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  1. I had the idea that someone talented could change the model of the Sickle to a DC-17M or DC-15A
  2. A guard or cell owner checks players for stolen items when the player activates the door and exit cell. (dialogue form?) Cumulative or fixed head reward if stolen items are found. Check player's sneak skill or/and attribute for resist it. (skip checking dialogue and just exit cell)
  3. Its painful to be going out there with all the necessaries material to build the base, why not identify the materials inside the Chest's and then if the material is there, make it use it to build the base? Just like in F4, you just put the materials inside the base, and just go creating the things without needing to see if the material in your inventory will sufice. I think this is a good idea for a more wholesome building and time saver (Lazy, but effective and healthier). ^^ What you guys think?
  4. So I got the idea from watching korgoth where he rides a giant flying pigeon in a post apocalypse world. Very similar if not identical idea to heavy metal giant pigeon flying... So I'm wondering where are the other radioactive mutations out there in fallout? Lets have giant rad-roaches instead of cars and some pack brahmin! The giant radroach can have a fenced farm and a few of them scattered out in the wastelands wearing saddles and such. There's a mod for driving cars even though it's not lore friendly considering the fallout lore where the world ran out of energy sources for their vehicles leading to the war with the Chinese but the mod exists anyway so why not more mutated pack animals!? So it occurred to me why wouldn't someone creatively domesticate a giant radroach for public use? Think about it! They could probably scale black mountain easily!?!? There's a hoverboard mod out there to so flying on one might even be possible. Or just doing a gigantic flea hop over great distances while flapping its wings!?!? O.o
  5. I got a pretty simple mod idea (i would do it myself if i knew how to mod), where it just makes a radio station of just music from persona 3, 4 and 5 because they are all vibes. That's all.
  6. We would like to request a modification for the Resident Evil 3 Remake game, in which we would swap Jill's character with Emily Davis and Carlos' character with Matt from the Until Dawn horror game. The idea is to keep the character models and personalities the same, only exchanging their appearances. We aim to provide players with a fresh and exciting experience, allowing them to enjoy iconic characters from another game within the Resident Evil world. Why it would be good: 1. Fresh Experience: It would be thrilling for players to see how the characters from Until Dawn behave and fit into the Resident Evil world, shedding new light on their personalities and interactions. 2. Creative Challenge: This would present a new challenge for modders to transplant iconic characters into another game, showcasing their skills and creativity. 3. Cross-Community Opportunity: This modification could foster community-building between fans of both games, bringing together Resident Evil and Until Dawn enthusiasts in a shared experience. 4. Replayability: Swapping characters could provide replayability to the game, as players can rediscover the story and events from the perspective of the newly introduced characters. We hope that modders will be inspired by this idea and create this exciting and unique modification for the game. Character models can be found here: Emily: https://www.deviantart.com/gep5/art/Until-Dawn-Emily-Xnalara-813856017 Matt: https://p3dm.ru/files/characters/human/13371-matt-outdoor.html
  7. An idea I've had for a mod for those of us that have beaten the campaign so many times. It would be like this Random NPC on street "hails" you. You can choose to Stop or Not Stop. If you Stop, then you'll be given a random destination around Night City to drop them off. No timers, this shouldn't be "Crazy Taxi", it should be a relaxing end-game way of seeing the City, taking you to places you might have never gone otherwise, while making small amounts of money. It's for RolePlay Purposes. Any 4 Door Vehicle should be fine (just needs a back seat). This will make it so players can either be an official Taxi Driver, or just an "Uber" type of driver. Whatever the player wants.
  8. You know it makes sense, and it is a mystery why it is not in the base game, but we need it. When you carry a lass or a lad over your shoulder, you should be able to use F to smack their ass so they calm down a bit and stop squirming.
  9. Prologue I love mods where you can make your own character audibly say something, depending on the situation, that's why I use PC Head Tracking and Voice Type by HHaleyy, especially the B.Y.O function where you can put your own sound files that would trigger at some events or actions. What really irks me is, that I can not respond to anything on my own will. So I got an idea. The Idea What if you could press certain combination of buttons and respond with what sound files you have in the mod which the sound files would reside in a similar way the aformentioned mod has. I already have a structure for sound files and descriptions for those folders. The way this mod would work is similar to Team Fortress 2 commands, but more specifically the games SMITE and Paladins: Champions of the Realm. Specifically like THIS ← watch the video there on how I imagine it would work exactly like that in Skyrim. The Point? Combining this mod with PC Head Tracking and Voice Type B.Y.O and Dragonborn Voice Over would make your player character be more lively and less mute and all three of these mods would complement each other nicely. The 1st mod is for your pc to be more lively with added custom voice pack that triggers sound files based on your action or events, the 2nd mod works only as for your pc to be able to talk audibly in dialogues, and the 3rd mod I am writing about and would want to make, is for you, to make your pc respond to whatever you want with the button combination. So what's the issue? Mainly me, for I have no talent in coding and whenever I tried to learn it, it always went over my head. That's why I'm making this post here, looking for someone who has a talent in it, helped me to create this mod and make my dream come true. Truth is, the heavy lifting would have to be performed by you. Ok, me as a talented mod creator, if I help you, what should I expect? Well, as I said, you would need to do the heavy lifting of creating the files and scripts for the mod to work. You would need to make a window where the commands would appear preferably on left midle, MCM file where you can edit certain aspects of the mod like choosing for users to pick between paused menu and unpaused menu, whether the sound files would play in order, random and random not repeating previous file, whether you can use certain movements when the window is opened. The mod should be able to support max 50 sound files (if that is possible) in designated folders which I already made. The mod should be able to automatically detect the number of sound files in each designated folder and not play a "silent missing sound file". There might be more to it as the development would go. And I would be eternally grateful of course. If you are interested, hit me up. I uploaded the file for how I imagine the folder structure should look like for the sound files. This folder structure acts as an empty placeholder where sound files can be added by anyone and the mod would use that. Player Voice Guided System Responses.7z
  10. I have an idea that I think would be very interesting, and I would be thrilled if it were realized. I came across an idea on the Nexus Mod website that really impressed me, and I believe it would be very appealing to other fans as well. The essence of the idea would be to replace the character of Leon with Michael Munroe from the Until Dawn video game. I feel that this change would bring a fresh momentum and interest to the game, and it would make those who love both the Resident Evil and Until Dawn worlds very happy. If someone could implement this modification, I am sure that many fans would rejoice. I will put the model link here: https://www.deviantart.com/stevecowlishaw/art/Mike-Outdoor-Until-Dawn-XPS-811326068 We are grateful to those who undertake the realization of this fantastic idea!
  11. Hello, I'm new here on the forum, but I came here to see if there is a way for someone to make such a mod or give me a suggestion about a similar mod. Well, I avidly play Stardew Valley, I really like playing with mods and the most famous one is Stardew Valley Expanded, as you know to play efficiently with this mod you need an auxiliary mod to expand the Farm. The problem starts there, I'm really not a big fan of official maps and even though I played a lot on them, I always tried to find one that I liked. There are several Farm mods out there to download. The big problem is that almost none of them have the characteristics of the originals with the quests for Grandpa's Shed and etc... A few months ago I ended up finding a mod that ended up helping me a little, Legacy Farm by ItsLunatyx, but the mod doesn't work completely and in some parts it's ridiculously large. But in essence the map I'm looking for is similar to this one. A more square and symmetrical map without many inconsistencies. If anyone has any tips, information or even has the ability to create, can you help me, please? Thank you for your attention. (Sorry for the grammatical errors, I used Google Translate assistance.)
  12. Dear Mod Creators, I would like to present a request for a new mod for the Resident Evil 2 Remake game. My idea is to replace Claire's character with Mileena from Mortal Kombat X, using her appearance. I believe this could be an exciting opportunity to breathe new life into the game and provide fans with a fresh experience. You can find the character model at the following link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ngno6xrx7e05llv/Mileena.7z/file I would like to note that the mentioned model is theoretically free to use, so the legal aspects are also in order. Below is a video showcasing the Mileena model to give you an idea of how the character would look in the game: I hope you find my idea intriguing and would like to realize this mod. I look forward to any feedback and further collaboration. Best regards,
  13. Hi! I have an idea that for the Resident Evil 2 Remake we would replace the character of Claire with the character of Mileena from Mortal Kombat 1. Model by: Sticklove. The character model can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/sticklove/art/Mileena-Union-of-Light-986968866
  14. A Mod with a configurable file to add more health to all building structures. it would be useful for PvP servers with base raiding enabled. wood, stone, metal, palbox, and chests all with their own adjustable health in a config.
  15. A Mod with a configurable file to add more health to all building structures. it would be useful for PvP servers with base raiding enabled. wood, stone, metal, palbox, and chests all with their own adjustable health in a config.
  16. Dear mod makers! Mod idea: I would like to request that they make a mod for Resident Evil 2 Remake that replaces Emily Davis with Claire's skin. I think this makeover would be amazing and add a new and exciting dimension to the game. First of all, Emily Davis is an iconic character from Until Dawn and may be dear and familiar to many fans. Claire Redfield's character is also very popular and iconic in the Resident Evil series. Bringing these characters together could create an experience that would delight any fan. In addition, the mod would help to connect two separate game universes, which offers new and exciting possibilities for passing down stories and characters. This allows players to experience their favorite characters and stories in other games, expanding and enriching the gaming experience. Finally, a mod like this could generate massive community interest and give Resident Evil 2 Remake a new spin while also inviting Until Dawn fans into the game's world. In this way, the mod would not only be an excellent entertainment option for the players, but would also help the community to get even closer to each other and to their favorite characters. Thank you in advance for your attention and work in this matter! You can find the model of the character here if you think you can make it: https://www.deviantart.com/gep5/art/Until-Dawn-Emily-Xnalara-813856017
  17. First time using this site, sorry for bad english. Also I haven't finished the game so if I ask for something that it's already there I apologize. I really liked Wartales and I LOVE modding games. I respect modders for the service they provide for a lot of users, and I understand that making a mod for a game is not an easy task. Specially if the game doesn't provide the tools to make a mod (at least that's what I understand). Having said that, I was really sad to see that there aren't many mods for this game out there (only 1 at the moment of writing). And I really think that Wartales has some aspects that could be polished with minor mods, as well as a lot of potential for awesome mods that change or expand the way we play. So let's get to the idea already, I only have one but feel free to share yours. Make mages. I was thinking about this while I was playing and it really filled my brain with ideas, this would change the game in a lot of ways (mages in a lot of games tend to be OP). First, the game would need a new attribute for the mages to put points in it and scalate their damage, the modders could go with the same sistem in D&D and add inteligence. The inteligence attribute would give a (small/normal. Depends on modder) bonus to combat/work XP (giving incentive for other classes to put points in inteligence) and an increase in damage for spells. Second, the mages would need their own items, such as armor to increase their intelligence (too broken, would preffer if the armor just increases their spell damage). The weapon that would allow the mages to use spells would be a book (scroll, wand, amulet, etc) they can equip in their hand, there could be basic ones (allows to shoot a weak magic blast or something like that) and special ones (that allows to use spells with different capabilities, like cantrips in D&D) just like other weapons. Third, the specialitations could be limitless, but here are the ones I've thinked. Arcane, classic balanced mage that focuses on damage and utility (like Ryze from LOL). Pyromantic (just like Dark Souls), mages that do a lot of damage and burn. Healer, they would cure or revive players. Honorable mentions (Enchanter, Warlock, Priest, Battlemage). Fourth, mages in the late game tend to be BROKEN and help with a lot of things outside of the battle, so it would be interesting if they could use abilities in the outworld (like teleportation, bags of holding or wishes). I know this is too much to ask, maybe it's even impossible to make. But I feeled that I needed to share this with someone. Thanks for reading. TL;DR: add mages to wartales.
  18. We need a tool that lets you quickly swap out the 3d model of a weapon/armor for another weapon/armor. Preferably it should output as a .pak file so as not to override game files. Until we have a way to add new equipment slots like camp slots, this seems like the best option.
  19. Im Requsting Palworld Mod Devolopments And Modders , To Craft Mods for Palworld heres my list . Mods Remove Pixels for Butchering Add Adult mods Add weapon Mods Add Backpack Mod for weight reductions and movement speed modifiers Add Belt Garment and armor Mods for Character along with Clothing Mods\ Add Mods to Change Mobs into new varients like Digimon Mods of Mobs Add new species to the current pool of Mobs aka Pal's Add script extender as a main for this Palworld Game Add New Ideas New Builds New Materials New Bosses Maybe add dungeon RNG desgins overtime , would love more ideas added , ir suggested. PalWorld is an amazing game,.
  20. In the D&D supplement I'm writing (and I'm hoping to publish this year, titled Masters of the Dark Dominion) I have a feat that reintroduces Gestalt builds to 5e in a new way. It reads as follows: "If you take this feat, choose one other class, you gain all class abilities form this class as if it were your main class, and you level this class parallel to your main class. You start this class at level one, regardless of what level you have obtained in your main class when taking this feat. You may not take a class of the same type as your main class. (E.g. If you're a Sorcerer you can't take Wizard or Warlock, but you can take Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Bard, or any martial class. If you're a Rogue you can't take Monk, Ranger, or Barbarian, but you can take Paladin, Cleric, Bard, etc). You can take this feat multiple times, each time acquiring a different class." I think this'd be a great feat addition for the game and help to fix the mutliclassing levelling issue, at least as an alternative. I'd make this as a mod myself, but I have no idea where to begin or how to mod BG3. My modding experience is mostly with Minecraft.
  21. i still believe someone gonna create a minutemen mod where you can upgrade the faction with specific quests like recruit veterans, mercenary and guards to become minutemen officer and train your soldiers, search for places with untouched equipment (weapons, armors and PA) and deal with the ideology, motivation, and form of operation of your faction wich, depending on your actions, you can keep being a civilian militia, proper military, mercenary group or even become another and dangerous raider group. other thing they can overhaul is the story, after you rebuild the minutemen you are given quest to consolidate your power in the commonwealth or even you can expand the minutemen influence to nuka world and far harbor and try to revive the idea of the CPG
  22. Hey, everybody! So, to get straight to the point, I've been looking into making mods recently and love Subnautica. Something I feel would make a good mod is the addition of merfolk. I've talked to some modders on the Subnautica Discord and they believe it to be possible. Now...I don't know crap about modding, but I have some experience in 3d modeling in both Maya and Blender. I've started on a base model(VERY basic) so I could assist in that part. The idea for the merfolk is for them to be a handy companion. Right now I have the idea for four modes for them to switch between(using RMB). The first is a scavenger mode, gathering items in a radius. Second is a guard mode to protect from predators. The third would be a companion mode, like the cuddle fish. And the fourth would be a follow mode. A thought on the aesthetic side of things is some variations in the merfolk, like different tales, bio-luminescence coloring, etc. Thoughts? Is it possible?
  23. I have been looking for a mod, that doesn't seem to exist, at least from my searching. So I am now hoping for someone to make this mod. The principle of the mod is relatively simple, I need a mod that allows me, as thane, of a hold to arrest people in that hold, like Nazeem, not permanently, but temporarily, withing the hold prison. It would also be nice if the arresting affected your relationship with the NPC negatively. And a bonus feature if possible; if the (non-essential) NPC were to be arrested enough times, they could potentially be executed. Even better would be if you needed to give the guards a proper reason for the arrest, let's take Nazeem as an example, the reasoning for his arrest could be harrasment of, not just you as a thane, but other citizens of the hold. Because he does that. It would really give some filling to being thane, like if you arrest a lot of people, others would be scared of you, or if your reasoning for the arrestments aren't good enough, the guards might not listen to your arrest order.
  24. Ok, so I'm no game designer, story writer, or any form of mod creator. Hell, I can barely UV wrap a cube in blender correctly without one image being sideways. So I come to you, oh forum gods, in the hopes that some God sees my idea and thinks 'Hey, thats pretty good' So, a good, good large chunk of the audience and player count for this game plays it for one thing, and one thing only right? And that would be Settlement Building. Youtube channels are literally dedicated to it. EvilViking13, Skooled Zone, and plenty of other youtubers are dedicated entirely to the crafty bois. However, I feel like the availability and creativity of the possibilities are pretty low. For example, the inner city base game sucks as it is, and inner city would have been a perfect place. The sizes of the settlements blow, and sure there are mods that expand areas and limits but the game isn't designes around this and causes it's own issues. When I want to create a settlement, I want it to be big, I want it to be my own. I want the layout to be 100% Josh, not 20% Josh and 80% crappy blue shack houses with big ass holes in the roof that make zero logical sense. So, my idea? A new land, a fairly big new land. I see all these new big projects, such as FO4 Miami, FO4 New Vegas, and I think they're great. But it's time the Settlement Bois got one. An entire new land, new city, new gigantic settlement areas. I want to be able to create a thriving settlement, full of hundreds of people. I want to create something of the gods. However, base game I understand this would be too easy, a week at best. So further upon this idea, the settlement resource system would have to be completely overhauled, not just to expand game time, but to bring some realism. You go to sleep a soldier, and awake with the knowledge to craft entire buildings? I don't think so buddy. -So, the first steps for your character woul dhave to be some sort of research system. Yes, yes, I know. Massive Cliche. But it bloody works, and makes bloody sense. -Next, you'd have to put a lot of effort into finding resources and building sources. For example, Build a mining colony near a mine to get Concrete and metal. Build a Foresters in a forest for Wood, plants, fertilizer. Factory settlements, just like in new vegas, for crafting items such as screws, guns, armour, spring. Brotherhood recon teams (FOR THE IMMERSION) for circuitry, optic lenses, nuclear material. City settlements that trade items (depending on what your supply settlements craft and trade with them) -City settlements could also have a massive overhaul; Taxes Rent Designated zones for Retail and Living And these are just a few ideas I can think of off the top of my head quickly. Settlement building showed us that it's time to stop mooching off of existing places, and be the emperor to our own lands, our own world. Let's get this idea trending, so that some MODGOD sees this and takes this from idea to reality <3
  25. Hello everyone, Recently I saw an X-men movie and Infinity War, and I had this ideas that would be could to implement: Shoot with Hands: Yes, we already have mods that allow to throw grenades as if they are superpowers, but I didn't feel like the superpowers were my main source of damage, and taking into account that you can receive damage from that grenades, they felt for me like they were only a support tool to use as a last resource and with planification. So I started to think in a mod that could be your main weapon, you shoot with your hands, and you have a selection of what you can shoot, from Bullets (because why not?) to fire, plasma or ice. Here is how I think is a good way to do it, although I don't have knowledge in modding, and I'm talking having the mods I have instaled as my source of information. WHAT YOU CRAFT: You craft a Power hand in the Chemistry Station, it comes with the basic configuration and I though about the requirements in two lore ways, you already had the powers when the game start, so nothing is required, or you create some kind of chem that needs stuff like Irradiated Blood, and some chems. CUSTOMIZATION: In the Weapon's Workbench you have the following mods: Type of weapon: You select the weapon that your hand is going to imitate, using its sounds. (I think that a pistol, a shotgun and an assault rifle, a laser rifle, a plasma rifle, a minigun, a flamethrower and a cryolator should be enough).Supressor: If the weapon can equip a supressor, this pops up, so the player can decide if he wants supressed or unsepressed sounds and to have stealth options.Damage: A scale in damage from 20% to 300% in steps of 20%, so you can be really weak or one-shot everything.Hand of shooting: You can select from which hand you are shooting. (I don't see this a must-have, but if you can and want to do it, why not?).ANIMATION: I think that animations like in the game inFAMOUS should do the work, adapted to every weapon rate of fire, so every bullet you shoot has a recoil animation, if you shoot only one bullet, the hand goes back only one time, if you shoot multiples times, the hand goes back multiples time with every shot. Here are some ilustrative gifs: https://gyazo.com/00646f340162c351f0c8d2176df2a498 https://gyazo.com/454bb08c2e857024991ab9dd46b2e91d https://gyazo.com/ae464a7afd7d5c1e6c1d9da4c78c3a77 HOW TO EQUIP IT: As a regular weapon, you can add it to favourites, craft different hands and customize them, so you have multiples powers in favourites. BALANCE: I would use AP and then health to shoot, without reloading, but I'd implement an holotape to configure the drain from a lot to non-existant, just in case you want to crazy from time to time. Kill like Thanos: This is a simple power but very powerful at the same time. Basically it will instakill automatically with the effect that you select. HOW TO CRAFT: In the Chemistry Station you can craft an outfit that is the power itself. CUSTOMIZATION: In the Armor Workbench, you select the effect that it makes on your body (you go in flames, ice, lightnings, no effect...) and the effect that it makes on enemies (flames, ice, lightnings, dismembering, dust, no effect...) HOW TO CONFIGURE: In an holotape you can configure: What the mod kills: (Hostile people, Hostile people that is in combat with you, Hostile people that is in combat and searching for you, Everyone but essencial people...) The range of the mod: 1 to 10 meters in all directions. A VISUAL REPRESENTATION: The idea is to make a super OP power that allows you to just start to walk and see the show, more or less like this: https://gyazo.com/228ec437567395afb5caf9f672736d02 And well, thats all, I hope that this post inspire you to make a mod, see you on hot files I hope. :laugh:
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