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  1. First of to avoid confusion I use the US GOTY version of Oblivion with all DLC. However since I'm German, I also use a lot of German mods next to my english mods. It's mostly house, beauty, race and quest mods. It's the quest mods especially that have been causing me trouble. Many of the German quest mods like Adash the city of Magic, Alt Bravil, die Rache des Ketzers, der Orden des Drachen seem to clash with english mods ike Dark Brotherhood Chronicles or the Lost Spires. The problem is that with most mods there is a list which mods it will clash with and which mods it won't, but that only applies to mods from the same language, so my approximation of which mods will work out and which won't is limited. For example I couldn't finish the normal Dark Brotherhood questline, because I couldn't kill Ungolim during the last questline. Something. most likely one of the quests, had made him an essential character. I tried turning it off via the console then mods, but nothing worked until I disabled all my mods one by one, which caused the whole game to crash. I had to uninstall the whole game and reinstall it just to play one quest. I'm still a newb when it comes to modding, can someone with a bit more experience give me some tips in how avoid this in the future.
  2. This is my first message in these forum, but i know the Nexus long time ago when i was finding info about Morrowind mods and the place is plenty of amazing work. I know that this site is dedicated for PC Games mods but my question affect mods for Fallout 4 for the Playstation 4. I need help and guidance because I don't find anything related to my case. So that's why I need the help of experts. Well, I have the spanish version for Fallout 4 and the voices are bad, pretty real bad quality. I have access to the original english dub, that is amazing but the problem is that i have to change the regional setting of the console to access the english voices. That changes all the game, including the subtitles and of course my other games (I cannot do for individual games xD). ¿The easy fix? That Bethesda makes a patch that put that option to change voices and subtitles in the menu of the game (like other games). But I don't think that will happen. ¿The most probable fix? A mod that in a certain way coul be enable a change of language voice... Like a cheat. And that's the question. ¿This idea of making that mod it's possible? ¿It's not? ¿Maybe the audio system of Bethesda Games it's hard to work it? Thanks for your attention. Greetings!
  3. I have recently found out that all users trying to donate to me via buttons and links on the Nexus are getting a German login and donation page on PayPal instead of the one in either their own language or English. My PayPal account is set to be German (for multiple reasons). Some of the donors have mentioned to me that they didn't know what to do because they can't read German, and there's no visible language toggle on PayPal's donation page. Now it would be logical if the donation page was either in the donor's own language, or always fixed at English. However this is not the case - English, Russian, German, French people are all getting my German login and donation page. Looking into the API for PayPal's donation buttons, I've found out that a possible fix would be forcing everyone's site to English via including this parameter on the HTML button: <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="en_US">https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/locale_codes/ Thanks for any help, thoughts or fixes. :smile:
  4. This may be the wrong place for this, but since most of you are experienced modders, maybe you've come across this. I recently downloaded the Reiko follower/armory mod from ModGames.net, which is in Russian. The mod was previously in English, but was taken down for whatever reason.The uploader said he had permission, but who knows. Normally I wouldn't resort to such dastardly means, but I figured I'd try it. Anyway, I used google to translate and installed everything correctly. I even went into the CK and renamed the items in English. However, when I saved my game, the save file came up in what I think is also Russian. I removed all traces of the mod and it seemed to fix it, but when I reinstalled the mod, it did it again. I'm not completely new to modding, but there's still a lot of stuff that goes right over my head. Does anybody know a fix for this? For reference
  5. I was looking for some new followers for Skyrim and finally found a cute one at Skyrim Nexus. But it was Turkish... And I don't speak a single word of Turkish. There was a link to the original (English) one but that mod doesn't exist any more. So... Obviously, the person changed the language from English to Turkish, so it should be possible to change it back. Unfortunately, I know as much about programming as a new born, so could anybody please tell me, how to do it? Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67006/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D67006%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Maybe, there IS an English version and I'm just too stupid to find it, so I linked it.
  6. Anyone have any idea where the voice files are stored? I could really use them for a small project I've got (personal use,non profit and all that). I looked through over 2000 files inside of sound.dat using Dunia2 and DecUbiSndGUI but didn't find a goddamn thing. Lots of Far Cry 4 tracks though. Thanks for any help, this forums seems unfortunately dead though :sad:
  7. It happened after I installed "Enderal Harvest Overhaul" Mod Screenshots are attached to the post Note: I tried deleting EVERYTHING.. i mean EVERYTHING, i even deleted all my saves and it didnt work I also tried removing all my mods and it still was like this. PLEASE help me fix this, its so annoying.
  8. Hello everybody! I am the leader of the Fallout4hun project, which is a group of translators/gamers. We are translating the game to hungarian language (the base F4 is around 65%, and some crafting DLC is already translated). The translation is using - the 3 Strings file Fallout4_EN.DLSTRINGS Fallout4_EN.ILSTRINGS Fallout4_EN.STRINGS - Translate_en txt file for the interface localization - fonts_en is a modified font (for the terminal-text, where is the hungarian coded letters has errors) - DDS textures for graphical translation of posters, writings, perktable, items, junks, etc. The reason for opening this topic is this: I have no extra time (next to translating, and work) to find a tutorial/try to modding/etc. I would like to make a mod, where all of this is combined to one (or some) .esp mod. - If we unpack/edit/repack the Interface.ba2 file with the editor, it will be different compression method, what is causing graphic problems sometimes, for a few players/testers. In my opinion, the .ba2 decompression is a little bit faulty in this times. - If we using the original interface file, and put the 2 files into Interface folder, sometimes the game is not read the modified strings (at some points), instead it using the original (from the interface.ba2 file, probably). There will be the third option: the mod-type of translation. I would like to see (and test with the players), is there any kind of problems with the translation (graphical or wrong string-readings), if we use the mod-type translation? That is the question. But - as i say - i do not have time for searching and trying the tutorials, for this type of "problem". Is there a tutorial somewhere, where different type of files (folders) and things like that is involved? Or maybe somebody do the mod for us, at least one time, for testing? :D We'll be blessing his name, and we'll put his/her name into the credits, too! :smile: Thanks for reading! Sunsetjoy www.fallouthun.hu
  9. Hello evryone. I have a slight problem with NVSE, let me try to explain it. I have a steam french version of fallout new vegas, since i'm french. I switched the game language to english in steam because I wanted to experience the game in a genuine way. It's working perfectly without NVSE, but when I launch the game with nvse loader, my game is switched back to french. It's not a big deal, I can still play the game but I would strongly prefer to play it in english rather than in french, so if anyone as an idea how to solve this, they are welcome :wink:
  10. Really need such thing, because I'm trying learn English playing game. But this game has literature level of english and it's very hard for me. I should spend so much time to stop game and find specific words I don't know. And not only this, because a lot of old-fashioned words that I can't even find in Oxford dictionary. So, the best thing it's just show quality localized translation directly with original english strings. I so much need it, of course I tried it myself, but the only one thing I understand using available utilites, I can just copy one w3strings phrases to another w3strings file. It's not a solution, there's need some special script, that allows take information from both w3string files. Think I'm not alone who requires this mod.
  11. I am a little rusty on my coding language, but I have to ask. What is the code language to the scripts in Fallout New Vegas?
  12. First of all, i hope i'm in the right section. :confused: Let's see if i can make this understandable; I'm Italian, and i play an Italian copy of the game. Very often, when i install a mod that is created with an english version of the game, a lot of names of things in the game turn into english. Now, the point is: I'm creating a mod using my Italian files in the GECK, but obviously i want everyone to use my mod without turning things in italian for them. How do i do it? ._. Is there a way to operate that doesen't give this problem, or have i to work on an english copy, if i want to make an english mod? God a chicken writes better than me in english. I hope this is understandable, even a little bit. Sorry for my bad english, and thanks in advance. (Don't hate me please)
  13. Hey, is there any way to force SkyUI and all mods that use MCM to use a certain language (english) instead of the automatically detected one? For example I am from Germany and I like to play Skyrim in german. Obviously not all mods are translated and I am fine with that. I like my base game in german and my mods in english. The problem is SkyUI and all Mods that use MCM are shown in german now. That would be fine if it was translated well but most of it is not translated well. In fact it looks mostly like google translate which is annoyingly bad. I really hope someone can help me with that. Thanks
  14. So, i know that sometimes if you install a mod from another country like, say.... Russia, then the game will try to replace English text in the game with Russian text, but since its the English version of the game, there are no Russian letters, and so the game just puts in a bunch of weird "i"s and "a"s and "e"s with accent marks above them. Well, i have no foreign mods installed, i just did a clean install, and installed only mods from English speakers, and somehow my games text is gradually being replaced with the weird symbols... help????
  15. Hello I got myself a bran new Copy of Morrowind, the thing is that it's on russian. I speak russian but I prefer english cuz it'S better imho. Well does anybody know how can change the language in Morrowind? If this is the fact please help me ^^
  16. I just bought New Vegas off Steam and the game installed fine, but even though I selected English as the language, the menu on the Launcher is in Russian! The game also loads like normal until i get to the start screen with the guy holding a gun. It plays the music and you can see the background, but there is nothing to select like New Game or Settings. I am on Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit. I'm not certain my computer is fit for the game, but it runs Skyrim pretty well so I assume I can run the game.
  17. Hi, i hope there will be a patch or something.. but it also seems i'm the only one with that problem.. cause i can't find someone with the same issues i have. In the past games of bethesda i came across some translation fails like some lockers or "spind" which is the german word for "locker" is shown as locker in the game, even when i play in german.. not every locker had that problem, just a few. But this time it's kinda different. Before i describe my problem, i want to let you know, that i'm just using texture mods, which couldn't affect the language selection. Problem: At the beginning of the game i collected a few things like "drifter outfit" every single piece i've collected was shown in german language.. but it seems like the farther i get in the storyline the more things changes their name into the english version of it. Why posting in modding request?: I think it should be fixable, but i'm not good at modding sadly. I can wait for a patch, but i think it will take ages for it.. especially when i'm the only one having this issue. So i'm asking here for an idea and a fix if more people experience this issue. Yeah, dat woul' be great.
  18. Hey guys, my game is currently in german, which is annoying me, so I want to change the language to english, using steam. The problem is, that i´ve got a lot of mods installed, so I am worried, that the language-pack might conflict with them (overwriting something, apart from the names/text). I am new to the forums, so i might have missed a similar question, but it would be nice, if somebody could help me out with that: "Is it safe to install a language-pack while having a lot of different mods installed? Or is it going to mess something up?"
  19. Somehow someway I have the entrance to vanilla places such as the entrance to a tavern or cave in the wrong language. Everything else, mods, items, people, all have the correct language for me, English. Can someone point me in a direction to look. Thanks.
  20. Hey I'm not sure where to ask a question like this, but I would like to change my default skyrim language from English to German, and I'm wondering how that will affect my mod setup. I got >200 mods and I havent really seen a question like this asked yet. I mainly want to change the language to German to increase my German language skills, and though I know modded stuff wont show up in german, will it break my game in other ways to change the vanilla game language in steam? I'm using MO, is it possible to set up different language profiles? I just feel like having the vanilla assets in English, like the main quests that I've already played through a bajillion times in English in a different language would make it a little fresher in my next playthrough and stuff. Feel free to tell me all about your multilingual playthroughs!
  21. I'm just recently experiencing an issue with occasional place names appearing in Italian (ie: Scavi di Saarthal) Interface and most things are in English. Any known info out there?
  22. Hey, first of all I have to apologize me for my english. I hope though you will understand my problem: As I am living in germany I have installed skyrim in german. Next I wanted to try out Skyui and it works very well w/o any problems except the only one that I have now a mixture of two languages. All descriptions, maps, inventory, perks, the books in game and so on are a mixing of english and german. Even the people in the game talk this mixture: one sentence in german and the next one in english. It really disturbs the whole story. Is there somebody who knows or who has this problem too? Is there a solution allready? I tried to figure out the reason for this "bug". But SKSE is working fine as well as skyrim and the other mod ( unreaden books glow). I have no other DLCs or mods except the unofficial akyrim patch. I tried the debugging mode by steam and reinstalling of all the parts. Nothing helps. Of course is the installing order of the patch and mods ok. I can not imagine what I can do else. Thanks for every helpful reply!
  23. Hi, after playing around with language files, I can't seem to get my Fallout 4 to launch again. It crashes right after selecting a save. Things I've tried: Redownloading the original language files Successfully verifying the game via steam Completely redownloading it via Steam Disabling ALL mods Enabling ALL mods that were previously active Doing neccessary .ini edits in order to propely run mods Restarting my PC The only save I am able to load is a different character of mine being in Vault 111 at the very beginning of the story. I am able to leave the vault, but any save further will crash, even a Vault 111 save on my current character. Any help will be greatly appreciated as I am really running out of ideas and I'm really afraid of losing my current save! :sad:
  24. Firstly, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, so I apologize if it isn't. I've been trying to update Oblivion since my game is currently at version 1.0.228. However, I have no clue what language it's in(though I suspect Russian). Here is an image of the box art. Warning, my phone sucks so the image isn't all that good. It'd be helpful if someone could tell me what language this was in and if there is a patch for it that updates to the latest version. Thank you in advance.
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