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  1. This game will change the way you look at life period. One car goes by, the other car goes by. You would never see that same car twice if you live in the City. :teehee: If you do its pure luck or its somebody you know, or just pure chance. o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O
  2. This forum game is dedicated to food any kind you could think of! You can give a menu. You can make food jokes. Ask questions about food. Or just build an appetite for a meal!
  3. The goal here is you can talk to yourself or other people and the more crazy the post wins simple right? WRONG! You know you are crazy because if you are crazy enough people will put a on your post. The next poster will take you off if they get more on their post. Also Posts are no longer winners after 7 days of them being the winning post. By the end you may need to go to the nexus psychiatrist lol
  4. Post your weird theories. this could be a variety of things and you can even debate this is all fun. (use exclamation mark for every sentence!) let me start... mars was one of earth's moons!
  5. Drakefell01


    Make a poem whether it's a good one or a bad one and it also doesn't have to follow any rules either!
  6. In this forum game you just chat with your forum friends there is no rules at all so free chating!
  7. Fight over the couch by using anything you can think of as weapon to attack the last poster with. Warning you can not attack the person that just took you off the couch someone else must take them off for you to continue. I've got the couch
  8. The shopkeeper in the Resident Evil 4 (2005) video game. He has a mask on with or without purple fire that signals a path to his location and/or a spell or power to summon him to you.
  9. I recently downloaded this mod but I don't know where and how to open it, could anyone help?
  10. share the age of your nexus account.
  11. In this forum game you will fight over who's better, you must explain why you are better than the person who posted before you!
  12. The objective is to find a way to argue with the person before you!
  13. I really like Shayne from battle born but im not sure if they havent made a battleborn mod for fallout nv i was hoping for some battle born fans to make mods based on characters on battleborn. PS: is possible to convert EDE to Aurox with voices too?
  14. Greetings fellow Skyrim fans, Following the release of Enderal i have come to realise the capabilities of modding and creating skyrim content. As an avid Skyrim fan, and a gamer so desparate for a good, enjoyable survival game, I wondered why it has not been done?. The capabilities are there, i have seen many amazing survival mods for the game and even a multiplayer mod that appears to work very well and it is still improving. Although when i say survival, i dont mean the enraging, stressful and actually boring gameplay of games such as Rust and such like, where the community is poisonous. I've played many survival games and i know what is good and bad about them. My idea of a great survival game in skyrim; Realistic, real location, viking/medieval etc era based role playing with all survival aspects of mods already created such as camping, crafting, hunting, fishing, finance, faction based, with ever changing scenarios and world events based on faction actions or even player actions with diplomacy and all that good stuff. Where consequences and actions really mean something and overpowered players are non existent. where the character really feels like its yours and when you work hard you reap the rewards. Ive seen what content creators of skyrim are made of, ive seen what they can do. It just needs to be sown together to create and really great survival based skyrim adventure with its own story and layout. I know many people will start to reference games with most of these things, but i think skyrim has real potential for this sort of game style. I dont have the time to fully explain my vision for a survival skyrim, but i genuinely think it could be done. It may seem like a lot, but most of it has already been made. I hope im not the only one with this urge!!.
  15. I've noticed there are a very limited number of mods that include daedric princes. And I'd like to see some interesting quest mods come about using them. Obviously some wont like tampering with the idea because of lore reasons. I am an up and coming professional voice actor with a length of mods under my belt. I enjoy doing impressions and I'm currently slated to play the character of Sheogorath in a few large mods. But rather than this seeming like a shameful advertisement, I'd like to put the offer out there to mod creators that there are actors like me who would be happy to voice the character in a mod of yours. More likely if you have a steady/active presence in the modding community and have at least a couple notable released mods. Too many mods get scrapped before release unfortunately, and for an actor who is willing to donate their valuable free time towards a passion project. Having hours and hours of hard work thrown away during the production process is a major motivational killer. So! if this audio clip interests you, or if there's another Daedric prince you'd like to hear voiced. Hit me with a PM or respond so we can talk! I am told I have a voice that sounds quite similar to Wes Johnsons. Come to think of it I should create a reel of his characters and post it here eventually. But for now here are some older samples of my work to draw from. https://soundcloud.com/daniel-hodge-2/sheogorath-voice-acting-short And this third ex. for dragons: https://soundcloud.com/daniel-hodge-2/smaug-ext Again I know there are some other forum sections dedicated for actors. Simply adding my skills in to support the request that we can make more of these interesting daedric mods happen :) My free time isnt very large as I have and ever growing pile of voice work. But if there is a page or three out there that someone needs but doesn't know who to turn to, there will be this post :) I am still a noob when it comes to forum posting so if this one needs to be moved let me know!
  16. [CLOSED] Hi everyone, I'm a Game/Level designer, and part of a team of currently 3 people. We're making a first-person walking simulator game, kind of like Dream/Cradle/Firewatch/Disappearance of Ethan Carter. The aim of this game is to be published on indie games sites and eventually achieve Steam Greenlight, and then either only enhance our portfolios, or, if success is met, lead to the foundation of a game studio. But that's another topic. The game is currently in production, 60-70% of the whole levels is done. The gameplay is written down and ready to be set in the engine, half of the music being composed, other half is done. FIRST OF ALL: This is NOT a paid job. I'm sorry, but we're all working on the side, and don't have fonds to pay anyone on their role in this project. I wanted it to be perfectly clear as all the team has agreed to it. However, you will be in the credits (full name and/or nickname), and you'll be given copies of the game for your personal use and close friends/family. You'll be able to bring this experience to your resume, and you'll be working with a team full of nice people! Well three people; but we all know each other very well, so the atmosphere is quite relaxed. Oh and your advice will be taken into account. I'm the one responsible for the story and dialogues, and would love to have someone that can actually suggest different things in dialogues/tones if they think that can enhance the game. We would need voice actors for 6 different characters: - A boy (young H) between 6 and 12 - A girl (young D) between 6 and 12 - A young man (H) in his twenties - A young girl (D) in her twenties - A woman (M) in her forties - A man (F) in his forties I'm not familiar with voice acting that much, so I'm gonna state some details, and hopefully they'll be relevant to what you'd ask. We don't care about the eventual accent, though we'd like the voices to sound pretty much in "normal" (no eastern europe/asian accent) english/american for H, M and F. It's fine for D to have a little foreign accent, whichever it is, it might even add to it. I don't know how much one person can imitate different voices, so we probably do not need 6 different people. As for the kids' voices, if it's not possible/too difficult without using actual kids' voices (which can be problematic), we can have the people voicing D and H voicing their younger versions themselves, in the same manner, and have it explained in game. The M and F characters have only a few lines, like 5/character. The young H and young D have a bit more lines, probably around 30 (still not established as most of the dialogue is being written). D should have around that much lines too. H will have more lines, as it is the main character. So probably around 50. It is a game supposed to make you feel something. I've tried the most to structure the story and characters' ways of thinking and feeling to achieve something that would be moving. That is the goal. We have a very good music composer, so the only part that is left on the feels department are the voices. Ok, I've pretty much said it all. Last but not least, we'd like the game to come out this winter. So deadline is, say, around march. March would be uploading the game, complete, tested, on all available platforms. Thank you all for your time, hoping this will interest some of you! I may not be responding to the topic dailyly, but I will answer to all of you, and eventually announce when we found all our voice actors. Don't hesitate to ask for more details if need be, and have a great day! Cheers EDIT: Added screenshots, taken with the print screen key (so really bad quality), the game is WIP and obviously looks much better in-game and in-engine.
  17. Hello I'm new to modding but I used NMM to install: Improved Sign Effects Increased LOD Real Witcher Eyes The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project Gear Improvements Last Longer Jump In Shallow Water Over 9000 Weight limit mod TradeMan All Quest Objectives on Map Now when I boot the game I recieve this error: Error [content0]game\replacers\ciri.ws(327): Function 'GetCriticalHitChance' takes 5 parameter(s) which is inconsistent with base function (3).Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(1634): Function 'ApplyOil' has different return type 'Bool' than base function (void).Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(2039): Function 'GetCriticalHitChance' takes 5 parameter(s) which is inconsistent with base function (3). Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks you so much.
  18. Hey, I'm planning on creating new cards for my Gwent mod in the future. I'm not much of an artists though, but the new "Gwent Witcher Card Game" has a lot of great cards in it. Sadly, all the images I can find of cards from that game have marks on them showing their power, lane, etc. Does anyone have access to a version of these cards without clutter on top of the background image? Just to clarify, I'm not talking about the Gwent cards in the Witcher 3, I'm talking about the card in the new Gwent standalone game. Thanks.
  19. Hello to all and special to this new forum, I'm a new modder (I've been working on a mod for more months), And now I understand modding :happy: .Now I'm doing a mod for HOI4. He will be about the future and I want to realize my dream, but I need people and a team for this project , for the time being I have 3 people working on it. I hope that at least somebody here knows all these matters, and I will be very happy and grateful to those who want to get along with my team. :laugh: :D Here is a link to the page mod (not yet on the steam): https://www.moddb.com/mods/project-x2
  20. Hello, you beautiful internet users, I have a really annoying issues and I need assistance, So today i was playing the game with all my furry nude mods as always, everything works fine. Then I save close the game and I was wondering about installing new mods since i didn't install one in 2 years, right after opening nexus mod manager (version0.65.2) I try to launch the game, and ofc when i click play the game won't lauch, "Maybe the new mod you install are in conflics with the other one ?" I try without it and same problem. I try all the f*ck*ng solution on the net and ONE works, I have to delete plugins.txt in AppData/local/SSE -> https://steamcommunity.com/app/489830/discussions/0/1696045708658866249/ Okay the game launch but thats turn off all my nexus mods, and damn after modding this for hours, I can't play with the vanilla one. So I ask you, Do you have any other solution ? To make the game runs with the mods Thanks in advance. (btw I try vortex but the problem still here and damn this software is not easy to use) (I heard Is the last patch of SSE creating this error or something) (ofc My game is in admin mods, still not working if I launch it from the .exe, my drivers are ok, etc etc) (sorry for bad london, I hope my problem is clear, feels free to ask me anything) PC specs: Operating System: Windows 10 Professionnel 64-bit CPU: Intel Core i7 7700K @ 4.20GHz 40 °CKaby Lake 14nm Technology RAM: 16,0 Go Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1467MHz (15-17-17-35) Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. STRIX Z270E GAMING (LGA1151) 28 °C Graphics:ZOWIE XL LCD (1920x1080@60Hz)ZOWIE XL LCD (1920x1080@60Hz)4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (Gigabyte) 42 °C Storage: 111GB KINGSTON SV300S37A120G (SATA-2 (SSD)) 29 °C1853GB Microsoft Storage Space Device (TMax (SSD))
  21. Hi guys, im rly scared atm i played fallout 4 now for more than 35+ hrs [ started 2 days ago ] and now my game doesnt let me save anymore and i dont know why and im not a genius and have no clue if i reinstall the game if i have to play everything again from the bottom actually i wouldnt mind but if there is a chance to fix this issue without reinstalling then i wanna know. thanks PS: sry my English isnt that good im from germany Here is a video that shows the issue: https://youtu.be/4Sb-dzwjVt0
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