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  1. Drakefell01


    Make a poem whether it's a good one or a bad one and it also doesn't have to follow any rules either!
  2. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
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