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  1. I still need the text to be larger everywhere in the game that has words to read. This kind of mod was made in the other 2 witcher games, and I can not understand why there isn't at least one for witcher 3 also. I can't believe that I am the only one who wants this. I know there was an issue with tiny text last year and has been fixed supposedly. But it STILL is small from my couch.... I have to play this way. Is there a way to increase the text???
  2. Hey guys. I have a query for anyone who likes to mess with the maps, or for anyone else interested. Alrighty.. here's the situation... I'm a new modder... I'm trying to figure out creation kit and blender and that stuff... i'm nowhere near techy enough to figure out what to do... but I've had one single conniption fit with the game since I started playing, and I've noticed there hasn't been anything done to maybe help it, if not fix it. The main play maps are too small, in my opinion. In a realistic landscape, there wouldn't be tombs and hideouts sitting nearly on top of each other. Thus far, the immersion seems like it is limited to those who only travel on foot, with it being a fairly fast travel speed. (Roughly, i can get between Whiterun [city] and the center of Solitude within about a day of travel.) But wouldn't a normal hold have more land, or more radiant towns, in a true medieval form? On that note, it also seems a little OP for me to use a horse at all. The speed mods to adjust horses make it even worse, because either they're fast enough to cut all of my travel down to an hour, or they're so slow that the gait animations for the animal look way off, and it's just easier to walk. Is there any way to increase the overall size of the usable terrain so it's a lot more realistic as per size and spacing of the landscape, and make traveling either on foot or on horseback something that actually makes sense for the supposed distances? Or would a mod or patch for something like this end up being a game breaker?
  3. Has anyone ever created a mod that makes your player look like a muscular, tank type guy? I'm currently playing a dumb brute kind of character, but his average build makes him look... well, average. So I'm wondering if there's a mod already that allows you to make your character big and buff, like they're obviously stronger than most. I've already increased my character's size using console commands, but the generic build that everyone has in the game makes him look somewhat lackluster as a big brute/tank character. I'm looking for something like that "bruiser" trait in Fallout 1, and I think 2 as well, but that actually alters your player's size and appearance, which I don't remember if that trait did. Much thanks for any help regarding this! :smile:
  4. Greetings experienced Modders and Thread readers. Currently there is a modification file out on the Nexus that addresses the issue I want to address BUT I do not like the way, the current mod approaches it. I will link it below. Scavenging station get more item https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18375The mod basically replaces the existing Scavenging Station by adding a simple + to indicate that it is working like intended. In the mod, you can configure how many more items you want the Scavenger to find. But! I do want a stand-alone mod that doesn't replace the existing scavenging station but is rather built upon it and improving it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then what do I want? I want an Improved Scavenging Station(ISS) that you can configure how many items more it can generate per day cycle in the game. It should be a stand-alone game object that you place within your settlement and should be evidently larger than its traditional counterpart. Basically, look different and be an improved version of its counterpart. Without messing with the original resource object. When installing the mod, using Nexus Mod Manager, as a reference. An installation pop-up will occur with a bunch of check boxes. Where you can configure the ISS for your current active profile... These are suggested options; * How many times more production do you want? (Compared to original) - x2 - x3 - x4 - x5 * Do you wish the object to be locked behind the Perk/Perks? - No - Yes, Local Leader(1) - Yes, Local Leader(1) & Fortune Finder(1) Essentially, it should be a simple mod to create. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUT, if a person wants to invest their time with the mod development... They could also include an increased production depending on the assigned Settler. If a Settler doesn't wear any special clothes or items, they will produce according the installation configuration. But if the assigned settler is wearing Scavenging outfits, it will increase the production more. Alternatively, make a custom outfit one needs to buy from somewhere. Another reason I want it to be a stand-alone, is because It will reduce the potential conflicts with other mods. Also won't require bunch of other stuff with it. I do not have the DLC. Regards Casual Mod Leecher.
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