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  1. There are mods that add the Outfit & Weapon of her Crimson Abyss frame. It would be cool if there were ones that did the same for the outfit and weapon of her Crimson Weave frame.
  2. Title says it all, been wanting one for the longest time, it's the only missing piece to my perfect of a character, S'raska.
  3. I'm looking to commission a custom longsword, please contact me if you're willing to work with me on this!
  4. Hey folks, how are you? The githiyanki 2h sword stance and attack animations are the coolest in the game, but I wanted to play as human for my playthrough. Could a kind soul create a mod that substituted human 2h and versatile (greatsword and longsword) sword animations for the githiyanki ones? Is it even possible to do? Are there any mods out there that already allow it? I would be so so grateful and would consider a donation for your trouble. Thank you!
  5. Hi! Well, I just really love Phalar Aluve and I don't want to part ways with it for "better" weapons, it really suits my paladin. Would someone be able to create a mod editing it to be a Legendary tier weapon? Making it +3. Thanks in advance! I don't know if it's a simple request, but that's it.
  6. I am formally requesting a weapon model mod that replaces one of the endgame weapon models for the long sword with the thunder edge sword from Okami https://media.sketchfab.com/models/6e066e15f84e4e499401fb6bc7619477/thumbnails/eb04640cead742c5b5b8c29c0569c34e/9657113a8d3543719e902bc60f891854.jpeg The included link should take you to the picture of the sword. I know you can find some 3-D files online and I also know theres a, in game I guess, model for second life available for sale.
  7. So I keep seeing people talking about (also modding in) European style swords. And nothing against these weapons, I love long swords. That said, I think they are a bit out of place in the cyberpunk world. So I present to you alternative ideas. https://www.deviantart.com/peterku/art/Alex-609819943 https://www.deviantart.com/peterku/art/Lucano-803674133 https://www.deviantart.com/peterku/art/Rodrigo-804732763 Not saying you have to use these or anything, by all means keep using medieval weaponry. I just figured I would try to give some options for ideas.
  8. Had to retype this. Anyway for all interested what I'm essentially requesting is two separate things. What I mean is aimed at two different groups of modders. Animations and models, obviously the models are armour. Animations. Basically a replacement of especially the basic striking animations for the One hand+shield and two handed sword. As well as perhaps an idle for the sword+ shield, details below. Animation Sword and Shield - I'm proposing maneuvers/strikes inspired by historical buckler/Viking shield combat (videos at the bottom of this segment.) What I'm basically looking for is striking animations from the guard/idle stance (shield held mostly out in front and on a basically 45-50 degree angle relative to the chest, you can see what I'm referring to in the video.) in which the blade will cut or thrust around the shield while the sword hand remains behind the shield. As for the strikes the least telegraphed/more direct they are the better, in other words straight from the guard without pulling back, to the target (opponent's head, torso or arms.) and back to the guard without drawing it all the way to the opposite side of the body. Of course it'd be even better if you could include attacking with the shield at the same time (see the video.) but this is obviously more difficult. There's several mechanics I'd like to implement within my own game (But if finished/requested I might upload here.) that require such animations. Essentially more emphasis on stamina and needing to get through your opponent's guard to deal damage, this will likely include making striking/idle stance similar to when actually blocking. When stamina (which I plan on overhauling if possible.) is at a certain interval it will be easier to actually deal damage. Longsword - Similar to above, basic striking motions from the guard (an emphasis here should be making sure the blade is drawing across the body and not slapping it.) guard ------> target ------> back to guard. (Guard = idle stance.) Also if it's possible (if someone does choose to pick this up.) could more than two animations be added? What I mean is in vanilla there's a standard of 2 standard striking animations per direction. Where as if possible it would be interesting to instead have 6 or 8 striking animations and extend these to all directions instead of 2 per direction (essentially the same amount of animations but all given the same parameters.) Videos [.video=youtube;HNEBpu8eDsU]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[/video.] Basic striking motions, if you're interested in taking this further beyond basic striking I'll happily provide source material from videos/interpretations of techniques to some pictures of the plays/techniques in the manuscripts. A point here, the motions don't need to be as stiff...this is exaggerated, more importantly strikes are meant to be initiated by steps and not leaps as he's doing....just in case you were overwhelmed with the possible difficulty of implementing the above seen footwork. I'll happily provide other videos or pictures of the same basic strikes if need be. [.video=youtube;dkhpqAGdZPc]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[/video.] Explaining Sword and shield combat with buckler and viking shield. Basic but a great place to start. Look to this mainly for basic guards (what I mean is you don't need to replicate the striking here.) Armour Basically some historical pieces as well as replicas. I'll start with some common pictures/photos and see what you make of it, if you need different angles/pictures I'll see what I can do. http://i65.tinypic.com/15x1f6c.jpg There's a lot more variants in this sort of style I haven't put here at the moment. (image 1) Beautiful depiction, great harness (image 2) Anyone who makes these or any of the harnesses from the "gladiatoria" is a legend. (image 3) http://i67.tinypic.com/33fdmww.jpg Plate with Coat, shirts or Jackets would be amazing (image 1) Late 15th Century Gothic. Could of used some museum pieces and in fact will if requested but this is a very easy to see picture. (image 2) http://i65.tinypic.com/ac9bup.jpg 14th/early 15th Century harness (image 1) Late 14th Century harness, note the Coat of plates. Essentially Leather/linen lining with 6 or more large plates riveted to each other on the inside of it. (image 2) Another great 14th Century style harness, of course decorated. (image 3) Maximilian armour, 16th Century. http://www.steel-mastery.com/media/pages/gambeson2.jpg Example of one style of padded Jacket/Gambeson. http://swordteacher.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/italian-fredericki-c1450_896-245x300.jpg It'd be incredible if someone could make this, as well as other helmets yes...but this one specifically. An interesting mechanic I'd love to see if I can work out to do with helmets like these, well several actually. There it is, feel free to respond whether you're interested or not...if you need any further information or details. If you're only interested in making the model, I'll happily put the models into the game and if asked upload it either myself or provide you with the file so you can upload it. I'm only truly interested in the existence of these models/animations for download and little more at the moment. Definitely more requests I have but I don't want to overwhelm anyone here, remember I'm not asking of any single person to create everything here...mainly one piece here and there from different sets. On the last example about, I'm only looking for the Bascinet+aventail, not the mail set...there are many mail sets available already on Nexus...not all of them are exactly historical (of course there's definitely room for more there.) but what I mean is there is a notable lack of Bascinets+aventail. I guess I await your responses. I should point out again that the reason I'm requesting a lot of these is to give a purpose to some mechanics I'm looking to add myself (whether I keep these to myself or upload for others, I'm not a professional however...most of it will be basic stuff but the difference lies in really what I'm looking to achieve rather than anything else.), this isn't something I'm requesting just to brighten up my latest playthrough but so I can implement functions myself to complement these. Thank you very much for reading this very lengthy post, trust me it took me as long to type this thing as it took you to read it. So long in fact that at least for the moment I haven't checked it for errors/typos...sorry if there are oddities. Beautiful depiction, great harness
  9. Hello, I was wondering if anyone would like to re-create the "Wolfsbane" sword by DarkSword Armoury in Skyrim. It is a beautiful sword and would really like to use it in game with it probably having stats similar to Daedric weaponry. So once again if any modders would like to add this I would be extremely grateful. And I am positive that many other players would enjoy a wonderful sword like this one. The website advertising the sword https://darksword-armory.com/products-page/medieval-swords/wolfbane-1544/ also has specifications on the weapon. Total length: 47" Blade length: 38" Blade width at base: 2"
  10. Has anyone yet retextured the lost longswords glass and elven swords to match BGM glass and elven armors? I feel that i speak for many when i request this retexture! i would love to see something like this done! Happy modding!
  11. So after learning some things about medieval history and weapons, and playing For Honor recently, I have come to the conclusion that there is one simple thing that would make Skyrim more immersive and "realistic" for me. I want all of the weapons labelled as "Greatsword" to be renamed to "Longsword". See, all of the greatswords in Skyrim aren't actualy what they are called, as real greatswords are significantly larger than in game. In some circles, they are even considered as polearms because of their shear size. However, the two handed swords in Skyrim are more akin to a longsword due to their size. If somebody could please make the appropriate renames to the items for me, that would be most appreciated. If the process of doing so is simple enough for someone with no actual knowledge of the Creation Kit to do, I will take instructions for that with a smile on my face.
  12. hello everybody at the nexus :smile: I've seen a lot of mods out there that include different versions Eddard Stark's Valyrian Steel sword ICE but iv'e been on the search for his Longsword that he uses in the show. If anyone could make this sword it would be greatly appreciated! I tried to make my own version, but I know absolutely nothing about creating custom meshes/textures so it didn't work out so good LOL... I will upload a few photos of the sword here. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this post, HAPPY MODDING!! :smile:
  13. I am not yet capable of modding this game, and so far I haven't really felt the need too. I have a couple of minor mods installed, but there is something I really start seeing a need for. I think the Strength and Agility stats increase too fast compared to some of the skills, and would like to slow them down a bit. It would also be nice to have all the longswords agility based, so there is more balance between Strength/Agility. One thing I really want nerfed, and it became even more pressing as I recently started a Hardcore game, is Horse-riding. There are so many ways to help increase horse-riding skill, and it tops out way too early. It would be nice if you actually had to use some of the trainers to gain skill here, especially in Hardcore, as you have to ride around a lot since there is no fast travel.
  14. Preface: I have no knowledge of how to mod or how to even go about switching the folder names appropriately and haven't been able to find a good guide to do so. Given the right direction of where to get started i would gladly do so. I have noticed a severe lack of any mods for switch axe. I have recently fallen in love with the move set of the Switch-Axe, but I cannot stand the bulk of it on my characters back or even the positioning. Would there be any possible way to exchange the skins to greatsword options or even longsword options? I feel as though using switch-axe attacks with greatsword skins and/or longsword skin would look amazing and feel really cool to be doing with those weapon types as greatswords move-set is limited and longsword just feels wonky to me. So my request, could anyone do this type of thing for me? Is it possible to replace the skin for both the axe and sword modes to just one greatsword or longsword and still keep the move-set the same? Any responses would be amazing and you all are beautiful people. Thanks for taking the time to read my request.
  15. Er, I meant "long sword and/or Anri's sword" in the title... sorry :x Just as it says... I would love for either/both of these weapons to not have a scabbard! I'm so close to a clip-less character but for these two weapons. Thanks for reading! Changed the title to reflect what you intended. :) - KunoMochi
  16. I just wanted to ask for a retexture for the glass longsword from the Lost Longswords mod. Basically I use Morrowind Looking Glass and the glass longsword clashes with the other glass gear. Or if it already exists, would you mind sharing it with me? Thank you.
  17. Hi, i want a Mod to make Foresight slash always happen, or to have a big windown to do it, thanks Ps: Sorry for the bad english.
  18. Does anyone know what file and values I need to change in order to make the spirit roundslash increase the spirit gauge level by 2 or 3 instead of just 1?
  19. Two awsome sword mods that I have yet to see ported to SSE are the Lozenge S145 Shortsword and the Lozenge S130 Longsword, can anyone port those two over?
  20. Hey guys So I have never really messed with creating mods or even messing with the vanilla game, I've rarely even used console commands in games. I have always loved the idea of using full bound gear as a conjurer, but the idea of either going Blunt or using a dagger/ two-handed sword seemed pretty dumb. As an alternative I would like to create a Bound long-sword spell. I think I remember having a go a few years ago but never got anywhere with it I was wandering if anyone could give me a basic rundown of how to: 1. create a bound weapon spell that would give a properly scaled bound Daedric long-sword to the caster, 2. allow this weapon to scale with Supreme Magicka (or any other similar mod if there's a replacement. I have only used SM for the last few part playthroughs). This is more a request for help in doing it myself, so any help would be greatly appreciated as a pre warning I don't usually post to many forums, let me know if I've done anything wrong. I also searched and could not find anything on this surprisingly simple idea. but if you can find anything a link would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Leark
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