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  1. Anybody know if they can fix it so that helmets stay on during cutscenes? Is it possible? Please and thank you!
  2. Hey guys, I was just wondering if it would be possible to have mod that changes helmets etc. to be like Cole's hat - visible in cutscenes? I mean come one.. If I remember the PAX gameplay correctly (like a year before release) there was Inquisitor with his helmet during cutscenes. So I ran through nexus but didn't find anything. It is also entirely possible that I am just blind so if something like this exists, point me to it. Any reply appreciated. Thanks :D
  3. To my knowledge a mod like this doesn't exist and I know some might say its super excessive but I've wanted this kind of helmet for a lifetime in skyrim and hope someone can either make it happen or guide me somewhere to get help. For reference this is a helmet from dark souls that I'd love to see someone recreate and I know the helm is huge but damn its cool to me. http://darksouls.wikidot.com/fang-boar-helm
  4. I was wondering if it was possible to mood these two helmets so their visors are down covering the face. I know the Knight helm is pretty similar to the elite knight, but the imperious would probably look pretty sweet with its visor down. Thanks
  5. Hi there and thank you for reading my post. My request is that i would greatly appreciate someone to retexture a helmet for me and use it as a sepereate mod. If you do this for me it would be awsome and greatly appreciated. I already got all the files i just dont have the knowledge or know how on textures and all that fun stuff. I know theres tutorials but my stupid brain cant wrape around it lol. So if you reply to this post offering help or you can send me a message and ill give ya more detail to what i need and send you the fles if you want to help its a very small request i assure of it. Thank you for your time. :smile:
  6. Hi there and thank you for reading my post. My request is that i would greatly appreciate someone to retexture a helmet for me and use it as a sepereate mod. If you do this for me it would be awsome and greatly appreciated. I already got all the files i just dont have the knowledge or know how on textures and all that fun stuff. I know theres tutorials but my stupid brain cant wrape around it lol. So if you reply to this post offering help or you can send me a message and ill give ya more detail to what i need and send you the fles if you want to help its a very small request i assure of it. Thank you for your time. :)
  7. Hey there chaps I was browsing around the web and was reminded of the helm of Sutton hoo. which is a helmet taken from a Saxon kings burial site, and it seemed like it'd fit perfectly in Skyrim. It's a very ornate helmet with an unusual shape, but I figured certain aspects could be modified, like adding a fabric cover over the neck and exposed face bar the eyes, since it covers so much anyway. Here's some pictures of the helmet for reference Well thanks for reading through all that folks, what do you think? :smile:
  8. So I'm looking to create my own custom replacer for the Jagged Crown, inspired by how you first see it on Borgas where it is also being worn with a helm similar to the helm of Ygnol. My idea was to replicate it by merging the model for the Jagged crown, and the model of one of the four helm types from the Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor mod (far left, looks like Ygnol's). I thought the Dragonbone ebonsteel texture would make it look even cooler. Thing is...I have zero experience with modding, working with models or textures, Nifskope, Blender or any other programs or tools I may need to accomplish this. If anyone would be so kind as to lend a hand, or give me a step by step walkthrough on how to approach this, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
  9. So I've posted this idea on the Steam boards, and I think maybe it's been around here before some ages ago, but here it is: I really like the Stormcloak Commander's hood/helm, the bear head helm. But I REALLY wish I could make some with other animal's pelts. Like a wolf, or sabre cat, or something like that! (perhaps even a dragon!). They'd be just like the one in the game, but would be based on an animal other than a bear, and hopefully would be craft able using the pelt itself and not leather. But I'm not a modder, and I have no 3D art equipment with which to make the designs myself, or I totally would! One of my primary characters is a hunter who makes all her own equipment and such, and I would love to be able to make stuff with the pelts of my kills besides leather. Could anybody help me with this?
  10. Hey Guys I have been a member of the Nexus for a while now, I have enjoyed playing skyrim and using people's mod's A few friends and I have been looking for something specific for our skyrim experince but noone has releassed what we are looking for. I tried to make it myself (and failed) but i have zero skills whenit comesto modeling. I reached out to Hothtropper44 with my idea and he agreed that it is a good idea but he is busy working on other things at the moment so now I'm decidingto reach out to the community. The idea is simple, A Bone helm,while there have been some made personaly i just can't quite get into them,While they are very good, it just isn't what myself and others are looking for. The bone helm in mind is one based off the diablo 2 game. Some may hate it but personaly i enjoyed it. But after thinking about it enough i figured out how it could be made easily (if you have 3d modeling skills) You take askull found in the game remove the jawbone, hollow it out tobe used as a helm, open the eye sockets so people can see there characters eyes. and take the horns off the iron horned helm. sounds simple enough but again I failed horribly when i tried to do it myself. The recipe to build it could be iron igots ,a skull, and leather straps. I put together a quick mockup for refernce so anyone can see my general idea. http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/images/110/5025765-1380587384.png I hope to get some people to help build this all credit goes to the person who can make it. I just want to be able to use it in game. A great helmfor evil characters or necromancers.
  11. New mod request for a Manda'lor the Ultimate Mask. It covers face. Original has a coif attached (black). Always thought this mask was cool. I am making my own. Going to start on mark II with added help from my new mini forge. Dagger forging also. Completed one. (sorry getting off topic...) - Variants of mask other than original gold such as sleek black metal, maroon, crimson,...etc Added mask, not a retex replacement for existing item. Thank you very much for taking the time to view this topic. PS. The ending of "Wolf's Rain" sucked! Signed -Fell
  12. Ever since I started following the Nexus about a year or so ago, I've looked up and down for a mod of an open-faced Briarheart headdress. I've always thought it would be cool to wear and then I saw this artwork by dezzz: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/101389/. It captures exactly how I always thought it would look. If someone can make a mod like this, or point me in the direction of something very similar, that would be awesome. Thanks!
  13. Can someone possibly make a black version of the vexilarius helm from New Vegas? That's be sweet. I wouldn't be opposed to it being for NV only, but FO3 would be nice, although I know that's a bit more complicated. It's just something I've always wanted to wear with a stealth character. It'd be awesome, right?
  14. Hello, As the Ebony helmet is just so ugly (and I hate that I cannot see the face), would it be possible to replace it's model with a circlet for example? Has anyone done something like that or is willing to try (if it's possible) ? Thankyou!
  15. So I recently saw the how to train your dragon 2 trailer and thought that was a really cool helmet. I went and looked but from what i have seen there is not a mod for it. I think it looks pretty sick and tried to make a version of my own but after several hours just can not get it to work. Do any of you guys think you can make it or can give me suggestions of who might I think it would look really cool but just can not make it work on my end. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/327/2/4/how_to_train_your_dragon_2_wallpaper_by_thegrzebol-d6vbqdn.png http://schmoesknow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/maxresdefault1.jpg
  16. Hi guys, I have a couple ideas for Skyrim, here they are: A Jousting Helm http://members.iinet.net.au/~morrisrh/pics/etchhlm1.jpg A Trident: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Poseidon_sculpture_Copenhagen_2005_hand.jpg http://debrakristi.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/trident.jpg A Lightningbolt arrow like this: http://scifimafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/percyjackson2wide.jpg And a Sai Dagger: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9cco2d3bz1r9o70s.jpg Well, i hope someone consider to do them...
  17. The final of HelmHold episode: pilot, a skyrim story based sitcom machinima. YouTube: Newgrounds Part 1: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/634729 Same video just had to split it into two parts. Follow the adventures of Lund, Shrum and friends as they travel to skyrim and follow their new lifes as owners of a contract business. Thank you for watching HelmHold! This has been a huge project for me months in the making. I hope everyone enjoys it and if you like it please share the video and if you really really enjoy it and would like to help me or any questions give me an email at [email protected] Voices. TeeChan Epic Gorilla Chris Then Danamakx Drandon Winkler Brain Cunningham Dani A Antionio A Jared Dukes Z bell Slo7Hproductions Jamie V Jamison W Harry B Mods High ResTexturePack Pupetteer Master RaceCompatibity Real Glaciers DirectorsTools Climates ofTamriel Alternate Actors Static Mesh Improvement Review Studio
  18. Found that the ragged mask and the crown of dusk both have invisible mods but couldn't found anything for Shira's crown. I'm a noob in modding and after searching in YT and Googling i haven't found a guide to know what to do exactly so came here asking if anyone knows where is some info on how to do it, as I understand it has to do with either editing the alpha layer or deliting some .dds files
  19. A relatively simple request; flatten the intricate meshes of the face on the Dwarven Helmet. Unfortunately, I have little to no knowledge regarding Blender and other modeling programs, as well as making said models functional within the Skyrim engine, so I've come here to see if anybody's up for a small challenge. If all goes well, it'll still be compatible with regular textures, and I'll be able to fix up the textures and normal maps afterwards, so don't be concerned about that part. (I'm using navida1's Improved Closefaced Helmets mod for this example image) Cheers.
  20. I would like to see a helmet like this on my game. A good looking realistic barbute with visor, it's my favorite medieval helmet. Could someone model and texture ir for me? I think there would be more people interested, but I haven't seen any mod that adds this helmet, not even mod packs, knight sets of armour, etc. Thank you for reading and considering my request. Some Google pics of what I want
  21. I have seen mods for no class restrictions but why is there no Race restrictions. So many nice looking armors and my Qunari can even use them I can see how they would look but nope can equip it due to race restrictions. I know there are some awesome Armor Modders out there can we please get rid of the face paints and get some sick looking helms instead for Qunari.
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