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  1. Hello, World! Inspired by Sephrajin's amazing work for Fallout 4, I decided to do the same for Skyrim SE. To know more about Modules go here Modules This are are the modules that are completed or in progress. Core Module 01 - Core : // 155 MB // by Gamemaster2b Module 02 - Tools : in the works Contribution Feel free to make your own modules and add them to the topic. Also send me a message so that I may add your collection to the list( though this my take like a week).
  2. Some recomendations on mods or collections would be greatly appreciated, please someone help. What I am looking to acomplish: Easy one click install Preset mod rules (Vortex seems to be having trouble with downloading collection rules atm, I must set them myself. Idk why. I factory reset my pc just in case so everything is fresh, but it persists. Using latest stable vortex) NSFW gameplay like modern games (scenes with romance or working people and maybe catch others in the act) Lots of long interesting quests Lots of armor and weapon choices/variety Next gen graphics Freedom of play Extensive character customization Modern building system/homesteading No survival features Casual gameplay Fun combat New lands Living world Impactful choices Increased faction presence Interesting romances Civil war presence and rebuild after Gamepad focused Story focused Flashy combat and spells (think anime) More ways to level up (like other RPGs) Fleshed out factions and after end quests for factions Realistic AI Npc variation Modern stealth gameplay complete with obstacle traversal marriage and religion worth the effort Multiple followers Multiple children Player reputation precedes them These are the basic points. I want to minimize unnecessary mods and redundancies. I realize that what I am looking for may not exist so I’m planning on creating my own mod list and possibly uploading it as a collection (not saying I definitely will). This will be for the latest steam Skyrim AE. Any recommendations on existing collections or mods for my own, that still work, would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello, I'm new to the modding of fallout 4 and i need some assistance. The mods I'm trying to use is X-SENSUOUS with Fusion Girl and CBBE. The issue I'm having is how to set up my mod organizer with bodyside and creating my character. I've watched some videos on how to convert cbbe to fusion but all and all I'm very confused and was wondering if some can help me with the load order, creating my character, and setting it all up. Thank you.
  4. Greetings everyone. I've been modding Skyrim, casually, with NMM for about a year. I am mostly interested in the realism mods. I enjoy Camping, Frostfall, Realistic Needs & Diseases, The Joy of Perspective, Immersive Armors (and weapons), Ultimate Follower Overhaul, The Dance of Death, Ethereal Elven Overhaul and All Races Drop Skulls. However when trying to add "BeeingFemale" I've stumbled for hours trying to get the mod to work without glitches. Just for the record I will declare, I AM NOT FAMILIAR with all the technicalities of modding. I can replace a file here and there and I'm not above learning how to do these as I go, but most of the abbreviations that are thrown around when discussing things here are beyond me, and I really don't need to learn to be a pro modder or anything. I am asking for some gifted and benevolent soul to offer me a modlist optimized with the right mods to create a functional realism element to Skyrim. Bear in mind many of us have different tastes and preferences, so no suggestions will be snubbed, but I am looking for a few requirements that must be included. 1) Camping, Frostfall, Realistic N&D, The Joy of Perspective or another equivalent mod, Immerisive Armors (and weapons) or another equivalent mod, Ultimate Follower Overhaul, The Dance of Death, Ethereal Elven Overhaul and All Races Drop Skulls are totally unaffected. 2) Beeing Female works the way it should, that means I use a skin mod and an armor mod, both with breast AND belly node support that reflect the condition of the character and are of consistent size when clothes are removed. My trouble is there will be one but not the other when clothing is removed or they are reverting to the original body, but have a huge pregnant belly when clothed. 3) I love big tits! Some skin replacements pride themselves on being truly realistic, not bothering to offer "watermelon" sizes of ridiculous proportions. That's exactly what I'm after though. I want the biggest sexiest shieldmaidens in Skyrim at my side. I've been using "Breast and Butt Scaling for NPC's" and "I Love Cleavage", but they both interfere with my previous mods and any skins I try to use. Warped physics, inconsistent sizes and downright incompatibility are a few of the persistent problems I cannot seem to find a fix for. ILC would be a winner except there is no belly node and it changes outfits to be skimpy versions that are not stand-alone. BaBSfN is a great mod, but many of the best skins are NOT supported, and I'm pretty sure it is interfering with Beeing Female's scaling as when they are both present an NPC's breasts will change size every ten seconds between their Beeing Female setting and their BaBSfn setting. I also use Racemenu, RaceCompatibility & Dwemer Followers, Become High King of Skyrim, Moonlight Tales and Sancrosant, but none of these seem to be related so they were not included in the first list. I also know to use the XMPS Skeleton, Realistic Ragdolls and Force and HDT Physics Extensions and that bad things happen when they overwrite each other incorrectly. Again, I want to acknowledge I know the information is out there to be found, but I would be grateful if someone would take a few moments to offer me some help. I liked this game when it was released, but I love it now that I can mod it into something beautifully diabolical. Help me save Skyrim from a fate worse than vanila.
  5. hi i've run to crash ever since my fallout got updated to 1.9.4 first ofc it might be because f4se not compatible so i wait till now now i've updated f4se, enb, shadowboost, and the unofficial patch, looksmenu & LMCC which were compatible for 1.9.4 but still everytime i launch with f4se it will be crashed before i enter the game i've tried run without mod f4se still crashed i've tried normal launch, i can enter the game but every save count as corrupted so here's my modlist maybe some of you guys can help me find the problem it run just fine on january so i dont think the total mod limit was changed or the new patch changed total mod limit for pc user as well ? pls help tq ^^
  6. I'm here to request a modlist between 40 to 60 mods, and if you can, the load order... Thank You, and sorry about the bad english... GRAPHICS AND IMMERSION MODS
  7. The german community is working on a Modlist for Enderal. The Modlist include Compatible, Unclear and Incompatible Mods. The Modlist is completely english, because this month is the realease of the english version. We decided to make the List, because lots of Mods are incompatible. They add things into the game that lead to Crashes, Bugs and strange occurings. All that made it necessary to create a Modlist with compatible Mods. At the moment we use a Spreadsheet, but my plan for the future include an own webside. A webside has more ways of organisation. Here you can find the Modlist. If you have suggestions or ideas, we will look at it and possibly add it into the List Niklas aka Nosferatu
  8. I honestly don't have a clue as to what is going on that is causing me to crash all the time and just in the intro Baurus bugged out and healed himself infinitely instead of progressing. Here is my load order: Active Mod Files: • 00 Oblivion.esm • 01 Jog_X_Mod.esm • 02 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm • 03 Fundament.esm • 04 Progress.esm • 05 CustomSpellIcons.esm • 06 Knights - Revelation.esm • 07 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp • 08 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp • ++ Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp • 09 DLCShiveringIsles.esp • 0A Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp • 0B GOSH.esp • 0C GOSH Region Ambiance.esp • 0D DialogTweaks.esp • 0E More Effective Enchantments.esp • 0F kuerteeCleanUp.esp • 10 OblivionReloaded.esp • 11 Dynamic Map.esp • 12 Map Marker Overhaul.esp • 13 Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp • 14 Enhanced Hotkeys.esp • 15 DLCHorseArmor.esp • 16 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp • 17 DLCOrrery.esp • 18 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp • 19 DLCVileLair.esp • 1A DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp • 1B DLCMehrunesRazor.esp • 1C DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp • 1D DLCSpellTomes.esp • ++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp • • • EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp • ++ Weapon Improvement Project.esp • 1E Weapons Of Morrowind.esp • 1F DLCThievesDen.esp • 20 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp • 21 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp • 22 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp • 23 More Effective Enchantments OOO.esp • 24 Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp • 25 Alluring Wine Bottles.esp • 26 OOOExtended.esp • • • OOOExtendedArcheryPatch.esp • 27 Fighters Guild Quests.esp • 28 Mages Guild Quests.esp • 29 thievery.esp • 2A DLCBattlehornCastle.esp • 2B DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp • 2C DLCFrostcrag.esp • 2D DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp • 2E Knights.esp • 2F Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp • ++ Mass Outfit Redesign.esp • 30 Oblivion Uncut.esp • 31 Knights - Revelation.esp • • • EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp • 32 More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp • 33 The Lost Spires.esp • 34 DarkBrotherhoodChronicles.esp • 35 ReclaimSancreTor.esp • 36 Better Dungeons.esp • 37 Birthsign Zero.esp • 38 EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp • 39 GuildAdvancement.esp • 3A Listener Overhaul.esp • ++ NN_DeceiversFineryReplacer.esp • 3B Relevant Scrolls & Potions & Staves.esp • 3C VanillaCombatEnhanced.esp • ++ VCEClassOverhaul.esp • 3D Nekhanimal's Awesome Vampire Mod.esp • 3E Myserious Bear's Epic Necromancy.esp • ++ NekhanimalLifeDetect.esp • 3F RshAlchemy.esp • ++ RshAlchemy - AVU.esp • 40 RshAlchemyRecipes.esp • 41 IThieveryRaise.esp • 42 IThieveryRaiseVeryHard.esp • 43 ActorValueUncapper_Example.esp • 44 Bundlement.esp • 45 ProgressGSD.esp • 46 ProgressMBSP.esp • 47 ProgressSBSP.esp • 48 ProgressRBSP.esp • 49 ProgressRacial.esp • 4A ProgressArmorer.esp • 4B JCN_AV Uncap.esp • 4C _Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp • 4D Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp • 4E OOOShiveringIsles.esp • 4F bgMagicEV.esp • ++ bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp • ++ bgMagicEVStartspells.esp • 50 bgMagicBonus.esp • ++ bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp • 51 bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp • 52 TRAP.esp • 53 Birthsigns Expanded.esp • • • bgMagicEVShader.esp • 54 Bashed Patch, 0.esp • 55 Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp • 56 DKSpellEffectiveness0Min.esp • 57 Enemy Weapons dont drop.esp Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide that would help, I am really out of ideas as to what is wrong, I followed Bevilex/Sinitar guides to the t, cleaned with TES4Edit, ran BOSS, built bashed patches, and tweaked .inis according to guides. 2 specific crashes were trying to loot a lantern off of Renalt in the tutorial and once in combat with a Mythic Dawn member. The only error message I get is this: "WARNING -> RecordProcessor: Information lost. Record skipped due to duplicate FORMID. [MOD=(Mages Guild Quests.esp), MODID=(2D), FORMID=(00000000) TYPE=(LAND)] WARNING -> RecordProcessor: Information lost. Record skipped due to duplicate FORMID. [MOD=(Mages Guild Quests.esp), MODID=(2D), FORMID=(00000000) TYPE=(LAND)]" and it is only when I rebuild the patch. I do not believe this would be a part of the problem, but I am the author of this post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6758552-wrye-bash-error-code-extraction-failed-7zexe-return-value7/ And have to use projects, however from watching videos my load order icon and name colors are correct. Edit: I have been made aware I installed too many large mods despite them being compatible, and am now working on fixing that.
  9. I get random CTDs while Ingame. Mostly after loading screens or right after a conversation has ended. Infinite loading screen also happened. My Load Order (using LOOT): (Made .ini changes for Tetrachromatic ENB, Vivid Landscapes, Verdant and Realistic Water 2 ) First Post so dont know if im missing something/ if something is wrong please tell me. thank you for your help in advance =)
  10. hi guys im using the nexus mod manager but when i open my armour workbench my game turns off heres the mod list fallout 4.esm dlcrobot.esm dlcworkshop.esm dlccoast.esm dlcworkshop02.esm dlcworkshop03.esm dlcnukaworld.esm unofficial fallout 4 patch.esp armorkeywords.esm truestormsfo4.esm armorsmith extended.esp armorsmith all dlcs parch.esp deckardcoat-armorsmithextended.esp cbbe.esp asharafo4underarmours.esp clothingoverhaul.esp (uco) clothingoverhauldlc1.esp clothingoverhauldlc3.esp clothingoverhauldlc4.esp clothingoverhauldlc6.esp kshairdos.esp cute magnoliavanilla.esp cute magnolia cresent.esp davesposes.esp immersivegenericdialogues.esp everyonesbestfriend.esp eli_faction housing overhaul -aio.esp glowing animals emit light.esp helmethide.esp workshops connected.esp hot mama npcs settlers and bandits b.esp immersive vendors.esp lots more female hairstyles.esp natasha_face_texture.esp nuka girl - no helmet - cbbe - nacke.esp azarponytailhairstyles.esp reverb and ambiance overhaul.esp sanctuaryhills repair and cleanup - compatibility version.esp tch - companions enhanced - full 0.2.2.esp the eyes of beauty.esp housedress1 fix.esp truestormsfo4-farharbour.esp truestormsfo4-glowingseaextra rads.esp truestormsfo4-farharbourextra rads.esp truestormsfo4-earliersunsets.esp truestormsfo4-earliersunsetsfh.esp true nights v03.esp visiblecompanionaffinity.esp hdreworked projectrevised.esp nukaradbans.esp thebrows.esp vaultsuitunzipped.esp vaultgirl.esp k9tacticalharness.esp moreproductivescavengers.5junk 10chance.esp evilviking13_patchworksanctuarybridge.esp tidysettlers.esp i enaled the mods in the notepad i downladed all mods through nexus not manually pls help
  11. Hello and sorry for bothering you. I've been preparing/modding my game for one last, complete, playthrough for some time now. I have finally decided on all the mods that I want to use for it. And tried to stabilize the game. So far it's almost fine. I've tested most of my mods to see if they work and it seems fine. The fps is acceptable most of the time as well. The problem now is the scripts. I've already removed multiple mods with scripts from my final mod-list. The script load decreased but not by much. And I don't know how to resolve the problem without removing some of the mods I would like to keep the most. I'm using the function included in Convenient horses to measure the script latency. When outside it's around 50-80 ms half of the time and then suddenly for no good reason it spikes up to 100-300 ms. and then gets back down. When in interiors it's better. It still spikes up sometimes but it's much rarer. The worst is in towns like Riverwood for example where the reading never goes below 150. Ps. If you see any other problems in my mod list, inis, please do tell. I tested and researched all my mods but I didn't test them too far as I didn't wish to spoil my next playthrough. My laptop specs: Processor Intel® Core i3-4005U CPU @ 1.70GHz Video Card NVIDIA GeForce 920M RAM 12 GB Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 (build 14393), 64-bit My modlist(using MO): https://modwat.ch/u/Peindora The mod list link seems to have a problem. I checked it out and for some reason it seems to add a space to the link every time that you click on it. Solution: After clicking on the link go to the adress bar and delete the space ^^;
  12. Hi there. I'm currently looking to build a list of all compatible mods that enhance the game. I'm looking to make it Vanilla as possible with the exceptions of cutting room floor and graphics, lighting, etc. I am not worried about my computer being able to handle it. What would you recommend?
  13. Ok first of all, English is not my Native Language so, apologies if I say something that sound weird :/ and spelling ofc :D So, I've been having this weird CTDs mentioned on the Title.My Notebook SPecs roughtly: **GPU: Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Series****CPU: GeForce GTX 960M****Memory: Intel® Core i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz****Current Resolution: 1920 x 1080, 60Hz****Windows 10 Home (yeah I know...¬¬' It was preinstalled when I bought the Notebook, not worth it to install W7 just for 1 game)** -My SKSE its up to date.-Used MO since the beginning.-I'm using LOOT every time I added a new mod and checked load order and errors.-installed java 32bit version.-Followed STEP guide to setup the .ini files.-I had a quite stable skyrim modded with over 200 plugins or so. 30-55 fps range. I even was able to put some -ENBs (Gameplay Performance ENB) to work and they work perfect. no problem with it.-Used to have CTDs probably related to problems with Memory Block (actually, discovered by chance and I had a -sort of stable game with CTDs every 2-3 hours that I simply don't know what cause them but it was ok for me) SO, I had a (kind of) working game until I decided to install **Fores Idle mod** to use more movements and animations etc.And after installing them, sneaked a giant frostbite spider with an arrow and bam! CTD.after that, everytime I hit or damage anything, or probably, anything gets hited or damaged with something, **CTD.** Checked if Skeletons where the problem (don't know much about it but previously installed and de-installed following STEP youtube video tutorial made by GamerPoet) *Already checked MemoryBlock*the troubleshooting reddit page, *the savegame fixing scripts tool cleaned some savegames after doing a backup ofc,*checked the outdated dangerous Mods list here in Reddit, etc. What I'm trying to say is, as a basic user and slightly acquainted with some modding procedures I did all what i think I could do to solve the problem, burned my eyes this las 4 days for 8 hours at least a day reading between SkyrimNexus, and reddit looking or a solution. but nothing. :sad:SO here I present myself looking for help fellow Reddit community. please help me. I'm really devastated with this :sad:I'll add all the info you ask to solve this issue and look into everything you recommend. of course i'm not a programming expert so please be kind detailing a little bit all your ideas and possible procedures. i'll do my best to provide everything. [skyrim.ini !](http://pastebin.com/R0GY5Vmf) [skyrimpref.ini !](http://pastebin.com/RmbgshZL) [LoarOrder.txt !](http://pastebin.com/htUtyrKe) [ModList.txt on MO!](http://pastebin.com/pGp5rZnp) [sKSE.ini!](http://pastebin.com/H3bZc03t) IF Uploader is an easy way of displaying the info I uploaded here the last config of my files. click this link http://www.modwat.ch/u/ROoonneth papyrus.0.log http://pastebin.com/QhUxz4iM This papyrus log was made loading a game, waiting for a minute so all plugins and MCM loaded. the I hit with a Pickaxe a friendly NPCs. right after that, NPC throwed a line of reporting me (LOL) while game freezed for half sec, then audio appeared for another half sec then crashed to desktop CTD. Like it couldnt cope with the behaviour or reaction of a friendly damage or hit or whatever. Sometimes just by triggering an enemies reactions to my aproaching caused the same effect as well. ...Oh and thanks in advance!I'm from Chile so, Gracias! Posted this same HELP request on Reddit if its easy for some people to help over there.
  14. Like the title says, these CTDs happen every time I open the game after 5-10 seconds. However it doesn't matter which mods are installed, if any. Can someone help me figure out what I should do? I first had this happen after romancing Cait. But after starting a new game with all mods unchecked it still happened (btw I'm using NMM and LOOT). I'm wondering if it's a load order problem that LOOT did not pick up. Load Order: Fallout4.esm=1 DLCRobot.esm=1 DLCworkshop01.esm=1 DLCCoast.esm=1 DLCworkshop02.esm=1 DLCworkshop03.esm=1 DLCNukaWorld.esm=1 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1 TrueStormsFO4.esm=1 ArmorKeywords.esm=1 Homemaker.esm=1 SimSettlements.esm=1 CRP - Community Restraints Pack.esm=1 TortureDevices.esm=1 Devious Devices.esm=1 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp=1 EasyHacking.esp=1 LooksMenu.esp=1 CraftableAmmo.esp=1 CraftableAmmo_plus.esp=1 LongerPowerLines3x.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp=1 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp=1 SSEX.esp=1 Armorsmith Extended.esp=1 Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp=1 BetterGenerators.esp=1 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp=1 More Armor Slots - All Dlc.esp=1 QuickEnterFromStand.esp=1 QuickExitToStand.esp=1 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp=1 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp=1 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp=1 FO4Hotkeys.esp=1 CBBE.esp=1 SuitDreams(3.Average).esp=1 SuitDreams(5.Very Heavy).esp=0 SuitDreams(4.Heavy).esp=0 SuitDreams(1.Very Light).esp=0 SuitDreams(2. Light).esp=0 Lacy Underwear.esp=1 2pacSkimpy.esp=1 PoseTemplate.esp=1 Immersive Corpses.esp=1 Vault Meat Paintings.esp=1 DavesPoses.esp=1 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp=1 nvvault1080.esp=1 BetterSettlers.esp=1 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp=1 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp=1 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp=1 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp=1 SkibsWeapons-REDUX.esp=1 dD - Screen Blood Duration Medium.esp=1 ARWCSM - 4 - Modular - Weightless - Aid-Chem-Drink-Food.esp=1 spacefiddle_Follower-Stealth-Distance-Fixes.esp=1 KSHairdos.esp=1 combat_PA.esp=1 tumbajamba Advanced Engineering.esp=1 combat_PA - tAE - AWKCR.esp=1 CompanionsGoHome_A.esp=1 ImmersiveVendors.esp=1 EFF.esp=1 HN66Fo4_MOONSIZE.esp=1 CWSS Redux.esp=1 AtomicRadio.esp=1 PortalGun.esp=1 Companion Infinite Ammo.esp=1 Prisoner Shackles.esp=1 Idiot s!@£.esp=1 Crazy_Animations_Gun.esp=1 Jumpsuit.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp=0 Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp=0 Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp=0 Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp=0 Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp=0 Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp=0 Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp=1 a2b_mof.esp=1 le666piercings.esp=1 Female Masturbation.esp=1 ImmersiveLoversEmbrace.esp=1 -Sorry I don't know how to make spoilers P.S. ImmersiveLoversEmbrace was installed after the crashes started happening
  15. Hello everyone it's my 3rd time modding skyrim: I'm not a pro I simply use NMM with 20 or so mods but it's no easy task installing some of them, especially my favuorites (Immersion, complete overhauls), because they need compatibility patches and the use of skyReproccer, which for some reason eludes me. So I ask you, Gurus of skymodding: are there any mods containig many other mods? (for example a Requiem or SkyRedone version also containing Frostfall, RN&D, Hunterborn, Equipping Overhaul, Climates of Tamriel, Flora Overhaul, ecc). Would be amazing if someone made basically one mod which changes completly the game in an immersive way (SkyRedone is limited by the absence of immersive mods and compatibility problems)
  16. So I recently made a list of all the mods I'd even consider using ( or at least I think I have.) I'm looking for any suggestions pertaining to making this list better. Maybe see how far we can take this. The goal is immersion (Besides maybe KS Hairdos :wink:.) Thanks for the feedback! Must haves - In order1. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch2. Unofficial High Resolution Patch3. Static Mesh Improvement Mod4. Skyrim HD - 2K Textures5. Realistic Ragdolls and Force6. XP32 Maximum Skeleton7. Enhanced Lights and FX8. Seasons of Skyrim ENB True HDR9. Realistic Water Two10. Pure Waters - Waterfalls11. Realistic Sun for Climates of Tamriel and Vanilla12. AMidianBorn - Creatures13. 360 Walk and Run Plus14. Immersive Armors15. Immersive Weapons Others:⦁ A Matter of Time⦁ INIGO⦁ Sofia⦁ A Quality World Map⦁ Beards⦁ Breezehome FullyUpgradable⦁ Brows⦁ Categorized Favorites Menu⦁ Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD⦁ Cloaks of Skyrim⦁ Deadly Dragons⦁ Deadly Spell Impacts⦁ DIMONIZED UNP female body⦁ Even Better Quests Objectives⦁ Extended UI⦁ Falskaar⦁ Follower Trap Safety⦁ Hoth⦁ Immersive HUD⦁ Lanterns of Skyrim⦁ Main Font Replacement - Morpheus Font⦁ Moonpath to Elsweyr⦁ moreHUD⦁ My Home Is Your Home⦁ Nightingale Prime HD⦁ OneTweak⦁ Proper Aiming⦁ RaceMenu⦁ Run For Your Lives⦁ ShowRaceMenu Precache killer⦁ Skyrim - Enhanced Camera⦁ Skysight Skins⦁ SkyUI⦁ Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization⦁ Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds⦁ Violens⦁ The Eyes of Beauty⦁ The Notice Board ⦁ Notice Board Redefined⦁ Unread Books Glow⦁ When Vampires Attack⦁ Windcallers Pass⦁ Winter is Coming - Cloaks⦁ Wyrmstooth⦁ Better Females by Bella⦁ No Spinning Death Animation⦁ Left Hand Rings⦁ Grass on Steroids⦁ KS Hairdos⦁ Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees⦁ Inhabitants of Skyrim (No Apachi)⦁ Superior Lore-friendly Hair⦁ Book Covers Skyrim⦁ Enhanced Blood Textures⦁ Guard Dialogue Overhaul⦁ Unique Uniques⦁ Seranaholic⦁ Follower Commentary Overhaul⦁ No NPC Greeting⦁ Recruit more Blades⦁ Xvision Children - Redone⦁ Joy of Ships⦁ Improved Combat Sounds⦁ Wet and Cold⦁ Knock Knock⦁ High Resolution Scars⦁ Footprints⦁ Immersive Sounds - Footsteps⦁ Burn Freeze Shock Effects⦁ Equipping Overhaul
  17. Hi there First of all, i'm new in the skyrim family. Never done such "complicated" stuff with NMM and the mods for it. To install WoW or Minecraft addons, my knowledge was enough :wink: With NMM, this was a whole other thing. But with the guide from SkyrimTuner, his "mod-list", lots of time, some troubleshooting with TES5Edit, the game runs finelly perfect. To play the game on max settings with this incedible looks, it's no problem... (small video link, dropbox, hope it works) But, there are some little troubles. Problem one: I'm not sure, if the female body mod(s) are running corectly. Doesn't matter what I install now or what I delete/deactivate in NMM, the female bodys don't change anymore. The females are nude whitout clothes, trimed shaved, naturel sized bobs, nice shiny skin, most like the first picture from DIMONIZED UNP. It's ok, but now I saw them naked, now I wanna them to have underwear again. Can't fix it. What can I do? Notes: First of all, I installed only the Mods from SkyrimTuner's "mod-list" (whit all the extras). Troubleshooted the loadlist with TES5Edit until the game runs normal. Only then I started to install some body-mods. In diverse order I had installed: - Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- (file: Caliente Female Body Mod BBE v3-2) - DIMONIZED UNP female body (file: UNP BASE Main body V1dot2) - Mature skin texture and body for UNP CBBE ADEC (files: Body and face normal maps UNP + Body and face texture UNP) - Sporty Sexy Sweat - wet body skin texture - CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC Vanilla (file: Sporty Sexy Sweat CBBE - with CBBE face) - Osare Underwear - UNP (file: Osare Underwear 1_0) - hope thats all. At the moment there aren't installed any Mods from up here. Current Mods: (all active) 2K Road Snow Footprints - Road Snow Footprints 2K_For Alternative Snow Environmental 07.08.2014 04:55:07 1.0 1.0 Yuril A Quality World Map User interfaces 07.08.2014 00:09:31 8.0 8.0 IcePenguin Alternative Rock and Mountains 4K_2K_1K and watery Rock - 4K Alternative Rock and Mountains Environmental 07.08.2014 04:54:51 V2.1 V2.1 Yuril Alternative Snow - Alternative Snow Environmental 07.08.2014 04:55:00 V1 V1 Yuril Amethyst Hollows Dreamworld - Amethyst Hollows - V1-5 Abodes - Player homes 07.08.2014 00:38:16 1.5 1.5 AmethystDeceiver aMidianBorn Caves and Mines - aMidianBorn Caves and Mines 2k Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:47:12 3 3 CaBaL AOF Detailed Mountains - AOF Detailed Mountains 2_1 Models and textures 06.08.2014 21:08:05 2.1 2.1 AnOldFriend ApachiiSkyHair Hair and face models 06.08.2014 22:19:18 1.5.Full 1.5.Full Apachii Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 07.08.2014 04:31:47 1.7 1.7 wrig675 Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized Overhauls 07.08.2014 06:24:54 2.0 2.0 Vano89 Better Circlets HQ V1o1 - Better Circlets HQ 2K V1o1 Items and Objects - Player 07.08.2014 04:55:11 V1.1 V1.1 Yuril Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles - Faces - NoMoreBlockyFaces Models and textures 07.08.2014 05:55:22 1.2 2.3.2 Chris57 and FavoredSoul Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles - Underwear - Slip Models and textures 07.08.2014 05:55:32 2.3.2 2.3.2 Chris57 and FavoredSoul Birds of Skyrim - Birds of Skyrim 065_BSA archive Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 07.08.2014 04:55:16 0.6.5 0.6.5 Qasiermo Birds of Skyrim - Birds of Skyrim 065_Loose files Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 07.08.2014 04:55:25 0.6.5 0.6.5 Qasiermo Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD - Cinematic Fire FX 2 Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 20:27:23 2.3 2.3 Ichibu Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio Overhauls 06.08.2014 22:53:13 v3.1 v3.1 JJC71 Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - Climates Of Tamriel - Dragonborn Patch Overhauls 06.08.2014 22:59:05 3.1 v3.1 JJC71 Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - Climates Of Tamriel - Sounds Overhauls 06.08.2014 22:59:23 3.1 v3.1 JJC71 Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch Overhauls 06.08.2014 23:00:25 3.1 v3.1 JJC71 Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound-Dawnguard-Patch Overhauls 06.08.2014 22:59:13 3.1 v3.1 JJC71 Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch Patches 06.08.2014 22:53:36 16 16 prod80 - Aiyen - Saerileth Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses v5_0 Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 07.08.2014 00:25:22 5.0 5.0 Alek Coverkhajiits - coverkhajiits female version Models and textures 07.08.2014 04:30:28 1.0 1.0 mrLenski Coverkhajiits - coverkhajiits male version Models and textures 07.08.2014 04:30:23 1.0 1.0 mrLenski Dense Grass 100 Density – Dense Grass v1 1 Visuals and graphics 07.08.2014 16:42:04 v1.1 1.1 Chewiemuse Detailed Rugs - Detailed_Rugs_v1-3 Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:47:27 1.3 1.3 raiserfx Dust Effects - Dust Effects v1_0 Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 21:11:32 1.0 1.0 HHaleyy Enhanced Blood Textures Visuals and graphics 07.08.2014 00:02:49 3.5d 3.5d dDefinder Enhanced Lights and FX Immersion 06.08.2014 20:43:39 2.0 2.0 anamorfus EWIs High SkyrimPrefs and inis v03d Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 20:14:43 V03d V03d ewi65 Grass on Steroids - a grass mod that gives FPS BOOST and Dense Grass - Grass on Steroids Regular Edition for SFO Landscape changes 06.08.2014 23:18:42 1.3b 2.0b Skyrimaguas Helgen Reborn - Helgen Reborn V105_3 Quests and adventures 07.08.2014 04:32:06 105.3 105.3 Mike Hancho aka Balok High Definition Ivy - HD Ivy - 2014 EDITION - 2K Models and textures 06.08.2014 21:04:06 3.0.0 3.0.0 Josh Ezzell Immersive Armors – Immersive Armors v7_1 Armour 07.08.2014 00:08:26 7.1 7.1 Hothtrooper44 Lush Trees and Grass Environmental 06.08.2014 21:00:07 1.86 1.86 SparrowPrince More Village Animals - More Village Animals Immersion 07.08.2014 04:55:34 2.1 2.1 Michele Angelo Moss Rocks Environmental 06.08.2014 21:09:28 1.4 1.4 SparrowPrince Natural Grass Texture Floor – Natural Grass Texture Floor Models and textures 06.08.2014 21:03:31 1.0 1.0 emd Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3 Overhauls 06.08.2014 21:13:51 3.1 v3.1 JJC71 Pure Waters - 0_Pure Waters 4-7 Legendary Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 21:07:44 4.7 4.7 Laast Real Ice Environmental 07.08.2014 04:57:10 V3 V3 Yuril Realistic Smoke and Embers - RSE High v1_4 Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 21:11:43 1.4 1.4 isoku Realistic Water Two Environmental 06.08.2014 21:05:11 1.11 1.11 isoku Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures Environmental 06.08.2014 21:05:35 1.11 1.11 isoku RealVision ENB - Skyrim_Particle_Patch_for_ENB-All-In-One ENB Preset 06.08.2014 20:34:43 1.3 254a SkyrimTuner RealVision ENB - Skyrim_Subsurface_Scattering_Patch_for_ENB ENB Preset 06.08.2014 20:35:05 1.1 254a SkyrimTuner RealVision ENB 254a ENB Preset 06.08.2014 21:26:43 254a 254a SkyrimTuner Ruins Clutter Improved - Ruins_Clutter_Improved_v2-8 Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:27:08 2.8 2.8 raiserfx SKSI Skripts (2) Unassigned 06.08.2014 23:37:08 SkyFalls + SkyMills Immersion 06.08.2014 20:32:37 3.3.1 3.3.1 SjoertJansen Skyrim Flora Overhaul - SFO 2dot0 Alpha 2 Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:48:04 2.0c 2.0c vurt Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Dungeons Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:44:08 1.5 1.6 NebuLa Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Landscape Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:44:29 1.5 1.6 NebuLa Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Misc Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:44:53 1.5 1.6 NebuLa Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Riften Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:45:05 1.6 1.6 NebuLa Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Towns Models and textures 06.08.2014 20:45:54 1.5 1.6 NebuLa SkyUI User interfaces 06.08.2014 23:49:50 4.1 4.1 SkyUI Team SMIM Meshes Immersion 06.08.2014 21:12:12 2.0 2.0 anamorfus Static Mesh Improvement Mod Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 20:41:43 1.72 1.73 Brumbek Supreme Storms - Supreme Storms for Climates of Tamriel 3_1 Environmental 06.08.2014 21:14:01 3.1 1.2 MannyGT Temptress Race - Temptress Complete v1_3 Races, classes and birthsigns 07.08.2014 00:36:44 1.3 v1.3 Psychos1s and Brokefoot The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER Hair and face models 07.08.2014 00:26:39 9 10.0.1 Gabriel Mailhot Towns and Villages Enhanced - Whiterun - Towns and Villages Enhanced - Whiterun Visuals and graphics 07.08.2014 00:39:02 1.1 1.1 Aplestormy TreesHD_Skyrim_Variation - TreesHD_Skyrim_variation_ULTRA_NEW Environmental 06.08.2014 21:03:49 1.6 1.6 namotep Unofficial High Resolution Patch - Unofficial High Resolution Patch Patches 06.08.2014 20:39:31 1.1.8 1.1.8 Unofficial Patch Project Team Victorias High Heel walk Animation plus BBP - VHH walk v1-3b LX - NMM installer Animation 07.08.2014 04:33:08 1.3b 1.3b xp32 Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks - Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks 2048 FOR ENB Environmental 06.08.2014 21:08:48 2.7 2.7 Aron Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks - xRocking Stones and Mountains Parallax - Compatibility Patch Environmental 06.08.2014 21:09:04 2.7 2.7 Aron Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - for ENB - 2048 Dungeons - Vanilla 06.08.2014 20:46:35 2.6 2.6 Aron Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - SMIM compatibility patch Environmental 06.08.2014 21:10:36 1.4 1.4 Aron Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised – Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - yellow 1024 Environmental 06.08.2014 21:10:29 1.4 1.4 Aron Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area - Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area for ENB 2048 Environmental 06.08.2014 20:46:49 1.9 1.9 Aron Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two - Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two Visuals and graphics 06.08.2014 21:05:45 1.0.1 1.0.1 paganmetalfan Yuril Rings HQ - 1_Yuril Rings_Classic HQ Items and Objects - Player 07.08.2014 04:57:17 V1 V1 Yuril Problem two: Every time when I start the game new, the mouse-sensitive settings are reset. Why? The menu tells me all the time "saving changes"... What can I do? Problem three: Why didn't I leave footprints in the snow? Missing a Mod? If anyone can help me fix my little problems, I would appreciate! BTW like to have any advises for any redundant or missing mods in my list. Thx a lot for helping Greez from the DJ :smile:
  18. So I have been modding and playing Skyrim since its release, and I've been very good about installing and making sure my mods are compatible. This has been vexxing me for the past four days and I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. So, I'm gonna post the modlist here and see if anyone knows where I'm going wrong, in the load order 00-06- Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Unofficial Patches 07 ApachiiSkyhair.esm 08 SkyUI.esp 09 immersive menu background.esp 0A lanterns of skyrim- villages.esp 0B lefthandrings.esp 0C mlr.esp 0D unique uniques.esp 0E tos_granitehall.esp 0F hunting in skyrim.esp 10 northern encounters2.esp 11 winterhold_improvements.esp 12 the autumn of whiterun.esp 13 tos_amber_guard.esp 14 tos_laintardale.esp 15 tos_oakwood.esp 16 Warbug's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp 17 warbug's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp 18 Warbug's 3D Paper World Map - Dragonborn.esp 19 fallentreebridges.esp 1A fs_swordandshield.esp 1B RaceMenu.esp 1C RaceMenuPlugin.esp 1D ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp 1E Alternate Start - Live another Life.esp 1F Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 20 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 21 Weapons and Armor Fixes_Remade.esp 22 Weapons and Armor Fixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp 23 Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 24 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp 25 Smithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.esp 26 1nivWICCloaks.esp 27 Achieve That.esp 28 Character Creation Overhaul.esp 29 CCO - Diverse Races and Genders.esp 2A CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp 2B CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp 2C CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp 2D Scarcity - Less Loot Mod.esp 2E Scarcity - 8x Merchant Rariity.esp 2F Scarcity - 10x Loot Rarity.esp 30 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force_Realistic.esp 31 Equipping Overhaul.esp 32 Coins of Tamriel V2 Legendary Edition.esp 33 ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +50%.esp 34 ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +75%.esp 35 ABT - Increased Bolts Damage (BS and CCO) +100%.esp 36 ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (BS and CCO) +50%.esp 37 ABT - Loot Arrows -25%.esp 38 ABT - Merchant Arrows +25%.esp 39 Trade Barter.esp 3A Werewolf Mastery.esp (along with Moonlight Tales, patched as instructed) 3B Immersive Weapons.esp 3C PalistovSpinningArrows_CloserQuiversLongerArrows.esp 3D PalistovSpinningArrows_Dawnguard.esp Some mods that were not listed in the Load Order... XP32 Maximum Skeletons 1-93A Better Shaped Weapons Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows TDN Equippable Horns Moonlight Tales (As mentioned previously, patched into Werewolf Mastery) So, if any of you have suffered through this entire list, and feel like helping me out, that would be fantastic. Thank you.
  19. This is a list of mods I use on Twitch and YouTube. Active Mods: 20 percent Minumum Pickpocket Chance by trira 3rd Person Dual Wield Animation Fix by imeltfaces and Bethesda A Quality World Map by IcePenguin Achieve That! by 3JIou Acquisitive Soul Gems by bluedanieru Alchemy Experience for Picking Nirnroot by Kitsunehero Alternate Start by Arthmoor Animallica by sliceandkill Areinko - The Minidragon follower by XBitu from TweakTeam Arise by cybertop Auto Unequip Ammo by Alek Automatic Follower Loot System by powerofthree Bandolier by Dragten Better archery Eagle Eye perk by Graxster Better Dialogue Controls by ecirbaf Better MessageBox Controls by ecirbaf Blades Hakama by atomec Blades Hakama - Sky Haven Temple by atomec BLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions by MyGoodEye Blood Barrels Dispense Blood by simsim899 Book Covers Skyrim - Desaturated by DanielCoffey and doccdr Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library DESATURATED by DanielCoffey Bounty Gold by gorey666 Bowlegged jump animation Fix by mirap Brawl Bug Plugin by Hoax2 Chopping Wood - Vanilla Redone by Drullo321 City of Riverwood with player home by Gerheardt Civil War-Destroyed Villages by leonus2000 Cloaks of Skyrim by Noodles Collars into Ebony Ingots by EliteKhajiit Daedric Bastard Sword by Foster Darker Revered Dragon Texture by JKalenad Dawn of Riften by BluePianoTwo Dawn of Windhelm by BluePianoTwo DCR - Blade Set Reloaded by Angilla Deadly Dragons by 3JIou Deadly Spell Impacts by isoku Diverse Horses by SkebMick DOWNPOUR by Gamwich Edhildils Dibella Statue by Edhildil and moirai Edhildils Mara Statue by Edhildil Edhildils Meridia Statue by Edhildil Edhildils Nocturnal Statue by Edhildil Edhildils Sexy Azura Statue by Edhildil Edhildils Vaermina Effigy by Edhildil Elemental Arrows by Fuma Elven Rogue Armor by NanaBeats Enchantment Effect Replacer by Myopic Enhanced Blood Textures by dDefinder Equipment HUD by Snotgurg Ethereal Clouds by Gamwich Expanded Jewelry Crafting by lautasantenni EzE's Artifact Disenchanting by xEightballx Face Masks of Skyrim by volvaga0 Faster Mining by Ebald Female Facial Animation by nao4288 Fire Rune - Font Replacement by geegee Firewood - Ingot - Ore weight reduction by Leezi Follower Commentary Overhaul by terzaerian Footprints by jonwd7 Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior by fore Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Creature Pack by fore Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Spells by fore Forgotten Magic Redone by 3JIou General Stores by Harvey2112 Glowing Ore Veins by Baratan Guard Dialogue Overhaul by Eckss Gut Ripper by scuffed_down Healer Companion - Natalie by ParallaxZero Helmets - Khajiit Ears and Helmet Hair by ErikRedbeard Hold Border Banners by Thicketford Immersive Interiors by SomeWelshGuy Immersive Interiors - Immersive Windows by Pfuscher aka Zerwas1 ilvericed JK's Whiterun by JKrojmal Known Spells by jbezorg Learn Alchemy From Recipes by NeoRunek LFox Alchemists Have Ingredients by LFox Liath Macha by EmperorTaihaku Lightweight Potions and Poisons by JustinOther Lightweight Scrolls by JustinOther Liliths Sickle by wiikki Loot and Degradation by isoku Lost Enchantments by steelfeathers Low Res Smoke by slamm98 Main Menu Background Replacer by Luke Makers Mark Ingots by Mike Omni Marriage Dynamic Outfits by flexcreator More Salt Please by jimmybob Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers by Apogee777 Multiple Floors Sandboxing by dovahklon Name Your Horse by Matthiaswagg New Animation for Running with Bow by xp32 No More Glowing Edges Mod by Ftreach No Salt for Meat Recipes by VyMajoris Non Combat Skills Dont Contribute to Player Level by aggies11 Ogmunds Tomb by Predrag Pesic Old Dwarven Katana by Ronnie Magnum Orcish Sabre by atomec Path of Shadows by Ronyn People are Strangers by Sagittarius22 Perk Point Book by Inigo21 Player Headtracking by Maegfaer Player Voicesets by ChizFoShiz Poisons for Assasins by Kaizersoze27 Professions by kuertee Proper Length Arrows by MadCat221 Proper predators and pelts by Mcchuggernaut RAM Saving Loading Screen Tweak by TheGeneralDevil0174 Ravens In Skyrim by amorphis88 RE - Real Estate by M3t4lxxx Read And Learn Speechcraft Speech by Dryblood Real Days and Months by LoganZezima Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds by KrittaKitty Refurb's Animal Fat Mod by RefurbMadness Remove Slow Time Screen Effect by Lestat Viro Requiem - Immersive Save Messages by Snakedog Respectful Lydia - Willing Burden Carrier by Man or Monster Run Sprint and Jump by Bergzore Scoped Bows by OutLaw666 Shortcuts - Secret Entrances For All Cities Plus Thieves Guild by Ichibu Simple Crosshair - Oblivion Style Sneak Eye by Shadow771 Simple Taxes by Matthiaswagg Skill Book Overhaul by Skippy Skip Mage Guild Tour by cruinh Skyrim Alt-tab mouse fix by wheybags Skyrim Community Uncapper by Elys SkyUI by SkyUI Team Spouse Life by Ekkii by Ekkii Spouse Store Mod by Risuun Spouses Can Live Everywhere by Amgepo and Emma Standing Stone Rings by Psychobreach Subtle Flame Cloak by Jaxonz SXP - Skyrim Experience Mod by eins The Bane Of Kings - Alduin Retexture by Zethras The Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman by iWilliBlecha The Complete Food Overhaul - Food Overhaul by Alphakal The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod by DaedalusAI The Revenge of Colette - Powers and Spells for Discerning Adventurers by AstralFire The Rings of Guardian Stones by glock9mm Trade Routes by taleden Treebalance - Speech Tree by Kevin Kidder TTYM - Think To Yourself Messages by VorpalBlades TwoRings by Dienes Ultimate Spinning Arrows by Nofumasa and Palistov Unknown Enchants by NoxMentis UNP Khajiit and Argonian Hotfix by Mr Dave UNP Skinny by dimon99 Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge by Alek Wearable Lanterns by Chesko Weightless Elder Scrolls - Weightless Elder Scrolls by Jaxonz White short tavern clothing (wench) without towel by Jonx0r My Mods (that I'm using): TNB Craftable Folded Cloth - Blades Hakama Expansion by TehNoiseBomb TNB Ra'Masser by TehNoiseBomb -> Not released yet
  20. Hello, Every time I play Skyrim it gives me CTD. However t ain't random, instead, it is at certain points, and I can not get rid of it. When Alduin flies up from the wall in the tutorial I automaticly get a CTD. Also, just after Ralof kneels after escaping Helgen I get CTD. It is continuously giving CTD's at the exact same spot with the exact same event. I just don't get it anymore :blink:. However, the place and event causing the CTD does seem to be save-bound. On one save that CTD may be when Alduin flies fro the wall, the next save may be Ralof kneeling for Alduin to fly over, next save may get it on an entirely different place. However, on that save, the circumstances stay the same, making me unable to finish that quest or find that place. I've been googeling and trying to get a solution for a while, but I can not find any. All results on google are random CTD's, and mine are at constant places, or problems with hardware. I know my PC can take Skyrim, I have been playing at these settings for the last 1,5 year. My load order: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Heartfires.esm Unofficial Heartfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp SkyrimProdject Optimization - Full Version.esm TKChildren.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HIghResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Cazy Hairs-by zzjay.esp db forever to misc.esp fallentreebridges.esp marriageabledawnguardnpcs.esp SGEyebrows.esp Female mannequins in homes.esp realgiant.esp femaleIlewellyn.esp better dynamic snow.esp sh_hf_hjaal_fix.esp marriablefollowerralof.esp female mannequins.esp normales.esp obedientulfric.esp perkswohelmet.esp TKChildren_HF.esp purewaters.esp sh_hf_falkr_fix.esp firebreath.esp sh_hf_pale_fix.esp TKChildren_DB.esp vapirelordwings.esp Uthgerd_V2_Young_VanillaHair1_noWarpaint.esp Children of Skyrim - NORD PRESETS 11-20.esp TKChildren_V.esp unlimitedbookshelves.esp larger vampire lord wings.esp sm_winterholdgate.esp Everything is sorted with LOOT. I know there is said to be issues with unlimitedbookshelves but I have used it for the past 1,5 year without any problems on the SteamWorkshop version. I am extremely happy with this mod and I really wish to keep it. Since the problems are only a month old it seems unlikely that that one is the problem. Already thanks for helping, Jessica
  21. http://pastebin.com/h5aZp87B Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask for an opinion of my modlist. I was playing for many hours and for a week or so without any problems until yesterday that the CTD started (with one hardcrash on my pc when just opening a store). Of course im using SKSE with memory tweak and ENBboost (without any ENB effect)... After many hours i finally found what was wrong. Using the skse plugin to check the memory blocks it seems that even with the skse memory tweak i was getting the blocks with 256/256, or more like, the tweak wasn't really doing anything... In the page where i saw about that i tried the fix, with the forcesteam (or something like that) command for when running skse and it worked perfectly, was getting the 512/256 in the memory blocks.Problem Fixed, played for about an hour and no CTD. But it did leave me worried of course, i didnt want the problem to start repeating again, not really planning to add more mods at this point... but after closing the game i checked the memory log and the first block reached around 350~ ish, was scared it might start to crash again if i play for longer. Oh, and I did all the recommendations for the ENB boost with this SKSE memory tweak. So yeah, I just wanted to be more safe to check with someone else more directly my load order. As you can see I'm not really using the big ones, and if available i use the medium textures of some of the textures i did load. For the LOD mod i have in the low settings as well for safety, i can play 60-55fps with small drops, with a laptop w10 8gram i7 GeForce740M (2VRAM). Also trying to keep the game challenging and closer to vanilla without the broken stuff (so i just used a tweak perk mod). As for my load order, i used LOOT, but for some reason it didnt change well the order with NMM and i ended up using the automatic plugin sortning NMM brings without any major problems. At all. Only manual order changes i've made is putting ELFX stuff before purity because the creator told me to. Im always checking all the compatibility between my mods so there shouldnt be any uncompatibility i could be aware of. I always followed the modder's recommendation and double check if they are compatible between them and apply patch if there is. But of course, i might have made something that might be screwing up the memory... For example my main concern are the quests mods, I am really not sure in how much effect could they have compared to graphical mods and i know i have many (big ones) installed at the same time... as you can see, the one biggest that asked for more "preparation" was CWO (which i started from a fresh install and from a new game as recommended) And all the other major quests that i just wanted to have around and do if i find them in my playthrough (kinda blind playing). Im not starting them all at the same time or nothing like that, i just want them all to be around and i complete them when i feel like it. Thank you very much for your time and help.
  22. Hi, this is my first time posting here so I hope I'm in the right spot. The issue here is basically that Skyrim crashes upon activation, probably due to a conflict with a mod. I'm trying to find the issue, but am having little progress, so I thought you guys could help me out. Attached is my current modlist, provided by BOSS. I will be happy to provide any other info that might prove helpful!
  23. Giants I come across in giant camps seems to do much more damage than normal, in simple hits. I first noticed this when they instantly dropped my level 10 character, and later when they killed a dragon priest with armor close to the cap in 4 hits. I will post my modlist, but the only mods I installed recently (as before, giants did not do this) are the SSE port of Asis http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10859/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D10859%26preview%3D&pUp=1, the magic of food and drink, alternate start (bruma addition aswell), wards act like shields, and the oldrim improved armor formula. Any help is much appreciated! GameMode=SkyrimSE Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp=1BSAssets.esm=1BSHeartland.esm=1BSPatchSE.esp=1Lootification.esm=0Cutting Room Floor.esp=1SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp=1Run For Your Lives.esp=1When Vampires Attack.esp=1Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp=1dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp=1IcePenguinWorldMap.esp=1dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1dD-Medium Script Range.esp=1dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp=1Unique Uniques.esp=1RealisticHumanoidMovementSpeed.esp=1DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp=1WetandCold.esp=1Proper Aiming.esp=1PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp=1AdditionalMusicProjectReplacer.esp=1AdditionalMusicProject.esp=1NirShor-MusicalLore.esp=1skyforgedWeapons.esp=1ABT SE - Faster Arrows Improved.esp=1ABT SE - Faster Bolts Improved.esp=1ABT SE - Increased Bolts Damage.esp=1ABT SE - Merchants Arrows.esp=1ABT SE - Recover Ammo.esp=1Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp=1Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp=1LWPlayerHeadTracking.esp=1AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp=1AAE Ultimate Edition.esp=1WICO - Immersive People.esp=1WICO - USSEP Compatible Patch.esp=1skyforgedShields.esp=1Mortal Enemies - Rival Remix - NoRunWalkChanges.esp=1High Level Enemies.esp=1Cloaks.esp=1Immersive Patrols II.esp=1mrbs-uniqueloot-se.esp=1Complete Pack.esp=1SPERG-SSE.esp=1ABT SE - Loot Ammo.esp=1Ancient Helms Improved.esp=1Harkon's Sword Improved.esp=1PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp=1DragonbornAscendant.esp=1Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp=1Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp=1High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp=1High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp=1AAE_HLE_Patch.esp=1AAE_Cloaks_Patch.esp=1DisableAutoAim.esp=1No NPC Greetings.esp=1Rebalanced Leveled Lists.esp=1Bloodskal Blade Improved.esp=1Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp=1EmpoweredMagic.esp=1Elemental_Staffs.esp=1ABT SE - Progressive Damage.esp=1AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp=1dragonbornsinskyrim.esp=1Improved Dragon Priest Masks.esp=1AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp=1Simply Stronger Dragons.esp=1Dragon Priest Mask fix.esp=1TheMagicOfFoodAndDrink.esp=1ShieldWard.esp=1Troy1010_ImprovedArmorFormula 4.0.0.esp=1ASIS-Dependency.esp=1WICO - Immersive Character.esp=1WICO - Immersive Dawnguard.esp=1AAE_WICO_Patch.esp=1Open Cities Skyrim.esp=1Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo.esp=1Immersive Citizens - OCS patch.esp=1Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp=1RDO - USSEP Patch.esp=0Bruma - Alternate Start.esp=1ASIS.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp=1Bashed Patch, 0.esp=0
  24. I wonder where the option is for creating a modlist.txt with vortex. back then it was simply at the mods tab on the upper side of the screen. but now I can't find it anywhere
  25. Hey there, Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this. I haven't touched my mods for about a year or so now, everything ran well last time I played but I remember the AE update scenario happening and everything was up in the air for a bit. The question is should I be fine just playing with the current mod set I have? Or update my mods, or just wipe the slate clean and start over? If starting over is the best option should I stick with SE or move over to AE as it seems modding for that seems ok now. Thanks for any input!
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