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  1. Drakefell01


    Make a poem whether it's a good one or a bad one and it also doesn't have to follow any rules either!
  2. A guard or cell owner checks players for stolen items when the player activates the door and exit cell. (dialogue form?) Cumulative or fixed head reward if stolen items are found. Check player's sneak skill or/and attribute for resist it. (skip checking dialogue and just exit cell)
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117685
  4. Have you tried Uvultak baby dragon follower? Nexus link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107336 Bethesda link https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/36889/Uvultak_Baby_Dragon_Follower watch this video for more information, don't forget to like and subscribe.
  5. Forgive me but this is my first time modding Morrowind so I might be a bit dumb. I am using the GoG Copy of Morrowind via OpenMW to try to play the Tamriel Rebuilt Mod. My issue seems to be a mesh issue since items and NPCs have the Yellow Warning Diamond. The landmass itself will load in on the map and I can go to it, it just seems there is an issue with the meshes. My load order is as follows: the remainder are esp files are official plugins loaded after the aforementioned files which I don't believe would be causing the issue. I have four fallback archives which I think is enough just for Tamriel Rebuilt since I am not trying to use anything other than Tamriel Rebuilt and Tamriel Data. I tried looking at the console and one of the messages that stood out was: "[18:46:08.533 W] No such dir: "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\OpenMW/data" Sorry if the answer is obvious or if I didn't format this properly. I would appreciate any advice you could give me in regards to this. Thanks! Edit: 12/18/2023: Fixed some formatting issues and corrected some of the body of my post. Edit #2: I was missing PC_data and Sky_datas archives. Oops.
  6. So I recently got a few mods for morrowind goty MGSO, tamriel rebuilt and another mod which I uninstalled to see if it was causing problems (they persist) and havent redownloaded it yet, but on Mlox it says: [REQUIRES] !!!'TR_Mainland.esm' Requires: > 'MISSING(TR_Data.esm)'[REQUIRES] !!!"Vality's Balmora Addon.esp" Requires: > "MISSING(Vality's Bitter Coast Addon.esp)" | (Ref: "Vality's Balmora Mod.txt") my warnings file give me this:Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.Model Load Error: Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif cannot load file in Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif.Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF. My main problem however is with:Model Load Error: Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif cannot load file in Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif.Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF. because whenever i try to play the game every guard has large exclamation marks and invisible legsI had dug into this a little bit and I have assumed it was Tamriel rebuilt, so I did the special archives adding and then decided to uninstall... nothing, I tried my third mod (MNEM gameplay overhaul) Nothing... I dont think its MSGO, because I was able to play morrowind with no troubles when I just had this mod. Anyone know whats up with this?
  7. I want to change the mechanic where stealing an item from a vendor flags all items of that type as stolen from that vendor forever. This seems simple, but I haven't found a mod that addresses it. This is how I would do it: When an item is stolen, a timer is set that clears the stolen flag after a number of in-game days relative to the value of the item. Optionally, certain Thieves Guild members have dialogue to clear all stolen flags for a fee. Example timers (ceil(sqrt(value))): 1. 250 gold (Diamond) - 16 days 2. 2400 gold (Master's Mortar and Pestle) - 49 days 3. 50000 gold (Daedric Long Bow) - 224 days Example fees (ceil(value / 10)): 1. 26 gold (Silverware Cup x 2) - 3 gold (adjusted) I've never tried to mod a game, but I've done some programming. I'm mainly wondering if this is something a beginner could do. If so, I'd be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction.
  8. When I attempt to launch Morrowind, it gives me the error code 5:0000065434. I have tried uninstalling the mods, but that did not work.
  9. Is there a mod that allows NPCs to remember all of the effort you put into persuading them to like you? I find it really frustrating when I finally get someone who I want to be my follower at a high enough relationship level to ask them to be my follower only to find out that I'm not a high enough level for them to want to follow me. So then when I am a high enough level I have to go back and start the admiring and intimidating process from the beginning again.
  10. I am just starting playing Morrowind and I have no experience with the Morrowind Construction Set. I've used the Construction Set for Oblivion and the Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition, although not to any large extent, and not to create an animal companion mod. Does anybody know how I could create a relatively basic animal companion mod or at least give me some idea how to? Pointers on how to get it to follow, stay, go home, or come to me would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  11. I'm trying to get MGSO 3.0 on my Morrowind game but I cant even get to extract the damn thing as it cannot find specified file after downloading it completely. I've tried Morrowind Modding History and Nexus, extracting from winrar and 7z, still cannot find specified file. Is this elusive mod not in existence anymore?
  12. I'm just curious, what's stopping modders from making jvk1166z.esp be a real mod instead of just a story? Cuz from reading the story, it sounds like the actual changes to the game itself aren't actually that complicated when compared to most of the bigger mods. So it sounds to me like it would be simple for most of the modders who know what they're doing. So it's just making me wonder what's been stopping modders for years from making this mod a reality? Even if it's just the changes to the game itself and does not include any of the file corruption or DOSbox stuff? And of course I'm not including any of the irl stuff from the story either XD I'm just talking about the game itself.
  13. Would anyone be interested in making a custom voiced Naryu Virian follower, based on the ESO Morrowind trailer?
  14. Morrowind May Modathon Month 2017 Celebrating Morrowind's 15th Anniversary Mod Releases: One of a Kind - Daedric Weapons Armor and Shields By Mort - Week One Winner Chrysamere PBR By Remiros - Week One Winner Buyable Houses By NazoX9 - Week One Winner Cliff Racers By Danae Barabus Fireplaces Retexture By Sbman - Week Two Winner Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion By Mordaxis - Week Two Winner Pointy Ingredients Hurt Coming Out By Mort Better Vanilla Leveling By PsychoThruster - Week Two Winner Idle Magic Regen By NazoX9 - Week Three Winner The Royal Game of Ur By Lord Berandas - Week Three Winner Near Vanilla Road Sign Replacer By Atrayoinis - Week Four Winner Know Thy Enemy By Drakevarg - Week Four Winner Immersive Corprus By Mort Wolverine Hall Directions By Capostrophic Wolverine Hall Interior Expansion By Mordaxis - Week Four Winner Loot Well Urned By Pseunomix The Fires of Orc By Gavrilo93 Immersive Madness By Rot Telvanni Strider House By WulfShaman Adventurer's Asylum by Ignis-of-Vinheim Mzuhnch - Dwemer Dungeon By Rashiel Imperials Go Home By Rats Tel Galen- Evil Telvanni Player House By ThalmorAssassin AKA Mythic Emperor The Morrowind Randomizer By Mort and Greatness7 Morrowind Septim Coin Gold Replacer 3.0 By StaticNation Balmora, Base of Operations By Denina Nine Dragons Katana Demo By Drakkmore Rack a' Tweaks By Blueclock3000 The Port Town of Chextine By ThatDwemerGuy Description: "The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say." - J.R.R. Tolkien In the early days of May 2002, a little game came out called The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It would go on to save Bethesda Softworks from bankruptcy, sell millions of copies, and become the most popular game for modding at the turn of the century. Now, 15 years later, over 23,000 mods have been released for Morrowind between Morrowind Nexus and Morrowind Modding History and the modding community is still going strong, with over 600 mods released last year alone. In order to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Morrowind, we're doing something special, we're holding a May Modathon Month! Throughout the entire month of May, participating modders on the Nexus , The Assimilation Lab and GHF who submit Morrowind mods could get a chance to win indie or AAA games each week. Likewise, all participating mods will be entered to win the Mod of the Month Award, with a ton of games as a prize. Not only that, but all winners will get trailers, special showcases, and numerous video features on Morrowind Modding Showcases. And the winner of the Mod of the Month award will naturally get featured in our Mod of the Month series, celebrating the best mods released for Morrowind each month. Participation and How it Works: You can participate by leaving a short note in the mod description page of your mod at Morrowind Nexus, The Assimilation Lab and GHF that includes "Part of the May Modathon Month" somewhere near the top of the description. Every week two-three different modders will be selected at random to win a single AAA or Indie game, and the way this works is that we'll compose a list of all participating mods released that week, plug them into a random number generator, and the top three results we get back will be the winners for that week. If you win in one of these weekly drawings, I'll send you a message on the Nexus, GHF, TAL, or some other forum board notifying you that you've won and providing a list of three games you can choose from as your prize. If you already own all three games, or want to specify a particular genre of game you want as a reward, I'll send you an updated list to choose from. Please try not to abuse this system though, due to financial reasons, I can't necessarily give you the best games on the market right now, even with the recent public funding of Morrowind Modding Showcases, we can't always afford the newest games to giveaway. So please, don't abuse the system! The second way you can win is through the grand prize, the mod of the month award with 5~8 games as prizes. This award is determined by a panel of five secret judges who'll be going through and rating each mod in the entire event on a simple numerical scale. The scale they'll be using can be found below: 4 Points for Mod Creativity or Innovation (What does the mod do? Is it well designed? Unique? Add something new?) 4 Points for Judge Preference (How well the judges liked the mod) 2 Points for Mod Functionality (Cleaning, Works, Are there bugs?) The total points possible for any mod is 50, or a 10 out of 10 from each judge. In the event of a tie, we should have enough games to go around for all. Indeed, we have over 100 games in stock to give away, so if you collaborate on a mod with someone else, regardless of which of the two ways you can win, everyone involved will still get something for their efforts. Rules: Overall this competition and giveaway is pretty easy to understand, and there aren't a whole lot of rules involved, but there are a few things we should clear up just in case. First, all types of mods are perfectly acceptable. From texture replacers to gameplay tweaks to content mods like house mods, quest mods, or dungeon mods. All of those are fine and will be accepted for the competition! The only kind of mod that will NOT be accepted is cheat mods, i.e. placing a barrel full of loot in the middle of Seyda Neen or placing a daedric longsword in the Census and Excise Office. Cheat mods like that will not be considered for the competition. Second, all submitted mods must be, at least for the most part, safe for work. Questionable content is acceptable so long as it isn't the entire mod, remember we have to showcase these and we can't showcase adult-themed mods on the channel! Also, it should be pointed out that for larger mod projects, you can submit a demo or playable beta of your mod as part of the competition and it'll be perfectly acceptable. I do need to stress that it must absolutely be playable though. Any mod that crashes to desktop upon loading the game will not be considered. Remember, this only applies to mods released in May, so let's all get to modding and make this the 15th Anniversary that Morrowind deserves! If you don't know how to mod, check out our Let's Mod Morrowind series for a visual guide to modding - including interiors, basic scripting, and quest design. Please Note: This event is being hosted by Morrowind Modding Showcases, and is not affiliated with Nexus Mods, The Assimilation Lab or Great House Fliggerty. We have, however, received permission from the Nexus to proceed with this competition and post this thread, so hopefully there won't be any problems there. If you have any questions about this event, please send me a message here on the forums!
  15. Top 25: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/top/? I don't know how many to install, also can my system handle it? The game works fine now, but with mods, I don't know. Sys: • OS: Windows 10 • Processor: Intel® Core i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz • Memory: 8GB So I can play old games just fine; Halo, Half-Life, Thief etc. And even some newer titles will work but I don't know how I will fare when adding multiple mods. Are there any builds that can be recommended as a place to start from. P.S. I hope this post is ok, I posted in a generic location but I haven't read any site introduction or the like... plus little sleep.
  16. I'm wondering what the best settings to achieve 60fps with my system in MGSO My System Specs: i5 4590 3.4ghz quad core 8gb ram EVGA GTX 970 SSC I'm able to achieve 60fps in the wilderness but in towns it dips to 40fps and I would really like to get it up to 60 because the stuttering bothers me alot, Thanks for the advice
  17. Hey guys. So, I got a simple, though odd, question I figured I would ask about any mods that are available for Morrowind that affect the face and body of both the PC and NPCs. Not sure if there's a mod like this at all, but I wanted to ask because this has bothered me a bit. Are there any mods that can make the body of a character (player character and NPC both) match the skin-tone of their face, even a modded face? I ask because it seems odd that while, say, an Imperial male with a paler face/head chosen looks fine if the rest of them is covered, they seem odd if they look like they suntanned from the neck-down and kept their head in a paperbag the whole time, if you get my meaning. I dunno, it's the little things that affect immersion I suppose, but I've also been curious about this since, in all honest, character creation - the act of making the avatar/model at least - in Morrowind isn't as good or expansive as Oblivion (though that's still a horrific experience, mods help with that), Skyrim (far better), and ESO. Never really looked into Morrowind mods that much - more familiar with Skyrim mods and, to a lesser extent, Oblivion mods, so forgive me if I'm asking a dumb question at all. :P
  18. I would love to see a interview with one of the project leads for Skywind. I know earlier this year Nexus Mods expressed full support of Skywind, along with Bethesda, and it'd be nice to get an update of the progress with Skywind. I think it'd be popular all around and potentially introduce people (ideally contributors) that may not have known about Skywind or thought that it was no longer active. I know I all but forgot about it until a couple weeks ago and stumbled back on it somehow. Here are some Skywind related links: http://tesrenewal.com/sw_active http://tesrenewal.com/forums/general-development/what-are-you-working-on I'd be interested in hearing what others think and of course what Nexus has to say. Thanks
  19. According to the Morrowind Code Patch the scripts "PlayGroups" and "LoopGroups" can now be used on the player via Scripts or Console Commands. However, When I attempt to use the console to do this using the following commands: (With my player selected) PlayGroup Idle6 1 (With my player selected) PlayGroup Idle6 2 Player->Playgroup Idle6 1 Player->Platgroup Idle6 2 My character just freezes, unable to move. (My character can, however, spin and turn) Why does this happen? Am I doing something wrong? For reference, here are the quotes from the MCP Nexus Page and the Read Me of the Code Patch: My purpose for wanting to do this is that I want my character to be able to use Idle animations. For now, I merely wish to test to see if this can be done in the console, and if so, I plan on making a more refined version where you'll be able to equip something, like a ring, then a menu will pop up and you'll have the choice between multiple Idle animations to select.
  20. Morrowind Seasonal Summer of Content Modding Challenges 2018 Description: Summer's here, with the heat, and the humidity, and the bright sunny and shiny days, and all that truly awful stuff. Instead of going outside, getting sunburned, why not stay inside and mod this Summer with the Morrowind Seasonal Summer of Content Modding Challenges? Starting June 21st and going through to September 1st, Morrowind Modding Showcases is hosting a series of modding challenges to make and release everything from small quest mods, to big landmass mods, new factions, and town mods. Create a new faction to go on adventures around Vvardenfell, or create your own tropical island paradise, where the rays of a virtual sun can never harm you, or just make a few fetch quests to pass the time. We have around 40 achievements that can be unlocked and added to your mod page by making and releasing various content mods, so just say no to the heat and humidity, stay inside, make mods, and earn those sweet, sweet 'cheevos! This is the first in a new planned series of seasonal modding challenges, where each season of the year, you'll be greeted with new challenges to make different types of mods that you can earn unique achievements for, with about 40 achievements each season, including both hidden and common achievements. Try and unlock them all to become the modding master of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring! Of course, for our first seasonal challenge, we're doing the Seasonal Summer of Content, covering quest, faction, town, and landmass mods, including faction and town expansions or overhauls. To start unlocking achievements, just release a mod in one of these categories between June 21st and September 1st! You can find a full list of achievements, including the names of the hidden achievements, down below. The Morrowind Seasonal Summer of Content - Achievement List: Check out the Achievements Flyer here! Champion of Summer - Emperor Mastery - Achieve All Common and Hidden Achievements Master of Summer - Imperial City Mastery - Achieve All Common Public Achievements A Warrior's Legacy - Umbra Mastery - Unlock All Copper and Silver Level Masteries You Have Proven Yourself - King Helseth Mastery - Achieve Over 2500 Downloads Across All Mods Submitted for the Summer of Content Rank and Influence - Duke Vedam Dren Mastery - Achieve At Least 25 Endorsements and 1000 Downloads on a Single Mod Cult of Personalty - Feyfolken Mastery - Achieve 25 Endorsements on a Single Mod We Are Legion - Darius Mastery - Release 5 Mods in Summer Grasping Fortune - House Hlaalu Mastery - Achieve at least 1000 Downloads on a Single Mod Destined For Great Things - Queen Barenziah Mastery - Achieve 1000 Downloads Across All Mods Submitted for the Summer of Content Earthly Delights - Desele Mastery - Achieve 10 Endorsements on a Single Mod Journeyman's Reports - Ajira Mastery - Release 3 Mods in Summer Arrille's Tradehouse - Arrille Mastery - Achieve Over 100 Downloads on a Single Mod The Guilded Age - Release a Faction Mod Hrisskar's Task - Release a Quest Mod New Worlds Await - Release a Landmass Mod Settling Down - Release a Town Mod Twin Lamps - Release Two Mods in Summer It Just Works - Todd Howard Mastery - Release a Mod That Covers All Categories for Summer Tale of Two Towns - Release a Quest, Landmass, or Faction Mod Involving At Least Two Towns Guild Wars - Release a Quest Mod Involving Conflict Between Two or More Factions Thinking Inside The Cell - Release a Landmass Mod Completely Within An Interior Cell Acting Like an Exterior Building Up Your Legacy - Release a Town Mod which is Built or Expanded Over Time Through Player Action Taskmaster - Release a Quest Mod with at Least 5 Quests The Choice Is Yours - Release a Quest Mod with More Than One Outcome An Admiring Ally - Cooperate with at Least One Other Modder to Release a Summer modHidden Achievements: What's Mine is Mine Restless Spirit Maiden's Token Exterminator Fetcher! Literacy Campaign Diverging Factions Island Residence Disappearance of the Dwarves Gotta Join Them All We're Watching You, Scum! Expansionist Fargoth's Hiding PlaceParticipation and How It Works: To participate, all you need to do is release a quest, town, landmass or faction mod between June 21st and September 1st, and we'll send you your achievements as you unlock them, which you can then embed into your mod descriptions if you so desire. To be clear though, this is NOT a modding competition, there are no winners or losers, just a bunch of challenges for you to try and accomplish during the Summer! We will be showcasing one or two mods each week with special promotions, but there's no random-drawing winners or prizes or anything like that really, just achievements you can unlock. Anyway, I hope this adds a little bit of extra fun in the safe air-conditioned indoors this Summer, and I hope you'll be encouraged to go out there and make mods for this amazing one of a kind game! If you don't know how to mod, check out our Let's Mod Morrowind series for a visual guide to modding - including interiors, basic scripting, landmass creation and quest design.
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