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  1. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help
  2. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help, i need this marker otherwise you can't control where you appear after opening a door.
  3. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  4. Lady Masakos sword kit. Looks very nice.
  5. Hey guys I have a two problems with how the levitate spell works in Morrowind. Firstly it displays the walk animation for the duration and secondly I cannot use my spacebar to float upwards and it's the same with swimming. It's really annoying, so since I didn't find any mods that would fix my problem and I have no clue of modding I decided to ask here for help. How would I get started with my idea, do you know any good resources / guides I could view to get started achieving my goal? Which tools should I download beside the CK especially since I wanted to do animations.
  6. Hi all, I found out now that you don't need custom nif files to change textures in CK.(i can now get rid of unnecessary files before i upload my mod) :smile: So learned how Material Swap works, i managed to make a Material Swap for all my objects. After that i applied all my Material Swaps to all my objects and all worked fine except one (maybe cuz has no original Material) :confused: Does anyone knows why i can't choose my Material Swap for this specific object (Shelf_Big_Wood_HalfLength) or do i have to use a custom nif file? :confused: Here i have screenshots of one working and one not working object: > Working . > Not working .
  7. Hi so im working on the black marsh mod, i have several very large land masses, i have the first new world finished, or at least the layout and land is, so im going to turn that into the master file, i already have 2 more new lands im working on and want to have them all connected by boat or by cave or what ever.....So i know i can connect the master and the esp together and they will go together no problem...but adding the 3rd esp to the mix do i need to make the second ESP as a master as well.....Let me explain better.... the first set of new land is in the south of black marsh, thats the master, second esp is northern black marsh....so that will be the master and ESP, so if i want to connect Morrowind to the northern black marsh ESP does it need to be a master as well or will the original southern black marsh connect them??????Sorry if its confusing....
  8. I'm trying to change the weapon charging sound used by NPCs of the tesla rifle weapon, NPCs use the gauss weapon charging sound instead, I couldn't find the keyword map that is using the WPNRifleGaussChargeLPM descriptor so I could change it can someone tell me how to find it?
  9. I am in extreme need of help. I've been trying for weeks to make this bastard work properly in the SSE Creation Kit. http://unoffical-elder-scrolls-lore-folios.wikia.com/wiki/Atmora S adly, since the ESP goes over 6 Megabytes, it can never be edited again if I exit the CK after saving. I have to build all of Atmora and smoothen the ground under the water along the coastlines, but I can't do it all in one go, it takes too long, so right now, I can't work at it at all. Me and my friend are rapidly going batty over the horribly bad programming of the Creation Kit and the disasterously bad processing capacity it has in this case. I really badly need someone to build Atmora for me, really badly, or I will likely have to give up on a DLC-sized mod. A massive amount of content is completed and all we need is a landmass, but as long as the CK remains the most crash-prone modding program ever invented, the mod is pretty much scrapped. I dearly hope someone is willing to help. I've tried to get help for 5 years. I'd hate to give up hope and start thinking of most modders as hateful elitists and discriminatory bigots. I don't think this of any yet - except those known and exposed as such, but... uuurgh. As I said. 5 years asking for help, and I only have ONE person helping me since 6 months ago, but he is no builder. I am. But neither of us are that good with the heightmap. And with a modding program that very much hates big files, we're stuck. Someone please help.
  10. First off, I would like to state that I have a short background in computers such as html, and web page design. I am also new to using the Creation kit and Fo4edit programs. I am still a beginner, as such I do not know all of the technical work to answer my issue. That being said, Now that I have installed Weaponsmith Extended 2, I have been changing leveled lists to make the gameplay a challenge in survival. This includes weapons damage, and npc drops. I usually make changes in fo4edit. Then I open fallout 4 and check my work. My issue, is that when I get weapon drops in game they are labeled with 'of Atoms Judgement'. I would like to remove this from being added to all of my weapon drops. First, because none of these items are dropped by Atoms Judgement. Second, because its not easy on my eyes... and I need to see myself through survival. If anyone is skilled enough in Leveled Lists, or fo4edit, or even the Creation Kit to guide me through the process of removing this label. That would be great. If you need any more information just post here and I will get back to you.
  11. Hey guys, I've been having trouble with this for a while. I'm trying to add more idle dialogue for my custom NPC follower. I already edited the files and lines that I want. Now comes the matter of putting it into my custom NPC's dialogue topics in the dialogue view. Thing is, I'm really confused on how to work with the CK to pull this off. Tutorials I've looked up only ended up confusing me more, as what I want to do is use the already existing vanilla voice lines for the NPC, not record my own. (Similar to what Vanilla voice expansion and RDO have done) Thanks!
  12. Hey all, I have been working on a small follower mod for Fallout 4, that includes a basic quest and then a follower system. So far, I have just used the default face in the CK, and now the mod is in a playable state, I have customised a character face in-game, however the console command I thought would save this preset ‘SPF myname’ isn’t generating anything in my game directory. There is an import option within CK, that looks for .NPC files, but I don’t know how to take my character preset I have made in-game, and turn it into a .NPC file I can use in Creation Kit. Any help with this would be amazing :smile:
  13. I installed the Creation Kit for the first time using Steam and loaded up a mod I wanted to upload the update to on bethesda.net. I logged in and went to upload the mod and when I get the list of authored mods, the list is blank even though it should show the mods I have uploaded to bethesda.net. Anyone else having this issue and knows how to fix it?
  14. As title says. I'm using Creation Kit fixes here from Nexus. I was able to load the cell a few days ago (only took 7 f*#@ing tries) and make a few edits. Today I'm trying to get in and refine a few things, but this god damn CK just won't load that one f*#@ing cell. It'll load any other god damn cell almost instantly. Just not the one I'm trying to work on. Tried loading CK without the plugin. Still won't load that one cell, no matter what. Is this another one of those well-documented problems that every but me knew about? :\
  15. So, I've looked up and down and found next to nothing in reference to the Rat-Folk race as a playable race type. I'm really wanting to get more into modding for SSE and I feel like this is where I want to begin. I'm pretty fresh to using the creation kit (I used the morrowind one years and years and years ago, so I'm basically brand new to it) and am unsure of where to begin with using the custom mesh I'd make in order to actually make this a playable race. That being said, if there are any tutorials that are available or if there are any interested individuals that would like to help, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
  16. I ran into an issue with Faye [[ Seductress Faye - Custom voiced FG Follower. at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) ]] spawning in topless. It was a Schlongs of Skyrim issue causing armor slots 52 and 32 to not be worn at the same time. I made the mistake of trying to fix this in the Creation Kit rather than through SSEdit (I didn't realize that was an option). I corrected the issue by opening Faye as the Active File and changing her "Panties" armor to use slot 48 and then saving the edited plugin. When I exited the Creation Kit though, it mentioned missing facegen textures, etc. I figured it was some weird nonissue, loaded the game, and found her with her top now correctly worn but with a totally new face. I redownloaded Faye, her UUNP bodyslide files, the Flowergirls mod that she relies upon, and even verified the integrity of my Skyrim SE files just in case something in there got deleted (then went through and cleaned up ITM's again). Despite Faye's unique head and body textures all being present within the mod folder, she still ALWAYS spawns in with the wrong face. I checked in the Creation Kit again and it mentioned her head texture and facetint still being missing, despite being able to find all of her textures in her mod folder and everything (as far as I can tell) being labeled correctly. I don't know what went wrong, seemingly something with me having tried to edit her armor originally through the Creation Kit and saving the mod from there, though I did redownload the mod; perhaps something in Skyrim/Dawnguard/etc. got changed that would effect this? Though, again, I did Verify Integrity to make sure the original game files were all intact. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  17. Hey, everyone! I am currently creating a new city mod and I have several new custom buildings I would like to add to the creation kit. I have MAYA 2021, 3dS MAX 2021, and Blender 2.93. All the tutorials I found and methods are no longer available, 404 errors, or are now unsupported. I am unable to revert my 3ds back to 2013-18 in order for for some of the plugins to work. So Unless there is an updated tutorial that walk through the whole process I guess I am looking for someone to assist me in this process. If your able to provide any help be it tutorial likes and or assistance in the conversion process I would be most gracious. I hope to hear from you all soon :)
  18. I'm looking at the vanilla power armor in the CK under Items -> Armor -> PowerArmor. Opening PA parts shows the damage resistances in the lower right. I would like to modify these, but nothing actually happens when I select a new resistance to add and give it a value. Select a Damage Type from the drop-down list, type in a Resist value... then what? Clicking OK just closes the window. EDIT: Solved. Finally grew enough of a brain to try right-clicking on things.
  19. Hello! I hope I'm posting this in the right section. Basically, I have KS Hairdos, and I LOVE the mod. I want to customize a few particular NPCs with some of the hairstyles. I go to CK, check Skyrim and KS Hairdos, pull up the character, select the hair, and save the mod file. However, upon opening the mod I just saved, it tells me that it essentially can't find the face data for the particular character I just updated, and they get stuck with default vanilla hair, as well as a grey face in game. I've tried CTRL+F4 and waiting for it to save facegen data. It says done, but does the same thing regardless. I've already edited the Skyrimeditor.ini to allow the sequence bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 and all that. I don't know what I'm missing. I read somewhere that someone fixed it by 'unpacking a .bsa', but that was for Special Edition, and I'm not using that version. I also don't see a .bsa file to extract in the mod for the basic Skyrim, so I'm a bit confused. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated. Thank you ahead of time! EDIT: And yes, I know about the KS Overhaul mod. While it is great, it's not what I'm looking for. I want to do this to a select few characters.
  20. Anyone know of an existing step by step guide to editing vanilla NPC's in creation kit? I found quite a few tutorials on how to create new npcs and add them to the game, but none for editing vanilla npcs properly and safely. What is up with that? Anyone out there willing to type up a guide for us newbz? I just want to edit npc physical appearance like hair, scars, tattoos, eye color, skin textures, clothing, etc., but I'd like to use existing vanilla game items and mods like SOS, KS Hairdos Renewal, and any male/female skin textures from nexus or other places to make said changes. I've tried other tutorials, but what typically ends up happening is I save the changes I've made and they look perfect in creation kit, but then the changes don't transfer to the game resulting in no changes at all, gray face, missing textures, neck seams, or bald heads. Anywho. Anyone out there willing to walk myself and others through this process? Thank you in advance!
  21. Okay well I looked all over the place for an answer and had no luck, I usually hate using forums because from my experience it can take an annoyingly long time to actually get an answer from someone. I have asked this on another forum and the guy that tried helping me was kind of even more confused then I was and would forget certain things that I need to do and misunderstood certain things I wrote, so sadly because they were no help and it was kind of annoying that they did not try and give me the answer in a single post, I have came to this forum and hopefully someone a bit more experienced and better at explaining themselves will help me out. So my issue is that I use Creation Kit a lot and mainly what I do on there is just make custom followers though soon I am going to get into more advanced stuff like spells, houses, and armor/weapons or a least that is what I hope but as you are probably aware because I believe most people use the Apachii Hair Mod if they don't like the vanilla hair, Apachii is a master file and though I can load it with certain master files others it does not work with, plus the Skyrim CK is pretty tedious and stuff will not work just if you don't click it the right way sometimes. I am here to find out a working solution for to get rid of that annoying pop-up message we all know and love *cough* hate, you guys probably know what message I am talking about... http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/6b75/5dv6ks7xd0ef3mxzg.jpg Yup that one ^ Now to be clear I do not have the files which typically other tutorials and guides tell you to go in, I don't have the SkyrimEditor.ini or any of those, I have checked everywhere that I have some kind of Skyrim folder and this file does not exist in my system. For a bit more detail my game was bought from Steam and I kind of think because it is Special Edition that may be why I do not have this particular file. So as most of you who read this probably figured out, all the other tutorials and guides I have tried don't really yield any results. Is there a way I can enabled multiple master files loads even though I don't have any of these files that most guides tell you to go into and change some stuff? My mods usually always work fine when I make them but this little annoying thing with Master Files really does feel unnecessary and kind of ticks me off. I know there should be a limit on master file loading to save you from breaking your game in a possible way, but still it is not like I would be dumb enough to load every freaking mod file I have, I mainly need to load only a few depending on my project that I am working on and typically those usually are just the Apachii Hair Mod and depending on certain situations sometimes modded magic files that add different magic powers to the game. So someone please help, I will try to be as patient with you as possible if you try to help me, but just please make sure you know what you are talking about and don't leave anything out, since clearly I am unaware of what to do, so I need someone to tell me. Thank you. Also sorry if this is the wrong area to post this, I tried my best to decide on the right area for this thing.
  22. Hello people! I have created a custom race mod designed for replacing bandits thus becoming the ultimate enemy. However, as I started to change every bandit npc's race to my custom race one by one ( yep, boring as f*#@ ) , I encountered that MOST of them cannot even be changed, plus they are fox race lol Is it a glitch or something, or is there a workaround ? I post a screenshot. as you can see, their race are foxrace which is really wtf as they are humans in game, plus their race cannot even be changed. Any ideas ?
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