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  1. I was wondering why are deliveries made by one guy in all of Skyrim? And I doubt certain factions would trust a common civilian to deliver their shady packages and letters. So would it possible to make a mod that brings messager birds into Skyrim. Now I'm not saying to replace the Courier that would probably be impossible to do, what I am saying is to make a mod that would act like the Notice Board mod by Mannygt and Jobs of Skyrim by Littleork. Each major holds would have a bird roost to find the messager birds where the letters and quests are given, maybe each hold would have a different bird to represent them. If not then each factions should definitely have their own roosts and birds giving out quests that will fit the factions that they are assigned to. This is how I picture it so far. The Companions = Hawks The Thieves Guild = Ravens College of Winterhold = Owls Dark Brotherhood = Ravens with red eyes or feathers Dawnguard = Golden hawks or eagles Volkihar Clan = Either the same as the Dark Brotherhood or Bats
  2. Was hoping someone could brighten or extend the render distance on neon letters in settlement building. Noticed that after like, 20-30 feet the letters would dim/fade and become impossible to decipher, which kinda defeated the purpose of putting up NEON signs. Searched if anyone had made a mod similar to this, but only found one that brightened settlement lights in general, but it did not brighten neon letters. I'd be grateful if anyone way more talented than myself would fulfill my request. If not, oh well. It's not like the end of the world or any...thing.
  3. Hello all, today ive came across a rather game crippling CTD. Every single time I scroll on or over a note/letter in the inventory it crashes to my desktop. All my mod manager ( Mod organizer ) said was not saving lists during directory update. I don't know what that means exactly but I wasn't sure if it tied to my problem. I mod skyrim quite a bit but hadn't installed any new mods that changed anything like letters or notes but just in case I unplugged the books of skyrim mod and still had CTD. Please help, I cannot start the dragon born quest without it! Please get back ASAP! Thank you! :sad: UPDATE- Now the error seemed to stop but caused a bunch of new ones.. Now all my items ive stored places have vanished and when I try to put armor on mannequins or books on shelves it CTD. Any advice..?
  4. I am currently looking for a select few people who know how to read words and are willing to read a section of my mod that I have written. It will take approximately a full hour to read as it is about 17,000 words. I am looking for people who are ready to give feedback. The subject is a murder mystery with the Silver Shroud as the main character. There are multiple branching questlines going on that may or may not be hard to follow. I will PM you further information if you are interested.
  5. Solved Solution: https://forum.kingdomcomerpg.com/t/no-enlgish-texts/44356/11 I can't tell which Mod, or perhaps a file I have modified or deleted to cause this problem. Would Appreciate any help. Thank you C:\Games\Kingdom Come Deliverance\Localization C:\Games\Kingdom Come Deliverance\Data
  6. Hey, So when i play the game the game crashes sometimes when i reveal a letter and reads it or when i use Accio on flying letters and reads it the game crashes. I got a good pc with good speccs so it has nothing to do with that. On my old pc this never happened. What could be the problem? It's only when i reveal a letter and presses "F" to read it the game crashes or when i use the Accio to read the flying letters. Really need some help on this cause i can't really progress and level up if this is an issue :O
  7. I have oryginal Oblivion from steam. There is no offcial polish version of it to download on steam. I managed to replace some of the steam files with files with ones from polish cd. (Yeah - there was pl cd version but not on steam) I have everything translated but game isn't showing polish signs like Å, Å, Ä, Ź itd. inside books and item menu. It's annoying becaue some words are pretty hard to guess with 3 missing letters or so. :D And always did enjoyed reading books in all TES games. I can giveaway Tomb Rider 2013 steam key to anyone that will solve my problem. P.S. This problem occurs a lot people, so I won't be only person who will use it propably. Cheers edit: I see that this forum doesn't have polish letter aswell. XD
  8. So I recently got the idea to have mailboxes at all the player homes (or placeable mailboxes for custom player homes). What this aims to do is pave the road for a new type of mods and some existing mods that have been looking for something like this to help make their mods more immersive and believable. Have you ever been wandering around in Skyrim in GODS know where, and you are just maybe sitting on some iceberg wondering how the hell you go there when suddenly a courier appears out of nowhere and hands you some inheritance money like ?!?!??!???!?? hOW ARE YOU HERE. How did that courier find you and even follow you to this gods forsaken corner of skyrim? It totally breaks immersion and then you have that awkward moment where the courier just stands around as if waiting for you to tip him or something and I usually just end up killing that sonofabitch just to break the awkwardness (killable couriers mod :tongue:). While this mailbox mod will definitely take care of those scripted in-game deliveries, it can also do MUCH more. This mailbox mod aims to connect you to the other people of Skyrim, something that the game itself doesn't really do too well on a large scale. While this mod doesn't aim to add actual scripts that send mail to your mailbox, other mods now have a outlet with which they could make mods like this. Here are a few ideas for how a Mailbox mod could be utilized for other mods: Mercenary Jobs: "Calling all Mercenaries! I've got a nice, hefty bag of gold for the first person to...." Gifts, Offerings, and payments: "Thank you again for .... Enclosed is a little something I put together to show you my gratitude."Salary Mods: self explanatoryAssassin Jobs: "I've got a... 'skeever problem' that needs to be taken care of..."Advertisements: "Come down to the freshly stocked Bits and Pieces! We've got everything, even that vase that looks suspiciously like the one you threw out last friday!"Special Events of Tamriel: Get updates to what events are going on today, and birthdays of close friends coming up or currently happening.Merchanting: "Hi, I was looking for a.... and I am told you are the person who can find it for me!" As you can see, there are a variety of ways a Mailbox mod could be used to add immersion and life to Skyrim in a way that hasn't been done before. If this mod gains enough popularity, it could become a staple of Skyrim modding and many mod authors would perhaps incorporate it into their future works. The work for this mod is very minimal as all that needs to be done is create a model for a lore-friendly mailbox and then have them placed at player homes all over Skyrim (or like I mentioned earlier, a spell (?) that can let you place these mailboxes whereever you want. The idea for this mod, I was actually inspired by Special Events of Tamriel where the author had a problem with how to relay information to players in a way that did not break immersion but rather pulled the player into the game even more. So tell me what you think and if this mod has the potential to take off and become something big. Thanks for reading!
  9. Hello. What I would like to know is how to make a letter using the Creation Kit. Like the ones that couriers in the game bring to you. I would like to know how to write the letter and put it in the game as an item. Thank you in advance. -Russ
  10. I was wondering if there is a mod where the Dragonborn can LEAVE LETTERS at certain locations? Of course for immersive RP purposes? You see, there are quests where you're tasked to kill, or steal from a bunch of guys right? And wouldn't it be nice if the player can write some sort of letter, leaving it at the scene of the crime? All I've been doing is leave a Nightshade flower to make it look like it's my M.O. I've thought about how awesome it would be at certain scenarios, for example--when you infiltrate Calcemo's museum, steal a bunch of stuff and replace some items on display cases for a letter from the culprit. The assassination missions from the Dark Brotherhood, especially killing the General's son and the Emperor himself. Killing the Silver-Bloods because they're just money-mongering dickheads. Killing Nepos the Nose and his crew, and putting their heads on a basket, and more. But what I want the most is killing the Thalmors and leaving a note. When I infiltrated the Thalmor Embassy, I beheaded all the Thalmors there and placed their bodies and heads on peculiar spots, like Elenwen's bed. Then, at the torture room, I beheaded Rulindil and his crew, piled up their corpses on Etienne's cell, and placed their heads on the table Rulindil was writing on. If only I knew how to make mods :(
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