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  1. Can someone help me make spinning weapon ash of war into a channel ability or a toggle like ash of war so that you can hold it and let go when you want but it consumes mana or stamina till you let go bonus - also to make it block projectiles too
  2. I'm dyslexic, and though I can read it majorly of terminals breakdown the immersion of the game for me without reading terminals, as I mostly skip these, I miss out on a large amount of story. I have looked around and can't seem to find anything that could help me out. Sadly, I lack the technical know-how on how to carry out a project like this. I searched Reddit to see if other people had the same issues there are a few posts sadly no solution, looked at Fiverr to see if I could commission the work, but had no luck there either. I would be grateful if someone would pick this up. I can't imagine how hard it is. Please, modding gods, let me know!
  3. For an idea, someone should make more furniture for palworld, and some more building items, like glass windows, double doors, some better stairs like twist stairs going up!
  4. Seeing as there are many requests that I would like to make, I have described each mod and what they cover: Book of Perk Trees: Continuing with the 'Book of Perks' from the mod 'Legacy of the Dragonborn' this mod aims to make that book as a separate download with 2 New Perk Trees Added: The Undeath Lich Perk Tree (Requires: UNDEATH+UNDEATH-IMMERSIVE LICHDOM) and a new Wrath of Nature Druid Perk Tree (Requires: WRATH OF NATURE-PATH OF A DRUID+WRATHOFNATURE-CHAMPION OF KYNARETH+TAME THE BEASTS OF SKYRIM II)! I will post these Perk Trees at a later date! Wait and Watch! The Ultimate Character Creation Overhaul: The Character Creation Overhaul is Complete!...Or Is it? While I do understand it to be a great way to add traits to your character I believe it to have flaws, which is why I would like to propose the following mod: The Ultimate Character Creation Overhaul! This mod aims to bring the Character Creation to a whole new level! Combining the mods RaceMenu, Realm of Lorkhan, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) Character Creation Overhaul, this mod utilizes Realm of Lorkhan to create your character (but not name them at that point) BEFORE the Prisoner Cart Scene, as well as skipping CC, but not the Character Naming (Which Happens After "Who Are You?")! Ultimate Immersion Reshade - Legendary Edition: Ultimate Immersion Created a spectacular Reshade for SE, but not for LE! It would be awesome if he did it for le as well, as the only ones that have completely been made are the Steel Tide and Arcana Reshades! Halls Of Dovahndor - Reward Home Edition: Now here is an epic mod! Many Players HATE the fact that HOD isn't Scripted for after you return from Sovengard! A simple script would make this mod not so aggravating to download as a Reward Home! The reason why I say this is because of the fact that we have to close the game, download and integrate it into the game, and then open and play it as the Reward Home! I do not wish to constantly open and close my game just to install mods! Skyrim Outro: Last on this List is the Skyrim Outro! This Outro would be played immediately during the loading screen between the Sovengarde departure and the Tamriel entry! A Special Custom End Credits would be shown with Jeremy Soule's Dragonborn Theme! And I PLAN TO CREATE IT! I will upload it next week! Be Prepared!
  5. So, word on the street is there's an Airbending mod in the works for U8, FINALLY! Not only that, I've also heard that the Elderwand is getting a much needed updated. Can anyone else confirm this at all? To my knowledge it's being worked on by Piepop I think it was, anyone heard anything about it? On a side note, if Piepop or any other modder stumbles on this post, any other mod ideas people want for U8? Comment away!
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