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  1. So I'm new to modding in general, I have got most of the mods for FNV working however when it comes to weapon animations, nothing seems to work. I have gone into the manage rules tab but I'm not sure what to do there or how to get any of the animations to work. what I have also noticed as well is when trying to use any other weapon animation mod, it still wont work in game. (note I don't get any actual errors within Vortex) What am I doing wrong, what can I do to fix this? Should I send a list of my mods? do I need to do some sort of debugging? Any idea helps. Thank you for your time
  2. Since some of you guys were actually able upload mods for the Remington Model 1858 Revolver and the Hawken Rifle, along with those modern weapons, I was wondering if any of you could create a mod for the Merwin Hulbert Revolver. See I think it deserves a place in RDR2 and RDO for two reasons. One, it was that kind of gun that inspired the Widowmaker in "Red Dead Revolver." Two, in spite of the fact that it became one of the forgotten firearms of the Old West, it was actually quite popular during its time. As a matter of fact it was just as popular as the revolvers that were made by Colt, Remington, and Smith & Wesson. Here's a list of most of the many historical figures who owned Merwin Hulberts; Wyatt Earp, Bass Reeves, Jesse James, Calamity Jane, Pat Garrett, Bob and Grat Dalton, John Wesley Hardin, Sam Bass, Poncho Villa, Judge Isaac Parker, Bud Ledbetter, Ned Christie, Pearl Hart, Bass Outlaw, Granville Stuart, Texas Ranger Frank Hamer, and others. The revolver you see in the picture above is a Merwin Hulbert Frontier 3rd Model Single Action Revolver. Merwin, Hulbert, and Co. made both single actions and double actions with grips like the one in the picture, and with more lethal ones called "Skullcrushers". If you wish to see a picture of one with a "Skullcrusher" grip or pictures of the double actions, please say so in a comment. You know, now that I think about it, a pair of Merwin Hulbert Revolvers would have been more fitting weapons for Hosea Matthews, also it would've been a great weapon for Slim Grant and Esteban Cortez. Anyway, I wasn't sure whether or not you guys knew how these guns work so I added a couple of links to some videos that will show you. The first is part of a collection of videos on YouTube known as "Forgotten Weapons" and in it there's this guy who shows different models of the Merwin Hulbert and explains the history as well as how to load it and unload it. The second is a short video on RecoilTV of a person demonstrating how it works with actual ammunition. In case you guys are thinking about just watching the latter, I advise you to watch the other one first because it's best to know all the details before seeing such a weapon in action: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D0O4msUTg16k&ved=2ahUKEwjXt7TssKGEAxWxhIkEHXn6A5AQwqsBegQIFBAE&usg=AOvVaw3V4dEsVROCXBzKA4cGn8eQ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://recoil.tv/watch/channel/INRANGETV/2-yuq44pquiyj7-loading-firing-and-unloading-the-merwin-hulbert-pocket-army-revolver-skullcrusher&ved=2ahUKEwjy8bfOtqGEAxUsFlkFHQGPCKo4FBCjtAF6BAgIEAE&usg=AOvVaw3nXPtec5V9lFwGWbHNP7Rg Now this is just the first weapon mod request, for I have plenty of others including a mounted gun. Coming up next is another repeater rifle.
  3. I am currently making what I think the M199 "Back Talker" rifle may look like. I wish to make it as lore friendly as possible and will be posting progress as I go along here. Currently, I have modeled it's general shape and now must add further, finer details. Then, I will texture and animate it, and eventually implement it into leveled list and a Quest. Please give me any constructive criticism you may have. Stand by for more as i develop it.
  4. Hi all seeking an animator for a 2 handed weapon if anyone can help us please contact me.
  5. Just wondering if there is a way to make so a weapon requires a specific type of attachment before another one can be put on. For example, make so a certain barrel requires that the weapon have a pistol configuration, not rifle. I played around with a few conditions in the recipe requirements, but couldn't get anything to work quite the way I wanted. One of the issues is that I'm not sure what the target of that requirement should be, for Perk requirements it's on Subject, but that can't be the same to check the weapon you're looking at in a crafting menu. Really hoping this doesn't require some kind of script.
  6. Hello! I wanted to ask if any of you cool modders could make a made texture and material replacer for the FN p90 by The Shiny Haxorus. I sort of want this reskin to be sort of like the RC90 from golden eye expect almost everything is wooden expect the rail, muzzle, charge handle, and magazine. I also would like the wood to be slightly worn IF you can of course. Lastly just to make sure I would like wood textures to be realistic and material not the N64 graphics style. I sort of just want the p90 to fit in the fallout world where plastic is not to common, unless I am wrong and plastic is plentiful. He is what I sort of looking for: https://imgur.com/a/LKYr86f Before I go I wanted to ask a few questions: Is it ok to request these reskin for other mods? Do I need the author/creators permission? If you don't wanna make the mod how do I do it myself? Do I need a lot of experience in blender or maybe the creation kit? How difficult is to make a mod sort of like this? Thank you for your time and I hope you have a nice day. :smile:
  7. Looking for a mod that replaces the sound of the Urban Eagle weapon. Currently it is very bleh and sounds nothing like you'd imagine it would sound like. If the sound files weren't all numbered and impossible to decipher, I would immediately replace the sound of the gun with the COD MW Desert Eagle.
  8. A weapon / companion mod that based on Megatron from The Transformers cartoon back in the day. Some kind of quest(s) that involves an evil robot able to transform into a powerful pistol with insane customizations that affects Megatron's transformations and companion abilities. Once you finish the questline and defeat Megatron and the Raiders / Gunners that are using him to spread fear throughout the Commonwealth, you can repair and reprogram him to have a voiced robot companion that transforms into a powerful pistol and tells hilarious stories about his time with the Raiders / Gunners having issues with recoil shooting themselves in the foot or whatever wacky thing works. I realize a mod like this would take a lot of work and it would be way too much trouble to have animations of Megatron transforming back and forth from a pistol into a robot companion but the transformation could be based off the favorites menu, and a "transform" noise based off the cartoon.
  9. What if we had a mod that made Bioshock more realistic? I didn't like Bioshock's stiff camera and movement. (I know it's part survival horror game) but what if when you move the character the character moves 5 centimeters more in 5 frames. Have the gun and weapons move with the character also like in Half Life 2. Have a mouse filter to.
  10. Preferably off the tripod, so I can John Basilone raiders left and right.
  11. When I draw any of my guns it makes a loud sound then crashes for some reason and I can't figure it out for the life of me. I will attach my crash log for reference.
  12. Hi there, I am a fan of modding Fallout 4 but there are a few mod ideas I have that I have not seen done before. As I am no mod creator, I do not know the process of making my own mods, and I wouldn't have the time to in most cases anyways. So I want to request a mod that brings one of my favorite real life pistols into the world of Fallout. The COP .357 Derringer. Its unique design I would say fits right in the world of Fallout, and I wouldn't doubt people would think (if this gun was already in the game) that it belonged to the Fallout universe and wasn't real, but this is besides the point. I have a few ideas for this mod, and I do want to be hands on in the creation of it. Specifically, I want to be able to say how I want the reload animation to look like, what modifications there might be, simple things like that. However I do have some other requests that might require a better skillset in weapon modding, if not, they might be impossible. Before any work is started on the gun, I would like to discuss the details of some of these ideas that I have, especially the more advanced ones. Consider that I want this mod to pay a lot of attention to detail. I won't settle for modified default animations or basic reloads or an okay model. I do want to have everything be exceptional quality. In terms of balancing, and the weapon being added to the level list so that it may spawn on other NPCs, that can be discussed later with me. Also, this is my first time requesting basically anything in my life, specifically something I want to be involved in, so please do forgive me if I don't seem I understand certain things or that I might not have the best communication skills. And in that regard, I can be pretty bad at explaining things, so please have some patience with me if such an issue came to be. I want this to be a very friendly and open thing between me and whomever might want to work with me to make this, if there is anyone. If anyone wants to add me to discuss the creation of this mod, you can find me on Steam at [https://steamcommunity.com/id/FuFu-The-Jester/] or you can add me on discord, my tag is FuFu#7599. However, I would prefer being added on Steam with a comment on my profile explaining you are there to discuss the details of this with me. If you add me on discord, it may take longer than usual for me to accept. And with that, Thank you for reading my post, and considering this opportunity to add an amazing pistol into the game, Clementine FuFu
  13. AR Raygun Supreme 9000 otherwise known as a cyan, orange, and red plastic replica of a Lexington handgun intended for use with Virtual Reality games. is in desperate need of some buffs
  14. As name suggests - add to New Vegas Johnny Silverhand's gun Malorian Arms 3516 from Cyberpunk (2077), with those overdramatic animations. And since script extender on a rampage with it's functionality - make also functional melee with short range flamethrower. And also take in consideration it's special abilities, like piercing through walls, or at least make it pierce through armor with any ammo type (in CP77 it pierce through walls when looking through ironsight)
  15. You'd think with all the rapiers and dueling weapons there'd be flintlocks as a sidearm, but no mod seems to have any for u10. It's weird.
  16. Greetings! I would like for someone to add the Handgun A.K.A the "Silver Ghost" from Resident Evil 4 into the world of Fallout New Vegas. I have no idea what I am to do to even start creating mods, so at the very least if someone can point me in the right direction to create it myself that would be great too.
  17. Hi! I'm currently creating a weapon mod for Fallout 4 along with custom animations. I have already created most first person animations and everything works fine. But now I'm encountering a problem in my reload animation. In 3DS Max 2015 the animation looks fine. But when the animation plays in Fallout 4 the gun is shivering, or jittering. It only occurs when the Right Hand has movement. But the gun is not linked to the right hand at that moment. So in the reload animation the gun switches from right hand to left hand, and then the character holds the gun with the left hand and inserts bullets etc with the right hand. Every other animation i have done: The gun is in the right hand and the left hand does stuff = no problem I mostly followed The Rizzlers Tutorial on this if that helps I can quickly say my setup for this animation I'm using IK System. Bip_RWeapon is not connected to anything only: Bip_RWeapon is linked to a helper Node (i called it WeaponBone) which is linked to another helperNode (which is called MainController) I use MainController to move the weapon around in the animation. Bip_RArm_IKTarget is linked to the WeaponBone (the helpernode) the whole time. This is so the right hand follows the gun motions. Then at frame 13 Bip_LArm_IKTarget is also linked to WeaponBone. Before it is linked to world. At frame 13 the gun goes over from right hand to left hand, before i didnt need a link from left hand to gun. Now whenever the right hand has any movement the gun will jitter, shake uncontrollably. The bigger movement the right hand does the stronger the shaking. This only happens INGAME but in 3DS Max the Animation looks good without shaking. So there seems to be a connection between right hand and weapon but i dont know what it is and it only comes into effect ingame. I've seen a comment under Rizzlers video, where someone had the same problem, but there was no answer with a fix on that. I hope someone knows how to fix this, or at least how to tone the shaking down so it is not noticable if you see the animation. I noticed that in Bethesdas own animation the weapon always stays in the right hand i think and all action is in the left hand. So maybe even they encountered the same problem. But i have seen weapon Mods where the gun is moved to the left hand and action is done with the right hand with no jitter or at least so little shaking that it is not noticable in normal gameplay. So i know it is possible. Maybe someone else has an idea! Thank you Cheers!
  18. Update: For anyone reading this it has finally been fixed by Antonix35 please check out the fix here https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/2830 and endorse the mod so more people can see it. Thanks! When quick swapping to legendary, epic or rare guns with modifiers the game stutters like crazy and it's super annoying to the point were late game combat is just awful. On top of that when shooting an enemy with a gun that has a elemental modifier (such as incendiary) it also stutters. Many people have speculated that the weapon swap stutter is due to the inventory having to many items in it, but this is not my or many others cases as we have tried removing all items from the inventory and the stuttering persists. the swap stutter seems to get worse the more modifiers the weapon has and the higher the weapon rarity is as I have experienced. If you need to recreate the bug spawn in a legendary weapon and a laser cutter then open the scanner with the legendary equipped and it will cause the cutter to be equipped inducing a stutter or simply quick swap between a legendary gun and any other gun. I hope you see what I mean. please If someone could try to fix this massive problem that many are experiencing that would be amazing. Anyone reading this post please spread the message as I do not see it getting fixed anytime soon, and more and more people are entering late game and will experience this awful immersion breaking bug. Below I have provided a simple demo of this happening. Demo ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NinDLUVXJhA
  19. i wanted to make the minigun fire with a realistic speed by setting the number of projectiles to a higher number, but the faster i make it fire, the more the firing animation keep freezing. is there any solution to that?
  20. I Don't know who you are - but please you Modding Legend bring this to the game
  21. I use a mod called Lights remover which basically removes all sources of lights in the game, greatly increasing fps. Coupled with Light Sources Do Not Cast Dynamic Shadows, it gives the game a great dark vibe with occasional light places. What's my idea: be able to use the Flare Gun as a light source, shooting a dark place and illuminating it, just like a burning corpse does. Bonus point: the light attracts ghouls, scares animals and place all the other enemies on alert. Restrictions: can only be used inside buildings, outside it will work as normal. How it works? I'm not familiar with the modding code, but it could produce an invisible corpse burning on the point it lands, correcting the color from the white-red to bright red of the glare.
  22. i saw someone on facebook says that, but i can't find it
  23. There was a mod I saw ago that equipped you with a gun which let you SHOOT BIG BLOCKS or other objects which you could walk onto/overthem.. I've tried every leyword I could think of to find it but can't PLEASE HELP!! thanks a lot SOLVED! I think I found it : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/52024 it's called S.T.E.V.E. STEVE will work only for the PLAYER to use and walk on ONLY those blocks are NOT USABLE by any NPC's :(
  24. Evening All, I Resently found and purchased this model pack on CGTrader of Flintlock and Wheellock Muskets ( https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-model-collections/weapon-flintlock-wheellock-rifle-pack-bundle ) and I think these models would make good reskins for the Musket from the Project Flintlock Mod, as they would fit in as early from of firearms in Skyrim, as well as adding some more variety and unique looking firearms, An animated mechanisum is not mission critical. Is this somthing that anyone would be interested on working on? Cheers
  25. Easily one of the most enjoyable guns in cry of fear. "A semi automatic polymer-framed handgun chambered in .45 ACP much like the M1911. The gun itself is not too interesting but it is reliable. The animations are slick, the powerful cartridge makes it useful, and overall, it's a serviceable gun: Low recoil, high power. It can be equipped with tritium glow sights on the rear of the slide, and the kick of it truly does make dispersing an enemy feel absolutely satisfying." Holds 8 rounds has a damage of 20 in cry of fear (convert to 245 for Fallout 4 balancing) Recoil: Low Supports ap rounds: yes Rounds (modded in so you can't use vanilla .45 ) : .45 ACP (Armor Piercing) Animation: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMjPJZu34TfOadyfCm7vIlLvv4TjLp6kioCk9SaS481zWU41_nG-wEVXA5ApEycbw/photo/AF1QipMfb8jSNz8IgfhtnIo1HSgFJxmYf2xZ0Daj64Yn?key=bDJvdHdDZ0JyNFI0dXItYmhyREpONFhLck9QUV93
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