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  1. I was working with a modders reasource that added a new land for modders to edit and build upon, but in one area, there's this strange passable land that is not visable in the creation kit, but it's there, and it's showing up in game, and on the map. I don't know how to remove it and it's making the area in which I placed stuff look odd and bad.
  2. So I want to make a worldspace (not an interior, I need the space) that is completely open sky, with no land or water in it. I know you can just tick off the land, but how do I get rid of the water? If I have LOD water off, and the water far enough away, would it become invisible? Or is there some way I don't know of to remove it entirely? Any ideas?
  3. I'm making a city mod that changes land, objects and trees. I've made land LOD with oscape and objects TES5LODGen, and it works fine for me. My question is; which LOD files do i include to the public mod? For example, i don't want to overwrite entire Tamriel terrain for everyone that will use my mod, since i only make changes to Solitude area. To be more specific, terrain files come with Tamriel.4.[coordinates].btr, Tamriel.8.[coordinates].btr, Tamriel.16.[coordinates].btr and Tamriel.32.[coordinates].btr. Are those simply LOD files of different quality? I noticed Tamriel.4. has coordinates that are divisible by 4, Tamriel.8. by 8, and so on. Do i have to include files for every Tamriel.nuber. or just 4? Higher the number, higher the quadrants, so Tamriel.32. are one sixteenth of the whole Skyrim. Same with object files, except i don't have Tamriel.32.[coordinates].bto for those, only 4, 8 and 16. For trees, i only have Tamriel.4.[coordinates].btt. Any help with the question and other advice on how to best implement LOD for a public release is appreciated!
  4. Hello, After 2 days of following tutorials and trial and error, I finally managed to correctly edit and save my grass texture. It was simple task of making the texture brighter, as my graphical... whatever made the mods' original texture way too dark (even with light brown version from Better Field Grasses). So, today, I'm here with the first succesful result, which is amazing, yet not what I wanted. Here's an image of my result: http://s32.postimg.org/5ocjplmit/20160521145217_1.jpg As you can see, it looks pretty nice....it's realistic and immersive and I'm sure I want some color diversity, but it's something I didn't expect to happen. There are some grass mods like UG2, Verdant and so on, which overhaul tundra with similar grass, but without such color varienty. That's not all I noticed, the ground texture has brightened too. HOW and WHY is this happening? And more importantly, how can I minimalize the impact or completly eliminate it? Thank you.
  5. Have a look at this : http://i.imgur.com/Lp8l84c.jpg See the terrible color differences between the land with grass and the one without ? So I was wondering, is there any way, or mod, to make the difference a bit smaller ? Like somewhat coloring the distant land the same color as the grass supposed to be on it ? Meaning no FPS collateral damage. I'm picky as fudge, but this is really ruining the immersive experience to me. Thanks a lot for the help in advance. List of my mods just in case (The most relevant one for this issue might be Skyrim Flora Overhaul) My mods
  6. To keep things short, skyrim's landscape is looking poor atm and i cannot seem to figure out why. I have had the same computer since I bought the game and skyrim used to run with no problems, and I've only been upgrading my computer since then (new graphics driver, more ram, general clean up) so I don't believe it to be my computer. But massive chunks simply aren't loading, I have to get right up next to whiterun before I can see even the outer gate. Even then the castle itself won't load. It's obviously very immersion breaking. Additionally, distant mountains have a yellow color to them (see screen shots) and have very little/poor texture quality. Any help is appreciated thanks! (ive tried tinkering with the distance settings in the skyrim menu, nothing there gets the landscape to load properly)
  7. I apologize if this is the wrong thread to post this topic in. Hello Everyone, I generated LOD multiple times using both OScape and the creation kit itself. The lod works properly but the world map doesn't. On the world map there is the formation of objects that I have currently in my world space but the land and water doesn't generate no matter what I try. And incase someone asks yes I have the proper water and land levels when generating the LOD with OScape. Can someone help? Have A great day! *Edit: nvm, I figured out that the water generates only when the map is either a square or rectangle.
  8. Yo. Wondering if anyone might have the fix to this one. I've modded skyrim pretty heavily and I'm sure I've made almost no mistakes in doing so. I'm not at all new to modding so it isn't load order, and it isn't dirty mods. Does anyone have any idea of the source of the glitch here? http://s21.postimg.org/yfpkjel6r/Screen_Shot0.png http://s21.postimg.org/cs0m8yksj/Screen_Shot1.png http://s21.postimg.org/ygzictn0j/Screen_Shot2.png Believe I've spent a few weeks now trying to figure it out, and I have no idea what mod this comes from. Does anyone recognize this? If so, please help me out in getting rid of it; its very annoying, and pretty much kills any immersion feel to the game. It never bothered me as much as it does now. Thanks Also here are my mods (in load order) GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1Update.esm=1JSwords.esm=1Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1Wyrmstooth.esp=1RSkyrimChildren.esm=1Falskaar.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1FactionOverhaulV25.esp=1LIAT - Sounds.esp=1ReadAndLearnSpeechcraft.esp=1LIAT - NPCs.esp=1fallentreebridges.esp=1GOLD - Realistic Version.esp=1No NPC Greetings.esp=1RealisticEyeLighting.esp=1genpeopleliter.esp=1battleflute.esp=1Brawl Bugs CE.esp=1Del_ConditionalCombatMusic.esp=1randomthunder.esp=1DisableNoFastTravelMessage.esp=1dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp=1Dead Body Collision.esp=1skyrimsoundtrackexpansion.esp=1JumpHigher_130.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1Althirs Camping Tools English.esp=1HighResTexturePack01.esp=1HighResTexturePack02.esp=1HighResTexturePack03.esp=1SaturationBoost.esp=1FLOWER OF LIFE.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1Swift Steeds Replacer plus.esp=1Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 1.esp=1Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp=1Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp=1SkyrimSewers.esp=1Alik'r House.esp=1Celtic Music in Skyrim 2.0.esp=1Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1JSwords_Load_Screens.esp=1JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp=1Redguard_Shields.esp=1Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp=1SL99Exchanger.esp=1SkyUI.esp=1Immersive Jewelry.esp=1SMIM-Merged-NoDragonborn.esp=1BardsSHUTUP.esp=1BentPines_for_SFO2.0.esp=1CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp=1No More Glowing Edges.esp=1Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1studentex.esp=1TCoW Improvement.esp=1Thalmor, only use elven weapons & armor IW..esp=1WWW.esp=1LC_immersiveLoot.esp=1UnreadBooksGlow.esp=1Inconsequential NPCs.esp=1iNeed.esp=1Patch - Interesting NPCs - RS kids.esp=1Patch - Inconsequential NPCs - RS kids.esp=1ShocksUsefulPotions.esp=1SkyTEST-Vision_Full.esp=1Unique Uniques.esp=1CRX.esp=1SL00CookingIngredient.esp=1Populated Solstheim.esp=1GoToBed.esp=1Immersive Weapons.esp=1TESGLoadingScreens.esp=1BluePalace.esp=1RSChildren_V.esp=1RSChildren_PatchUSKP.esp=1Customizable Camera.esp=1dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp=1Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp=1Followers_StealthKills.esp=1w2salem.esp=1Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp=1Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp=130_fps_loading_fix.esp=1bathhouse.esp=1Fencemod.esp=1FishingInSkyrim.esp=1HeavierPelts&Hides.esp=1Immersive Lore & Hidden Treasures.esp=1MoreLockpicks.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp=1TRUE CITY TGES.esp=1AE_animation_ENG.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers.esp=1Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp=1CommonClothes.esp=1Immersive Meats.esp=1Drunken Huntsman Redone.esp=1Realistic_Impacts.esp=1NPCs Protected Redux.esp=1General Goods Fences.esp=1Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp=1Skyrim Bigger Trees Full.esp=1EnhancedWetnessandPuddles.esp=1WetandCold.esp=1WetandCold - Ashes.esp=1no_more_glowing_eyes.esp=1DialogueTweaks.esp=1Immersive Travel Hardcore.esp=1towConversation.esp=1HorseDialogue.esp=1UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp=13DNPC.esp=1More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp=1Dual Sheath Redux.esp=1isilNarsil.esp=1Redguard_unique_swords.esp=1Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp=1
  9. Hey! I am busy creating a new area for Skyrim, and I was wondering: what features do you like about player-homes or areas? What can't be missed? And what should absolutely not be done? As for my preference: It has to have a certain theme or something that combines everything together. I do like loads of decoration, as long as it is logical for the decoration to be there. (So no random stuff all over the place) And a story about the place is nice too, but not necessary. So, what do you think? You may give examples of vanilla or modded areas of course!
  10. Nothing is more infurating than trying to run fences around your settlement, with uneven land. It's a REAL PAIN in the @$$. Now I know there is little to no chance of a mod that will allow for land deformation, to flatten out land so you can place a level fence. So the only thing I can think of is for a Modder to create new building objects that you can place into the ground, which has the texture of the ground and can have anything placed on top of that. Basically the wooden shack concreate foundation (solid block) with an earth texture, but remove the "snap" points and allow anything to be placed on top of it. I have tried to use the wooden shack concreate foundation before, but it sticks out and looks horrible and most pre-fabs and fences don't like to be placed on top of it. :sad: Sure this is not a perfect solution, since you could end up with a step-like hill sides, but at least you can place fences pretty much anywhere.
  11. Working on a small worldspace. I set default landheight to 5000.0000 and water 4500.0000, check the box small worldspace and begin terrain editing and adding objects. Everything seems fine and functioning as intended in the Creation Kit. But when I go in game, to view the worldspace I am greeted with squares of land floating at different heights, which leaves the terrain with open gaps in between. In the Creation Kit this issue isn't visible, only in game. I have absolutely no clue what is causing this issue and have so far created a total of 4 worldspaces to try and troubleshoot the issue, attempted googling similar cases but I've found no answer. I've added an image to show what it looks like.
  12. Hello! I've got a technical question for anyone familiar with the inner workings of the TES4 Construction Set. I've been working on a personal project for a while that involves reading through Oblivion's ESM files and interpreting their data in the C# language. This project is NOT a mod for the game, but it requires a good understanding of the engine and how the game works under the hood. Basically, the app will read the Oblivion ESM and plugin files and give me access to all the groups, records, and subrecords within and their corresponding data that I can use for whatever. This is essentially just a programming exercise for me. The problem I've run into is figuring out how the engine deals with associating the actual terrain objects with a worldspace and/or cells. My understanding is that a "LAND" record contains everything necessary to display a terrain properly onscreen, like texture information, mesh vertex heights, etc. But nowhere in this record (at least according to this page), does it actually associate this terrain info with any cell or worldspace. There is also no positional information detailing where the LAND record should exist in the actual 3D space. Likewise, no worldspace or cell references any LAND record (it's worth noting that TES3's LAND records contain coordinate information. This is not the case with TES4). To summarize, how does Oblivion associate the terrain LAND records with an actual worldspace or cell, and how does it get proper coordinate information to be placed in the world? Any and all insight is welcome and much appreciated! Thanks
  13. Been having trouble reinstalling morrowind after i did a messup when copying the contents to openmw. but i did a clean reinstall with TR and MGSO but when i tried to open the distant land generator wizard in the install process i got this error message which prevented distant land gen to open. See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE: Not available (-2005530518) at SlimDX.Result.Throw[T](Object dataKey, Object dataValue) at SlimDX.Result.Record[T](Int32 hr, Boolean failed, Object dataKey, Object dataValue) at SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device..ctor(Direct3D direct3D, Int32 adapter, DeviceType deviceType, IntPtr controlHandle, CreateFlags createFlags, PresentParameters[] presentParameters) at MGEgui.DirectX.DXMain.CreateDevice(Control window) at MGEgui.DistantLand.DistantLandForm..ctor(Boolean exists) at MGEgui.MainForm.bDistantLandWizard_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) ************** Loaded Assemblies ************** mscorlib Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8762 (QFE.050727-8700) CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll ---------------------------------------- MGEXEgui Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 0.9 CodeBase: file:///D:/Games/morrowind/MGEXEgui.exe ---------------------------------------- System Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.8770 (QFE.050727-8700) CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/ ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5491 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400) CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/ ---------------------------------------- System.Drawing Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5495 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400) CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/ ---------------------------------------- SlimDX Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///D:/Games/morrowind/SlimDX.DLL ---------------------------------------- msvcm90 Assembly Version: 9.0.30729.6161 Win32 Version: 9.00.30729.6161 CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/WinSxS/x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57/msvcm90.dll ---------------------------------------- ************** JIT Debugging ************** To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this application or computer (machine.config) must have the jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled. For example: <configuration> <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" /> </configuration> When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box. Does anyone have any idea what this means? i checked and my .net framework is correctly installed, drivers are up to date, 4gb patch installed and direct x 9/11 is installed properly.
  14. I've had a mod idea in my head for quite awhile that I would like to casually devote my time to. I've done a fair amount of research into the functions of the Geck and have a basic understanding of it. however the heightmap editor has halted me from trying anything because of how infuriating it is to use. I have watched many tutorials and read several articles but some things seem to be left unexplained, and other things don't function the same way they are explained. I have realized that the height map editor is highly unstable creating black "tears" and other bugs. I followed the instructions by "madmongo" in this post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3075619-making-a-new-land-in-geck/ but now with my generated world space I have a mysterious black box in my render window. I believe it's a "tear"? My worldspace land height is default set to -2048 and i set the water height to -2100, if i move the land height at all I get a black screen and can't find the land. (when experimenting i set it to 0,100,300,-2000,-1000, and i cant find it now matter how much i scroll or adjust the water height, so i use the default) my world space has the "small world" setting unchecked because i would like to have a large world. I've attempted to use the smooth tool all across the surface of the heightmap in an attempt to get rid of these black boxes, but it either does nothing after saving in the editor or just causes more "tears". It seems like as much as I try to move forward the Geck takes 2 steps back. I've been working at this for several days now, almost a week in time spent on just trying to figure out the heightmap editor. watching and reading up on multiple tutorials and videos. lots of experimentation and trial and errors, and mostly errors. So as a last resort, i made a forums account and have come here for help. Any amount of help will be dearly appreciated. The more in depth and detailed explanations would help a ton. With how large the mod community is and the numerous mods that have custom "Grande" sized maps, i'm surprised there aren't more tutorials on how the heightmap fully functions. (or my google skills might be weak). Thanks in advance.
  15. I've been trying to figure out what is going wrong with my LOD generation. Static objects and tree LOD is working perfectly, but I cannot get the land LOD to work for the life of me. I follow every tutorial to a T, reinstalled Skyrim, and used several different methods to get it to work; but nothing does. I either end up with a black terrain that cuts off at a certain distance and becomes nothing, or a purple LOD terrain texture throughout my entire worldspace. Anyone have any ideas? I've used oscape a dozen times. As well as CK LOD, but nothing. **UPDATE** I tried generating terrain LOD first and was given the LOD, although the LOD was only brown. I then did my static objects and tree LOD and was given the following issue: Land fades to black and then disappears entirely.
  16. In the mod i have been making the exterior has had a major problem and ive tried everything but nothing works it is completely 2D and you can walk right through it but is so damn annoying !!!!!! Any Ideas See the screenshots below
  17. You know the quest "Come fly with me" ? Where you help the ghouls go to the moon. What if you could go with them? Start a community on the moon or find a pre-war space station up there. You can also return to the Mojave with one of the spaceships once you completed the main quest.
  18. I came up with this idea, a very large mod to bring together all modders on skyrim nexus and beyond if possible and create every province in Tamriel, I know it seems impossible but in the long run it will be, probably the most downloaded of them all. Moonpath to Elsywer was a good one for land but needed bigger landscapes. The modders could just create one province at a time and take at a normal pace. I have been searching for mods similar to this one, but always come up short. If you could do this I would be very grateful, I was hoping they would make a new Elder Scrolls game that allowed this similar to the online version but just for skyrim. Any comments would be greatly appreciated or any idea improvements. :)
  19. So it appeared one day in my head that no much back ground or information is given at all around the argonians in skyrim or there armors and weapons. So i desided to look up on the internet what was up with them got this link http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Black_Marsh and oh boy a rush of ideas and exitement come the land of the black marsh has yet to be created in all of its glory as the hist/ Ent's/ Tree people have a love of mine that would be an amazeing and I believe welcome addition to the world of skyrim lore. Along with the feathered serpents, werelions, were aligators or aligators in general. Now the catch is how do you make it so the need the Dova kin's help well as I was reading it turns out the great sentient trees worship the god of chaos "Sithis". So the wheels in my head began to turn. What if Sithis had chosen a Great Dragon to be his champion and was forceing the argonians into skyrim? ~quest would start after seeing one of the argonian caravans~ I can throw out drawings and designs of creatures armor and land scape if anyone finds interest in this. Ijust can't make it because my comp won't run CK or anything of that nature.
  20. North Nevada open http://s7.directupload.net/images/140510/temp/weke49cs.jpg You can find more pictures on the NewVegasNexus file page http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55791/? North Nevada open is a big mod project. It opens the northern area of New Vegas. There is a complete new world, which contains all features a world need: Cities, quests, enemies, factions, dungeons and a lot more. How far i got now: Till now i have just a few parts of the world created. But those parts are nearley 95% finished. I will just Build the world things like quests oder scripts or even a story are not created by myself. There is a very first Version of the land avaiable for you too get an first View. What i have thought about the lore in this land: The NCR has some cities in this parts of the country but the Brotherhood of steel has some colonies too. They are enemies since the big battle at Helios One. But they are not alone. Raiders, Super Mutants, and the Enclave wants to claim this Land. It will fit in the whole Fallout 3 and New Vegas lore. No Supermutants fighting hype intelligent Ants with the help of NCR and Legion Troops in a big Jungle. The planned special features: New Type of Raiders: Nomad Raider They travel trough the land, raiding outposts and attacking cities. They move from time to time to other places. New realistic events: The factions really fight for theyre Outposts and they are not just standing around. Sometimes they capture one Village or even Towns. The world will be a living progress even when the player is doing anything. I need you ! I need modder, who can work with the G.E.C.K and create quests. I need modder, who can build Dungeons, and Landscapes. Because for me it is a little bit too much land to build. I need modder, who might be able to design ne Weapons or even NPC's. And last but not least for the quests we could need Voice Actors, but just in the last acts of this project. You can write me an private message right here oder add me in Skype : V0g3lv0g3l. AND i could need one person, who speaks english as theire mother tounge. I can communicate and write short stories, but they sound not very realistic. So if somebody is a very good speaker and can correct my english , please contact me.
  21. Hello, I'll make this short. I had the idea to warp the entire land around on Skyrim for two reasons. 1. To pass some time, and entertain me. 2. I thought it would be fun to experience Skyrim on a new level. What I wanted to do was essentially remove ALL vanilla area's such as Whiterun, Riverwood,Winterhold etc and clean up the dungeons. I would then add npc's to the dungeons, and add more dragons, making it seem like you've traveled back in time when the dragons ruled and the dragonpriest's were alive. So it would be difficult to survive with MORE dragon's if your a low level, and crypts would essentially, become homes, or safe zones with npcs. However I'm afraid of the effect it could have on the game to delete every vanilla land, and replace it with empty road's since Riverwood wasn't built hundreds of years ago. I didn't really have intention's of releasing this to the public, unless its allowed- and people want to try it, but I thought it would be entertaining if I could pull it off, and start in the land of Skyrim before the ice elves were killed, before the dwemer vanished etc. (Granted my knowledge isn't the best on Skyrim's history.) End Of Explanation. The Question. (Can I remove vanilla land using the creation kit without problems?) (And if there are problems 'which there more then likely is.' how difficult would it be to fix them?)
  22. Just thought I might suggest a new world space or a town about the size of solitude. I really like vampires, but as a player in skyrim I just did not find any one town good enough to stay in except maybe Markarth with the whole silver blood deal and windhelm with the murderer. What I would like is a town full of vampires. Make it either just another town where the folk only come out at night or make it like the soul cairn where it is always night out and there is all kinds of undead activities going on. There needs to be a lot of the purple lighting and obviously a bunch of blood everywhere. Think of it as Castle Volkheir (or however you spell it) but larger and there are more outdoor components...a whole city of the undead. I lack any modding knowledge but do not have the time to go and learn, but I am sure others would enjoy this mod. I have plenty more ideas for this mod if any of you are interested to taking it on but I will keep it short for now. Also I would be willing to learn and help...maybe...with anything that involves the creation kit since I do not have nor do I plan to invest in any other programs. This is just an idea so I understand if it does not get taken up but it is out there if anyone is willing. Thank you modders.
  23. I am aware there is already a mod for Area 51.. i think it could be improved however by removing the sandstorm and merging TSC (Terran Starship Command) so you have companions of marines, make combat harder and then maybe have the NCR AND LEGION against you in a war to destroy the most powerful forces in the Mojave just some basic ideas maybe have a feud with brotherhood and conquer another country and build troops, equipment like weapons and Armour and for the final part... an invasion of aliens to take over the world and you have to fight them off as the supreme rulers of earth, as leaders create laws, or atleast what lowers karma or raises karma. Weekly pay from industry and companies you own in the world. your own customizationable army colours, weapons, armour etc. building of sentry bots that you can command. a strategic map to plan attack routes of your companions. new enemies filled with bosses. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF THIS IDEA!! As would many other players of new vegas :biggrin:
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