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  1. Ok, my idea, should you choose to accept it, is magic money. Are you tired of all the usual playstyles? Do you wish you could pay your way out of any situation? introducing money magic, Magic that uses money instead of mana. you literally just throw coins at people till they die or go away. varying gold consumption and damage really lets the big spenders shine. Don't have enough money? Too bad dont be a pleb. in all seriousness I would love a mod that uses money over magika, it would be a fun challenge to do and if things work you may really feel like the top of a company paying people to do things for you. idk how to mod it and idk the balance that it should have. to be frank (hi I'm frank) i dont think anyone will see this anyways but if you do, Hi. ok thats all... bye
  2. I do not know if this because of some mod I have (over 60), When selling huge amounts, (one of the mods is unlimited carry weight) By switching between Shop to Dismantle then back to Shop the merchants funds are replenished. Was wondering if it works for you too? GOG GOTY 1.31 edition. Installed from downloaded .bin files. So no auto updates.
  3. I'm looking into a way to disable/revert special edition features such as the free guns in the gunsmith, free horses, and other things of that nature! Anyone know of such a thing?
  4. I've fully upgraded all my castles and lairs and bought every house in every town, so what else is there to do with all this money? I'm getting outrageously wealthy and it no longer means anything because I've got nothing left to use it on. I'm in the process of buying all the special items from all the merchants, and that's not going to last long either. Anything out there that'd give me a whole bunch of dumb stuff to buy?
  5. With mods like My Home is Your Home and the like, I have many NPCs that live in my player houses where they "work". It would be great if there was an automatic way to pay them by creating a payroll - similar to the taxes mods out there, but instead focusing on NPCs. For example, a book could be added to the game (the "payroll"), allowing the player to pick NPCs to be listed in it, and specify the amount of septims they want to pay them every month. I think a dialogue box "One month has passed. It's time to pay your servants. The total amount is ... Septims" and allowing for "Not right now" or "Yes" would be reasonable, in case the player needs to get the money first. With another reminder some days later if they haven't paid. Or does something like this already exist?
  6. I'd love to see a mod that makes the beginning of the game even more challenging by removing the tools and seeds Lewis gives as well as any money. The tools can then be bought from Clint later. Or maybe Joja Mart? Something like that. If a mod like this already exists please let me know!
  7. so in the Olympus System there's "The Almagest" that turns out is filled with spacers having captured and pillaged the place, coolest place iv'e been to so far i gotta say, first time experiencing zero-g movement and combat for that matter in starfield and they done did this hella good. anyways.. there is a wee computer tucked into a maintenance tunnel that you can use to give yourself the current local jackpot of the casino... me ofc thinking *wtf, jackpot?!? :o this must be a few thousand credits at least :,D finally a big and easy payday and i can get an upgrade for my ships reactor or something* or something along those lines anyway...... and so it was much to my dismay when i found the code and input it into the computer to take the jackpot payout and only receive 3500 credits..........3500..... not even enough for a f*#@ing decent weapon purchase, HANDHELD weapon at that..... never f*#@ing mind a decent ship weapon.. never ever ever mind a big reactor upgrade or the like.. i was just overall very disappointed.. that being said tho there was a contraband chest in the corner with like 8-9 pieces of 10k+ value items (but that whittles down to about only 8000-9000 value when sold) so i guess whoever designed the place wanted to make the player work for the moneys but i don't even know yet where to sell contraband yet so it's just going into my little contraband box in my outpost, hey, a outpost needs your help. anyway i guess this is mostly just a rant but would be cool if someday a mod was made to make that jackpot actually more of a jackpot
  8. Automatic money! The goal of this mod would be to create an outpost booth (like the missions or bounty boothes) that would automatically sell anything in its inventory and credit the player account. This booth would be link-able to transfer wares to it : like linking the output of a resource extractor or fabricator to the booth so that the booth sells the mined minerals or wares automatically whenever its inventory is full or whatever time increment is ideal. The sale price would be half of that of NPC vendors (to account for pickup and shipping etc...) but would obey the commerce perk bonuses. I would have looked into this myself but I lack the scripting experience to pull this off. I'm sure this would be a good mod to extend interest in outpost building. Thank you for reading this, mgfx
  9. Friends, my request is simple. I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the amount of gold gathered by the Arisen in various ways. I've started going through quest rewards and reducing the gold given there, however I would also like to know how to reduce the gold given by pouches, or if such a mod already exists somewhere.
  10. In older Fallout games, an NPC at the beginning of the game will tell you what you need to know about the currency of the wasteland. Katrina at Shady Sands in Fallout 1 can tell you about the caps, the elder of Arroyo in Fallout 2 for NCR dollars. Fallout: New Vegas doesn't have someone explain it to you, but the Courier already knows about bottle caps and this is backed up further by the delivery order you get at the start of the game which mentions a 250 caps reward upon successful delivery of the platinum chip. But, what about the Lone Wanderer? He/she magically knows that caps are used as money after he/she leaves Vault 101, but how? Silver at Springvale is the closest you can get when you tell her about her story, but even then there's a dialogue option to threaten her for caps before asking her for her story. There isn't a single option to question Simms what caps are for when he offers them as a reward for disarming the bomb. It's a minor plot hole, but it's been bugging me for quite a while now. So, a mod which gives an in-universe explanation for the caps as money would be nice. My suggestion is to put it through a terminal entry in Vault 101's overseer's terminal on your way out of the vault. Have the entry explain from the vault expeditionists about the caps as money, simple as that. EDIT: At the time when I was writing this, I wasn't aware there's already a same mod that has the exact same idea I proposed for such a mod. I decided to port the mod for TTW with permission from the original author because I felt like the mod derserves some more recongition.
  11. I'd really appreciate it if someone could make a mod that gives you large amounts of money, and enough perk points to purchase every perk (I'm fine with still having to unlock some through activities, though). I ask for this because, I just want to go around killing cultists and having fun, not hunting and fishing to make money. I don't even want to complete the story missions because the story is absolutely terrible. The entertaining gameplay is the only thing that saves the game from it's abhorrent storyline, and even then, only barely. I really hope someone will consider my request. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Cheers.
  12. So, basically, I followed the guide given in Weaponsmith Extended to get my Load Order going (though, I know his is a little outdated). Long story short, game works, but crashed once i got part way into combat. I can still load and everything fine, and the game isn't at all broken, but combat is a no-no (in concord, btw). I used LOOT to try re-do the load order. Unfortunately, it now just crashes in that combat quicker. Not even 100% sure if I need combat to crash anymore. My mods, in the exact order they are loaded, is as follows: # This file is used by the game to keep track of your downloaded content.# Please do not modify this file.*DLCWorkshop01.esm*DLCWorkshop02.esm*DLCWorkshop03.esm*DLCUltraHighResolution.esm*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp*SettlementKeywords.esm*ArmorKeywords.esm*HUDFramework.esm*Homemaker.esm*TrueStormsFO4.esm*Loads.esm*NewCalibers.esp*Companion Infinite Ammo.esm*HoloTime.esp*CompanionStatus.esp*Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp*TakeCover.esp*FO4Hotkeys.esp*3dscopes.esp*3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp*3dscopes-FarHarbor.esp*3dscopes-framework.esp*3dscopes-NukaWorld.esp*Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp*BusySettlers.esp*ReGrowth Overhaul.esp*CWSS Redux.esp*ImmersiveVendors.esp*RealTroughs.esp*TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp*TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp*Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp*Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp*TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp*TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp*TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp*console.esp*NewSurvivalFairDamagex2.esp*DarkerNights.esp*DarkerNights-Radiant.esp*DarkerNightsDetection.esp*BetterNightVision.esp*DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp*RainofBrassPetals.esp*LongRangeBulletHoles.esp*dD-Enhanced Blood.esp*TrueGrass.esp*SlowTime.esp*ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp*WOTC.esp*Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp*BTInteriors_Project.esp*3DNPC_FO4.esp*BTInt_Optimization.esp*LooksMenu.esp*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp*IncreasedSettlerPopulation100.esp*BetterSettlers.esp*DiverseChildren.esp*MojaveImports.esp*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - V81.esp*InteriorsEnhanced-All-In-One.esp*WestTekTacticalOptics.esp*WestTekTacticalOptics-AWKCR.esp*Armorsmith Extended.esp*RaiderOverhaul.esp*DeadlierDeathclaws.esp*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Institute.esp*Eli_MarlboroughHouse.esp*RecruitableSettlers.esp*morebirdsx6.esp*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Prydwen.esp*SuperMutantOverhaul.esp*Wastelander's Cookbook.esp*Better Cooking Stations.esp*RRTV_GoodneighborCondo.esp*Eli_Chestnut Lodge DLC.esp*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle.esp*rvsofthecommonwealth.esp*Eli_Rockin Red Rocket.esp*WET.esp*Waterworld.esp*Waterworld - Puddle Fix.esp*Orphans.esp*Arbitration - Better Combat AI.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp*My_Minutemen.esp*AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp*BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp*BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp*BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp*AA LMSE_BetterSettlers_2.0_Patch_Mortal.esp*AA LMSE_FarHarbor.esp*Stackable Brick Wall Foundations.esp*DD_All_the_COncrete.esp*Dynamic Weapon Shadows.esp*extendedLightsWS.esp*BrighterSettlementLights_LessHarsh.esp*DeadBodyCollision.esp*SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp*chem redux.esp*ChoiceChopped.esp*ChoiceChopped VIS patch.esp*Better Cooking Stations - Choice Chopped patch.esp*LoreFriendlySurvivalChemsVIS.esp*Better Cooking Stations - Mojave Imports patch.esp*WCB - ViS Sorting Patch.esp*Animated Drinking.esp*Better Cooking Stations - Animated Drinking patch.esp*ModdableRobotSettlers.esp*BetterGenerators.esp*LongerPowerLines3x.esp*Campsite.esp*Campsite-AWKCR.esp*Campsite-Full-Sleep.esp*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Railroad HQ.esp*Better Power Armor - Extended.esp*More Power Armour Mods.esp*Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content-VIS.esp*Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content.esp*Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp*PAMAP.esp*Jetpack Overhaul.esp*Buildable_PAFrames.esp*LegendaryModification.esp*LegendaryModification2LM.esp*RO-2LM-Nuka-MPAM.esp*MPPA x3 Vanilla and DLCs with 2LM.esp*RO-2LM-MPAM.esp*FALLOUT4WT.esp*MPAM_PAMAP.esp*More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp*PAMAP_Aut+Mats-VIS_BySlot_Patch.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CFA.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_BoSKit.esp*Brotherhood of Steel Kit.esp*AA LMSE_WATM_Patch.esp*Build Crafting Stations in Player Home.esp*Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp*Craftable Armor Size.esp*Buildable_PAFrames_Recipe.esp*LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp*LegendaryModificationMisc.esp*LegendaryModificationCSA.esp*GhoulsCombatDogs.esp*Synth Overhaul.esp*Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_SynthOverhaul.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CAS.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_WATM.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CADog.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_Valdacil.esp*ScarfMask.esp*EndorsCustomCombatArmor_VaultSuitDLC_AE.esp*Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp*LegendaryModification Combined - 2LM and DLC's.esp*AE Animated Jetpacks.esp*PA Animated Jetpacks - AE - Always On.esp*Personal Jetpack.esp*Balanced Fusion Core Drain.esp*Jetpacks FAO.esp*Jetpack Overhaul - Jetpacks FAO.esp*PA Animated Jetpacks - AE - Always On (Upper).esp*Jetpack Overhaul - Armorsmith Extended.esp*Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp*Tactical Flashlights.esp*Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp*[PPE] Wastelander's Cookbook + Mojave Imports [Patch].esp*Armorsmith Hothtrooper44.esp*Faction Field Outfits.esp*Armorsmith Pack It Up.esp*AtomicRadio.esp*PD_VisualReload.esp*RichMerchants.esp*DiamondCitySWAT.esp*Move (Get Out the Way).esp*Search and Destroy.esp*No Combat Boundaries.esp*SurvivalSaving_Holotapes.esp*Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp*Crafting Workbench.esp*Personal Jetpack - Crafting Workbenches.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp*Jetpack Overhaul - Personal Jetpack Slot 61 Workbenches.esp*ArtilleryDblExp.esp*ArtilleryFlare.esp*Weaponsmith - War of the Commonwealth Patch.esp*Weaponsmith - Super Mutant Redux Patch.esp*WeaponSmith Extended 2 - Survival Ammo Weight Patch.esp*PD_VReload_WSE.esp*Arbitration - Reduced Grenade Spam.esp*Arbitration - Automatron AI.esp*Depth of Field Removal.esp*Console_Enable.esp*PD_LowerWeapon.esp*EFF.esp*DN Music.esp*DN Far Harbor.esp*DNMega.esp*Dynamic Music Overhaul.esp*RadioSilence.esp*TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp Cheers guys. Extra Info: In case i didn't explain that well, this is for FO4. Additionally, I'm noticing some invisible floors and buildings in Concorde.
  13. You know, is such a pity we can't play gambling game, as we did in Fallout New Vegas with the many casinos, like Prim with Vikki and Vance, Freeside with the Atomic Wrangler, The Strip with Gomorrah, The Tops and the Ultra Lux and the Sierra Madre from the DLC Dead Money. And also i'm surpised we can have gangsters and even a mafia in the post apocaliptic Boston, but no one single gambling hall. Ok, we got the "arena" and the "robodrome", but in no one single place we can take our personal wager. So, why not add gambling halls in places like Goodneighbor with a district full of casinos, and even some in Diamond City. Or, if we don't really want play gambling game and try to be lucky at the tables, why we can't "build" our own casino? This way, you can create workstations, or the gaming tables: blackjack, roulette, wheel of fortune, nuts. And why not also add slot machines and video poker? And so we can play the people you need to build a "bank". That way the cashier can manage the flow of money and chips of our casino. However, we also need a place where we can to secure our gains, and what better place to do it, if you do not build a vault / vault? So we should "enlist" guards that protect our gains from possible attacks of thieves or predators. Obviously, if we built the casino, we could choose to create our own personal Strip. And choose whether to create a casino with;-entertainment for adults (sex and drugs),-show business (songs, dancing halls, musical and acrobatics performances),-luxury, spa and haute cuisine,-economic casinos (low cost, with only beds, a tiny restaurant and a hall for play gambling)In this way, we can assign our colonists to work in other types of professions and increase the number of gains. Obviously, this would require new signs, new neon lights and different themed decorations and furniture, to make the interesting mod. However, it would be interesting, taking inspiration from New Vegas and recreate that environment and those structures that have fascinated us. In addition, what surprised me was the lack of "money" from the other factions. Just as in New Vegas we have, there are dollars NCR; and the currency of the legion. But in Boston?Is possible there are no Minutemen dollars, Institute credit cards/ Institute coins or holo coins from the Brotherhood? It would be interesting if in addition to money factions, we could also build our own bank. In this way we enter into trade agreements with the various settlements and major cities. In this way the people of the Commonwealth deposited their money in our savings deposit box, and we can earn interest rates.And here we would create workstations for "bankers." And if we decide to invest money in the stipulation of insurance?We know well how wild, life in the Commonwealth hard and difficult, but with our help, we can "help" at the right price, those who can afford it.Greater is the investment, better is the insurance we can offer to our customers, and greater are the gains.Also, if we own both a bank that a mess, why not create a Mint, with its workbench?We can produce the Nuka Cola bottle caps, with the Nuka Cola bottling machinery and minting pre-war machines to print another pre-war money.Of course it would also be nice to see the minting machinery with the Institute, Minutement and Brotherhood Also, if we own both a bank that a mess, why not create a Mint, with its workbench?We can produce the Nuka Cola bottle caps, with the Nuka Cola bottling machinery and minting pre-war machines to print another pre-war money.Certainly, it would also be nice to see the minting machinery with the money of Institute, Minutement and Brotherhood. Well i guess it's all for now. What do you think? Could be interesting improves our settlements with this new type of business?
  14. Hi guys I don't know about you, but I got 30 something settlements, most of these got brahmins and produce fertilizers. I got 1200 fertilizers just sitting there and 600 plastic. I don't use either these materials for much, except making jets to earn a quick buck when I go shopping.... The problem is, you can only make a single yet at a time... And I really can't be asked to sit there and press E 600 something times... Do you guys know of a mod (or can tweak things with a mod) so that you can produce 10 and 50 at a time? Much <3
  15. It would be Awesome if someone could make a mod that enhances The ingame economy by adding Gold silver and Copper coins. and (if possible) make it so that where it says Gold to show how much money you have, it would instead Show Gold 5 Silver 3 Copper 12 as example, like Dragon age for instance and how it shows its currency. If it's not possible i understand but could you also make it show and actual gold/silver/copper coin to represent that currency type? (ex. Gold coin> O5 Silver coin> O3 Copper coin> O12 /O5 O3 O12) again like dragon age?. And perhaps add Silver and Copper ore veins to certain mines, like there is with gold already?. Make it so that an iron dagger would be worth 2 silver and 3 coppers or something like that. And yes i am aware there are mods that already do this but.. 1. they add other things that i really don't want/like like also adding some kind of paper money or something stupid. 2. grabbing 3 copper coins is the same as grabbing 3 gold and it gets added as gold to you purse. uhm..yeah thats kind of off to me. and it's basically visual only. i would like it to work like.. if you get 100 coppers that adds up to 1 silver and so on to gold. or something like that, whatever i just want Gold Silver and copper coins and they each have their respective monetary value. And seeing gold coins are highly valued they would be much rarer to find than silver or copper when adventuring/killing things. Kill a bandit and he has 4 or so silvers/coppers on him collect enough and you make 1 gold. Bah just think of dragon age you must know what i'm talking about. Please & Thank you :D
  16. Hi, guys! I don't like looting dead bodies and dealing with merchants, but I would like to have a reword for each kill. Autoloot mods help, but they have their weaknesses (performance drops, for example). So, the Idea is simple: kill a human - get ... gold kill an animal - get half as much gold and so on. I think, it's not hard to create such a mod (unfortunately, I don't know how to do it), but it would make a difference for those players, who just want to fight, hunt bandits or animals and get instant rewards for that.
  17. Well I will be honest, the one thing that I feared most of fallout 4 before its launch is that it would abandon its RPG origin and become a generic crafting game, this might just be me for I hate crafting games, looking for resources materials and such.. now in past bethesda games such as eso skyrim and fallout 3 you didnt have to do that at all you could have enjoyed every bit of the game with out having to craft a single item ... i will just go a head and tell you my idea to solve this problem. Why not replace the ingredients with a specific amount of caps for each item the higher the efficiency the higher is the price but that doesnt mean it has to be 45000000 or any unbelievable price if you know what i mean .. well thats all I really hope it gets done so I can really start enjoying this game and embrace it's litte few rpg elements that was left and if there is a mod that resembles my request or at least comes close to the idea please do inform me
  18. A mod that will turn the north most part of home plate into a store (after purchasing the property), run by preferably a robot, where the player can put extra weapons/armor/items in a safe or something that will then be sold by the store over time for the player to collect revenue from said (or separate) safe.
  19. I just thought of something that be a funny little addition to the game. Basically, when the player has very little or no money, it makes it so Khajiit merchants have no items to sell. Therefore, Khajiit have wares, if you have coin.
  20. This is my first posting to the Nexus Forums but I think it is the best place to go to when I have a request like this. I am looking for a skilled someone who has a background in modeling, texturing, and animations to produce a custom race mod for fallout 3/NV for me. All details concerning the race will be answered between the artist and I. To get in contact with me you can leave me a message here on the site but I will most likely notice a message in my e-mail. ([email protected]) Any help would be much appreciated and I have been looking forward to this for a while.
  21. Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in either enlightening me to an existing mod (I have looked and looked, don`t worry), or giving me tips as to how to make one. The idea is simple: to have a trigger go off when an NPCs disposition to you gets to 100 that starts some form of quest line that ends on you scamming them, and making off with hundreds of septims. I could do without the quest part, so I just instantaneously get the money when their disposition is high enough, but I would like to avoid having only a few select NPCs you can do this with. If possible, I would definitely prefer being able to do it with anyone you wanted (although only being able to do it with members of the opposite sex would be fine too). And, of course, if you have any ideas to make it more in-depth, then that would be great. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
  22. Hello, I am working on a mod that would benefit from changing the vanilla currency to something different. I don't want to mess with the vanilla bottle caps and have been looking through the settings window, looking through the .XML files for Fallout, and tried to find something with FO3Edit, but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to do this, or if it is even possible. Thanks in advance for anyone who answers, even more to those who help.
  23. More Things To Buy Please Having played Fallout 3 for over 50 hours or so on my current character I have managed to amass quite a large collection of bottle caps (over 30,000). I now have no use for them because armour is not a problem and my stimpaks heal about 150 of my health and I can find them everywhere, I was just wondering if there is a mod that adds items, chems or other over priced amazing things to the game for me to buy? (I'm thinking of something like the insanely priced items in the Gun Runners Arsenal pack in New Vegas) Thanks you.
  24. Now I've posted mod requests before and they've been ignored or just admittedly not that great ideas, but this is the big one, this is something Skyrim needs. Come on guys, I even formatted it so it looks pretty. Intro Crime in Skyrim is kind of lame. You punch a guy, you pay a fine/go to prison. You steal some things you pay a fine/go to prison. You murder someone you pay a fine/go to prison. They're about the only options for criminal behaviour in the game, and the rewards you may reap from these actions are negligible. However, crime in the real world is much much different, people can make large amounts of money. My request is that someone fixes the crime system, and by fix, I mean alter drastically by adding a lot of new crime content. Extortion, Racketeering, narcotics manufacture and distribution, all the crimes that seem to have been overlooked or poorly implemented. If You Want Something Done RIght... (Do Everything Yourself. If You Want To.) You would have to be able to do all of the things yourself, but also be able to hire goons to do the jobs for you, but with a smaller cut for you since you've paid someone else to do it, and since they're a criminal themselves, they may not return with your money/skooma/shadypackage/whateveritisyousentthemtoget. Late game, you would be able to have a whole group of goons loyal to you and who will do the jobs, and just take a cut of the return. The goons are sort of the Crux of the mod in nature, as you're more of a godfather figure, but you still have the option to do all the jobs yourself, it'd just take a longer time to go all over Skyrim and do them one by one. Keep Your Friends Close... (Hire Goons and Start Your Crime Family.) It would be great to be able to, for example, round up a crew of thugs and start a protection racket, which at times would be able to be handled by the crew and sometimes you would have to do things yourself, a courier could come to you every week or so and give you your cut and a letter explaining the total, minus expenses, crew payment, etc. This wouldn't be without risks, you would have to pay off the authorities so that your crime spree can continue, and not all guards may be crooked. But Your Enemies Closer... (No Fun Without A Challenge, Keep the Authorities Off Your Back.) Guards would also periodically try and shut your operations down, unless of course you've paid off your local Jarl every month, and hope they're feeling generous, you would have to hire your own guards to protect your assets, and to fend off any unwanted visitors, otherwise it would cut into your profits, which is unpleasant. Bribing the authorities would be perhaps a monthly thing, or maybe fortnightly, regardless, it would have to be an ongoing thing, and not cheap either. Breaking Bad Anyone? (Drug Trade, Sounds Like Fun.) As far as a Skooma lab goes, you would have to figure out a formula, a way to source the supplies, either in bulk or by manually shopping for them, work with a partner who knows the business (maybe cut him out if you see fit, kinda like the Morrowind mod "Vvardenfell Druglord", that mod was so much fun.) pay off the authorities again, find a way to mass produce your product and distribute it, either on your own, or hire some goons. You would also have to bribe the Jarls to leave you alone, some of whom might not agree and you'd have to find another way of keeping the guards off your back. Room For Aggressive Expansion. (Hire Goons and Take Over Dungeons for your own Purposes.) With the goons you hire, you could send them to do odd jobs for you, be it extorting the shopkeepers, dealing with a problematic business enemy (looking at you Khajiit caravans, stay outta my town, I run the Skooma trade here.), you could send them on all sorts of jobs. Ideally, the world is yours, and with enough gold, anything is possible. Heck, you could even take over existing skooma dens or bandit dens, and turn them into skooma labs or illicit gambling halls, betting on who wins out of the 5 wolves or the 1 skooma swilling Argonian. Gambling is fun. Story? What? (If Necessary.) You could receive a note from a mysterious benefactor, perhaps during your first stint in prison, or maybe it just happens, and he could offer you a job to help take out a rival crime group, you could help, and then proceed to climb the criminal ladder to the top. Or something else, as far as story goes, I find it secondary to the other content. But still, could add rival crime families as enemies you'd have to fend off with the above materials, hell, could even make the Dark Brotherhood, and/or the Thieves Guild enemies. (unless you're the head honcho of those particular organisations.) In Conclusion... (TL;DR) Basically, the Mod I am requesting makes you into a wealthy and powerful Crime lord, like Vito Corleone, or Tony Montana, but in Skyrim. Round up goons and use your criminal influence to fill your wallet and crush your enemies. I'd love to see this happen, and I'm sure I'm definitely not the only one. I'm aware it would be a huge undertaking, and would also probably definitely require SKSE, but this mod needs to be a reality, Crime doesn't pay, but it damn well should, and with this, it damn well could.
  25. Shipping Incorporated. Salutations adventurers! I just want to say thank you, should you decided take your time in reading this. In the event that someone has already posted this, I do apologize in advance for "double posting" I have looked and looked, but found no topic such as this, or similar idea. So if I missed it, I am very sorry, and that I am not trying to spam. I have decided to go forth and post an idea about this mod. I have been searching for a mod like this for awhile, however, I don’t seem to see the idea being executed. So I will now explain as to what I am trying to get at. The idea should be simple; in fact, it is best to note that this idea has already happened, more or less. It was made as a quest in a mod called Castle Volkihar Redux. The quest name was “Port Of Call” To which it allowed you to rebuild your own ship port, so you can then ship your goods out. At the end of the month, you got to collect your income from what you have sold through a merchant that served you. THE IDEA This idea is similar; I am actually surprised that no one has done it. What I would like to happen, is not a complicated mod, yet complex to make. The player gets to build his/her own Shipping Company by buying or opining up his/her own port and generates income. Well that was simple! However, it is the execution part, that I would like to express. The idea is that the player receives a letter, informing him/her, that they have “inherited” a broken port, to which they will have to rebuild or Fix. It does not have to be inherited; the person who is doing this mod can be creative. After you get the letter, you also should receive some gold, let us say 100,000(I know this is a bit much, the modder can modify this) the player then, goes and investigates the port. Once the player is there, they can then hire some NPC’s to fix it up, much like you fix your house, or upgrade it, whatever one. From then, you interact with merchants, I will now explain below. I would also like this to be lore friendly, so there should be a deed that you have to buy from the Jarl, which states you are allowed to open up the port. PORT BANKER Though I did say “NPC’s” I honestly think this should be handled by one NPC. We can call this NPC “Port Banker” Or something like that. This NPC should handle everything like: MONEY, DEEDS, and LETTERS FROM MERCHANTS who wish to use your services. There also should be deductions of the upkeep of 50gp every 3 weeks. (Almost like a personal accountant or financial adviser, or IRS) For convenience, I can understand this being tedious. So instead of traveling to the port every time you want money, it would be great to have a courier delivering the gold with a statement, indicating the players Income/deductions. We can also set up a ledger that the player can use to see his/her affairs. SHIPS! SHIP! SHIPS! A port is not without its ships! Once you have things situated and the port is done, you can then begin a runaround of finding people to build your ship/ships. Or use the Port Banker (Again, all up to how the modder wants it done). After you have the ships or ship, you can then higher crew, or the ship payment can come with the crew, does not matter, whatever is easier. (Best to have just the ship come with the crew) Now that this is done, the player then can start his shipping schedule. To do this, we will need an NPC, a personal courier (Maybe, Port Banker) who will let you know if someone wants your services and the items that need to be shipped, from Iron, Potions, Armor, Skeever, and so forth. Once that is set, you can then go up to the ship captain and give him your orders, (merchants request) which he should just take the letter from you, like most NPC's when doing quests, and the ship departs. FOR SPAR-PLAYER! Of cores this can be used for the player, should the player fancy him/herself an Alchemist or Smith, whether making quality Potions, or Swords, their goods can be shipped to whatever the major city they want to do business with, obviously free of charge. (Trade and Barter should work really well with this on the economics) That is said, the player will have to hire a merchant to sell the goods, (or you can go yourself) and then the player pays, or offers the merchant a rate that the player is willing to pay the merchant to sell the goods. Or the merchant can offer a rate and the player can counter it, to come to a conclusion. To make it plain, you should be able to sell your goods as well as other NPC’s. (Every one likes choices) INCOME So how do you make money? Should be simple, you charge the shipping rate; this is a shipping company not a charity program. So charge them a percentage on their goods. Example: The merchant wants 10,000 crate shipped from your port to Markarth. You charge him 3% of whatever he gets for the goods. Let us pretend that the merchant obtained 60,000gp for his 10,000 crates. 3% of 60,000gp should be 1800gp. That is what you would get, should you want to charge him that. Whatever the player wants to set it up to be, I know that does not sound like a lot of gold, but we can set it up so that you have a contract, the merchant uses your company for a year, or three month. I will explain later how this can be handled and why should there be a time stamp. Even better, you can choose when to end the contract. Should the player be greedy and set the percentage at 50% the merchant can simply not do the business with you, or however the modder wants to handle it. I am not an economist; I don’t know how I would set up the details. That is not to say you can’t have a high percentage, it should all depend on your speech level. Millions? Nope, I want BILLIONS! Indeed, you are here to build an economic empire, one port should never be enough. Once the player starts generating some income and feels like he/she can do more, they can then go and expand their shipping empire, by opening up more ports from other major cities. The process is the same, go to Jarl, buy the deed, and then go and pay someone to build your port and so forth. Each city will have a broken or unused port. Perhaps some of the other port owners are not doing so well and are willing to sell you their deeds to already running port? (Whatever the modder wants to do) CHALLENGES (After a while you will get bored, owning so much money and no one to stop you) So now you feel like the richest Dragonborn in Skyrim, and, you feel like you can buy a third port, you show up at another big opportunity, but alas! What is this? You are informed that there is another port built here by “EAST EMPIRE TRADING COMPANY” Looks like you have some competition! That would be correct; This mod, would be great if this has at least one other faction competing with you, or 3 or 4, like the Nords, Imperials, Black-Briar, Gray- Mane, Or the Battle-Born folk, and even the Vampires (depending if you have the DLC or not) The way I want to go about this, is that the Port Banker has a map in his Bank. You can then take a look at the map and see how much influence you have over the shipping. Perhaps you can ask the local merchants (Like the stall merchants) to see what the competition is charging them for shipping in goods, and at what rate. Then you can adjust the rate depending on what the other 4 are charging. The whole point of the time stamp that I have talk about earlier, is that the merchant can leave you and go for the other faction should the other faction be charging less. Though I guess it does not matter, since they could just leave you. Let us say that you are doing really well against the other factions, what would you do if you are not doing so well? I think I would look at my other options, outside the box, like paying someone to end your life? (I am sure you can think up of who that would be) the point is, the better you do the more risk there is; some might hire thugs after you, or perhaps assassins? Perhaps blackmail you and you will have to clear your name with the guards which costs you influence points. Whatever it is, there will be and should be a challenge. Nothing personal just business (It is a cutthroat business, sometimes you just have to do everything you can, to stay alive!) Of course you can do the same thing to them. Not doing well? See if you can blackmail them for wanted! Or, if you have the connections with the assassins…I am sure you don’t need me to continue. Perhaps you want no blood but just to scare them. Get the thieves guild opinion? This way it will drop their influence, and raise yours. You will be creative, I am sure. Another way I can see you managing your influence is by charging lower, or perhaps once in a while letting them have the shipping for free? To be honest, I have not thought out that much. Conclusion Anyway, I know that some of you are thinking that I should have done this myself, but the problem is with the CK, I never got it to work. Not sure why, but it deleted some of my saves sometimes, or just never started. Point is it was a pain to try to get it working. Even if I did have the CK up, I just do not have the time to do this mod, however, I can come on and say a few things as well as providing suggestions, should someone want to do this that is. Just give me the credit for the idea, though I am not sure if the idea is original. However, on how to go about it, I would like the credit, or don't, just out of respect. I would like to ask of you to pardon my grammar and spelling, should you see any. I am not really well versed with English, being that I am Russian. Again, thank you for taking your time on reading this, and I hope that someone is interested enough to at least start it. Sincerely, Postnikov.
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