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  1. I hate when fans try to excuse a company's lazy behavior. For example: (Quote from the UESP Wiki). Imperial Law is only the Shivering Isles justice system because the developers thought creating an entirely new system based on madness would have been costly in terms of engine changes. So inexplicably Sheogorath is suddenly fair, punishing theft and murder. His realm should have been CHAOS incarnate. Trials are supposed to be insane. In some cases criminals should have been rewarded, in others, they should have been punished in creative ways. Copying the justice system from tamriel is an oversight, though I'm sure many people will justify this by coming up with plausible excuses such as "Look, maybe the laws were like that because Sheogorath was about to turn into Jyggalag, and thus he became more orderly". It's a nice excuse... a very nice one. But I can't do it. I know the real reason. The Shivering Isles has 14 side quests and 17 chain quests from the Main Story. I only liked three out of the 14 side quests: Vitharn, The Great Divide and the Museum of Oddities. Everything else is *trash*. Fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest. Bethesda's specialty. And then there's the SI Main Quest, which was amazing. You could argue that back in 2006 Bethesda still made some considerable effort toward their main content (i.e, the Guild Quest chains such as the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Arena [simple but fun], Mages Guild [Fun until the Voldemort clone appeared] etc. I'm not giving that merit to the Fighters Guild, because it's one of the most deplorable, lazy and stupid questlines ever written). The Knights of the Nine expansion is also pretty good and worthy of playing or replaying. But the rest ISN'T. The Shivering Isles was delivered to us as a fraction of what it could have been. The Lore is generally interesting, the Dungeons are kind of fun to conquer, the Oblivion Gates are interesting thematically and aesthetically, Vaermina's plane of nightmares is one of the most amazing in theory, but the Realm of Madness is without a doubt the best concluded idea for a setting they ever had. I find myself in a position where I acknowledge what we really got and feel happy about it, and also find myself looking at the true potential - and feeling sad for it. What would it be like if the NPCs weren't stupid but really mad? What if the demented were really intelligent and the worst psychos to ever grace the earth (sexually deranged, calculating, deceiving the player into complex ways)? What if the manics went really crazy with their imagination? What if the DLC had more side quests that were BETTER WRITTEN and way more imaginative (and mad), instead of the rushed two to four dialogue plot we got? Even the Shivering Isles MQ had room for improvement, though I admit it's a great questline (8.5/10). It's a few steps short from extraordinary (each step to the top takes a lot of extra effort), but at least it's something you can replay excited when revisiting the game. Another problem I have with the SI expansion is that there is nothing to do after you become the Madgod. There's no endgame content. An expansion in one of the few games where it's interesting to become a god deserved a huge free patch full of quests that would make you feel as one of the top tiers of the verse (the daedric princes). You also have no power by the way. Jygallag leaves you and if you don't mod your game or give yourself real power though cheats, you're the same adventurer you were. At least Bethesda made several NPCs recognize you as sheogorath, even though that's a small detail when you consider the ES Lore and how the game should have treated you. A couple of long and exciting post-game quests as a daedric god with challenges among the other gods (such as the Aedric gods or the other Princes) would have realized that potential. Gods fight their peers, and it would have been more than enough to "keep the game challenging from a gameplay perspective". But that requires passion. If the gaming industry - led by an interest in profit - would allow the devs to be more passionate about their works, these ideas would be commonplace. The devs would "feel" their games and think of ways to improve them beyond their initial scope. It's obvious these improvements have to end at some point, but I think we would be getting longer, better and way, way more interesting games. The only devs I think of now (2024) that are passionate or somewhat passionate about their works are the Indies.
  2. Hey there everyone! To celebrate Fallout 76 being released today, I made a compilation of all of the coolest and craziest Easter Eggs & Secrets in the game that our community has found so far. I hope you enjoy it! Some of these are insane Including: Toy Story BearAlice In Wonderland PartyBreaking BadHere is the video: And a lot more! Thanks for watching and checking out my compilation! I make more Fallout & Gaming videos like this everyday.
  3. I was getting some errors through a skse crash dump log referencing memory access errors. Investigating this further, I stumbled upon "Exploit Protection Settings" in windows defender. I have tried searching for simple worded instructions as to how this works and what settings to use for Skyrim/SKSE with absolutely no luck. What stands out to me as this may be something worth getting help over is this built in windows application can control completely or limit all programs/applications that require virtual memory access and dll injection into processes. Being a little more precise, when you edit permissions, there are areas that read as DATA EXECUTION PREVENTION Prevents code from being run from data-only memory pages DISABLE EXTENSION POINTS Disables various extensibility mechanisms that allow DLL injection into all processes, such as windows hooks. VALIDATE HEAP INTEGRITY Terminates a process when heap corruption is detected. There is a long list of others, but these stood out the most. Rest can be found by opening Windows Defender/ App and browser control/ Exploit Protection Settings Most of us run a number of DLL files within our game, d3d9.dll, d3d9_smaa.dll, d3dx9_42.dll, as examples for ENB or other purposes. Even crash fixes has the line DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB:Memory which could potentially be affected by validate heap integrity. Perhaps I'm concerned over nothing, which I hope is the case, or this application within windows defender could be the cause of a number of crashes users experience within this game. As I said before, I am not a programmer so the content I've read through online made very little sense to me, so a response for dummies would be most appreciated.
  4. Is it better to build or buy a gaming pc?
  5. Basically I'm asking for eldritch knight to be broken completely access to every spell. Spell slots galore. lots of spells learned per level. the features of both classes and the Evocation sub class features or others as optional files just go ham with it make it the Gish mod to end all Gish mods.
  6. Hey everyone, I'm here to ask for some help for a modding project we have for Priconne JP, it's a Translation Mod that allows us to directly translate JP Dialogue to English through some tools. You do not need to worry, since the Translation part is handled by us, we currently just need help messing with some new files, since the game engine changed, and we need to access both new and old files to see the changes and how we can implement the old content/patches on the new engine. For those wondering, this patch become way bigger and more important to the community ever since the Princess Connect Global Server was (At least for now) announced to Shutdown in the end of this month, with the news being given by Crunchyroll themselves, the owners of the Global server, with the Parent Company Cygames, giving no further info as of what the situation for the Global Version will be. So this is pretty much a passion project to allow those players to play the PC JP Version without losing the chance to have fun since they can't understand what is being said, We need people who can mess around with .DLL Files and those who can work well with bepinex/il2cpp as well. If you can help or have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them, My DM's are open and so is the Forum of course! Thank you for your time, i wish you all a great day - Kiwi
  7. I am a Fallout 4 Hobbiest.. but perhaps people who play DIFFERENT titles have found a way to do this... is there a way to Make our Save files ONTO and Load them back FROM an exclusively 100% EXTERNAL drive?? - we would quadruple ssd life - original AI Instances 'beings' would be perpetual instead of constantly CLONED - if the ssd ever failed .. you could pop in a clone drive .. and load back up your save file from that secure bullet proof Mechanical Drive source (your AI instances could live perpetually through your playthrough across dozens of failing ssds) I am not talking about COPYING a save file in any way or ever moving it or touching it from the sectors of the mechanical disk where it exists.. every COPY of save file will give you only a CLONE of the AI's you saved :( whats the point of an AI 'instance' that has to 'experience' everything brand new? thanks a lot, Wayner
  8. Sometime back, someone was gonna do a mod on Radio Freedom & needed a voice actor. I couldn't do it at the time, but I now have some free time, so I threw a demo tape together. Check it out & see if I got close!! Feedback welcome! Radio Freedom Voice Overs (odysee.com) :laugh: :cool:
  9. When trying to get SkyrimTogether mod working, I think I selected the wrong file for the Game Executable and now when I try to run the tool, but it is crashing. Is there any way to reselect the Game Executable?
  10. Hi. I'm looking for a radio mod for mafia 3. In watchdogs 2, when you leave your car, you can make the radio still play. I'm wondering if there's one available or if someone can help me to make one. Thanks.
  11. So I'm editing the Fallout.ini, FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout_default.ini and basically I have a problem. (I already marked off the .ini setting, 'read only'.) So I'm editing it to handle threads more efficiently, for better stability. Thing is, whenever I tried to save the settings, it said "This .ini file is encoded in ANSI format and has Unicode lines. To save the Unicode lines, you need to change encoding." So I changed all the .ini file's encoding as Unicode, because it was set to ANSI as default, and apparently it had Unicode encoding already. After changing the ini's to Unicode encoding, I could successfully save with no errors. So my question is, is it okay for me to change the encoding on the Fallout.ini, FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout_default.ini to Unicode encoding from ANSI? I'm pretty sure it's much better if I do, but I'd just like confirmation. Thanks :)
  12. Hello everyone! I started a new show in which i will review mods, probably do lets plays of interesting quest mods for exemple and other Skyrim related stuff. Here is the Link to my first videoreview: The second episode is currently being uploaded! p.s: do consider that its my first video so the overall quality isnt that of a pro youtuber. Im still learning the basics of video editing and narating. so be gentle :tongue: Ikari
  13. Have you ever wondered who was behind the mask? I mean all these people go around, and make all these mods and such. I have to laugh at times at how ridiculous some of them really are. But, still it made me laugh. Don’t get me wrong I love modders. Love, Love modders. Don’t start sending hate mail for just posing the question. And, I know first hand modding is hard work. However, we go to such lengths for the outside, never giving rise to the question who is behind that gorgeous mask that we have just created. Fought to get the load order just right. Spend hours upon hours making preparations for the game. Making the armors just right for some unknown A.I. that is supposed to represent us. But, never giving a thought to who is wearing our gorgeous mask or body that we have just created? Many, games make you import from the previous game. Do, you ever wonder why they do that. It is a Many-fold question? Example: D. A.O. now this is by no means an assault on the makers of this game at all. It is just an example. 1. For the codex of events we import. --- However, did our choices really matter? It states in files of D.A.O. Alistair is immortal. So, if he is immortal he cannot be killed. So, do you think the creators are really going to kill off their star pupil after all the dough they laid out to make him in the first place? I say no. 2. Now in Origins if you kill Zevran or Liliana they seem to magically appear in the following game alive and kicking. Same, goes for them as well. They are immortal. So, if they seemed to followed you into the next game. Alistair, even if you killed him is somewhere in the mix as well. Why, do you say that… It is because, they are all a family. They are lovers, and friends as well. Even Loghain follows as well. ‘Because why? Why do you say that?? He is immortal as well. 3. I can tell you for a fact bodies mean nothing to them. It is just a shell. A man can play a girl, and a girl can play a man. A girl can play dog even. It is so simple.. If you can turn on your T.V. you can figure this out. 4. So, who are you really crushing on? Or, who are they really hating? It is pointless. Because, the fix has already been put in from the start. 5. So when there is this big ta do over man on man it could very well be man and woman behind that manly mask. 6. I have seen wars over the internet about him making such and such gay. And, this and that. However, they never once think? Hey, who is behind that mask? You, see the joke is really on the player. That is why when you ask them if it matters or was it an insult over making this person or that person gay. Ninety percent sure they will come back and say. It does not matter to me… Just like with Cassandra in Dragon's three. Why, does it not matter to them. Because, they know the fix is already in. Ever wondered why they move like they move. Hands on hips are a flirt move. Etc. etc. They talk with their eyes. [They use transference.] And, most games use the same recipe just different frosting. Ever wonder how they know what you have done when no one is around to have seen you do it. Not even the squirrels saw you do it. It is because, it is One of the main characters who report everything that you have done. Every action, movement, and, such. There are so many more gaming secrets I could share but, I leave something left for you to figure out.
  14. Hi guys! im new to the forums but have used nexus quite a bit in the past few months. I would say im a hardcore gamer but ive only just got my first ever gaming pc! (wowzers) im enjoying this new chapter of gaming and any trade tips would be appreciated :wink: Now... im also a newbie Youtuber! I have created a channel devoted to all things gaming! I will be posting unboxings of the LootGAMING crate every month and various gameplays and clips and hopefully some "how to's" in the future. I will leave a link at the bottom of this post for you to hopefully check out! I would appreciate any feedback and interaction on my channel, obviously.. the choice is yours. Thanks for reading (if you did) Ryan (AKA iDKronix) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOf-YOqunpNjZUlHjVP3Mag
  15. I have tried installing the Homemaker, Spring Cleaning and Armorsmith extended mods for Fallout 4 using Nexus mod manager and by doing it manually, but it doesn't work at all. The other mods that I have installed that actually work properly are the Configurable new dialog, Vivid Fallout and Improved map with visible roads mods. Is there anything that I might be doing wrong in the installation process?
  16. Finally got around to playing W3. Not hardcore so playing at easiest level. If earns wimp label, so be it. Game is easily the most satisfactory I've ever played. IMHO, got Skyrim totally whipped...which, a year ago, I'd have said was impossible. Up to level 22. No complaints as yet. Has set bar really high for the competing gaming companies. Be very interesting to see what the next iteration of ES looks like. Far as I'm concerned there's nothing else currently out there that competes with W3...but then I freely admit that I've not played everything. FREX, my daughter has quit W3 in the middle and refocused on the various Assassins Creed games. Well, time will tell. Happy gaming y'all.
  17. Hey, I'm relatively new to PC gaming and want to buy my first computer to run Fallout on as my others have been potatoes. I've been looking around and this seems to be the best for my budget which is a maximum of $1000. The computer is a ASUS K501UW-AB78. You can find it on Amazon. Let me know what you guys think and whether or not It's worth it. The computer, which has a Nvidia GTX 960m, can run Skyrim, Fallout 3, and NV at ultra settings 60fps, but Fallout 4 at ultra settings 30fps. I want to download alot of mods and I'm not sure if this will work, I'd like to have a GTX 980m but I don't know. PS. A laptop is a must, no big computers. Sorry if this is inconvenient. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DT49XN8/ref=psdc_565108_t3_B015PYYDMQ
  18. Hey Everyone, This is my first ever forum post so I would just like to start off by apologising for any conventions that I may have missed in posting this query. I am currently developing a Fallout 3 quest mod using the GECK and I am unsure as to how to go about setting up a protectron pod with a protectron inside it that you can activate from a terminal. I have set both the pod and the generic protectron it contains and the terminal as a presistant reference in the GECK and have set the terminals 'Link Ref' to be the generic protectron (Id = "genericPodProtectron "). When I activate the unit in the terminal the protectron turns on but the pod dosn't open to allow it to leave, nor does it seem to be moving around inside the pod(except for some sort of turning from side to side animation). I would greatly appreciate anyones assistance who can help me with this matter! :) Kind regards, rawd123.
  19. Let me start by saying that i am not too knowledagble on this topic, and only know superficial information about it. So here i am, humbled and asking for your help. My PC specs are as my profile shows, Asus H81M-D motherboard, 8GBs of RAM, a GTX-650 and a 4th gen 3.7GHz i3. I really think that my processor is causing a bottleneck in my system and causing a performance decrease. I can play games like Project CARS, and GTA V and Crysis 3 with 60FPS, but only after tweaking the settings a bit. The real problem though are in Fallout 4, Far Cry 3, Need For Speed Rivals and Advanced Warfare. Especially Fallout 4. I can actually manage to get it to 60, but it drops down to 30 and the like when in dense areas and in certain situations. I've tried almost everything, as a matter of fact my game looks so horrible in the effort of gaining frames right now. As in, i'm playing at half the resolution of my monitor, and i've modded the game and done things that would help. Yet i still get lag and framerate drops. Well honestly i don't even know my components well. I don't exactly know how my video card compares to other products out there, and same with the rest. Do i have a system that's sufficient for the games i play? Or is there something wrong? Because i think this PC is not optimized properly. Are there things you guys could point out to me that i should do? Thanks guys.
  20. hello everyone, im announcing now that I am making a game called Gladiuswift. Gladuiswift is a fast paced, First person shooter role play game. The game focuses around a civilian which you give a name, which is struggling to survive in the vast lands of Avhanius. Usuallyn a very pretty land is now crawling with sick people, the bubonic plague has struck and humanity is slowly falling into chaos, with the 4 different clans not really helping out by having a war. Meanwhile the civilian tries to find his destiny, he tries to survive. His father who died tells him there is something in Mythic empire that is destined for him. Now the civilian has to figure out how to get to the Mythic empire without being killed, by the plague or archers. Experience the world from the eyes of the civilian, make choices that could wage war or stop it, make friend, get married or lose friends and kill people. The choice is yours, the world is yours, the consequences are yours and this throne might be yours. I came to this disscusion for you to spread the word so that I get help, currently im only one person making up the whole team. I figured Skyrim has some pretty neat modmakers, so they might be able to help. Theres even some money involved in it. I do however know how much time and effort it takes to make a game. However I am dedicated and willing to make this happen, I have already finished five types of armors. 20 static meshes. 3 buildings and 5 NPCs. if you are interisted in helping out, please visit the website to find out about what available jobs are there and how to apply> http://drawesome1223.wix.com/admen-blog I hope youre enjoying your day, and thank you for taking the time to read this ;
  21. First of, pardon any spelling mistakes that i might make. I have a really odd problem with my Laptop, Lenovo Z500, which i simply can't fix on my own. After a few minutes of normal pc usage on my external monitor yesterday i realized that my laptop-screen had suddently become very, very dark. My first thought was that i might have accidently changed the brightness whilst playing or something, but the brightness would not change at all. (Now, before you come up with silly things like these; Yes, i have tried to switch it off and back on. Yes, i have tried to fix it using the energy-settings. And yes, i have tried to roll back/ reinstall both my nVidia and Intel HD driver.) The problem did not vanish, and my laptop screen is so dark that i can barly see anything. The external-screen still works fine, and the problem did not occure when i started the laptop but a few minutes after . Thus i might take the guess that this is a software/ settings problem, but i simply can't find any serious solution to this problem anywhere. I really hope that some of upcomming patches for Windows or some new GPU-drivers might fix this soon, but i do not want to send my beloved laptop to a expensive repair. Please, help me! My System: Intel Core i5 - 3230m (2C / 4T @ 2.6 - 3.0 Ghz) 8 Gb of DDR3 Ram GPU 1: nVidia GT 740m GPU 2: Intel HD 4000 HDD: 1 Tb SSHD OS: Windows 10, 64-bit all up to date.
  22. I built mine in Jan/Feb last year with not a whole lot of knowledge of anything PC gaming. I looked at parts reviews but didn't actually check out other people's PC's until after I bought all the parts and built it. Curious to see what other people are using with Fallout 4 around the corner. I'm using an Asus X79 Deluxe motherboard with an Intel I7 4930K CPU at 3.4Ghz. I've optimized the fans but haven't done any overclocking on the CPU. Using an EVGA GTX780 that came Superclocked. I've played around a little bit with overclocking and then just left it as right now it's hooked up to a TV not a monitor. 32Gb of RAM. A bit more than needed I know but this is also my main PC so I do Music and Video editing.I forget the name but the PSU is a 1000 watt Bronze certified power supply. Might upgrade that if anything. Was looking at possibly doubling up the graphics cards but after looking into it, no games I play make good use of two 780s right now. What are you guys running and what are you thinking of upgrading if anything in the near future? I'm looking at possibly a power supply but mainly a nice monitor as well as a nice mouse and keyboard. Using regular wireless Logitech ones now.
  23. Hey guys. Made a tutorial video for manually installing and adding into NMM SKSE, the newest version. Link below. Installing SKSE v1.7.3
  24. So, what are peoples thoughts on Destiny? I am level 23 Hunter as of writing this and have played a fair amount of both the story and crucible modes. It is very repetitive. There are basically only two story missions types: kill this or scan/interact with this. The didn't even go to the trouble of recording different lines so when you accept mini sidequest missions in the games free roam 'Patrol' area you will often just hear the same lines. Each planet has one or two sidequest boss battles and they all follow the same basic formula of 'go here and fight three waves of enemies while the door is opened. Go fight one mini bosses, then go fight the main boss. Profit.' Some times it is 'kill these three enemies to open the door' or there might not be any mini boss but other than that they are the same. All the boss aren't even different, they are just bigger versions of a regular enemy. Having other players randomly populate areas you are in (I think the maximum is 16) is pretty cool and novel but they rarely don't make a difference to you. You will usually just pass each other without any kind of recognition, each of to do their task. Finding people in game to play with and join your Fireteam is very hard so you will generally have to rely on people you already know and that are a similar level to you to help you do hard missions. The Crucible can be pretty fun. Higher level people don't really have any real advantage in terms of damage but they might have unlocked more of their classes abilities and so there is a slight advantage there but it can be easily overcome if you are better at FPS. Some of the classes abilities are very OP and very infuriating if you don't have a similarly OP super ability. I was a Hunter and the Gunslinger is useless in Crucible. The Golden Gun depends entirely on your precision aiming in close quarters and you only get three shots. Maybe if it made you resistant to damage it might be better but as it is it is useless. On the other-hand the Hunter Bladedancer will annihilate you. Their super is a timed knife attack that makes them run faster, teleport around, and chain knife strikes. If there are a group of enemies reasonably close together they have no chance of stopping you. The only gun you can really use as a primary is your AR. The key to victory is being able to do as much damage in a short amount of time and the other primarys (single shot, burst fire, revolver) don't do enough damage to overcome their slow rates of fire. You can still get kills with them but it is just harder to do. I feel like the FOV isnt wide enough. There was many a time in Crucible where I watch players literally run straight past each other and once you get close to an enemy you pretty much start blindly firing and hiting, just hoping to shoot the other guy. It looks pretty great. I rarely just stop and look at scenery in games but there were a few time while on Venus that I just stopped to look at something but sometimes the artsyle doesn't seem particularly original. The Hive base on moon looks exactly like the Locust underground in GoW. Some of the armor looks just like stuff you would find in Halo (I honestly saw a Titan with armor exactly like Halo EVA armor) Some of the songs in the soundtrack sound like they were made for Halo but used in Halo, but maybe it is just me. It is the same composer so I guess it can is somewhat understandable but they could of been In Halo and I wouldn't of know the difference. I'm probably not expressing my feelings very well and I always recommend playing a game your self to form your own opinions. If I had to give it a score I would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10. It is just to repetitive and too much like other games (Some Halo, some Borderlands, I think some Mass Effect, some of the art style is remarkably similar to GoW) that it is only really unique in that it is a mash up of different games. It has no real character of its own.
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