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  1. Hello i'm having trouble with getting my meshes exported to the creation kit. it looks fine in nifskope but when i export to the creation kit it crashes every time i can send the file if you need it. My original topic is here with an image of what i'm exporting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/225861 Hope somebody can help so i can make good quality meshes for my mods
  2. After much tweaking and tinkering, I've finally managed to pull off a nice combo with ENB + Oblivion Reloaded (e3 version). Good, consistent non-buggy modern visuals that's also great for gameplay. Though one problem has always eluded me and I can never find out if there is any possible solution going forward; a lot of post processing get's filtered out or blocked by 2d sprites alpha mesh. I'm no mod developer, so to explain to the best of my ability: sprites for things like fires, light rays, spiderwebs, a few spell effects, etc. seem to be just a square mesh with an alpha channel and the texture drawn on top. This looks completely flawless without any graphics mods, but when post processing is introduced, especially ambient occlusion, the illusion is completely broken and the outline of the mesh is shown at certain angles. Is it at all possible to fix the sprites, akin to cutting out the alpha part of the mesh (make them true two sided sprites....if that's a thing)? Or to somehow make alpha channels ignore post processing? (Oblivion reloaded shadows have an alpha setting for instance, which correctly casts shadows off of the textures that are drawn on top of the alpha channel) I wouldn't mind taking the task on myself. But I don't have any dev experience or education at all, and don't want to go on a goose chase without knowing if it's possible. Thanks for reading.
  3. Hello friends, I am having a bit of a problem with Better Cities. All the cities that I have been to are fine with no issues that I noticed. However, The entrance to Bravil is completely covered in yellow exclamation marks. It should be noted that I have all the downloaded files that are required for Better Cities, that's Better Cities, Better Cities Primary Resources v6.0.7, Better Cities Update v6.0.8a, and the Shivering Isles Patch. Also, the only reason I suspect this to be a Better Cities issue is because when i turn Better Cities off, there are no yellow exclamations but of course, it's just normal Bravil. I have tried a few other thing such as turning off Unique Landscapes but nothing seems to work so any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my LOOT sorted load order: -Oblivion.esm-Cobl Main.esm-All Natural Base.esm-Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm-Better Cities Resources.esm-DLCShiveringIsles.esp-Knights.esp-All Natural - SI.esp-Unique Landscapes.esp-All Natural - Real Lights.esp-Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp-Better Imperial City.esp-ReclaimSancreTor.esp-All Natural.esp-SupremeMagicka.esp-Living Economy.esp-The Ayleid Steps.esp-All Natural Real Lights - Better Cities IC Patch.esp-Cutthroat Merchants.esp-kuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.esp-VaultsofCyrodiil.esp-Lootable Merchant Chests.esp-Merchants Buy Stolen Goods.esp-No psychic guards v1.2.esp-SM Combat Hide.esp-Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp-SM_ShiveringIsles.esp-Bedrollsanyone.esp-SM_EnchantStaff.esp-SM_OOO.esp-SM_Scrolls.esp-SM_SigilStone.esp-Skingrad Mages Guild Patch.esp-OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp-Better Cities - All Natural.esp-Better Imperial City - OOO.esp-Better Cities - Alternative Start Arrive by Ship.esp-Better Cities .esp-Better Cities Full - OOO.esp-Better Cities Full.esp-Bashed Patch.esp
  4. I'm trying to change the race of an NPC through setrace. While the change carries over such as skin tone, eyes, hair and and face slider values, they are temporary. The next time I start skyrim the NPC is headless! Resetting the race gives a generic preset face... My question would be is there a mod or a way through CK to make sure the NPC's dont go headless?
  5. Currently, I am trying to add a watchtower to each of the three build-able homes from the Hearthfire DLC. This process, in particular, is involving the use of custom meshes and textures. I have been successful in importing the model into the Creation Kit, as well as it's texture files, but whenever I test it out in-game I find myself unable to climb the staircase - pretty much unable to touch any part of the mesh (watchtower). I've tried producing a collision mesh using ChunkMerger [ver. 0.1.55], however, I still find my character walking through the mesh. I've spent about 10 hours reading through tutorials online (as well as consulting the NifSkope wiki guides), but alas, I find myself with no clue on what to do about this. ChunkMerge should have rendered a valid collision, so I am unsure what it is going wrong. Side Note: I understand that ChunkMerger is not the best method of creating a collision mesh, but this is my first time dealing with custom, imported meshes into the Creation Kit.Here is a screenshot of my current Blocklist setup in NifSkope: Please let me know if there is any additional details needed. Many thanks! :happy: _______________________________________________________________________________________ - Additional Details: NifSkope version: 2.0 Dev 7ChunkMerge version: 0.1.55Creation Kit version:
  6. Hi, I can't use 3D-programs properly and right now I don't have time to learn. There is lots of great hairmods available, but more medieval style hairs would be welcome. Could someone for example port these hairs to Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42799?tab=posts&BH=0
  7. I have a question regarding mismatched skin on my female character compared to the hands. I am using https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7485/? as well as the "more white pale skin" on that mod page. Basically I am wondering how I can get my character's skin tone to match the hands. I have attached a screenshot depicting the current state: https://imgur.com/a/MKBdI
  8. Okay, so I have an on-going problem, it seems. http://oi67.tinypic.com/2kkbc1.jpg So, as you can see, the cloak and the hair are floating above the shoulders. Not acceptable, especially considering that the pigtail floating under the cloak looks like crap. Assets used: Apachii Sky Hair Cloaks of Skyrim CBBE XPMSSE FNIS Attempts At Troubleshooting: Installed everything, ran FNIS, ran LOOT, ran Wryebash (everything is green), etc. I use NMM 0.63.17 and SKSE64 build 2.0.5 (for runtime 1.5.16). I've attempted to adjust the cloak in Outfit Studio by highlighting the Cloak object in the right pane and adjusting the Move... sliders (Z-axis) down, then used the mesh brushes to pull up the cloak around the shoulders to make it look more natural. Exported To NIF with Reference... to cloakgreyhide_0.nif and cloakgreyhide_1.nif in the Data/Meshes/Clothes/CloaksofSkyrim folder. Still floats. Then Exported To Nif with Reference... to the NMM folder: D:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\SkyrimSE\Mods\Virtual Install\18422\Meshes\Clothes\CloaksofSkyrim folder. Those are the only two folders, I believe that the game generates data from dynamically, so where the bloody frell is this floating cloak coming from? In Outfit Studio, when loaded through the Load Outfit and the body loaded through Load Reference, it looks fine. It's where it's supposed to be. Load it up in the game, and I get this mess. When I attempted to adjust the hair piece for Apachii, all that happened was it doubled, so that there was two hairs on my character--one with a pig tail resting across the shoulder like it should, and one with the pigtail floating above the other. No idea how that happened since all I did was use the mesh brushes to "push" the pigtail down a bit and Exported to NIF... Clearly, I need help as I'm out of my element and I don't understand why it's needlessly being such a pain in the ass. I'm hoping someone will come along, and be like, "Oh, yeah, just tick this box and it will be fixed!" lol Somehow, I doubt it will be that easy...
  9. I've recently gotten back to playing Skyrim and started mass modding my game again. I stumbled upon Apacalypha and Mour and attempted to install them via NMM. My problem is that the actual follower's bodies are completely invisible excluding the face. For Mour she has a bald npc face that is floating around. Apacalypha has only her teeth showing. I don't know if it's a glitch relating to my pc, but I have a 1080, 16 GB, and an i7. My Mod List .esm
  10. When I get to flowers quest, before I start the flowers quest. I see missing meshes. I can't use BOSS since made the the castle disappear! I have COBL installed, frostcrag reborn, and cobl additions.
  11. So, I'm a texture artist who also dabbles in meshing and have been wanting to create a Qunari custom race for quite some time. I've recently started my venture with a custom head, horns, and hairstyle (and plan on making complete custom hair, body, etc) but I am giving up on getting the meshes to work in game. I have watched over 10 hours of videos, read over 50 tutorials, and spoken to over 20 people about this... to no avail. The Nif tools simply don't work for me, or it's beyond my expertise. I work from 2PM-2AM Tue-Sat at a tattoo shop and while at home, I'm also doing homework for work. So I don't have a lot of time to troubleshoot. It's become too frustrating. Sculpting and texturing is like my therapy, so that's something I love to do and can work on between everything in my normal life. Basically, I'm reaching out to see if anyone would be interested in partnering up with me to do all the technical stuff... get everything game ready. Convert to NIF format, export the UV maps, add collision & bone weights, physics, morph/tri files, etc. Anything that isn't sculpting and actually creating the meshes. I can prepare the race in the CK, I just can't get NIFs to even show up in NifSkope. I'd do the sculpting, textures, and CK work. You would be considered a partner in this, and have access to the published file, as well as whatever assets. I just really need help with this. I appreciate whatever advice anyone has to give, however I've probably tried it many times over, and at this point I'm just looking for a partner in crime. If this is something that interests you, shoot me an email or PM. [email protected] If emailing, give it a practical subject line like "Interested in helping with Qunari race" or "Help with meshes". Thanks in advance! I've attached some images below of what I've completed thus far. http://i68.tinypic.com/k2fxc5.png http://i66.tinypic.com/qrgfoo.pnghttp://i67.tinypic.com/24xpe06.png http://i67.tinypic.com/2guxq54.png http://i64.tinypic.com/14cgx8z.png
  12. So I'm trying to help somebody make a mod that adds a helmet to the game and I went through all of the trouble of converting the FXB files they provided to NIF files and I built the game data to a point where I just need to change the textures and meshes of the objects, but whenever I try to change the mesh the CK crashes. I'm assuming the problem is something wrong with the mesh, but I searched around and haven't been able to find a solution. The only things I can think of is that I either messed something up in NifSkope, or the problem lies in the fact that the mesh contained multiple separate parts in one file. I don't know what to do here. I'm going to attach the nif so if you want to help you can check it out yourself.
  13. Hi! I have an issue with the GND models of a standalone mod: these are not shown in the game, nor in the Creation Kit. They were models of an old mod that worked well and, when I modified their meshes in Blender 2.79, no longer load. However, in NifSkope they show up without problem. How can i fix this? PS: Sorry for my bad english :$
  14. Ok I am at a loss right now as to why these mods are not working correctly for Skyrim SE. I have installed almost the same mods that I have used for regular Skyrim that all work beautifuly together but now that I am in SE they do not work at all. I currently have XP32, FNIS, Caliente's CBBE, UNP Blessed body, Apachii Sky hair, UNP body renew, Dragonfly BBP, Body Slide, amd them a bunch of gear mods and mesh/texture overhauls. I got Apachi to work for the most part by physically moving the files into the data folder and installing it through nexus.. But all of the rest I have used the NMM to install and now all I get is a nipple-less body with seams and a brown body. I don't understand why this is happening as I have uninstalled the whole game and all of the mods and started with a fresh install and I still get this same body. Am I doing something wrong? I have been able to successfully mod my original Skyrim but for some reason SE is a pain in the butt! Also I have tried to upload a screenshot but apparently my screenshots in-game just disappear into the abyss.
  15. Why does the game use first person models for clothes? I don't see much difference between 1st person and sleeves of a 3rd person model. And if I add a custom sleeveless outfit (eg. a 'wife-beater' shirt) do I need to add a 1st person model or can I just use Actors\Character\CharacterAssets\1stPersonMaleBody.nif instead? And what about gloves? Is there any difference between 1st and 3rd person models?
  16. Would it be possible to replace Agatha's dress and Reginald's suit with Kellogg's outfit meshes and textures? Could anyone do? In case we would have the suit Kellogg with 3 charisma and upgradeable with ballistic weave.
  17. I need some help with npcs walking on my stairs I'm adding in a mod. The stairs are craftable in workshop mode previously uncraftable. Right now the npc's can't seem to walk on the stairs. What do I need to do? Does it have to do with the nif or is it in the creation kit?
  18. Hello Please might someone help me identify the likely culprit that is causing this weird mesh / texture problem? https://ibb.co/e9vAqk https://ibb.co/maVbVk https://ibb.co/kaJVqk The planes and shapes of the mucked up clothing move around as the character moves. If it helps, I use CBBE TBBP and Bodyslide, and a number of clothing mods. I have a large number of mods, but if I can get a handle what likely type of mod might cause this problem (i.e. Bodyslide; a mesh failure; a texture failure; modded NPCs, a clothing mod, etc.,) it would be a great help to me. I'm pretty nifty with mods, mod tools, etc., so once pointed in the right direction I'm sure I can sort myself out. In hope and thank you! PS in studying the pictures - is it a skin / body issue?
  19. I have been trying to export a model/meshe from blender so that I can use it in skyrim. I havent been able too. I keep getting this (the image) everytime I attempt to export to .nif.
  20. Hey just wondering if anyone has managed to get hold any of the textures or meshes for items for ESO ? I know they'd be saved on some server somewhere so I thought I'd ask incase anyone managed to get into it?
  21. DLC mods have been around for almost three years. During that time we've seen an enthusiastic, immediate adoption by content modders, but a much more gradual transition by mesh/textures modders. This is a good thing, as DLC mods are primarily meant for content mods. ME3Explorer staff have recently seen a spike in questions from users here and on Nexusmods about mesh/texture mods -- typically armor/clothing mods -- from creators who plan to release (or already have released) their creations as DLC mods. In almost all cases, these new mod creators are inexperienced. They lack sufficient understanding of other options and don't realize that a DLC mod might not be the best way to distribute their mod. They know DLC mods are the new/easy/cool thing, and they don't properly evaluate the pros and cons of using them. As a result, more and more DLC mods are being released for game assets that don't really warrant this type of distribution. We encourage all new and veteran modders to read this new article on the ME3Explorer wiki that explains when DLC mods are necessary, and when they are not. The contents of this article are currently being discussed in this thread on the ME3Explorer forum. Thanks.
  22. I recently downloaded http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/12569/? to change the frag grenade model to it and i have converted the 3ds file to obj and now im trying to edit it in nifskope. I opened the frag grenade .nif files and I don't know how to change the frag grenade meshes. Can somebody tell me how to do that?
  23. So basically, I have a static mesh that is a room piece (converted from Fallout 4) (like VURmMid01.nif) The textures are fine, and align perfectly in the G.E.C.K. However, In-game, my player falls right through the model as if it isn't there. ***Please note: I and attempting to build a Vault 111 for Fallout 3 for pure sport. No models or mods will be shared per Nexus rules!*** All help is GEATLY Appreciated!
  24. Yesterday I discovered why some of my meshes were invisible in game and how to fix them. I wrote about it on the Nexus wiki: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fixing_Invisible_Meshes_for_Fallout_4 This may not solve all the issues related to invisible meshes in game, but it may help you if you are having the same problem :smile:
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