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  1. Just dipping my toes into FLVER Editor and I was wondering how attaching another .flver to the model works. I doubt it's as simple as using the Attach tool to load up another .flver onto the model and just recompiling it all back into a .dcx, because when I tried it that way, none of the attached parts showed up ingame. So are there any steps I'm missing? I tried looking around but couldn't find much in the way of tutorials for FLVER Editor. On another note, I also can't seem to open textures. I decompile the .tpf to get to the textures, but when I try to open them Paint.NET says there was an "unspecified error" opening the file. Do I need to use IGP11 to extract usable textures? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello there, I have been doing a mod for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, just changing Ookamis' model to a Waluigi. The thing is that everything goes well, until I try to rescale the model in the FLVER editor. The tutorial I have been using to guide myself is this, , in which at the minute 4:18, he or she just imports the model, rotates it, and when I use the rescale measures that he or she uses, just makes it bigger, not smaller as happens in the video.Can please anybody help me?
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