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  1. Looking for someone to add the fierce deity great sword from LoZ. Scales with Character Level, powering up at levels, 4, 7, 10 Properties Damage: D6 Slashing.png 2d6 (2~12) + Strength modifier Damage Types Slashing damage + 1d6 Lightning Damage Details: Two-Handed Melee: 1.5 m / 5 ft Dippable Dippable Actions Proficiency If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain: Pommel Strike Lacerate Slash Cleave Model Found here: https://www.models-resource.com/wii_u/hyrulewarriors/model/9794/ (Blue & Green Model)
  2. Hi Fellow hunter. I have a request. Recently i began a new game on MHW Iceborne and modded a bit. I step upon this two Weapon i talking in the subject. In the mod where i take the file, they replace Wyvern Ignition and Anguish. I just want to change this into Ultra Jaw Blade for Sigmund and Chrome Deathscythe I - II - III for Dreadqueen Rathian GS Can someone could do it? Im not a noob in modding since i resided for almost 6 years on Nirn but im a total stranger about the architecture of MH modding If someone accept, just post and i will give you the file. Thank in advance.
  3. Hey folks, how are you? The githiyanki 2h sword stance and attack animations are the coolest in the game, but I wanted to play as human for my playthrough. Could a kind soul create a mod that substituted human 2h and versatile (greatsword and longsword) sword animations for the githiyanki ones? Is it even possible to do? Are there any mods out there that already allow it? I would be so so grateful and would consider a donation for your trouble. Thank you!
  4. Can someone make this weapon. i hope this is a good one i mean a suggestion
  5. So I'm working on a quick and simple mod but I'm having trouble getting it to work properly in game. The goal is to have a greatsword that casts Flame Cloak on a standing/forward power attack and Fireball on a left or right power attack, similar to the Bloodskal Blade. To do this, I made a magic effect with the following script attached to it: I set property SpellHoriz to "Fireball" and SpellVert to "flameCloak" I then created a self-cast/constant effect spell that I attached the magic effect to. I made a perk with an entry that added the spell as an ability To finish it, I created a duplicate of the Silver Greatsword that had that the vanilla SilverSwordScript script attached to it, and replaced the SilverPerk property with the perk I created earlier. I'm fairly sure that this should work, however in-game I don't seem to be getting results when I swing the weapon. Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be, and how I might be able to fix it? I attached the .esp file. All related content is prefixed with __HKC. I would have attached the .esp to this topic, but for some reason nexus mods doesn't want you to be sharing mods on a modding forum. I provided a dropbox link to the .esp file for reference here. Thank you for your time.
  6. Can we bring the Firelink Greatsword from Dark Souls III into Skyrim? Ideally the sword would appear in its unbuffed state. Also, is it possible to add a power when a sword is equipped and remove the power upon unequipping? Having the sword equipped could add the Fading Flame power to be used to buff the sword to have a flaming animation surrounding it. Then when using a strong attack with the buffed sword, having flames shoot out from the ground in front of you.
  7. Does anyone know of or know how to make a mod that makes battleaxes and warhammers use the same animations as the greatsword? I like using the immersive first person mod but I noticed that I almost never see my battleaxe while using it and I prefered the normal first person animations but I still wanted the realistic first person view and movements, so my idea is to get a mod that replaces the battleaxe animations with the greatsword ones since that would be similar to what it looks like in normal first person EDIT: Damn, nevermind I just tested it and I can't see a greatsword in immersive FP either anyway
  8. Hello guys and gals! this is my first time on the forums so be gentle :wink: this is an armour and weapon request for any modder who wishes to take it on, i have been watching the anime claymore recently and have really gotten into it, so i was hoping someone could make the armour and weapons from said anime. this armour should primarily be for the CBBE body, and hopefully be made with HDT for the TBBP presets (we all love the jiggles :3 ) if you could make this for multiple body types and presets that would be awesome to get it out there! i have included 2 pictures that i hope will be helpful to whoever takes this project on. thank you in advance DSomersNi90
  9. So I have been working on a mod for Skyrim which adds the sword "Galatine" from the game Warframe (more info on sword here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Galatine). So I made a 3d model using an image for reference, nif files, esp, and the textures, but I have a bit of a problem. The textures,I made them in Autodesk Mudbox, came out looking like crap. Ingame pic of sword in first person view: http://i.imgur.com/CSvx5r6.jpg Is there anyone who can make a high res texture or at least help me make the textures look more high res? Point me to a tutorial or anything, help will be most appreciative. You can download this archive with all the files (3d model, nif files, images, esp and textures) if that will help: https://mega.co.nz/#!XUdzABpR!TG8t8cPc-MSaPcin2vK97OqggeOrfiEgOc7DNCgMfU8
  10. Hi guys :smile: This is my very first mod for any game, so bear with me while I learn how to make new content and maybe I can help others learn too :smile: This is my Work-In-Progress of a little mod I dreamed up called the Gem-Knight Weapons Mod. Those of you who play Yu-Gi-Oh will probably recognize the name from the Gem-Knight archetype, which is also my favorite deck to run. For those of you who don't, its a bunch of knights that are associated with different minerals (e.g.: diamond, emerald, amethyst, etc...). This mod will feature: Weapons: Greatsword of Master Diamond (Soul Trap effect) Staff of Sardonyx (Fire Bolt effect) Staff of Iolite (Ice Spike effect) Staff of Amber (Lightning Bolt effect) Sword of Citrine (Fire Damage effect) Sword of Prismaura (Shock Damage effect) Sword of Amethyst (Frost Damage effect) Battleaxe of Ruby (Absorb Health) Battleaxe of Aquamarine (Absorb Magicka) Battleaxe of Topaz (Absorb Stamina) Warhammer of Zirconia (No Effect - may be left up to the player to enchant) As I am still very new to this, the mod won't be appearing in the close future, however, I will be updating the page as the mod progresses (as I'm starting a job soon, progress will be slow). If I do end up completing this project, I have ideas for armor and maybe a quest line to go along with it. Also, I am writing a tutorial as I go to help others learn as I have. So, lets see where this goes :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Staff of Sardonyx Updates: PAUSED 01: Work has now properly begun on this mod. My first weapon being made right now is the Staff of Sardonyx. As mentioned above, the Staff of Sardonyx will use the Fire Bolt enchantment. The design on the card is a mace, however as I like to do things in threes, I have made it into a staff. 02: I have restarted the texturing so many times I'm getting sick to death of seeing it. Hopefully now it looks a little bit more like a sardonyx texture and less like a page out of a 5 year old's colouring book. The mesh was also tweaked as a conical pole was harder to texture than a straight one. 03: The staff has driven me insane. The UV Maps no longer adhere to their own rules and are displaying whatever they like, not what's covering the netting the software mapped out. Until this is fixed, progress cannot continue. However, in light of this, progress has been made on the armor side of this mod (which wasn't my main focus) and I have now begun creating armor for two other Gem-Knights, specifically helmets. Body work will come later after I've figured out how to actually make the stuff. Progress: Mesh: Complete Textures: Partially Complete Coding: Incomplete ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helmet of Sapphire: 01: As stated earlier in my Staff of Sardonyx update, the mesh has been made for this knight. Is has a rather simple but strange design, but when textured should come out fairly pretty. Mesh: Complete Textures: Incomplete Coding: Incomplete ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helmet of Obsidian: A running theme with the design of the Gem-Knights seems to be simplistic shapes that aren't commonly used in real life. This helmet was pretty much made by accident while trying to figure out a design for another Gem-Knight. Nevertheless, its shape is difficult to imagine on its own and needs to be made to look right if such a time occured. Mesh: Partially Complete Textures: Incomplete Coding: Incomplete DISCLAIMER: Yu-Gi-Oh and Skyrim are obviously not mine. Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to Konami and Skyrim to Bethesda. This is purely a fan-based non-profit mod.
  11. So, we all love the Wabbajack, and everyone loves using it for the most humorous antics. But, I think it falls short in terms of representing the impredictability of Shegorath. Now I have no idea if this is possible, but is there any way to make it so the Wabbajack's weapon type changes each time it is drawn? As in circling between being a dagger, a bow, a greatsword, an axe, an waraxe, a mace and so on. They would have course have the same random enchantment of the staff, which would be activated on hit.
  12. Could somebody please re texture or recolor the king ultra great sword?
  13. So after learning some things about medieval history and weapons, and playing For Honor recently, I have come to the conclusion that there is one simple thing that would make Skyrim more immersive and "realistic" for me. I want all of the weapons labelled as "Greatsword" to be renamed to "Longsword". See, all of the greatswords in Skyrim aren't actualy what they are called, as real greatswords are significantly larger than in game. In some circles, they are even considered as polearms because of their shear size. However, the two handed swords in Skyrim are more akin to a longsword due to their size. If somebody could please make the appropriate renames to the items for me, that would be most appreciated. If the process of doing so is simple enough for someone with no actual knowledge of the Creation Kit to do, I will take instructions for that with a smile on my face.
  14. Hello all. I seem to remember this sword floating around the nexus, but sadly I can't seem to find it. So I come to you excellent modders to request this simple greatsword be put into skyrim. I was considering this to be my first project in modeling, texturing, and so on, but I am too busy at the moment. So if one of you decide to make it I would be in your debt.
  15. Hello, it's me... Since my previous request hasn't got even one reply, i thought i would make another one, because hey, why not? As always, i would be really glad, if someone would make mod, that change greatsword idle stance animation, and maybe running animations aswell to something like this. Thank you.
  16. Was wondering if someone could make the "Holy Moonlight Sword" from blood-borne maybe 1 hand and 2 handed full version and un-moonlighted version. here is a picture i can try to find a model if needed. Would really love to see this added!
  17. Was wondering if someone could make the "Holy Moonlight Sword" from blood-borne maybe 1 hand and 2 handed full version and un-moonlighted version. here is a picture i can try to find a model if needed. Would really love to see this added!
  18. Firelink Greatsword moveset: Light attack: Two-Handed Light attack Strong Attack: Fading Flame attack Unleveled Greatsword Bonus Points: Find it in Sovngarde, Throat of the World, or some end-game location
  19. Hello everyone ! I would like to know if there is a mod to change the way you hold your weapon in skyrim to be more like in for honor where you hold your weapon by it guard. Like this : Thanks for you attention and sorry for my english not always correct.
  20. Preface: I have no knowledge of how to mod or how to even go about switching the folder names appropriately and haven't been able to find a good guide to do so. Given the right direction of where to get started i would gladly do so. I have noticed a severe lack of any mods for switch axe. I have recently fallen in love with the move set of the Switch-Axe, but I cannot stand the bulk of it on my characters back or even the positioning. Would there be any possible way to exchange the skins to greatsword options or even longsword options? I feel as though using switch-axe attacks with greatsword skins and/or longsword skin would look amazing and feel really cool to be doing with those weapon types as greatswords move-set is limited and longsword just feels wonky to me. So my request, could anyone do this type of thing for me? Is it possible to replace the skin for both the axe and sword modes to just one greatsword or longsword and still keep the move-set the same? Any responses would be amazing and you all are beautiful people. Thanks for taking the time to read my request.
  21. I am looking for someone why can make a custom set of heavy armor + greatsword, both are highly detailed and would require someone who knows making custom 3d models in something like blender this is the picture, you might need to scroll a bit sorry about that
  22. Hello everyone. This is my first foray into the Mod Requests section of the forum (iirc) so please, don't have your dragon flame and swallow me right away. :smile: I have been playing the Elder Scrolls series since Morrowind, and Morrowind is also the first game to really introduce me to the world of modding. As it was, one of the first mods I fell in love with was on the now defunct ElricM download site (R.I.P. fond memories). Luckily I have found a copy of that mod on PES. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=3724 I love the shape of this greatsword, and I also loved the short quest that came with it. If any competent modeler/texturer be willing, I would love to see this sword remade for Skyrim with this mod's interpretation as the basis for its' design. I imagine it of course being shorter (Morrowind greatswords were ungodly long) and maybe a tiny bit thinner, but I truly like the way it seems heavy enough to cleave through anything that might be put in its' path. The blade length red runes are awesome, and with some good texture work maybe they could appear to actually be ingrained or engraved into the blade. The main are of improvement I imagine would be the hilt. The tapering grip and basic pommel look both undersized and flimsy in my opinion. I hope a skilled modeler and texturer would be willing to take this project up. I would be willing to pay a commission fee, dependent on terms to be worked out by myself and the other party. Further, I would be happy to design a quest around this weapon. I'm no creation kit expert, but it would be a great learning experience for me. Thanks for reading, and I hope someone is willing to help! EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, there is already a Stormbringer mod for Skyrim, but it's version of the blade doesn't fit what I imagine a cursed greatsword to be. All props to it's owner and creator though. You have more skill than I.
  23. Anyone? Solus and Kain's sword and outfit :) http://www.geocities.ws/razielstruelove/KainRender2.jpg http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp191/maikel_spain/26-08-2008115702.jpg
  24. Would anyone be able to recolour the Greatsword and Greatshield of Artorias to match the Black Iron armour set? If so, I'd be you biggest fan! XD
  25. Anyone know of a mod that gives you spells for only two-handed weapons? Or, if possible, perks that make two-handed weapons a bit "cooler" to use? Two-Handed weapons seem to be the most "boring" animations out of all the weapons: You simply swing your weapon VERY slowly, and pray you hit and kill something. I'd like a simple spell or a new perk to allow you to move quickly and kill an enemy. Example for Greatswords: If it was a new perk, allow the Forward Power Attack to have you dash forward and slice through all enemies in a short to medium range with your Greatsword. You will move VERY quickly. Or, if it was a new spell, simply cast the spell and your character dashes forward and slices through enemies. Basically, if you guys have seen a little bit of anime or ninja movies where you have a character wielding a sword and he dashes REALLY quickly past the enemy, pauses, and the enemy just falls and dies? That's pretty much what I'm asking for for Greatswords. For other weapons, I'm not sure yet. Maybe let WarHammers have the ability to knock enemies back using their Forward Power Attack. This would be a nice addition. __________________________ Something along these lines of variety... and maybe mobility and speed, as the two-handed weapons are the most boring weapons so far in Skyrim... I LOVE two-handed weapons, yet I feel other weapons have more variety in how they play. One-handed + Shield allows you to block, shield bash, and attack. Blocking is obviously pretty useful as you can block arrows and spells easily, unlike Two-handed weapons. Two one-handed weapons allows you to do VERY quick attacks with added damage. This is actually much more superior to the current Two-Handed weapons, as two one-handed weapons gives you MORE enchantments and more DPS in general. Now, I don't want Two-Handed weapons to be overpowered. I just want them to be more viable. They need to be buffed just a little bit to keep up with the other weapons. Thanks.
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