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  1. A mod called "Stacks of Septims" became popular today. Further, come to think of it, late game a player might come into 5 or 6 figures of septims. Is there lore where the imperial mint got the gold for this, ehem...liquidity/money supply? If not, why not in Skyrim somewhere? The penny anti Kolskegger gold mine isn't a satisfactory solution in size or productivity. Maybe "panning for gold", could be added as an activity downstream of it? But that would still be not enough. If you saw the Peter Jackson LOTR movie "Fellowship of the Ring", you know the vast scale of the Mines of Moria, to fill the Drwarven halls taken as a bed of gold for Smog. Still, a scale demonstrated as feasible for a mod by Blackreach. I've mentioned it before, but a mint would be an excellent mod too.
  2. The idea is a spell package for players who like to play greedy characters that loots everything they can. All spells would be from the alteration school. I'm not good with balancing so I won't suggest values or levels, only the ideas. Also, my english is not that good so please be nice :smile: Gold Ray (aka Make it Rain, aka Golden Shower) : A spray of gold coins that causes damage per second (a little better than the novice destruction spells but consumes gold per second) Gold Blade: (only equippable in the left hand) Infuses the weapon in your right hand with gold increasing the damage. Consumes a certain amount of gold. You can use several times up to 10 times to stack the effect increasing the damage even more and consuming more gold. Gold Armor: Infuses your armor with gold increasing the armor rating. Consumes a certain amount of gold. You can use several times up to 10 times to stack the effect increasing the armor rating even more and consuming more gold. Bag Punch: A short range spell that causes damage based on your current Carry Weight. High Carry Weights will also stagger the opponents while very high Carry Weights will knock them down. Transmute Objects: Transform your itens into gold. Using this spell will open a container where you can put any itens you want. Closing the container will detroy the itens and give you 25% of their value in gold. Recruit: Cast into an oponnent to change him into an ally for a period of time. Consumes gold based on the level of the opponent (it would be cool a warning message showing the amount of gold you're about to spend). Hire: Just like recruit but permanent and more expensive. (You can only have one recruited / hired opponent per time). Gold Touch: Transform enemies with 5% or less health into a pile of gold. The pile will have gold based on the level of the opponent. The downside of that spell is that it won't be possible to loot the itens of that opponent. Also, I think it should have a high cast time. Zenithar's Favor: Trade a ton amount of gold (I'm talking like 20k ~ 50k) for a permanent bonus (for example: More health, more stamina, extra perk point, resistance bonus, etc...). This spell I know it should be on master level. So, what you guys think of my idea? Any suggestions of spells that could be included in this package?
  3. I've recently tried to use mods that added new hirelings (e.g. Respawnable Mercenaries, Populated Skyrim HELL EDITION) and whenever I've tried to hire one of them it won't give me the "Consider yourself hired. (500)" dialogue when I have the gold to give them. However, if I don't have the gold to give them, the dialogue option pops up (but they obviously refuse to become a follower). I tested this without any other mods in my load order, and it persisted. So, it's not a mod conflict. Its not these mod's fault either, as I actually tested to see if the same thing happened when I made my own hireling with CK - the same thing happens. I've tried searching to see if anyone else has had this issue with other mods which have added new hirelings, and have found that A LOT of other people have encountered the same thing I have. Unfortunately, I haven't found a single working solution to this problem which is plaguing hireling mods - I've already tried deleting all my other mods, setting followers to 0 via console, starting new games and reinstalling the game - nothing seems to fix it. The vanilla hirelings (e.g. Belrand, Jenassa) still work though, so it must be possible to get it working somehow. Does anyone know what exactly is going on here? How do we fix this issue? https://i.imgur.com/cQQ0Scv.jpg
  4. Hello! Just like the title says I would love someone to take the Knight Armor it make it Gold to match the Brass Shield in game. If I knew how to do it myself I would but my attempts at modding textures in skyrim was....well sad... haha :) thank you for having a look!
  5. Is there anyway to increase the characters gold cap in Single player D2RMM?
  6. Hello, I had an idea for a mod that I think would be a great QoL additon: Adding a recruitable NPC into the game that can join your camp and adds a golden chest to your camp. You can select the "add to wares" option when looting during gameplay or simply drop items yourself into the chest. After exiting a long rest, the value of the items in the chest is added up, and they get transformed into a pile of gold worth 25/50% of the value you would get from otherwise selling them to an NPC vendor. This could be something that Whiters allows you to recruit as a sort of "NPC-only class". You just leave them in the camp like Alfira. This NPC has close to maximum friendship/romance with the PC, meaning that they can become a target for The Dark Urge. But not more than an actual romantic companion. Please let me know what you think. Would it be difficult to implement? Thank you.
  7. I've fully upgraded all my castles and lairs and bought every house in every town, so what else is there to do with all this money? I'm getting outrageously wealthy and it no longer means anything because I've got nothing left to use it on. I'm in the process of buying all the special items from all the merchants, and that's not going to last long either. Anything out there that'd give me a whole bunch of dumb stuff to buy?
  8. I'd love to see a mod that makes the beginning of the game even more challenging by removing the tools and seeds Lewis gives as well as any money. The tools can then be bought from Clint later. Or maybe Joja Mart? Something like that. If a mod like this already exists please let me know!
  9. Hello dear Modders, plsssss.... i want to play Leon, Chris, Clair etc. in the Gold Edition with 3rd Person. And pls normal, with clothes xD Thank you :)
  10. Blizzard added a QOL feature to D2R for picking up gold automatically but you have to walk directly over the gold to pick it up and it can be janky sometimes. I'm requesting a mod that would automatically collect the gold immediately after an enemy is killed and drops the gold, perhaps before it even hits the ground. No need to walk over it or click it. KILL DEMONS, GET PAID ASAP. Thanks.
  11. Friends, my request is simple. I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the amount of gold gathered by the Arisen in various ways. I've started going through quest rewards and reducing the gold given there, however I would also like to know how to reduce the gold given by pouches, or if such a mod already exists somewhere.
  12. I find it rather odd, and not quite fair for the mercs who you hire as companions, you pay them 500 measly gold and they follow you to hell and back. That's not really how mercenaries work, you pay them 500 gold, and after a day or two of adventuring they should ask for there payment for there services rendered. if you can't pay up (and i mean how could you not?) they will leave you. Mercs aren't your friends so if you find them again they will ask for another 500g to rehire them. i mean they have to pay the bills some how, and giving a previous boss a freebie because you traveled together for a few days isn't really or shouldn't be an option, you pay up, or kick dirt. thats kind of how i think mercenaries should be in this game.
  13. Hi. I am interested in any mod that removes random gold and gems on animals (wolves, bears, mudcrabs, skeevers, etc etc). Is there a mod which addresses this issue alone and nothing else? Would appreciate knowing. Thanks
  14. I've tracked down the problem to the crimeFactionImperial faction, 0x00028848. All guards that belong to this faction, all from imperial aligned holds, will relentlessly attack me on sight. If I remove myself from the player faction, 0x00000db1, or if I remove them from the faction they don't attack. I find myself with 0 bounty, still I tried paying off all bounties from each hold by using these console commands: and it did not work. At this point I'm at a loss. The only thing I can think of that could have caused this is a fight my followers picked with some imperial soldiers on a camp south of Ivarstead, after an arrow accidentally hit one of their soldiers, while killing some wolves. Still, like I said, no bounty or anything... Any ideas on how to solve this?
  15. Hello! I'm new to scripting and still learning the ropes, but had a question about whether or not something was even possible to do (so as to not waste time if it is, in fact, impossible). I was wondering if it is possible to dynamically change the values of the "Crime Gold" listed within Factions through scripts (amount of gold bounty acquired from assault, murder, etc). My primary thought for this was to create a simple MCM menu to set crime gold bounty values in game (instead of manually via ck or tes5edit). As I set down the road of learning scripting, I kind of hit a road block on how I could access the Crime Gold value. I've googled it to death and stumbled upon this page: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Crime_Gold_Event It talks about event data within the Story Manager Event Node of "Crime Gold Event" but inspecting that in the CK gave me nothing (and I'm not sure what exactly it does). It lists values for crime types, but again I'm left unsure how/if that's of any help in trying to have a script set a new value there. Since, from my current (very beginner) understanding, my global variables I set can't access the factions, and when I used Faction instead and assigned it to a crime faction, I'm unable to reference/access the Crime Gold values through this to set new ones. I was thinking as an alternative was trying to create a quest trigger that could change it but again -- I don't know how I would set a new value there. Anyway, like I said, I'm very new to scripting so I may have totally overlooked something or be unaware of something, but I appreciate any help you can give me, even if it is just putting my mind at ease and saying it's impossible, haha. Thanks!
  16. Hi I, like many, am a big fan of the Ciri DLC outfit, but there's a small detail that irks me; whenever Ciri uses her hood, the hood is coloured to match her default outfit, so it clashes with the DLC outfit. Would anybody be so kind as to make a retexture of Ciri's DLC outfit using the same colour scheme as her default outfit? Or alternatively retexturing the hood so it matches the DLC outfit as is? Check out this video for reference to what I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/V7soiALKfm8?t=486
  17. Hi there, this mod is pretty simple but it would really fit with my character and I can't find one anywhere.. [iNFO] Name: The Pelgrim's Spirit (If you got a better name then tell me x) Armor: None Weight: 4.2 Value: 777 Enchantments: -Gives all the Nine Divine's Blessing +15% Health regenareation rate -10% Shout cooldown Should look like this: Thank you very much if you create this mod, I would really apreciate it :)
  18. It would be Awesome if someone could make a mod that enhances The ingame economy by adding Gold silver and Copper coins. and (if possible) make it so that where it says Gold to show how much money you have, it would instead Show Gold 5 Silver 3 Copper 12 as example, like Dragon age for instance and how it shows its currency. If it's not possible i understand but could you also make it show and actual gold/silver/copper coin to represent that currency type? (ex. Gold coin> O5 Silver coin> O3 Copper coin> O12 /O5 O3 O12) again like dragon age?. And perhaps add Silver and Copper ore veins to certain mines, like there is with gold already?. Make it so that an iron dagger would be worth 2 silver and 3 coppers or something like that. And yes i am aware there are mods that already do this but.. 1. they add other things that i really don't want/like like also adding some kind of paper money or something stupid. 2. grabbing 3 copper coins is the same as grabbing 3 gold and it gets added as gold to you purse. uhm..yeah thats kind of off to me. and it's basically visual only. i would like it to work like.. if you get 100 coppers that adds up to 1 silver and so on to gold. or something like that, whatever i just want Gold Silver and copper coins and they each have their respective monetary value. And seeing gold coins are highly valued they would be much rarer to find than silver or copper when adventuring/killing things. Kill a bandit and he has 4 or so silvers/coppers on him collect enough and you make 1 gold. Bah just think of dragon age you must know what i'm talking about. Please & Thank you :D
  19. Hi, guys! I don't like looting dead bodies and dealing with merchants, but I would like to have a reword for each kill. Autoloot mods help, but they have their weaknesses (performance drops, for example). So, the Idea is simple: kill a human - get ... gold kill an animal - get half as much gold and so on. I think, it's not hard to create such a mod (unfortunately, I don't know how to do it), but it would make a difference for those players, who just want to fight, hunt bandits or animals and get instant rewards for that.
  20. It bothers me how (un-animated) skeletons and draugr have money on them. They don't even have pockets! Is there a mod that makes skeletons and draugr poorer? it would help stop me looting every corpse in sight.
  21. I just thought of something that be a funny little addition to the game. Basically, when the player has very little or no money, it makes it so Khajiit merchants have no items to sell. Therefore, Khajiit have wares, if you have coin.
  22. This mod would create a room located somewhere in Skyrim in which all of the player's gold would be stored. If you had, for example, 100 gold, there would be a pathetic looking little pile in the middle of the treasury. But as your wealth grows, so does the amount of gold in the treasury. And after a long day of raiding tombs, you can come to your treasury and admire the mountain made out of gold. Something like Scrooge McDuck's riches, eh? If you've played Overlord, you'll know what it's like. D:
  23. Hello Nexus Forums, i've been, for a long time looking for a mod that adds an MCM to adjust gold rewards that you get from bounty and quests, and i've come across Bounty Gold http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36534/? and Increased Bounty and Guild Rewards from Quests http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24758/? the problem i have with both mods is that the first one only covers Bounty quests (though it has an mcm menu), the second one lacks an mcm Menu and it has been reported to conflict with the USKP, it would be great if somebody out there could somehow make a mixed version of both mods, one that can edit guild rewards as well as bounty and that has the advantage of being configurable, as the author of both mods seems to have gone afk a long while. Cheers.
  24. Hello, I was wondering if there were any mods that would allow a player to bribe and persuade npcs in completing tasks (Killing targeted npc, stealing and delivering objects, leaving an area on request for a certain amount of time, etc.) for them for a decent amount of gold. I have seen a couple of mods that allow easier trade as well as another that lets the player invest in some with a banking system, I would like to see these elements get involved as well. I plan on using a gold weight mod so I thought it would be cool to have a system where you can store your gold somewhere and exchange it for promissory notes (for light weight and for greater gold exchanges) that you could use instead. In the end I imagine myself playing a character that relies mostly on the gold in their pocket to complete their tasks. A lot of the transactions involved would require decent sized payments to ensure some level of difficulty but at the same time there are plenty of ways to earn lots of gold. Over all, a system that gives the player a reason to go out and grind for gold and the quality of how smoothly things become completed reflect on how much gold they have invested. For instance, if you are too hasty and hire a cheap bodyguard (followers could cost weekly fees) and rush to complete a very difficult mission or task, then the bodyguard would most likely die and you would be left to handle it yourself.
  25. Hi there Oblivion modding community! So I've had this idea in my head for a while and am not sure how to implement it in game and what kind of work/scripting it may or may not require, but I have an idea about being able to purchase items from a unique vendor with currencies different than gold. My original idea was to buy certain/unique items for welkynd stones since after exploring so much I have a ton in my inventory or even other things like gems and nuggets. The idea would be to create specific items/weapons/armor/jewelry/spells/etc. for this vendor and then being able to buy them with stones/gems. Any feedback or insights would be greatly appreciated, or if there is a mod I have somehow missed that does this already then great!
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