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  1. It would be great to have the red dead revolver map inside the RDR2, I know that widows patch already exists but if someone can make a mod that includes brimstone, fort Diego, etc it would be great, it doesn’t have to be a all in one mod it can be each mod per location but the idea is to bring the red dead revolver map back to live in rdr2
  2. My mod was removed from the site for being too popular and not technically a mod, so I am creating a thread here so people have a place to post feedback, bugs, and suggestions. View the map at modmapper.com I started this project because I wanted to know where the most untouched areas of Skyrim are. If I'm building a house mod, for example, I need to know what other mods would potentially conflict with my placement.I downloaded every SE mod from Nexus Mods, extracted the plugins, and recorded the cell edits in every plugin. Then, I used the UESP skyrim map tiles to display all of the edits as a heatmap. You can click on a cell to see all of the mods that edit that cell sorted by popularity. Clicking on a mod in that list will show you all of the cells that the mod edits (across all files and versions of the mod). You can also search for a mod by name or a cell by x and y coordinates in the search bar at the top. All of the code for this is open source: modmapper: program to automate downloading, extracting, and parsing plugins modmapper-web: website code for displaying the cell edits as a heatmap on a mapboxgl map skyrim-cell-dump: library for parsing skyrim plugin files and extracting CELL data Anyways, hope this is useful to others. I thought it was pretty interesting to see the most popular places for modding in Skyrim. I'm now keeping track of features I'm working on on this Trello board.
  3. Simply looking for a mod to defog the map, I just hate fog of war maps it bothers me due to my OCD.
  4. It's all in the title. In games, the map and mini-map are completely black, with the exception of tp, objectives, bookmarks and nearby people. Not to lie, the gaming experience is partly ruined. While you might think that discovering the game by recalling the map by heart is more RP, it immediately becomes more of a hassle to get an advantageous position over the enemy rather than being ambushed (reference in particular to Gekh Coal). The problem seems to be linked to the age of the graphics card. Apart from this problem, the rest of the game works perfectly. If a charitable modder could create a mod to add a map (perhaps just an image instead of an interactive one), you'd be answering the help of many less well-off players facing this problem. Forum on Larian Studio: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=876830 Steam Community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/discussions/0/3808408963762528288/ Thanks a lot for your attention.
  5. I was hoping if it was possible to make an in-game 3D map of Tamriel using the heightmap from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/573?tab=description to be placeable in game. I have tried to make my own using landscape assets in the creation kit (pictured below) and while it sorta works it's crude but at least shows what I'm trying to accomplish.
  6. I personally have no idea what were in the mind of the developers, but I can summarize what I've seen in my game so far (I've just moved from Haven, so, please, NO SPOILERS of the plot, I am speaking only of game mechanics): - I have to walk in these huge maps, without fog of war actually indicating if 2 min ago I've walked right or left at the rock. The result is that I have to re-walk the whole map about 3 or 4 times, for being sure to have covered the whole of it. - I keep pressing the reveal button, to find iron, grasses, ingredients, whatever. - I keep pressing it again, because it doesn't show you anything if you are just 20 centimeters lower than where the iron actually is. - Once you've found something (and there is something every 2 meters), you have to move the damn camera and trying to spot it with your eyes, since highlighting it with a faint yellow contour was surely a great idea, among light green and yellow grasses... - Then I give up and try to locate it on my compass... - Just to find out that the compass is simply not useful to actually spot the damn ingredient. - After 2 minutes looking around, you have to almost walk over it, or you won't be able to catch it. Of course, camera and movement are still dreadful. And I've opened DA2 for comparison: I am not asleep, they ARE dreadful ("It *is* filthy" quote). - In the meanwhile, other 5 spots are blinking and ringing around... but, hey!, those are the craft tools, or the tents, or the road signs... all things that are not going to disappear, so you will STILL seeing and hearing the blinking and you have to come back to check if there is something else, since again, you can't just glance and look, and compass is unreliable. - Have I already said that I can't remember if I have turned left or right at the rock? - So I check the image-map and it is so poorly drawn that I can't get any idea from it. Let's walk back from the start, AGAIN. In the meanwhile, I haven't yet understood if elf grass and iron will respawn, or if you haven't picked them up, they're lost. So I keep walking up and down, trying to loot everything I can. I don't even have time to check the view, for I am too focused on finding ingredients. So, what this open world is there for? Just a waste of time, from my point of view. And then, you find a location, but you can't reach it, for it's too high and there's no access nearby. You watch the image-map, but no guess from it. I find this "open world" 100% tedious. It is just a way to make people lose time walking up and down. I am here to play a ROLE play game, not a walk-and-collect one, I thought.
  7. I have been going through installing mod after mod this past week, building up a mega-list of things, updating some mods I hadn't updated since 2014 and so on. Somewhere along the way, one mod I had added the option in MCM to block fast travel/compass/map until you go to a store and buy a compass and map. I don't remember which mod did this, and going through all of my mod settings and MCM settings now, I can't find that panel anymore which leads me to believe it was in an old version of a mod that I updated. The problem is, whatever script it used to block opening the map has become permanent even though that mod (or at least that functionality) is gone. Now, even in a new game, any attempt to open the map via hot-key or bringing up the character menu results in the map opening for a half a second, showing me the map of wherever it is I am, then slamming shut again. The map screen and the maps aren't broken. The general map functionality is still there, the updated maps are still there, but some script somewhere is telling Skyrim to shut it down before it opens all the way I've deleted maps.swf, reinstalled all of my mods, gone through all of my mod download directories to see if I could find anything that I've forgotten to reinstall, I've loaded other maps, even the buyable maps mod, Unticked Disable Fast Travel in all of the MCM menus I can find it in, gone to all the vendors in several major cities and I can't find any added maps for sale, and still have nothing. I don't know if this is related to an old version of Frostfall 2.6 et al, Live Another Life, Devious Devices/equipment/captures/loot, or Requiem, but I've done everything I can short of deleting Skyrim and starting from scratch. Before I smash it all, does anybody have any idea what is causing this and if there is a fix that will save me a dozen hours of setting everything up again?
  8. I know this is probably in all the wrong places, but I recently installed a mod that changed my map texture when I didn't want it to, it didn't advertise as such. And i cant stand the new one, i was just wondering how i can get that reset back to default, I have uninstalled that mod but the texture remained. I can't find a simple file to delete that texture so i am unsure on what to do. Thanks,
  9. The mod A Quality World Map (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5804) doesn't allow for zooming out high / far enough that you can see even half of the map at once. The INI setting "fWorldMapMaxHeight", under Mapmenu, doesn't have any effect when changed. Not in Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini. Also since A Quality World Map doesn't come with its own INI file installed in the Skyrim's Data folder, I don't see how else you can change this without a mod.
  10. The mod Paper World Map (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10836?tab=description) still has the terrain height map from vanilla Skyrim, it just changes the map to paper style. It would be much easier to read and better looking if it was a 2D flat map. Now that we have SKSE for SE, this could be done. It'd require moving the map icons and the player marker from the 3D space down to a 2D plane. This has been done for Skyrim LE already. Here are the two mods for LE that do this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would now be possible to make a flat paper map for SSE as well, with a SKSE plugin. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10044 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22425
  11. I really need the Skyrim Daedric Armor red specular glow lighting as a texture. All I know is that Skyrim reads them as a .nif file. Is there any way to get the red glow specular as a texture image?
  12. I created a mod Called Tek the skeleton, sometimes I forget where he is when I tell him to wait somewhere, how do I make a marker on his head like Sofia follower mod? a miscelaneous quest that when you toggle it, a marker appears on the head of the follower?
  13. Hello does anyone know how to add brand new Map Marker Icons for example new Forts And Capitol Icons but without needing to replace the Vanilla icons just add-on to the existing ones. Skyrim has been out all these years surely someone must of found a way to do it please I really need to know this. because I am creating my own world space and it would seem a bit strange for that world space to be using Map Marker Icons from Skyrim. Thanks in advance:) Regards: Stephen999
  14. Whoever designed this game was was likely left handed, and it upsets me. Can we move the watch compass to the right corner, and the health bar to the left corner?
  15. I have looked, but was unable to find anything relevant..
  16. They physically hurt my ears and my tinnitus is horrible after playing today. It actually feels like they have a harmful sound that can actually hurt peoples ears. Reference: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1716740/discussions/0/3824173464657093293/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1697o84/super_high_pitched_sound_effect_when_pulling_out/
  17. Enable the Delamain taxi obtained at the end of the Delamain job to be a functioning taxi that drives (not fast travel) V to V's chosen point on the map. This opens the option for functioning taxis for hire at any point in the game.
  18. Hello. I´m trying to create a new farm map for myself, cause the one I found had all something missing to my playstyle. It was going quite well until I wantet to add a few waterfalls to the map. I looked at alle the tilesheets form the original content, but I couldnt quite find the tiles needed. I´m sure I´m overlooking something, so maybe, some of you could point me into the right direction - this would be great. I know i´ts kind of stupid to ask such a thing - but I really cant find it. Thank you in advance. :happy:
  19. Would be amazing if someone could recreate the crackhead abandoned hotel from Condemned 2, alot of the meth lab stuff is already present in ready or not and could be used. In fact, any levels from Condemned 1 or 2 would be great, maps with a really scary atmosphere fbi investigating serial killers etc type vibe.
  20. Hey, I've trying to use Dear Diary UI with Flat World Map Framework. Saw from one of the pictures on FWMF mod page that he had it enabled, however when I try I get Error Code 5 for map.swf. I can fix this by turning off Map Menu in SkyUI MCM, sure. But then that disables the Dear Diary UI in the map, so is there any way to circumvent this? My load order is fine btw, everything works fine. All other map mods I've used do this exact same thing, but now I actually wanted to use them together :sad: Edit: big oops here, had pastel map markers installed which caused the overwrite, works fine now without it, just gonna have to find a new map marker mod :))
  21. It is a personal peeve of mine that whenever I placed a beacon I'd have to zoom in on the map to see what number of beacon I have to follow. But then sometimes I forget the number and have to open the map again. I always thought this can easily be remedied if each numbered beacon have different colors both on the map and in-game. I'll be grateful if anyone make a mod of this or direct me on how to make it.
  22. i need help, just want any modder add the function or change character's icon. let us know the character face orientation
  23. I would love to see a Map mod for God Of War on Steam, where you mod the map to show more like 1- Raven locations 2- All chests locations 3- Collectable locations ect like that, so trying to grid a %100 won't be so bad there is a website that shows almost everything but you have to edit manually
  24. I'm trying to work on a mod that alters the backwoods path and adds a new map. It's been giving me a lot of trouble and these are the errors I'm getting now. Does anyone know where to go from here?
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