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  1. I'm looking for someone capable of creating the mask to be applied as a bandana between a pompadur wig and wrap-around glasses. Links to guides on how to make a mask would be equally helpful.
  2. I’ve been thinking about getting back into modding. I tried it when I was a teenager but was never good at it. I have an idea for a town in Fallout New Vegas, and the Cabin Home by Lonewanderer87 is perfect for it. I could’ve sworn I saw that model listed as a Modder’s resource years ago, but I can’t find it now and I think I should be certain before using it. The cabin does not require a separate space to load into, it looks better made than the usual shanty wooden shacks while simultaneously looking like something made post-war. I can’t get into contact with Lonewanderer87, it appears he has not been on the site in years. He did credit the cabin model to “Sandro T,” but I can’t find a user by that name. I’m unsure where to go from here, does anyone know if this cabin was a Modder’s resource, or am I thinking of something else?
  3. Hello, I was here wondering if anyone can make this mod where Biggs replaces Cloud on FF7R. I don’t know if it’s too much to ask. I was wondering since I finally decided to acquire the game on PC after some years. I bought the physical Deluxe Version on PS4 and already cleared it, so I was thinking on doing a rerun with some tweaks here and there to make it a different experience. It would be great to have the Biggs skin on Cloud (since we already have a lot, like Tifa, Yuffie, Aerith, Zack, even Shiva), even being a secondary character, it’s my fave. I already tried the other Biggs mods, Charlie Sheen’s outfit was hilarious lmao , the shirtless version is pretty cool (drools). So, now I’m craving for a whole play through with this guy, if we could get like regular clothes and the shirtless alt version, it would be a huge plus. Please, consider it, you talented creators I’m aware he doesn’t own a huge fan base, but we Biggs’ fans do exist. I hope I’m not offending anyone with this thread. Thanks for reading guys!
  4. i find some aspect of the character customisation limiting, which is a shame considering how good it is in this game. for exemples, there is a lack of color choices for some things like skin, teeth or fur and you can't exceed some limits of saturation for eyes everything, which is designed for keeping some realism but let's be honest, most of us make anime characters or monsters for fun. i would also really love to see options to put the beastrens ears on top of their head and the possibility to choose your teeth (mainly because i'm a weirdo fan of vampires) if anyone with competency in coding is up for the task i'm throwing the idea
  5. Im requesting subway tunnel objects for the mod Subway Runner Revised. 1 TUNNELS The base game does not have Y or X subway train linking nor proper C curved subway train tracks. (for exterior there are such tracks). For dead end train tracks some kind of loops would be super nice. If people look closer all the interior subway tunnel architecture is for monorail (exterior) trains, either im missing something or its not fully finished in vanilla too (integration of exterior to interior tunnels). 2 PLATFORMS Platforms are side platforms its difficult to create island platforms. 3 ENTRANCE For the TransitStation01 there is collision for the door entrance (lower level) - player char cannot access from one to the other side. If anyone would jump on the train let me know if would greatly appreaciate the help since creating proper tunnel archtiecture would be king for this game, i loved it in FO3.
  6. Hi, guys! My name is Oleg. I am a novice 3d artist. Before that I was a Graphic Designer within six years. And I want to help our community to create some stuff. If you want, I can to push my portfolio if you want. I love games, maybe I can help you.
  7. I was hoping if it was possible to make an in-game 3D map of Tamriel using the heightmap from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/573?tab=description to be placeable in game. I have tried to make my own using landscape assets in the creation kit (pictured below) and while it sorta works it's crude but at least shows what I'm trying to accomplish.
  8. Could somebody add the beanie to the Deluxe Edition's Illuminati outfit? It's my favorite outfit, but it's missing the neat beanie, yo!
  9. Can someone please tell me what causes this issue. I'll gladly share my load order if necessary.
  10. This mod request includes some potentially NSFW content. Here is a link to one image of her. All you really have to do is google "Yana Sinner" and you'll find more pictures. I just want a mod that makes her a potential follower in SkyrimSE. If anyone can help me out here, that'd be greatly appreciated indeed. Here's another picture. If any more pictures are needed, I will provide some. I'd make this on my own but I feel as though this community would be at least 12x better than me at recreating this beautiful human being. Thanks in advance!
  11. So I've got a mod where the male and female armours have different models for the helmets, and I like the male ones significantly better. I want to swap them so a female character uses the male helmet model. Is this something FO4Edit can do (and if so, how, cause it's not making itself obvious to me), or will I need to actually download the CK and use that?
  12. Hi all, Just been trying me hand at modding, and ran into a bit of a bind. So I wanted to create a clutter item, so think a cheese wheel or an apple or a sack of flour, and change its model to a character model. So maybe a goat or a mudcrab. This way, you can kind of get the illusion of having a carcass of the animal. The thing is however, I can't simply make a new item in the CK and slap on the goat model I extracted from the Skyrim BSA, it doesn't work, even if I load the mod it just shows up as a static goat model with no collision and can't be picked up. I looked a bit further into the goat model and I realize that is separated into the goat.nif file and the skeleton file. The skeleton file apparently holds all the collision data, while the goat model is just a model with no animations or anything. I'm wondering now whether there is some way for me to merge the two files together and create a model that can be used a clutter model with all the physics required? Cheers
  13. So I recently got a few mods for morrowind goty MGSO, tamriel rebuilt and another mod which I uninstalled to see if it was causing problems (they persist) and havent redownloaded it yet, but on Mlox it says: [REQUIRES] !!!'TR_Mainland.esm' Requires: > 'MISSING(TR_Data.esm)'[REQUIRES] !!!"Vality's Balmora Addon.esp" Requires: > "MISSING(Vality's Bitter Coast Addon.esp)" | (Ref: "Vality's Balmora Mod.txt") my warnings file give me this:Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.Model Load Error: Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif cannot load file in Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif.Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF. My main problem however is with:Model Load Error: Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif cannot load file in Meshes\A\a_impchain_greaves_k.nif.Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF. because whenever i try to play the game every guard has large exclamation marks and invisible legsI had dug into this a little bit and I have assumed it was Tamriel rebuilt, so I did the special archives adding and then decided to uninstall... nothing, I tried my third mod (MNEM gameplay overhaul) Nothing... I dont think its MSGO, because I was able to play morrowind with no troubles when I just had this mod. Anyone know whats up with this?
  14. Hey, I'm having a problem with a custom dagger mod that I'm making. It appears that whenever I try to look at the newly added dagger in the menu or in first person (when equipped), the dagger does not show. The dagger does, however, show whenever I drop it onto the ground. I have already set up the 1st Person model for the dagger, as seen here: https://imgur.com/a/rHsu2 (Link includes more screenshots, so be sure to see those as well) This is a very wierd issue, because I have searched this up online and found that as soon as people add their 1st Person model to their weapon/armor/any other object, their issue seems to be resolved, but mine isn't. Any help would be greatky appreciated! - Shadow _____________________________________________________________________ UPDATE: (12/31/17): It seems that the first person view is working after all, well...sort of... See, whenever I equip the dagger with my right hand, it is invisible (AKA, will remain on the hilt). However, if I equip it with the left hand, everything works normally. In the Creation Kit, I have set it up so that the equip type is set to 'Either Hand', so I'm not sure what is going on.
  15. Hi guys, I wonder if someone might be able to help me with getting my first model into Skyrim? It's a simple enough sword that I've created in Blender but I'm having real issues getting it to show up correctly in the Creation Kit. After a lot of trial and error, I've got to the point where I can go into an existing weapon in the Creation Kit (Orcish Greatsword) and edit it to point at my new model but, even though I've set the correct texture paths in the .nif file (overwriting what was there previously to make sure it was in the right place), the preview in the CK shows up with what looks like a default texture. I saved the texture, normal map and specular map as DDS files with the Intel DDS plugin for Photoshop, using BC3 / DXT5 compression. I tried doing it without mipmaps but the CK complained about not having them so I went back and saved them again with mipmaps. I made the mesh in blender 2.79 and imported into Nifskope 1.2.0 Alpha (the latest version has the import option disabled). I UV unwrapped the mesh in blender and then used Photoshop CC 2017 to make the texture on it. I know the UV looks horrible and has a lot of wasted space, but I'd already made the texture before I realised I could move the parts around in blender. I will probably go back and unwrap it again and make the texture again from scratch, but I want to know that I can actually get it to show up correctly in-game first. Before I started this, I had no experience with any of the tools I've used, so I've spent several days on this, reading and watching many tutorials but I just can't seem to get it quite right. I don't know if it's the DDS format that's wrong, something I've messed up on the mesh (I had to go back and flip some of the normals as it was inside out in Nifskope at first) or if I'm just missing something really simple. Please could someone that knows a bit more about this than I do, have a look at the .nif and .dds files that I've included in the file linked below (it's only about 3MB, but still too big to upload directly here) to see if you can work out where I'm going wrong? I've spent so long trying to work it out by trial and error and I've got to the point where I really don't want to make any more (this was supposed to be a test for a larger project, encompassing some 60 weapons!) Link below: https://1drv.ms/u/s!...3h3KtXPsjYaYySw Thanks a lot in advance. Geraint
  16. Hey! I'm trying to import a hair model into Mod Maker but I keep getting the error "Task Failed. Error reported was: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection". I have tried every troubleshooting common fix and nothing, I can't find the error anywhere else.
  17. So I'm trying to help somebody make a mod that adds a helmet to the game and I went through all of the trouble of converting the FXB files they provided to NIF files and I built the game data to a point where I just need to change the textures and meshes of the objects, but whenever I try to change the mesh the CK crashes. I'm assuming the problem is something wrong with the mesh, but I searched around and haven't been able to find a solution. The only things I can think of is that I either messed something up in NifSkope, or the problem lies in the fact that the mesh contained multiple separate parts in one file. I don't know what to do here. I'm going to attach the nif so if you want to help you can check it out yourself.
  18. I have my model. When I open CK and try to replace the FeralGhoulWhole with my nif it crashes. Do I have to convert it or change something in nifskope for the CK I don't really know.https://www.mediafire.com/file/kkbc50vfhhtfqw6/ClickerBase1.nif here's the head too https://www.mediafire.com/file/k831t999qmdiatb/ClickerHead2.nif
  19. To any newer aspiring modelers in the modding community, I dare you to take on the challenge. So far two other users have started work on this mod but have not been able to bring it to 'light'. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081028233808/wowwiki/images/thumb/2/22/Paladin-tier-II.jpg/371px-Paladin-tier-II.jpg There is simply no way to describe how much joy this would bring a great many Nexus users. I myself recreated a rendition of my first World of Warcraft character who was a paladin... she needs her threads man. Compared to many things I've seen on the Nexus, this doesn't actually look that difficult, in return I can only offer my services as a voice actor, or texture work... here's to chance.
  20. Hey guys, I'm making a custom chewbacca companion mod, but the problem is that once I import the model into the creation kit and make it a race and put a test NPC version of him in the game, he comes out completely not animated at all, stuck in place with his hands out. I have a feeling this has to do with the rigging, but idk. For the rigging what I did was put it into Bodyslider, and imported Malebody.nif as a reference and copied over the bone weight but the problem was that it wasn't 100% transferred since my Chewbacca mesh is one piece not sepereated by head and body. So I'd really love some help. These are the steps I took Made the model with blender>Exported into bodyslider(And you know the rest)>Exported into Nifskope to apply textures>Strait into Creation kit by making an armor with the Bodyaddon of Chewbacca, and assigning it to a newly made race and made an NPC and selected Chewbacca as the race. Nif is right here. http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g52dc764f853cc6ae999936631b2bfbd776916d2ed
  21. This mod is simple in concept. Those modelers and level designers put in an assload of effort placing every last item more or less precisely. Don't you feel bad when you just snatch it up, ruining the frame? I do. All I need is a mod that allows me to pickup the item (i.e a gold coin from a stack) and have it register in my inventory, but leave a copy or something of the model where the item was. Essentially, leaving items in place, but getting them added to my inventory. Thanks folks.
  22. I'm trying to make a companion blade for Dawnbreaker, meant for undead characters and I would like to invert the color of the light emitting from the hilt. This would (ideally) turn the white light into a sort of "shadow". I have opened the model in Nifskope with the hope of finding the light's color wheel or something similar (since the light itself does not have its own texture) has anyone here done anything similar? If so I'd really appreciate some advise.
  23. I've fiddling around with the Dragon Age Toolset and I'm trying to add my own custom static model to be used as a tile (such as a floor or a wall) I've exported a mesh in the correct file format and put it in the override folder. However, it does not appear in the pallette window. I know I am definitely missing something, but there are no tutorials on adding a static model. Can somebody help? It's driving me crazy.
  24. As part of an up and coming mod, I want to create unique Securitron models with a new face graphic. The question is...how do I do that? That's really all I want to know. Just a simple question: any feedback is appreciated.
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