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  1. It always bothered me how Jin gets his so unrealistically covered in mud just from just moving or whenever his body touches the ground even when it's supposed to be dry. Hopefully a kind sir will fix that by OBLITERATING that damn mud to keep him always nice and clean !
  2. I basically hate the cold. but i love skyrim. so ive installed and tried out every climate overhaul mod out there, but none replace the snow with mud. they replace it with a grass texture. I tried creating my own textures and for a first attempt they actually look pretty good! but what i struggle with is the texture transitions. the fact that replacing the snow on roofs, rocks, and mountains also replaces PART of the snow road texture but not all of it. (which is why, i am assuming, no one has done this yet). okay so only half a mod request but of course being as inexperienced as i am, i would much prefer if someone would come along and rescue me from my dilemma. if not, though, i am willing to try to rescue myself. (I would post a pic of my home made textures but I used an asset i dont have permission to release)
  3. I'm currently looking for mods that make the wasteland more of a nightmarish hellscape. I've already got my own weather mod installed, but I'd like to start spreading out into other areas - character textures, monsters, and so on. Texture work, modelling, and advanced NPC design are beyond my limited skillset, so I'll need other mods to fill this void. I've got a quick shopping list for this kind of stuff, if anyone would like to lend me a hand. - Does anyone know of any mods that add diseased, injured, or just-plain-nasty NPC textures? I'm currently only looking for textures that fit the vanilla body - or at least its UVs - and I'm not interested in nude skins. Preferably, something that works out-of-the-box for most NPCs, but I'm willing to do grunt work if need be. Non-human textures are welcome. I'd be very much interested in mods that make ghouls more ghoulish and super mutants more mutated. - Does anyone know of any mods that add sickly, mutated, or just-plain-scary plantlife? Texture mods and mesh changes are both welcome. This is one I'd prefer worked as-is, or had the flexibility to be kludged into a replacer. Plant monsters like spore plants are also welcome. - Does anyone know of any mods that add freakish, disturbing, or just-plain-evil monsters? Things like the FEV reject from Fallout 3, floaters from 1 and 2, or centaurs from everything but 4. Body horror and ground beef are major qualifiers here. Creepier, subtler things like the ghost people from Dead Money are also welcome. I'm willing to do the work in integrating the NPCs as long as they've already been completed. - Does anyone know of any mods that add deranged, psychotic, or just-plain-brutal armor types or weapons? Once again, I am looking for outfits that fit the vanilla body. I realize this cuts down on my potential options. Outfits that replace, remove, or even add limbs are highly preferred. Clumsy, messy prosthetics are very welcome. Chainsaws highly desired. Scrap metal and junksmithing highly preferred.
  4. EDIT: Ok I figured it out, this post is now just for anyone who has the same issue and needs a fix. It was the FusaFusa project, weirdly enough. It's a mod which makes animals have "shells" that give them fluffy looking fur. I still wanted to keep the mod so I went into the mod folder: \textures\actors\ and \meshes\actors\ and deleted the horse folder from each of them. Doing this made the horses some weird blue color, so I then opened the Fusax2.esp in SSEEDIT and deleted all references to horses. Delete all the highlighted references starting with "NakedHorse", then File and Save. Make sure your mod manager registers the change (might need to restart Vortex or disable then enable mod) or horses might still be blue. link to pictures most of the horses in my game are really dirty. I wouldn't mind but the dirty is weirdly low-res and doesn't vibe with the rest of the textures. I have the Dirt & Blood mod but it doesn't make any note of adding dirt to horse, just people. I also have Convenient Horses but I'm pretty sure it doesn't do that. I tried installing horse retextures in hopes it would overwrite the mod which is doing this, but no luck. The dirt is on top of the new textures, so it's not editing the base texture of the horse but something additional. But yeah, they were just as dirty before & after the horse retextures (like Frost Reborn, HD Reworked Horses) so they aren't causing this. any help would be very much appreciated!! thank you :-) my load order my mod list (not ordered, in case non-plugin mods arent listed in load order)
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