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  1. Would someone be able to Mod Rebecca’s apartment to be a purchasable apartment for the players home I can provide funding if that is necessary
  2. I’ve been thinking about getting back into modding. I tried it when I was a teenager but was never good at it. I have an idea for a town in Fallout New Vegas, and the Cabin Home by Lonewanderer87 is perfect for it. I could’ve sworn I saw that model listed as a Modder’s resource years ago, but I can’t find it now and I think I should be certain before using it. The cabin does not require a separate space to load into, it looks better made than the usual shanty wooden shacks while simultaneously looking like something made post-war. I can’t get into contact with Lonewanderer87, it appears he has not been on the site in years. He did credit the cabin model to “Sandro T,” but I can’t find a user by that name. I’m unsure where to go from here, does anyone know if this cabin was a Modder’s resource, or am I thinking of something else?
  3. I would love to see a player home based around a playthrough devoted to Horizon. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17374?tab=forum Since the beginning of this year and especially recently Horizon has gotten crazy massive, touching practically every part of this game, so much so that any mod that you use has a high probability of f*#@in things up, especially without a patch. Thats why for anyone who plays Horizon will either patch it themselves(likeme) or wait for an unofficial patch. Anyways, a playerhome set up for the true Horizon player would be really awesome, since theres so much stuff that horizon adds to the settlement system.
  4. This is my first time doing a mod and I need help with something. In my mod, i need my character to go inside an Dragon Skull that I placed in Tamriel. For that, I used de object "LoadScreenDragonSkull" but there is no way to gain acess to it, like if the empty space inside the dragon mouth is part of the object and it's invisible, so I can get inside, there's an invisible wall. Can someone help me?
  5. First, a little reasoning why I want this, if I may. If not, skip to the details at the bottom. I want to learn to code, to mod, and basic graphic design. So this is technically more of a tutorial mod request rather then me simply wanting a personal home. (Or just watching some random YouTube video.) I would consider myself knowing my way around a computer. However anything relating to code is currently beyond me. I don't know where to start. I figured Skyrim modding might be a good place to practise, and this house would be the basis I built my other ideas off of. Details of the request: 1)The exterior of Natsu's house. (from fairy tail) Location doesn't matter, wherever you think best for the feel of the home. 2)The interior can be left empty, except if possible I would like a tree and furnace type thing, so it fits with the outside model. 3) If anyone is actually interested in making this house mod, but not in doing the tutorial, this can be skipped. I would rather have the house and no tutorial then nothing at all, but this was the main reason for the request. Nothing elaborate, anything as simple as just recording how you make it works. I'm unaware if we are allowed to offer payment for requests on the forms, but I realize how much work modding can be and don't expect this service for free. Thanks for your time!
  6. Hello i am looking for mod that is similiar to "My home is your home" with this diffrence that you can mark location on map and then via dialogue with follower/npc tell him to go to that place. It just when i want to fill up my giant house/harem it's a bit of anoying to go to every follower you downloaded or is vanilla and make them follow you and then at house assing their new house. If there isn't mod like that i would like to request it since i belive it would be a usefull tool.
  7. I would like to see a mod that improves the player home in Markarth (or others if similarly lacking.) I noticed there is no tanning rack, grind stone, work bench, smelter or perhaps other conveniences. I searched for a mod and couldn't find one. Anyone able to help? Also would love to be able to swap out my house carl with another race other than Nord.
  8. I would love it if someone could create a mod for PS4 that turns Sinderion's Lab in Blackreach into a proper and safe home with realistic amenities. Related to that for PS4 I would enjoy Blackreach themed mods such as the Dwewer train network mod. Also it would be great to have a mod for PS4 that adds useful amenities to Goldenglow Estate as well as ensuring it is a safe home to store items in.
  9. A placeable sort of Sacrificial Altar with an obelisk or something cool similar that has more glow on it when the the Pit is full of soul. This would be a placeable object to allow the player to do 2 things. One: Sacrifice npcs and creatures standing in the middle. This would replenish the Obelisk. The second function would be to recharge weapons, staves and soulgems instantly. This would add more flexibility and be easier to recharge items like the Staff of Magnus, Mace of Molag Bal ect... The player would be able to place it at his home, stronghold or wherever he want. Maybe we should be allowed to have a few of those. The best way to drag npc to replenish the Sacrificial Pit would be to use tundra defense guards to fill the pool I guess. I don't see how else I could get creatures and npc to walk in the right spot. A tractor beam spell maybe? Does it exist? It would be cool to be able to charge it with soul gems too. That way many small souls could be turned into better ones! Or just keep the pit full of soul for future use and experiments. This mod would be awesome beyond awesome, pretty please someone do it!
  10. -It should cost money per day to feed your family, pay for home services (hearthfire), and pay your hearthfire servants (if you have any). -The income from the store that your spouse sets up is lessened and deposited everyday in the "safe" container of your choosing. -The upkeep of your home will be paid from that "safe" container that you chose. If the container runs low on funds a courier will deliver a message to you that your home is in need of funds, give the courier money to bring back to your home. -If you send the courier away without any money there will be consequences. -Remove "Homecooked Meal" -Ask spouse to set table for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Save current items on the table as templates that simply get switched out to at breakfast/lunch/dinner as long as spouse is home at the time of the switch ​Where might I start to make such a mod?
  11. I downloaded a custom home that I have been using for ages now. It's a place called Wyvern Rock Castle, and by using the mod Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions I was able to get my children to move in there. There have been no issues whatsoever with all the kids, so I know for a fact the place is livable. However I wanted my player to marry Falk Firebeard, the steward of Solitude. He was not marriable, so I downloaded the mods Make Nearly Anyone Your Follower-Marriageable and Spouses Can Live Everywhere. The ceremony occurred and everything went just fine, and my player and Falk are married. However I asked Falk to move to the castle with me, and he said, "I'll meet you there", but he never came. He stays at The Blue Palace in Solitude no matter what I do. I have tried multiple times to recast the spell on my castle, I have asked Falk at least 10 times now to come live with me, and I even tried to teleport him to the castle using console commands but he walked back to his post in Solitude. Is there anything I'm doing wrong, a command I need to input, or another mod I can use to get Falk to stay with me?
  12. I don't know if this is a good place to ask for this but I have been searching for player home in skyrim that has what I want. And I realized I want very specific things. If anyone know of a mod that has this specifically or have the ability to make one I will be immensely grateful. I would make my own but I do not have the time to learn how to and then creat a mod myself. Basically I want this: * One bedroom for me - only for show but It feel good to have one, don't need to be much in there. * Kids bedroom - with minimum of 4 beds, preferrably 6 or more. * Display room - with ALL special item displays and I mean ALL. even necklaces and yes, weapons you get from jarls etc. etc. Really ALLLLLL! * Mannequin room - this is not that necessary but a small number of mannquins, like 15 would be fine, no need for plaques and lots of chests. * Crafting room - alchemy, enchanting and every other crafting station there is. again no need for lots of storage. one chest is enough, takes forever to pick out what you want so I just grab everything and then put it back. thx * The house/home to be compact and not a frickin castle with endless halls and doors, please just everything crammed together in all rooms mentioned to be only for one thing and thath thing only in that room. i.e. I don not want dispolays in my bedroom or mannequins in the display room * Easy access would be nice and if there is teleports to cities I do not mind but it is not necessary, as long as the fast travel point to the home is not 100 meters from the front door it's fine * Obviously must be compatible with the children mod where you can have more than 2 children * decoration can be whatever, dwemer, wooden, whatever, maybe not boring old stone walls from castles but hey, I take what I can get! If anyone feel like they can help me please answer this post. I hope there are some good modders out there or that you have found on for SE that fits my needs (that I have missed). Thanks in advance! With regards, Charlie
  13. I found it weird that the Railroad didn't provide a quest to reclaim the Switchboard after defeating the Institute and the Brotherhood. The Switchboard was the old HQ of the Railroad, wouldn't their next step be to reclaim it? Add an NPC to the railroad HQ telling the main character that, due to the elimination of the rival factions, and the increase in moral and initiates due to the recent conquests, the railroad is now able to reclaim the Switchboard (yay!). You would then have to lead a team of heavies (and any named NPCs you, the modder, think should come too *keep one or two named NPCs in Railroad HQ so it can retain some level of importance**) to the Switchboard and clear it of and remaining hostile synths. Once that is completed, there would be a quick 'quest' to restore power to the Switchboard. Mayhaps, if one were to take the mod further, there could be new NPCs that stay in the Switchboard that provide either a little dialogue or radiant quests for the player character. A great idea would be to add a scientist NPC that, after given a substantial amount of caps, can give you augments; this would do nothing aesthetically, but give the player the cyborg perk, which is already found in the game's data (ID: 0004D86C). Since the Switchboard is so large, a section could be considered a home/settlement for the player character. You could also incorporate the Chinese stealth Suit mod into this mod (given permission), as the only logical place one would be able to find it would be the Yangtze or the Switchboard. As for a weapon, It would be cool to see my personal favorite fallout 3 weapon, the Lincoln Repeater, to have found its way to the Switchboard or in the hands of the Railroad (seeing Lincolns stance on slavery i think it would fit the RR's "theme"). I would love to see a mod like this, and if it were to be made by a person or people who have the know-it-all to give it justice, i think it would be a must-have mod for anyone who chooses the RailRoad.
  14. I thought about it when I tried to solve the problem of low light in some places of my houses and I did not like the mods I tested for it (I wanted something that illuminated a corner or part of the wall and not more drastic changes in lighting in general). I have a mod that I downloaded by bethesda (I did not find it here in the nexus and I do not know if I can say the name) that allows you to crafting a trophy using a dragon skull and fix it on the wall or wherever you want. There are already mods that allow to craft torches or use lanterns but the idea here would be to allow that besides creating this type of items it was possible to fix them to the wall. This would solve the problem that a lot of people have with lighting in some houses and would do for interesting things like lighting the whole environment of Windstar Manor using torches or improving the lighting next to some display using a candle for example. Let me know if already have any mod that does it. PS.: Sorry for my bad english, if is not clear enough let me know and I will try rewrite.
  15. One thing that I have always wanted but have never seen in Skyrim, is changable decorative banners inside (and outside as well, maybe) player homes. What if you could have your own estate with your family by your side while proudly boasting your dynasty's allegiance to any visitor who enters your domain? What if you could switch between these banners to passively show your support for either the Empire, the Stormcloaks, any of the other holds or, hell, why not a personal dragonborn banner? Or none at all, if your dragonborn is completely neutral. ^^ Or, if not possible with the Hearthfire-addon content, then at least as a quirky feature in any privately-created house-mod. The banners would add a little extra to us roleplaying buffs and give modders a suitable challenge. ^^
  16. Hello their I've never requested a mod before but I was wondering if anyone could make a under water player home that is kinda like Rapture(bioshock). Possible things in Player Home maybe?: -Bed Room -Kitchen -Bathroom -Crafting Room -Airlock(possibly with power armor stand?) but these are just my thoughts on my request, maybe asking too much, but I don't know.
  17. Hello, I was browsing the interwebs for a few hours trying to find an Altmer home but I found none for Special Edition (Except for the Lofty Loft) I tried using the Creation Kit but it was a little confusing (who am I kidding VERY confusing). Thanks.
  18. Hello there! I have problems with certain mods. On the pictures it's EEKs Bannered Mare. But also mods like Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE or home mods do cause that problem as well. It appears that meshes just disappear when moving. NPCs do disappear as well. When I move back things get respawned and reset. So do the NPCs. I really don't know how to fix this. I have quite many mods but it there one know one maybe which is known for causing that trouble? Thank you!
  19. Hello! There are currently no mods for the Special Edition in Skaal Village. I would like to own a Player manor / mansion there, with everything included (stable for horse, etc.) There were many mods for Skaal Village in Skyrim, but None for the SE. If someone could do this, I would be very happy! Kind regards, David :thumbsup:
  20. Hello wanted to ask if anyone has a well-recommended home mod for a collector that has all or some of the following. 1. hearthfire compatible/ children 2. one or two cells 3.companion friendly 4.No NPC's thank you if you respond some I've found that have come close are. Elysium Estate : problem I found was that i had to choose either children or followers Aemer's Refuge : not hearthfire/ children friendly Morskom Estate : was crashing ever so often Whiterun Mansion: seemed awkward going up and down the stairs as well as some of the design choices/ also hearthfire compatibility and if possible misc collection like arvak's skull or Aretino Family Heirloom.
  21. Hi all, this is a fix for Breezehome mod by Elianora: The mod has been stated as incompatible with saved files where the player has purchased and decorated vanilla breezehome already. I found a way to fix this issue! Follow the steps below and use ACTUAL hard saves. Takes less than 5 minutes! 1.) Download your breezehome mod NMM 2.) Download Wind District breezehome http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7918/? 3.) In NMM, activate Wind District Breezehome - do NOT activate Elianora Breezehome 4.) Run your game, go to Whiterun and save a new file - do NOT enter the wind district breezehome 5.) Enter Carlotta's new home where your breezehome used to be then exit right away. Save a new file, close the game. 6.) In NMM deactivate Wind District Breezehome and activate Elianora Breezehome 7.) Load the last hard save, enter your new Breezehome! -Best!
  22. So I downloaded Sjel Blad castle because its one of my all time favorite player homes, but when I tried to reenter it today my displays had been moved and there were invisible objects every where making it hard to move around. I thought it was a bug with Sjel Blad so I downloaded a new player home and reverted to a save before i had entered Sjel Blad, but it happened in this new player home too... Is this a known bug for skyrim and is there a fix?...
  23. It would be nice to access the vanilla cellar in hearthfire dlc from the exterior of the house. I, personally, rarely use the cellar ammenities because I have to undergo two loading screens to get there. But if there where a trap door entrance on the side of the house, or better yet, a classic cellar entrance, that would make it more applicable. May possibly even be able to use the model for the grave yard entrance to the thieves guild, but it may be difficult to make it look natural. A simple trap door will do. I play Skyrim on Xbox one, so be sure to upload on the bethnet server. Thank you!
  24. Excluding the global variables for adjusting cell respawn rates, how can I change the timestamp of an interior cell? Example: When I enter/leave a cell, the game engine "Flags" that cell with a timestamp, this timestamp is compared with the ingame time and cell-respawn variables to determine if this cell gets Reset(). How do I artificially "Flag" a cell with a new visited timestamp without actually entering the cell, for example with a Papyrus, or the console. I need to be able to set this timestamp with complete disregard to iHoursToRespawn, etc. as if I genuinely entered the cell.
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