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  1. Hello! The problem was on my end not yours. I am so sorry. I honestly did think it was this website, after researching and doing all the recommended checks plus some, but it is no longer just this site Bitdefender is upset with. I would delete this post but I cannot figure out how, if NexusMods wishes to do so, feel free. On the off chance someone else reports a similar issue, I have Bitdefender's most frequent notification posted below: "We blocked this page for your protection: https://omnatuor.com/event The page attempted to download a PUA (Potentially Unwanted App) to your device. This type of apps exhibit behaviors that impact the privacy and security of your device and data." I doubt this site was the cause now that the issue is no longer isolated to nexusmods as I have never had issues with this site before. At least not when I am logged in to my premium (ad free) membership. However I do not know for sure where the issue came from. If others report a similar issue indicating it did originate from your site, I will happily provide further information. Otherwise, I apologize for wasting your time and hope you have a nice day! Thank you!
  2. Hello All, Not sure if this is a known issue or not, but I'm experiencing issues with the nexus mods page. the pages constantly refresh and my antivirus sends me hundreds of notifications saying that: This webpage <do not click> http://video-player.ironbeast.io/ is identified as infected with malware. This webpage has been successfully blocked by Antimalware filter and your PC is now safe. Is anyone else experiencing this issue on the nexusmods page? I don't get the notification on any other webpages.
  3. Checking out the new uploads today and one of them is "More grass on screen" with chat disabled by moderator. I'm not sure what caused this but I'm curious as to what and how this supposed modification is implemented. Whenever skyrim.ini or skyrimpref.ini are concerned, it's best to be cautious and give 100% of the details as to not break someone's game. Am I right? So did anyone download this configuration and run it? I would like to know what changes are made in order to achieve distant grass coverage, that hasn't already been uploaded to the Nexus.
  4. Ok I've noticed over this last month and the end of January I've been getting a couple of Avast blocking Alerts while surfing this site, again not downloading anything just surfing the skyrim mods section. It's only happened a couple of times so far with today being the most recent. This was my last popup as of today. I suspect a malicious ad, which is apparently getting through my adblocker (And blocking this stuff is the only reason I use Adblocker to begin with). Though It could be a false alarm. So yeah, not sure what is up with that, hasn't happened on any other site that I've surfed so far. Anybody else had this happen?
  5. Hi, i've been having difficulty with some mods because when i try to install certain mods malwarebytes is detecting ransom ware when i install them and i get locked out every time it happens and i don't know what to do. The mods i'm aware of that malwarebytes is detecting ransom ware on is: Daedric reaper armor, frost witch armor and FNIS. I don't know of any other mods with this problem because I've not tried any other mod because I have been locked out my nexus mod manager.
  6. I keep getting sent to a website (dingit.tv) while using chrome browser. It's the type of popup ad that says you have been selected to participate in something as a Comcast customer. It only seems to happen when I am browsing through a mod's description section in the mods list. I've scanned my full computer with both Webroot and Malwarebytes and neither have turned up anything. Could this be a server side issue?
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