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  1. ATCHUNG! For those who have downloaded the cbbe knee fix for the Animated Mannequins mod (can someone please port it and its armed mannequins addon to Skyrim for f*#@ sake) and are experiencing CTDs when selecting female or armed mannequins take note: The reason is because the female mesh is missing. (I found that out by going into the CK and seeing that instead of the mesh there was that red diamond exclamation point thingy.) It turns out the culprit is the cbbe knee fix, which requires the Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB mod. Now what the knee fix does is redirect the mesh path to that of the skeletal adjustments mod. However, neither the game nor the CK are aware of this and try to look for it in the original directory. When I actually took the time to read the knee fix description I knew that would explain why the female mesh was missing, so I uninstalled the knee fix and the skeletal adjustments and PRESTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The female mesh shows up in the CK and no more CTDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. K so this wandering mannequin thing is a royal pain in the aasimar. I thought the Unofficial Skyrim Patch fixed it, but when I place mannequins in my own mods, they still wander. I've been searching for days trying to find a decent workaround and I've come up empty. (Apparently the Unofficial patches only fix script issues, but don't do anything for the wandering.) The best advice was able to find was to create an isolated navmesh "island" under the mannequin so it wouldn't have anywhere else to go. I did that, and so far the mannequin hasn't wandered, but now whenever I wait or sleep or leave/enter the cell there's a chance that NPCs I leave behind will somehow magically teleport onto that navmesh island and be stuck. I tried placing a collision cube over the mannequin surrounding the navmesh island (collision layer L_unidentified), but that didn't make a difference. So what's the "official" best practice for modders to avoid the wandering mannequin bug? Preferably without side effects >.< :EDIT: So, for future reference, I'm putting the answers here so it'll be easy to find for others. The "official" best practice is to create an isolated navmesh island for the mannequin. It's as simple as that and works. However, there are some other bugs that can present themselves and be very confusing. If the mannequin's XMarkerHeading is the last XMarker placed in the cell, and (presumably, I haven't tested it) if there's no COCMarker in the cell, then NPCs may spawn on the mannequin when the cell loads. This can be mitigated by modifying or placing another XMarker elsewhere in the cell after you finish the mannequins. Teleport markers may work, I haven't tested that far either. If the navmesh island is too small, the mannequin may still wander. I've updated the CK wiki mannequin tutorial to reflect these issues.
  3. Need some help with this one ! Am currently using "the Okaazah" ship as a player's home, and lovin'it. It's got plenty of space, storage, a crew & ambience. I've totally remodelled the interior to suit, and it's perfect. But it needs an armoury with mannequins and weapon racks!! Does anyone know of a stand alone armoury, which could be accessed by a portal or spell from the ship ? I've been looking, but am yet to find one. Any ideas ?
  4. Is there a mod that works for all vanilla mannequins? in my fallout game i had a mod that when you interacted with mannequins you could decide if they were male or female. I cant seem to find one for skyrim, all mods seem to be either all male or all female and i'v tried the sex change command but then your left with these stupid wrong gender hands, feet and head. I also dont want the original texture as it doesnt show armor off fully, either a skin texture or a brighter wooden texture. Like why do the mannequins look like bark? should they not be a brighter wood colour of carved wood? I am using a house mod that has loads of mannequins so it would be a waste to only have one gender for armors
  5. okay so i have a huge lag/framerate problem id like to start off by saying that i usually can run my skyrim in ultra configs without any lag happening my computer is an AlienWare (don't know the exact model) okay so i was playing skyrim, you know just having a good time and then i got back to my home in windhelm and i noticed my mannequins were behaving like npc's (they were not walking arround but they were moving their arms and headtracking me) at first it kinda freaked me out but i moved on and forgot about it... later on i hit a major lag spike so i waited for it to pass.... problem is it never passed ! now im getting so much lag my game is not even playable ! i know for sure that my problem is not due to my graphics settings since ive tested my game with the lowest graphics settings and i was still getting this terrible lag. ive looked up on the internet and found out that my files might have been corrupted so i did this thing in skyrim where you right click on the game then go to properties and click on "verify integrity of game cache". it said that there was 1 file corrupted and that it had been retrieved, but even after that my game is lagging balls ! i really need help on this one i can't live if i don't get my daily hours of skyrim :(
  6. Okay so, I'm working on a mod to add mannequins with items you can buy (or steal) to various merchants around Skyrim and Solstheim. I have, I believe, the guts of the mod working as far as that goes; the mannequins load their items, reset their inventory with their parent cell, you can buy the items from their owning merchant or just steal them straight off the mannequin, etc. The one thing I have not yet been able to do is get them to pose consistently. What I >do< know is that the code below processes to at least the SendAnimationEvent call; tracing immediately beforehand shows the correct pose string is pulled from the array and used in the SendAnimationEvent call. However that call has inconsistent results: Sometimes the mannequin will pose, sometimes it will partially pose, and sometimes it won't move at all. So, help? Relevant code from the script as follows: string[] Property AnimEventStrings Auto ;A list of animations for SendAnimationEvent Float[] Property AnimationRuntimes Auto ;A list of animation lengths for use with the above int Property CurrentPose = 1 Auto ;Which animation should be played to set the mannequin's pose bool fired = false Event OnInit() if !fired fired = true {snip} ;tries to make sure nothing goofy happens before the pose code runs EnableAI(false) endif EndEvent Event OnCellAttach() if isEnabled() PlayCurrentPose() {snip} endif EndEvent Function PlayCurrentPose() ;CurrentPose is indexed from 1, but the arrays are indexed from 0 ;moves mannequin to its linked marker PopToMarker() ;checks if assigned pose index is within the array bounds if CurrentPose > 0 && CurrentPose - 1 < AnimEventStrings.Length ;pauses to wait for mannequin 3D to load while !is3DLoaded() endwhile ;enables AI to allow for animations EnableAI(true) ;Notification("Playing pose " + AnimEventStrings[CurrentPose - 1] ) SendAnimationEvent(self, AnimEventStrings[CurrentPose - 1]) ;waits for pose to finish playing if CurrentPose > 0 && CurrentPose - 1 < AnimationRuntimes.Length Wait(AnimationRuntimes[CurrentPose - 1]) else Wait(1) endif ;disables AI to freeze mannequin in place EnableAI(false) endif EndFunction Function PopToMarker() SetPosition(GetLinkedRef().GetPositionX(),GetLinkedRef().GetPositionY(),GetLinkedRef().GetPositionZ()) SetAngle(GetLinkedRef().GetAngleX(),GetLinkedRef().GetAngleY(),GetLinkedRef().GetAngleZ()) EndFunction
  7. So when I use menus for mods (such as crafting or placing in Frostfall, opening mannequin menus or containers when you have the new mannequin scripts installed from "vanilla mannequin script fix") there is a large span of time (30 seconds to 4 minutes) before any menu will open up. The mannequins inventory will not open, the tent will not spawn etc. I have no idea why this happens and I have not found any solutions. I can provide any needed information. Thank you for reading!
  8. Hi everyone! a small request to mod the mannequins in player's homes. I was wondering why mannequins can hold a shield but no weapons... I really like decorating my manors and homes with full armor sets but unfortunately it is impossible to add a matching weapon... I understand that it would be only for one handed weapon because of the way the mannequins are... or maybe putting the two handed weapon on their back.. What do you think? cheers guys, have a nice day!
  9. Hello, Has anybody had any problems spawning their mannequins? Is there a limit to the amount you can have? When I try to spawn one, I get a head bust that falls to the floor, and a message 'no mannequin available. Any ideas? thanks, Chris
  10. Anyone knows, how to increase the number of manneqiuns, 16 is not enough (mod). Or how to double them, Feng Shui didn't work
  11. Hi. I've battered my brain into squidgy mush with this one. The thing is, I've tried all sorts and not been able to equip the mannequins with stuff in their inventory. Each mannequin I've tried this with has been duplicated and renamed to ketilMannequin01 etc. Here's what doesn't work for me... Editing the base and adding armour sets (custom or vanilla) to the default outfit. This shows up as worn in the render window but not in game. I've seen that posted as a solution elsewhere...it doesn't work. Adding items of armour to their inventory, changing their race so that I can check the 'use inventory' box. These mannequins appear in game as their new race but unclothed. I've tried running a quest and adding the armour to an alias inventory linked to the mannequin. This didn't work either although I may have made an error with how the quest was set up When I add armour to the mannequins inventory, it shows up in game when the mannequin is talked to and I can take them and equip them so that it then shows up on the mannequins, so I've not made any basic errors with the mannequin set-up. The obvious fix (for somebody who knows their scripting, which isn't me, alas) would be to make alterations to the DefaultActivateMannequin script, because disabling this script from the working mannequin results in a mannequin dressed in the default armour that I give it, except that it spookily turns its wooden head to look at you and of course I couldn't take its armour unless it was dead. The quest attempt was done by following Hellcat5's guide to the letter. Unfortunately the tutorial doesn't show how he set up the quest that runs to dress them, except for the part about setting up the aliases. I may have made a mistake in setting up the quest. My location (both interior and exterior) is set up to the exterior map marker (Hellcat5 uses an XMarker for this). I have set an encounter zone for the location interior. I added a stacked branch node to the dungeons section for my quest. The 'shares event' checkbox is ticked. the only condition I added was: S GetInCurrentLocation Location: KetilbjornsFrestLocation == 1.00 AND The quest itself has priority 60, is a ChangeLocationEvent (I've tried it with no event type assigned too) and has only stage 0 set up with the 'start up' box checked. The 'StartOnGameEnabled' box is checked. I tried using quest type miscellaneous and 'Side Quests'. Neither work Does anybody know what I've missed or got wrong with the quest? Is there a script that I can add to the Mannequins that allows items added to the inventory in the CK to be worn? Maybe some clever person has written a script to replace the vanilla item. Such a thing would bring vast joy to this beleaguered soul this festive season! (I'm easily pleased) By the way, I haven't added any navmesh yet and I read that that messes with mannequins but from the script, it looks like the navmesh is only needed for them to head for their locations in the cell and wouldn't have any effect on how they equip/unequip armour. Maybe I'm wrong on that.
  12. Hello guys, I just installed the game and some mods and for some reason all mannequins now keep unequipping/not accepting armor (no relations to a specific item). It doesn't dupplicate armor, just won't "accept" some itens or accept others (if I leave the house or go to the cellar and come back the itens accepted or refused may change). It happens in all houses, all mannequins. Aditionaly to unequipping armor/clothes/rings/etc. it's also possible that a item will be "accepted" by the mannequin returning to the inventory as a stole item. If I disable SkyUI OR USLEEP the problem is gone (also won't happen if both are disabled) but if any of them stays on it will happen. If all the other mods are active and SkyUI and/or USLEEP are disabled the problem won't happen. I also tried using the Unofficial patches (vanilla and DLC) as opposed to USLEEP but with the same results. My load order (using LOOT) is correct and changing the ordem SkyUI loads made no difference. Anyone has any suggestion? My mod list is: USLEEPSkyUISkyComplete (Vanilla and DLCs)Unread Books GlowBlessings Altar DescriptionsBarenziah Quest MarkersQuality World Map with no cloudsSharlikrans Compatibility Patches - LOOT sugestionSKSE from Steam
  13. I started to work on a female mannequins mod that allows you to change them so they can equip Female armor. I have it working but every time I change there gender the head stays the same as the previous one. I think this has something to do with the code and would like some help. I'm new to modding the Skyrim code.
  14. Just need want some different mannequins since i get different homes modded homes and i always see wood mannequins so i want to make a request if anyone would like to make mannequins Life like Mannequins. it would be awesome Thanks. (P:S I don't know if one pic looks like a real person. idk if it is or not.)
  15. Hi there, I'm wondering if there's already a mod to add more mannequins to your house or maybe replace some items of the house with mannequins. Maybe something like Jaxonz Positioner would fit my needs (and not only mines I guess). Thanks for help in advance.
  16. I've been adding mods to my fallout game to help make it more into a survival horror. I was curious if there was a mod out there that replaced human enemies with something else, lets say mannequins?
  17. Ok, here's my problem, I have a couple of player home mods that add some cool homes to my game, but I'm having an issue where if I'm away from the home for more than 3 days in game all the item containers, including what is supposed to be player owned containers, and the mannequins all reset. sometimes the items are just gone, and sometimes they are there but can't be seen (mostly on the displays and mannequins). I have been using the some mods for almost over a year now with an exception of trying out a couple of mods here and there. but i always try for a clean un install or start a new game when i remove the items I didn't want to keep. This problem only started happening here in the last 3 months. I have tried different mods that people have said will fix this problem but they all seem to create more issues. does anyone know what the root of this problem may be so I can solve it instead of just putting a band aid on it???? Thank You Axle
  18. I have searched high and low for a solution and haven't found anything pertaining to my particular problem yet. I am working on a mod, and have created some custom interior cells. Within one of these cells, I have some mannequins set up. I have not assigned triggers or anything because they are only intended to act as static suits of armour. However,even ones without anything equipped still have this problem. When I load up Skyrim and go to my interior cell, they are simply not there. I realize how buggy the mannequins in this game can be, and its extremely irritating that I cannot find a solution yet. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, They EDIT: Sometimes they show up and sometimes they dont. Its seems to be completely random.
  19. I am looking for a player home of any kind thats functional. Im not sure if one already exists with these features and if one does please direct me to it. Im interested in the following features Plenty of Mannequins, i have Immersive armors and would love to be able to display more than 6 or 7 in a single home. Weapon Racks would be nice as well to go with imemrsive weapons. Shrines: Not only am i looking for the 9 divines, i am also wanting the other 5 (Nocturnal, Auriel, Mephala, Boethiah, and Azura). It sucks being an archer and not being able to do anything with Auriels cause its so secluded. All Crafting stations, including the Oven and Smelter if possible. (bonus: grain mill, apiary, fishery) Not overwhelmingly big like some of the castles are. Or empty. I like clutter that fills a room and makes it lively. Steward, Housecarl, bard. it sucks living alone sometimes. (bonus) Childrens Bedroom. (bonus) Decent Library (bonus) nice farming area or greenhouse.So yeah: essentially Heathfire Plus (and then some...) If anybody knows any mod that fills this or at least most of it, I would be grateful if i could be directed. Until then, ill be combing through one at a time... Jaggarsfeld was a nice home but lacks the shrines (which goes with its lore of being provided through Hircine)
  20. Greeting and salutations from the land down under. In Oldrim, I used to use a wonderful mod by the name of Jaxonz Positioner to decorate my houses, and moves things to where I wanted them to be, including mannequins. I am a big fan of the mannequins and take my hat off to all who developed the skinned mannequins., but anyway, I'm getting off topic. I would move the mannequins that came with the house, if any, as well as use the console to port mannequins into the home, which I would then use the Jaxonz Positioner to move them to a more desirable location. However, with SSE, this does not work with the ported version of Jaxonz Positioner,, though it is still a great mod for positioning most other things. I do not know how to mod, or how to use the creation kit to achieve what I want, so I was therefor wondering if anyone knew of another mod, or console command, or any other way, that I can once again relocate my mannequins to where I would like them to be. This is my first ever post or thread on the forums, so if this has been asked before, or if I have posted this in the wrong place, then please accept my apologies. Thanks in advance for any assistance or help, and for taking the time to read and reply to my question and post. Cheers Shamino
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