> Ive been trying to learn about modding but i am learning slowly and therefore figured maybe someone with more knowledge would be able to get ahead of me :P
  13. I know it's a longshot, but since I don't know how to do anything with meshes myself I thought I'd just put the idea out there in case some other modder is interested. When I hear the word 'Briar' I'm thinking thorny brambles and can't help but feel a little disappointed that the forsworn Briarhearts don't look even a bit briar-y. I think it would be awesome if the Briarheart body-armor mesh wasn't a fur skirt with a hole in the chest, but like... brambles growing out of his skin and wrapping round the limbs. Like it's a melding of plant and human, similar to how the hagravens are part bird part human. I haven't found a whole lot of official lore on the actual forsworn beliefs or even what kind of plant these briarhearts come from, although there is something in ESO about a tree they grow on I think? But it seems like they ought to come from a vine given the name. So it might not really be "lore friendly" but I think it would look cool.
  14. Screenshot of the fuzzy problem: Video of the dissapearing 3D grass problem: https://youtu.be/uKv9Z3hb4oE I have been DAYS litterally, trying to resolve this mystery and I need help. Google did not do me any good UP TO NOW, still searching whilke posting this here. Mods included in screenshot: Skyrim 3D Landscapes (with groundcovers optional file) Tamrielic Textures SE 1 - Landscapes Northern Shores SE Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul Blended Roads Origins of Forest - 3D Forest Grass Simply Bigger Trees I have been working and reworking in Vortex for hours and days. Removing and replacing mods. I encounter this fuzzy shore issue AND when I load the game, I get my gorgeous 3D grass rendered properly BUT only for a certain distance, after which, the grass simply never renders and I am stuck with flat lands of emptiness. If I save, quit and re-open the game, the 3D grass renders on load until I move to the next section where the problem happens again. Can anyone help me with this? It's starting to drive me crazy... Here is my ini file contents for those that may need them: Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini enbseries.ini
  15. Hi there :smile: I am totally new to Skyrim. So far after 5 weeks of trial and error finally playing. But still looking out for mods to round up my experience in the game. As I am playing a more nature bound approach, I today stumbled uppon these lovely flower accessoires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81973 Now I am looking out for matching Rings, necklaces and amulettes. But it seems I can't find anything. So either someone can help me out by pointing me to existing ones or make me some? Greetings, Ali
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