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  1. I have RDR2 on steam. I have Vortex and have downloaded several RDR2 mods. I have followed numerous videos and âhow toâsâ on how to download and install Vortex. Along with how to download mods. I also have the correct file path for the RDR2.exe. However, I cannot get mods to work in Vortex. They are downloaded, installed, and RDR2 is ready but they are not showing up. For example, some mods have hot keys of some kind and there are not working. Anyone have some advice or have another thread that talked about RDR2 on Steam and using Vortex?
  2. As seen in screenshot above. Skyrim AE 1.6.1170 Vortex 1.10.8 Mods are installed, enabled, deployed. They even apply to the game! I get the appropriate Alternate Start scenario and character creator. However: They do not appear in the MCM, and cannot be modified or reinstalled from Vortex. This started happening after I fixed an issue with SkyUI where it would crash when I opened any sort of menu that paused the game. I thought SkyUI got corrupted somehow, because reinstalling the mod fixed it... but then I realized this issue with other mods. I have no idea how or why it happened; it could be because of profile switching, but I've never had issues with it before. The mod files are all in the same directory they've always been in. Well, the files are still there, so maybe I can just reinstall it from file, right? This is the message I get. It appears I can fix it by redownloading each and every mod directly from the site using the Mod Manager Download button, but I really don't want to do that for the 100+ mods it's affecting. I tried to trick it by selecting mixed broken and working mods and doing a group reinstall, but the broken ones it just shows an "Unknown Download" error: Full error text:
  3. Hey, everyone. I'm fairly experienced with modding, but I have kind of a conundrum. I've been trying to mod NV on an external SSD for the first time with no luck. When I install a mod with NMM nothing happens! The esp is checked, I have the green check mark, it says it's installed, but nothing. I know you're thinking that I have the directory set to the wrong place, but it's not. I've quintuple checked. I've been trying to get Toasty Fresh's Colt N99 10mm Pistol replacer to work as a test, but all I've been getting is that wonderful giant exclamation point. That means NMM knows where NV is and is removing NV's default 10mm pistol, but isn't replacing it with Toasty Fresh's Colt. Even more confounding is that all of Toasty Fresh's file folders appear in the data folder for NV, but they are all absolutely empty. The corresponding folders in NMM's virtual install folder, on the other hand, are flush with all of the assets necessary to make the mod work. The mod install worked when I uninstalled NV from my external drive and reinstalled it onto my C: drive and I've gotten the mod to work on the external SSD via a manual install. I've tried with NMM on the SSD and with NMM on C:. Neither worked. NMM just refuses to install mods on my external SSD! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Okay, I need help with this one. This is pretty much my mod install order list from last time, with a few things installed in new locations where they make sense due to their FOMod's patching options. This is not reflective of LOOT order!! This is an INSTALL order only. Not asking anyone to error check things or do anything super-intensive, just a quick glance-over to see if everything is in the right order for installing. Changelog is at the bottom in the spoiler tags as I will be revising this periodically until I'm satisfied with it. I tried to group them where it made sense and where they would/should be overwritten. This is going to be my masterlist of mods, so I figure, if I can get these mods in a proper install order, I can just reinstall in the same order over and over. This isn't all that many mods, but this would give me a good base to start playing with the CK with to start learning. I'm using NMM 0.63.17, the final version of NMM ever. Any help or feedback would be very sincerely and greatly appreciated. Thank you ahead of time. Again, any help anyone can provide, even if its just to look it over and say looks good, or install this here first, then you're good, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again in advance. Changelog: Tools/Notes For Converting Oldrim Mods To Special Edition:
  5. Alright so I'm having an issue with activating/installing certain mods while I can can still activate others. Whenever I try to activate them, I look for the "Mod Activation Queue" tab on the bottom of NMM and under where it says status, it says "a problem occurred during install." Mods that fail to activate include: Nightstrikers Snap 'N Build Harley Quinn Outfit CBBE f4se Crafting Fury 9000 GTX
  6. I'm new to a lot of the modding scene as i just bought my first computer. I tried to install the nexus mod manager and get it synced up with fallout 4 but it said there was a missing INI. Any advice? Also sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking.
  7. these are the mods I want to use, as well as Joy of Perspective -Legend of the Eagles Nest -FNIS Sexy Move -FNIS 6.3 -New Animation for Magic Casting (i dont think this one works) -No spinning death animation -Pretty Jump Animations -XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (Groovetama) -Arise Chapter 1 Black Sacrament -Blades Bikini Armor CBBE HDT -Daedric Chainmail Refined CBBE TBBP HDT -Dragonball Outfit -DBZ Scouter (2 or3 more armor mods more) -Eyes Glitch fix -JK's Skyrim (Major Cities Only) ( I have some clothing mods) -Blocking Combat Behavior Improvement -Interrupt Attack for Better Blocking -Dungenon Quest Awareness -Bloody Facials Reblooded -No Falling Damage -Proper Aiming -Quick Start - Skip Opening Sequence -ApachiiSkyHair -Beards 1k -Superior Lore Friendly Hair -The Eyes of Beauty -Univision Face -Take Notes - Face Light -Better Jumping -ALSL CBBE Body Preset -amidianBorn Blades Armor -x2 different Book of Silence patches -BOS Creatures, Dragonborn DLC, Unique Items, Weapons, and AMB Elven Dark -Better Beast Races v2.0 Lite (will probably replace with full version) -CBBE -Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows (Sometimes caused really bad clipping, full quiver going through charachter, or at least I think it caused it) -CoverKhajitis Male Version -Elven Weapons for Silence -Fair Skin Complexion for CBBE -Fine Face Textures for Men -skyrim HD 2k textures -Ultimate HD Fire Effects -Archery Gameplay Overhaul -DBZ Overhaul Post CK -Nock to Tip Hotfix 802 -Nock to Tip -HDT Physics Extension -showRacemenu precache killer -Unofficial Skyrim Legendary edition patch -Unofficial High Resolution Patch -The Dark Brotherhood Resurrection Part 1 -A quality World Map and Solstheim Map (At no point has this mod ever worked, I have no mods that should conflict with it) -Racemenu 3-4-5 -SkyUI5.1 -Auto Unequip Ammo -BodySlide Outfit Studio -SKSE ini pre download for lazy users -enhanced Blood Textures
  8. I recently downloaded NMM and want to find the controller mod for Mass Effect 1. I downloaded Mass Effect from Origin directly and it is saved in my (D) drive under Origin Games, however when I open NMM it does not find the game...I'm thinking I need to move the games folder somewhere new, but I don't know where. Anyone have any advice?
  9. A number of my mods have interrelations via dependencies or patches, so being a bit green, I'm interested in better understanding what order to install related mods and patches in, and what to do when NMM prompts that a installation wants to overwrite an existing item. I'm concerned not only at initial install time, but also when one of the related mods gets an update. In my scenario, I'm looking at SKE (with patch for Alternate Settlements, and Homemaker) Alternate Settlements HomeMaker Any which way I install them, I am prompted to overwrite something. What is the proper order for installing a mod that other mods rely on (like AS relies on SKE)? What is the proper order for installing a mod that contains patches for another mod (like SKE patches HM)? When a mod wants to overwrite a folder created by a patch or a dependency, should I let it (the way AS wants to overwrite content installed by the SKE [presumably the patches for AS])? Sorry if this seems pretty basic to you guys. Just want to make sure I'm doing this right.
  10. Hey guys. So long story short, I downloaded an ENB mod a long time ago that f*#@ed the game up pretty good. Some time later, I decided to reinstall the game along with SKSE. Now, with both of those reinstalled, the mods (even though they didn't move an inch and are still active in NMM) don't show up in the game yet. When I open NMM, it just gives me an option to disable and enable a mod, but not uninstall it. I was hoping if there was a way to activate them all again without redownloading mod-by-mod because there are several GBs of them (so, over a 100). I don't have flat rate Internet unfortunately, so it would take forever. P.S. I don't use Steam, if it's a necessary information.
  11. how do i fix this i'm having it come up with multiple mods and then some not :(
  12. Hi all, I've searched high and low to no avail. I have the same issue as this person: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4683515-fallout-4-creates-folders-but-doesnt-actually-install-anything/ I'm trying to mod Fallout 4. NMM creates the Mod folder path in textures/meshes what have you, but doesn't copy over the actual files. My .ini files are fine. I have set myself as admin, and have run NMM set to run as admin. I have set the steam folder to not read only, but it seems to always have that option re-highlighted when I select properties. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game and NMM. I have two versions of NMM running to preserve my older games' mods. I really don't know what else to try. Please help :sad: Thank you
  13. When i try to install NMC's small texture pack via nexus mod manager it says that a problem occurred during install, if i click on the error icon i get a pop up window that says: Failed A problem occurred during install: Access to path c:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\FalloutNV\Mods\cache\NMCs Textures NV SMALL Pack SINGLE FILE FOR NMM-43135-1-0\NMCsTexPack_SMALL\fomod\info .xml denied. This mod was not installed. Has anyone encountered a problem like this? I have successfully installed other mods before. for example CONELRAD radio mod, populated casinos.
  14. Hello all... I have recently decided to stumble into making/editing meshes using Blender v.2.49b, I have followed the instructions on the Niftools wiki style web page for assistance, however I am unable to get PyFFI2.2.3 to install.bat. "cannot find registry value". I understand what registry entries are to a degree, and have installed Python 2.6.6(x32) as was recommended by the Niftools webpage. I am running Windows 7 x64. Learning the nuances of 3d modeling is daunting enough without running into a wall like this, which probably is my own fault for not understanding something. I'm working with another on some projects, and I have come to the forums to inquire those who may be wiser than I, but not giving up.
  15. Hi, appreciate any help you can give. Ive been having ALOT of trouble trying to download blender WITH nif scripts. Ive used countless tutorials(honestly it must have been over 20 different ones for a bunch of different things) the problem is that the downloads for one or more tools or files are outdated. Ive tried using 3ds Max with other issues. Point being I could really use someone to send me the correct files anyway they can with directions on how. Hell ive sunk so much time trying to do this i could pay youlol. Please help..i just wanna edit some nif files for fallout 4 man
  16. I dont know if its just me or anyone else but i cant get nmm to install most fnv mods correctly, it wont install NMC texture pack project nevada or anything with a scripted installer, I am running the latest version of nmm. I think this problem started just before fallout 4 came out and just blamed it on out of date mods but im seeing people who can install them without problems, if you know how to fix that would be great i really want to go play a fallout that is a rpg not a linear shooter.
  17. Help me please, i've got a fatal error when launching witcher 3 (steam version). If i try to start the game a red engine 3 window shows up and this error appears Error [content0]game\temp.ws(8702): Could not find function 'AddSessionTag'Error [content0]game\temp.ws(8707): Could not find function 'RemoveSessionTag'Error [content0]game\temp.ws(10731): Cannot call exec function 'XDPPrintUserStats' from scripts instead of the console.Error [content0]game\temp.ws(10736): Cannot call exec function 'XDPPrintUserAchievement' from scripts instead of the console.Error [content0]game\temp.ws(11134): Could not find function 'SetGameProgress'Error [content0]game\gameplay\alchemy\alchemymanager.ws(318): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gameplay\alchemy\alchemymanager.ws(322): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gameplay\leveling\levelmanager.ws(277): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\gameplay\leveling\levelmanager.ws(286): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\gameplay\leveling\levelmanager.ws(409): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\npc\npc.ws(1880): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\npc\npc.ws(2726): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\player\player.ws(1089): Could not find function 'LogWithLabel'Error [content0]game\player\r4player.ws(8339): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\player\r4player.ws(11159): Could not find function 'LogWithLabel'Error [content0]game\player\r4player.ws(13137): Could not find function 'LogWithLabel'Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5418): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5826): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(6290): Could not find function 'LogWithValueStr'Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(6689): Could not find function 'LogWithLabel'Error [content0]game\components\inventorycomponent.ws(181): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\components\inventorycomponent.ws(194): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\components\inventorycomponent.ws(768): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\components\inventorycomponent.ws(2231): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\r4game.ws(1663): Could not find function 'SetCommonStatI32'Error [content0]game\gameplay\focus\focus.ws(207): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\gameplay\focus\focus.ws(267): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\gui\hud\hud.ws(1188): Could not find function 'LogWithLabel'Error [content0]game\gui\hud\hud.ws(1189): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gui\hud\hud.ws(1193): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gui\menus\gwintgamemenu.ws(107): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\gui\menus\gwintgamemenu.ws(123): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\gui\menus\gwintgamemenu.ws(128): Could not find function 'LogWithValue'Error [content0]game\gui\menus\inventorymenu.ws(2872): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gui\menus\inventorymenu.ws(2945): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gui\menus\craftingmenu.ws(287): Could not find function 'LogWithLabelAndValue'Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\playerabilitymanager.ws(443): Could not find function 'SetCommonStatFlt'Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\playerabilitymanager.ws(495): Could not find function 'SetCommonStatFlt'Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\playerabilitymanager.ws(618): Could not find function 'LogWithValueStr'Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\playerabilitymanager.ws(1620): Could not find function 'LogWithValueStr'Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\usevehicle.ws(1601): Could not find function 'LogWithValueStr'Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\horseriding.ws(49): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\sailing.ws(56): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\player\states\playerdialogstate.ws(48): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\player\states\aimthrow.ws(42): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\player\states\combat.ws(124): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\player\states\exploration.ws(55): Could not find function 'LogWithName'Error [content0]game\player\states\swimming.ws(252): Could not find function 'LogWithName' Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code. In this case only used "All Quest Objectives On Map" but i've tried lots of other mods before I'd be very glad if you can help me.
  18. I'm having an issue where New Vegas is crashing after the intro video or when attempting to load an existing save file. The game was running fine yesterday, with mods, but I figured I'd see if mods were causing an issue. I've uninstalled and removed all mods, and even uninstalled/deleted everything to do with Fallout NV and reinstalled it, but I'm having the same problem.
  19. Hi, I have a problem for install NMM, First, the program ask me to chose the file where to install NMM. I have not changed the default file. Then, I must chose the game with what I will use NMM (so, skyrim) After that, It asks me to chose differents file locations. If I let the default location, It makes an an error message and I can do nothing. So what location must I chose? http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/917105Sanstitreskyr.png The default location proposed here does not exist in my computer
  20. I trying to install mod, but 00.dat is missing, even 01.dat isn't there. I have 1.06 and 3DM repack. I need only one mod. Please, help! There is the mod
  21. So what I'm trying to do is install this mod: http://robton.nu/vanilla-armors-and-clothes-tmb/ Know that I'm kind of handicap with this stuff, all the mods i've been using this far have only been the ones that had the nice green button "download/install with nexus mod manager" and if i had to do i manually i just skipped it. But someone explained to me today how to do it manually and i figured it out, its really easy even for me lol but anyways, I downloaded this TMB armors and clothes mod and I installed it on my nexus mod manager properly it has the green check mark. But it wont run properly My game will start, I will hit Continue or Load to another save, the load screen will show up and it will go like normal but as soon as the loadscreen is done and it is about to show my charachter and game and all, it just crashes. I know its this mod because when i deactivate it it doesnt crash and when I activate it it crashes. But I'm not sure how to fix this. My laptop is pretty strong. the strongest laptops u can get. Model: GL752VW Processor: INtel® Core™ i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz RAM: 16.0 GB System type 64bit please help me figure this out, its probably something easy and i sounds a special kind of retarded writing this lol but i think i just require a nice dumbed down step by step or something explanation how to fix this. I want this mod, it makes the clothing look fricken sexy instead of slutty xDDDDD lol
  22. About five months ago I got two drives for my computer for the first time. I had planned to install Skyrim on my SSD for loading purposes and NMM on my HDD for space purposes. However when went to install NMM I got a message that said something to the effect that it works better or quicker when it and its folders are on the same drive as the games it is managing mods for. I don't remember the exactly what it said as it was five months ago. I decided for simplicity's sake to just put it on my SSD and live with it. Now, I've seen a couple people mention that they don't have a problem with NMM on one drive and Skyrim on another. However I'm super cautious and a worrier. I would really appreciate it if someone could elaborate to me: 1. Why such a message would come up during install if there is no real issue. 2. Am I correctly remembering the existence or wording of the message. 3. Is there any threat to the stability of my modded games in the event that I chose to migrate NMM to my HDD / Should I uninstall then reinstall all mods prior to and post migration.
  23. So, I just bought a new PC and immediately downloaded Skyrim and got ultra high setting! So, then, of course, I downloaded NMM, then SKUI, just fine, it installed, just fine. But then the world map, bug patch, ect, all at once. But they wouldn't activate, wouldn't even try. It keeps saying the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process or something. I can use a computer, but can NOT fix them! Help?
  24. Before I knew about Mod Organiser I had been using Nexus Mod Manager and installed a few mods using it, overwriting the files in the games Data directory but now I want to keep everything clean and managed all together in Mod Organiser. If I reinstall New Vegas, (Deleting the Data inserted through NMM) will my files and load order in Mod Organiser change or will they stay there the way they are now? If so, I can then reinstall the mods I installed with NMM using MO instead. Any help is appreciated.
  25. I'm quite new to modding games however I have gotten the majority of them to work, in Fallout 4 for example, however when I try to use mods in Skyrim, they download, I have SKSE, I have done the bEnableFileSelection=1 .ini file tweak, however my mods do not install or show up in the menu before the game starts running, I was wondering if it had to do something with the location of where the mods are being downloaded, they're being downloaded into my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data. But here's the thing, when I download with that location using the mod manager, nothing shows up in the file. I have tried installing the mod manually but it the option to enable the mod in the Skyrim menu doesn't show up even then. If anyone could help me I would be eternally grateful :)
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