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  1. Before we start I do not want this >>>>http://runt-of-the-web.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/college-kid-with-dreads.jpg But these >>http://www.black-women-beauty-central.com/image-files/lauryn-hill-freeform-dreadlocks.gif or at the vary least this >>http://www.wallpapersxl.com/wallpapers/1280x960/dreadlock/373658/dreadlock-styles-for-white-men-pictures-373657.6.jpg rant over. I have been searching for a really good hair mod that adds hair styles that actually look good in post apoc, and unfortunately all i've found were sim ports, and weird out of place fashion hairs that dont even look right in the games some modders took them from. I was wondering if anyone with the skill and time would be able to make a series dreadlock mods, would really be apreciated.
  2. Hey you all. I would like to know if anyone can port some cyberpunk hair mods to DD2. I dont know how easy or hard it is, so yeah, that just a shot in the dark, but I would be really grateful if someone did it. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4218 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9279 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13710 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13380 Thanks for your attention.
  3. So, I really love this hairstyle, however I'd love it even more if it had a sidecut instead of the braids. Is there ANYONE out there with the power to make that happen??? ;w;
  4. Just as title suggests, I’m looking for a long hair mod for males that has a high, preferably fluffy ponytail. I’d like it to have physics but understandable if not I’d like to request a modder that does hairs but wasn’t sure how to go about doing so.
  5. Hello Nexus! I'm Amber. I've never made a mod beyond an arrow tweak, but I have been inspired to take on a rather ambitious project. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (greaaat show btw) there is a beautiful character credited as the beast. She's an elfish type creature from a fairytale land with an odd way of speaking and a hell of a look. I want to recreate her into "Ribbit" a fully voiced and developed magic using follower. Here is what this gem looks like! As you can see, she has a lot going on. I expect there will be things I need to learn myself, but I'm wondering how much of this can be covered by mods that currently exist, like hair mods or textures that I could perhaps contact modders about using. I could probably handle things like those ridiculous rainbow eyes as I'm pretty adept with photo editing software. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Z5ocmL6mo Thats a video of her speaking, and I can handle that. It's her movement! Are there mods for that? Truthfully, I'm okay with this taking ages, and requiring a bunch of mods. I just want her in my game... Does anybody have any ideas? Tips? Anything advice for me? Would anyone else be interested in this colorful little follower? I'd love to hear what people think! I am so new to modding as a whole. It's a lot to take in.
  6. Hello guys! Quick question from Dingo and the Baby. o/ For the life of me, I forgot how to go into a hair mod like Apachii/KS Hairdos and export a specific set of hair so I can place it on expansion NPCs as stand alone mods. (I mean, I obviously do it in the creation kit.. But like.. What to do once in there? Also, I'm talking about Skyrim Special Edition.) There used to be more videos and threads around explaining this age old query, but over the years they've been drowned out and I can no longer find them anymore by searching threads/googling/youtube. Sorry for the re-post. Thanks!
  7. Had an idea for a mod that would detect if a player is wearing a piece of armor that takes up the hat slot, then would change the player's hairstyle to a vanilla hair style while the pc is wearing it and revert back when the armor taking up the hat slot is taken off. I had this as an idea for maximum hat compatibility with all custom hair styles without dealing with .egm's. I'm not entirely sure if this is possible, but it's certainly far beyond my level of scripting expertise if so. However I wanted to at least float this out before I forget about it with my other projects.
  8. Hi guys. So, i was trying to make some hair for FNV, but although the meshes works perfectly, the textures appears all screwed up. I mean, on nifskope seems everything fine, but then in game textures doesn't show correctly. I used the standard procedure for also body meshes, changing of course the settings of nifplugin (i use 3ds max). I haven't create the egm/egt files, but if i understand correctly, they're needed only for making the "with hat" version and the "facefx" version.. So.. Isn't that maybe someone knows what i'm doing wrong?
  9. So I know next to nothing about hair, but recently I stumbled onto a mod of some hairs(it was from the KS Hairos series) where the hair was more than one color. Before, I didn't know it was possible. But now I do, and the first thing that came to my mind was that there's a specific hair style/color I would love to be able to use, because it would perfectly fit one of my characters. It's blonde with red hidden underneath, if that makes any sense. If it doesn't, don't worry, I'm including picture links at the bottom. But yeah. Just straight hair, with those two colors in mind, I don't know how to get that to work. I'm using RaceMenu, so whatever color the hair needs to be as far as the game is concerned, I'm good with because I can match it. I can download any hair mod that it's a recolor of, if that's needed. I just... Really, really want to be able to perfectly make this character, because it is a character I've put a lot of heart and soul into, so being able to play this character in Skyrim would be a dream come true. So if anyone is able to do this for me, I would really, truly appreciate it. Pictures for reference: One Two
  10. I have weird bug that almost every NPC have blue beard and hair textures.Does anyone know how to fix this? Original post is here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6187473-hair-missingblue-textures-bug/ No one responded there so im trying my luck here.
  11. After installing a lot of mods,organizing,cleaning i go into game and i see that NPCs have missing/blue textures on hair and beard.Everything is good except hair and beard. Here is link of another person images that have the same bug: https://imgur.com/a/RF47Q My load order and plugins: https://imgur.com/a/oNNkl Is this maybe conflict bettwen Total Character Makeover and Apachi Hair?(Total Character Makeover mod description is saying that they didnt changed hairs but i dont know really) Any help would be appreciated.
  12. So, my mod has a certain issue that I can't figure out anymore. Basically I import manes and tails from Gmod and SFM pony models into Fallout 4 (with permission from the original models' creators, of course) for an addon for Crimes Against Nature. I seem to have forgotten a key step in getting the manes to work, though, because for some reason any mane I try to import now will slide to the left or right of the head depending on the direction that the character is looking. I've made a video showing my method as well as the issue in-game. I've tested the old manes and they still work normally, so it's not an issue with the other mods I have installed. If possible, could someone help me out? I'd really like to get back to working on my mod.
  13. Hi, I can't use 3D-programs properly and right now I don't have time to learn. There is lots of great hairmods available, but more medieval style hairs would be welcome. Could someone for example port these hairs to Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42799?tab=posts&BH=0
  14. so basically tens of hours spent in trying to make her in Skyrim with preexisting mods and tools... here's what I got. Yet, not one of the most essential part of her character: The hair. :F Original armor by Newermind43, custom BBP version edited by meHair KS hairdo "Lilio"Eyes of beautyHigh Res EEO Tintmasks-Warpaints fitted for Mature skin by maevan2Body texture Demoniac texture 8kCustom face texture (edited, can't remember the original)Weapons from Katarina's gear modKatarina scar mod from Steam workshop by AVABAEUNPB body, highly customised in-game through ECEEBody tattoo by me and applied via Slavetat modFeel free to ask for stuff not mentioned above Willing to share files facegen and what not if someone please make her hair like here T_T Long back hair, long bangs to the right side etc. https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/5/57/Katarina_New_Dawn_concept_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140802092827 Just kidding, willing to share anyways should you guys be interested enough. ; )
  15. Hey! I'm trying to import a hair model into Mod Maker but I keep getting the error "Task Failed. Error reported was: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection". I have tried every troubleshooting common fix and nothing, I can't find the error anywhere else.
  16. Anyone with the know how able to give HDT physics to the Mhysa hair from the KS Hairdos Renewal update? The Hair : From this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/? In the same manner as in this wonderful mod would be great. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70363/?
  17. So, I wanna preface this with the admission that I don't know how to mod. I'd love to learn, but I don't have a lot of spare time right now and what little I have I'd rather spend playing Fallout than struggling to become slightly less bad at something I've so far only proven to be terrible at. If you guys know of any sweet and relatively easy to consume tutorials please send me some links because I'd love it if the info was easier to palate for someone who doesn't work with computers a whole lot. That being said, my idea was to make hairstyles and facial hairstyles toggle like the blemishes and scars are. So instead of having to scroll through a massive list of styles in mods like "lots more hairstyles" just to see which one gets as close as you want to the style you're going for, you can just go through the vanilla styles and pick and choose which ones you want to implement. Same thing for facial hair obviously. This seems like it wouldn't be prohibitively difficult, I would assume that there would be some way to make them behave the same way the 'extras' like makeup and scars and stuff work. Again, I might be entirely wrong and that might be impossible and I just might not know it because I am a toddler placed upon the precipice looking down upon the abyss that is modding and I have little to no concept of the horrors therein. But if any of you think it'd be possible, I feel this would make a great addition to our community and I would LOVE to see that feature added to this game.
  18. Good evening, I have retextured and removed the "Hair Long" biped slot from the Grey Knit Cap AA in order for it to be used in a full outfit. It equips fine, and the hair is back, but there's some nasty clipping with the female character's long hairstyle. My first instinct WOULD be to just open the hat mesh up in 3DS, as 3D modelling is my wheelhouse, but I no longer have a license for that program and C4D doesn't import nifs =/. I've noticed that the "Agent X" hairstyle is perfectly flat and thus will fit under the hat. Is there a way to tell the game to change to a particular hairstyle when hats are equipped? I've tried simply copying the root NiNode from the Agent X hair mesh into the hat mesh, but as I expected this crashed CK, and I really don't know enough about NifSkope to know what tags need to be tweaked/removed to combine the two meshes.
  19. Hello! I hope I'm posting this in the right section. Basically, I have KS Hairdos, and I LOVE the mod. I want to customize a few particular NPCs with some of the hairstyles. I go to CK, check Skyrim and KS Hairdos, pull up the character, select the hair, and save the mod file. However, upon opening the mod I just saved, it tells me that it essentially can't find the face data for the particular character I just updated, and they get stuck with default vanilla hair, as well as a grey face in game. I've tried CTRL+F4 and waiting for it to save facegen data. It says done, but does the same thing regardless. I've already edited the Skyrimeditor.ini to allow the sequence bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 and all that. I don't know what I'm missing. I read somewhere that someone fixed it by 'unpacking a .bsa', but that was for Special Edition, and I'm not using that version. I also don't see a .bsa file to extract in the mod for the basic Skyrim, so I'm a bit confused. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated. Thank you ahead of time! EDIT: And yes, I know about the KS Overhaul mod. While it is great, it's not what I'm looking for. I want to do this to a select few characters.
  20. It seems that I have a problem with custom hairs showing in my fallout 3 game. Whether I uninstall the sparkling eyes mod, the hairs show up, but when I redownload the said eyes, the hairs hide in plain sight. In other words, before I downloaded the mods, the Cherry Hair used to show up until it vanished when I downloaded some mods. I had issues downloading custom hairs because they usually demand custom eyes and faces and I don't want that; I only want the hairs. Is there a way I can make my downloaded hairs show up in Fallout 3's gene projector?
  21. I wanted to know if it's possible for anyone to edit Geralt's vanilla hair when it's "tucked" like while wearing ursine armor or just the normal half gathered. Instead of it looking like it's tucked inside his collar, change it to look like all his hair is gathered behind in his ponytail. I photoshoped (crudely ) an idea. If anyone can, or knows someone that can do this I'd appreciate it done. Or if anyone can point me in the direction of how to mod hair like this if there are any kind of tutorials. Although I don't imagine it's easy at all.
  22. I beg on my knees for a hair mod of two braids, one on each side of the head, no bangs, for EF. Something like this: http://cdn2.stylecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/1.Normal-Braids-with-Three-strands-for-kids.jpg I have a very practical, earthy Inquisitor who wants to keep her hair out of the way without spending too much time on it.
  23. I'm trying to roleplay a character that has a unique hairstyle. I have quite a few hair mods, and none of them quite fit the bill. One looks good from the front, and another looks good from the back, because it has a perfect ponytail. I don't have any knowledge or experience in modding or creating models, nor do I have the ability to (don't own Maya or similar programs). So I thought a simpler method of achieving what I want is to make the second hairstyle into an equippable wig. I know the models would clip into each other, but it'd probably look good enough for me to be happy with it. I've looked around for tutorials, or to see if anyone has wanted to do something similar, but I've had no luck. Using the few tutorials I have found, and trying to apply them to what I'm trying to do in Creation Kit, I've only managed to get the name of the new item to appear in game. Unfortunately it was still the model of the item I had duplicated. (And when I tried dropping the item to see if the model changed, the game crashed.) The two hairs I'm wanting to use are from the mod MiscHairstyle1.6 named Yuna.nif, and Lavender.nif. What I tried doing was duplicating the IDs AAClothesMilitaryCap and ClothesMilitaryCap. In both I replaced the existing model with Lavender.nif, and renamed the IDs to TanyaWig. Then I added TanyaWig.esp to plugins.txt. This got the new ID to show up when I searched for it in the console, but as I said, the model had not changed. The other issue is how do I get the hair item I'm trying to make match my characters hair color? Help with this would be really appreciated. Thanks for your time. EDIT: So I actually figured out how to get the model to show up correctly in-game. As I expected though, the color didn't match my characters hair. So all I need to know now is how to get the color to match. I've tried messing with these ColorForms. Loading the 256 hair colors esp, puts the one I need in the color forms. I don't see any way to change the wig's color aside from the colorswap index. So I took the number from the colorform and put it in the index of the wig ID, but that didn't work. In fact even in the preview window, the model is blonde, but it shows up as a reddish purple in game.
  24. Heyo, I've been trying to get a mod made to go with the Linkle Outfit mod, even though there are already hairs in the game that look pretty similar to Linkle's, I'd prefer if her actual hair was in the game as well - So I set out to get it in the game and, well, as someone told me, I was walking into hell Spent the entire day trying to get the mesh to work, and I had absolutely zero luck in doing so. I managed to (I believe) get the actual mod ESP to fire up and work properly, but something about the NIF just isn't wanting to load into the game? I've tried using it to replace other existing hairs and used it in conjunction with the ESP and nothing worked. I've followed just about as many tutorials as I could find and I'm stumped If someone could help me, or tell me what's wrong with the NIF/ESP I'd extremely appreciate the help Here's the esp with the mesh and textures in the proper subfolders: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40372841/linkle%20hair.zip
  25. Hi, I've been working on this mod for a while now and finally got it right. Of course there are still some issues and it would be great if there people would help me 'porting' some popular mods to make it compatible with this one if there is interests. Anyway, here is an excerpt from the readme. Nexus link: Apachii Vanilla Hair Replacer FaceGen Data Uploaded Ethereal Elven Overhaul Bijin NPCs, Warmaidens, Wives This mod is not compatible with mods like Diversity, Total Character Makeover or other mods that add NPCs or alter vanilla NPCs' faces. Mods that do not rely on vanilla hairstyles should be fine. I am currently working on adding facegen data for popular mods like the ones just mentioned. Description This mod uses the three hair packs Apachii Hair, Apachii Hair Females, and Apachii Hair Males as a base and replaces the vanilla hairstyles in Skyrim. It does so by editing the esp file, and therefore the three mods by Apachii are required. This means that you will not see any of the vanilla styles in your game (except for the ones I missed or intentionally left out). This mod does not come with any meshes or textures on its own. This includes: all humans and elvesDremoraonly half of the male Orc stylesno male Redguard stylesno Khajiit, Argonians or Snow Elves More Detail For those interested in my reasoning for my choices, here is some information about how the vanilla game is set up. This applies to male and female unless stated otherwise. There are 8-9 styles for the Dunmer, and an additional 9 styles for all elves. The Dunmer styles are also used by all other mer. There are also around 20 Nord styles that are used by all 'humans'. Orcs have their own styles in vanilla; so do male Redguards (Redguards use human styles, as well). Female Redguards have two additional styles that are used by all humans, however (so no exclusive styles). Imperials have one extra style each (none are exclusive). Many (if not most) of the meshes for men and mer (and Dremora) are simple copies. There are very few models that are exclusive to men or mer. I am not even sure if the textures are any different. While working on this mod I endeavored to give each race an exclusive feel and so no female styles (except for two side shaves, one mohawk, and one dreadlock style) are shared among elves and humans. Orcs also share some of the human or elf styles because of lack of options. For males this was more difficult since there aren't as many total styles available. I still tried, though, and gave most of the 'upswept' styles to elves, for example. Because of this I gave female Redguards, Bretons, Altmer, Imperials, and female Bosmer additional, exclusive styles. These are not used by NPCs, however and are indicated by a '+' in the pictures. There are multiple reasons for not using a certain style. For one, I do not like it. Secondly, and this applies to long styles, especially the ones that go over the chest, they do not look good in a game without any hair physics. Thirdly, they make guys look like tools (this one is close to my heart). I know that KS Hairdos uses XPMSSE. Maybe something like this can be added to Apachii, as well.
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