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  1. I've had the Rangemaster out for about a month now and I just have a couple persisting bugs that I can't seem to fix. The first, and biggest one, is with the .308 ammo conversion. I have the gun set to fire 5.56 by default, and it can be modified to fire .308, 7.62, and any pistol round. I got a report early on that some shots weren't registering on target with anything but 5.56, but I haven't been able to recreate that issue, and from my research it may be a Bethesda Bug rearing its ugly head. However, along with that, and since then, I have had reports, and found in my own game, that equipping specifically the .308 conversion will cause 'misfires' where the projectile seems to hit an invisible object immediately after exiting the barrel. This happens with about 50% of shots. You can see and hear it in this video (it happens throughout, but see about 6:30 and onward for a good sample). Here's what I know. 1. The .308 attachment is identical to all other ammo conversion attachments for the weapon. In fact, it is a modified copy of the 7.62 attachment. 2. The 5.56, which I have had NO reported problems with, uses the same projectile info as the .308 3. The Rangemaster uses the vanilla Combat Rifle suppressor. However, there is no similar issue when using the .308 receiver with the vanilla Combat Rifle. 4. The Rangemaster's default muzzle (it does not support a 'null muzzle' state) has the projectile node pushed out about the same distance as on that vanilla suppressor, and farther than on the Handmade AR that it borrows animations from. I am at a loss as to what would be causing this issue, especially with only one ammo type. I'm working on a decent sized update right now, and I would like to actually fix this, rather than just removing the .308 mod. The other issue is less significant, and is probably just due to my dodgy understanding of how textures work in Fallout 4. For the reflex sights I just opened the vanilla dot and circle variants in nifskope, re-oriented all the various BSTriShapes to fit on the appropriate spot on my gun, and saved them. Somehow, with only that little bit of modification, the main dot in both sights now disappears while looking at the sky, and gets muddled by the shader when looking at water. I'm guessing this is an easy fix, but I don't really know where to start. Thanks for any insight you can provide for either problem.
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