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  1. Maybe it is a somewhat silly question for some but I wonder if an HDD is responsible for crashes in a game with more than 400 mods in a perfectly ordered list since for me it is an important point to choose whether to buy an NVME or not. (Google translator)
  2. So this has been a problem for a while (I think patch 5/6?), but at some point most of the Rune Slates on the Nautiloid became unreadable. You click on them, but the narrator bubble never pops up. It's not the biggest of deals, but it kinda bums me out from a lore/immersion perspective. Would anyone be able to make a quick fix for it?
  3. Hey guys! Can anyone make a mod to unlearn wizard spells? The game doesn't let you lvl up if you don't choose new spells, but if you already know them, you're stuck! And you can't unlearn spells learned from scrolls. Help! Thank you
  4. Hi, all. I just have a quick request for a mod that has bothered me ever since I started playing. I noticed that if you use a spell that has an attack roll, such as Chromatic Orb or Witch Bolt, and use Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath, and the spell misses, the channel divinity charge is expended regardless. I would like to request a mod that follows 5e rules more closely. In other words, since in D&D 5e, Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath can be used retroactively (in the case of attack rolls, after you know it hits), it should not be expended on a miss. I am not sure how it would be translated into BG3, but if it is possible, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
  5. Hello So I've been having a problem regarding a bug that I cannot find the solution to for the life of me. Basically, the leather material keeps getting added into my inventory every 1 or 2 seconds, sometimes even longer. So much that I get over-encumbered easily. I made a bat file that removes leather from my inventory in hopes that the bug eventually goes away but no, ever since I loaded my save a day later, this bug started and still persisted. Even though I'm taking a break from the game because of my graphics card causing blue screen issues, I still persisted and looked everywhere for solutions for the leather bug but no one has ran into this problem but me. It's likely a mod problem but I can't figure out which. I have 392 mods installed. Here is my load order here:
  6. Hello i'm having trouble with getting my meshes exported to the creation kit. it looks fine in nifskope but when i export to the creation kit it crashes every time i can send the file if you need it. My original topic is here with an image of what i'm exporting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/225861 Hope somebody can help so i can make good quality meshes for my mods
  7. THE PROBLEM: Bad reference in CELL Information (I.e. REFR, ERROR Could not be resolved) Currently testing on: Lootable Skeletons - All DLC, Lootable Crates - All DLC and Dumpster Diving. THE CAUSE: Unknown, appears to have wrong FormID prefix for DLC in many cases (i.e. 01 instead of 06). *Required Disclaimer: This may take several hours, process is arduous and tedious and cause gray hairs, blurred, double or temporary loss of vision, tingling in limbs, numbness, tiredness, cramps, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drooling, suicidal thoughts, and possible changes in mood or behavior, and in rare cases temporary Terrets Syndrome. * PLEASE Consult a physician if any of the above occurs, no responsibility for such conditions are assumed by the author. THE FIX: Make SMASH PATCH then open it in FO4Edit Copy valid CELL info from RVIS in master plugin/DLC over bad reference in affected mod. (Should turn text black with green background- means it checks out same as master) 1) Carefully, copy All Good "References" REFR under XPRI to open slots in FO4edit under the affected plugin by way of drag and drop, (they will sort themselves). NOTE: (Do this first so all bad REFR can be deleted without encountering "NULL:00000000" which cannot be deleted if it leaves column empty). 2) Delete all bad references from the affected plugin (select first one and Delete Key + Repeat works well). 3) Save affected plugins. Option 1: Do for Smash patch as well. (Maybe redundant but shows black text on green background so you know it's right). Option 2: Run FO4edit QuickClean on each affected file when finished. (unsure if it matters, may remove ITMs from SMASH PATCH at least). Alternatively can rebuild the Smash Patch when finished. WARNING: Your mileage may vary, this operation could negatively impact the functionality of the mod, unsure how originating mod's cell data may be adversely effected, the upside is the game should run with far greater stabilty as INFO and DIAL in cell REFR and Physics data cannot be a good thing). NOTE: This only works if XCRI Mesh and Reference Count are the same for each mod. (i.e. the previs is actually the SAME, otherwise it should be rebuilt). (You can press your luck into guessing mod author's intent with other issues, but that is at your discretion, and in no way advised here). OTHER NOTES: Affected mods were quick cleaned in FO4Edit prior to operation, (unsure if it helps or hinders but seems to get related data lined up (better)). Q&A: Q: Is there a better way? A: Dear lord I hope so! :rolleyes: Only thing I can think of currently is to change formID prefixes en mass, but that is a different hairball of issues. Q: Why does this problem happen in the first place? A: The hell if I know. Suspect it to be the result of unsorted DLCs in original mod. i.e. 01 instead of 03 prefix, all the rest of the numbers were/are/should be the same. Q: Why use a SMASH PATCH? A: Best way I know ATM to wrangle/display the affected data and points of reference together efficiently. Alternatively one could load all mods through FO4edit, but that may be TMI and not conducive, (unknown). Q: Does this negatively effect CELL data or other entries in the mod? A: Unknown, reasonably deducing it does not since only the LO prefixes not content portion of IDs are different. Q: Can this fix be applied to other bad references? A: It's a use case problem, meaning it depends if it applies to the situation on hand. Certainly similar issues could be resolved with a similar method. I know there is a Youtube video that explains a process similar, it may even be identical to this solution. Google it for now if you need to... When I get a chance I will seek it out and put the link in here for all you visual learning people. :geek: This fix is meant to amend glossed over tutorial information, many intuitve minds have probably figured this out already. This post open for discussion, especially if there is a more efficient way, anyone that knows a better way, pray do tell! Enjoy Yourself!
  8. Hello there, today i was about to mod fallout 4 for 21:9 monitor. I could install easily the mod organizer 2 always from nexus, but by trying download this mod: (Ultra Wide Interface (21x9) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)) i have problems. I could notice that the download doesnt even start by the console, that gives me this error: By disabling ublock origin and privacy badger it gives me this error: There's a way to fix it?
  9. Hi! First request here so my bad if I do something wrong I haven't seen it anywhere, so here's my idea Since we know the NPCs are CPU hungry in this game, especially in cities.. Would it be possible to simply remove useless NPCs from towns, the ones that keeps disappearing and reappearing like ghosts constantly while not adding anything to the immersion but are still eating your CPU? Why not just keep only the important ones? Like merchants and quest givers! If a removal is impossible, would it be possible to make a mod that automatically put them in a dead state, so they go straight to the morgue and not mess up your frame rate ever again, without the need of your pawns or arisen to do the dirty work themselves Thanks for reading !
  10. I don't know if its just me but using vortex is a constant headache due to a bug where if I manage a conflict in the mods manually after deployment it will request deployment again (I do this) and the pop up never goes away, this causes the game to no longer launch as I will run the script extender, asks to deploy, I let it do so and the game never launches, is there any way to resolve this bug and I'm getting tired of heading into problems that seemingly just are because vortex is a buggy mess
  11. Hi, I own... I KNOW what skyrim needs to improve! Therefore, here I will draw up a list with images that help better understanding where Google Translate fails. I have deeply evaluated from a gameplay and balance point of view because I want to create content that is superior to the creation club! Evoker a true expansion vortex mod: it all starts with obtaining the sigil stone. Once you have obtained the rewards, especially if you use varlvan they are "weak", although the bones are fun "tired"! -We need to expand the atronach forge! For this reason, having placed the sigil stone, we forge the black magician's staff, or we make the black magician appear hostile (even using the clothes of the greybeards) enchanted, making him immune to physical damage! Then a fight between wizards. You will be rewarded with the black magician's staff, a staff that does NOT recharge and instead of raising a defense, for example gives ebony flesh which works with the magician's armor perk and can launch magika balls which however consume magicika. (Dealing pure magic damage I think among the most powerful in the game). -there will be no way to get the black mage armor in any way. this is just the beginning. The black magician's staff will have a sigil stone as you can see that the original also has an orb. this will allow you to cast powerful summons with one hand when equipped; there will be 3: -buster blader soldier with ebony armor and 2-handed daedric artifact sword or black lust soldier with ebony armor sword and daedric artifact shield (a sort of goblin with daedric artifact but much more powerful who remains until defeated, the weapons you can also take from the past elder scrolls). -dark magician girl who will fly around casting calm (infatuation) and above all heal allies and a weak attack spell that I can't think of. - Celtic guardian is not good as he would be a copy of Staada, that's why he is better flame swordsman! A melee version of the flame minion equipped with a fire two-handed sword instead of actual armor has red mage robes with the Mara's Wrath enchantment. in Markarth you can find a flute with the book "koblak and the DRAGON." throwing these two objects into the atronach forge with the seal stone... will provide the book "Koblak" will allow you to perform a specialist summoning which will summon a bard who will start playing the flute and then finally summon a white dragon or a very long summoning (master) a guitarist VERY vulnerable only to physical damage who will have to play all of Bohemian Rhapsody (5:55) and then summon 3 white dragons. (Obviously bards will not be vulnerable to any type of projectile) other rough ideas for the summoner: a quest or reference to sheogorath that rewards with the "toon world" book allowing you to summon: -ogre (goblin attack force), -summoning spell that when cast transforms the dremora into toon summoned skulls (combo with sanguine staff) which creates kamikaze-like magical anomalies that explode on impact like Gotenks' ghosts. I have no idea about the third one... Aesir strategy like synchro evocation: you have to summon two spirits or real goats TERRIBLY vulnerable to everything, and then sacrifice them through a summoning to make one of the three random ones appear: -Odin who will be the strongest summoned sorcerer using powerful destruction magic especially on lightning -Thor a northern ancestor also in a ghostly version also equipped with the stendarr hammer -Loki a wizard who will use frenzy and fear by spamming hordes of Ash spawn or tortured shades Since we go from one extreme to the other as the summons take place it could trigger the drying up of the magicika. The evocation of quali has reached zero (white dragons and black lust soldiers dissolve) as without cheating you can easily reach 700 magika/70 sec. and they are a more than good time given their strength, consuming the magika will also allow you to give meaning to potions and Welkynd Stone. the magic of cooking a true vortex mod expansion: the problem is that in many kitchens you will find Frost Mirriam, Elves Ear but there are no recipes, the first rule that must be introduced is that all the recipes that use frost mirriam will increase the heat level making you more resistant to the cold without having to depend on salts of fire. All recipes using Elves Ear will greatly improve fire resistance so that a blaze of a dragon using valravand or other "improved" combat systems will not instantly kill you. -Thistle Branch can be useful for making herbal teas, -I'm not going to flex my knowledge about mushrooms so I'll just say that the only mushrooms that can be used for a soup are Namira rot (the most similar in texture and rarity to porcini mushrooms), Mora tapinella/Hypha Facia (known as dog tongues). -Briar Heart are honestly artichokes and can be used stuffed: bread (product or pieces found in the game world), egg, garlic, Charred Skeever Hide (it already seems very salty and spicy to me, I think it's a perfect ingredient) -salmon roe I didn't even know it existed, I hope some Nordic or Russian modder understands the mechanism, i.e. a non-farmable ingredient + other easily available ingredients. -ironwood fruit are legumes... I didn't know they existed, I think I'll have some planted near my home. They are a lot like edammame/fava beans, I think the best recipe is steamed/sautéed with salt 220 hunger points, as well as stamina regeneration. -Even Elytra Ichor and Scrib Jelly have a nice color and look like sugar paste... I think that Lichor is the best ingredient for typically Japanese desserts with gelatin, especially with Alocasia Fruit & Ambrosia + moon sugar. With the addition of snowberries, juniper, lavender, jazbay, mountain flowers; sugar paste (basic ingredient) of various colors can be created. Given the rarity of the ingredients used, obviously a coin value and very powerful effects will be needed. (No smithing & enchanting, foods that boost magika and regeneration due to the Evoker expansion would be a must have) marked all the lore friendly foods to apply the choices that could be introduced after reading "uncommon taste". Let's move on to the creation of FINAL foods, that is, which reduce the need to eat so that 1-3 game days you need to eat only one of these meals. At the core is the need for Balbus's fork so that the ability to cook is obtained at a certain point in the game. (optional idea) Anton Virane's chef clothes will give "perks" instead of making a specific skill tree. -the chef's hat gives points to the alchemical tree while cooking if the recipe contains an alchemical ingredient. -the chef's tunic will double the yield of creations when using rare curios alchemical ingredients for example each dish that uses Lichor will yield two units. - the shoes which in Italy are translated (bartender shoes) will make a case of each drink in this regard it is necessary to make the beer farmable. In THE FARM(cclub) there is a bulky cistern which would be perfect, the Honningbrew Meadery & Black-Briar Meadery could be usable after the quests. In this regard it is ridiculous "the reward?" at the end of Thieves. Goldenglow Estate must produce, it must invoice! having definitively fixed the production of honey in Skyrim this will make all foods uncommon with the addition of the candied apple. -pancake: flour, milk, butter, eggs, honey, moon sugar (a [common legendary food] that is responsible for satiating hunger and reducing cravings.) Do you understand the current honey + lunar sugar combo impossible to cook bug? -omelette du fromage "Dexter meme": eggs, milk, butter, cheese, salt or fire salts [common legendary food] -muffin: produced bread, pieces of bread/bread from the game world, potatoes, milk, eggs, juniper (the muffins were created as a recycling of leftovers and food for the servants, it is so lore friendly that if you have read up to this point you will have understood that I I really have the skills to make this game perfect) -Neapolitan pastiera: mammoth cheese, eggs x2, flour, butter, WHEAT, moon sugar (a tribute to my work, literally only the name can be changed to Homecooked Meal) -fresh pasta: flour, eggs x 2 [basic ingredient] -ravioli: fresh pasta, mammoth cheese, tomato(sauce), salt or fire salts ([uncommon legendary food] has some effect such as more maximum load or taken from the alchemical properties of the egg) -tagliolini in broth (poor ramen): fresh pasta, Charred Skeever Hide, leek, carrots, cabbage, egg, salt or fire salts ([legendary food] the best) -soup and that's it: cabbage, leek, carrots, potatoes, garlic, Frost Mirriam, Elves Ear, salt or fire salts (why [legendary food]? the recipe can also be prepared without the last two spices but their addition has very powerful effects. as well as curing diseases. -Brook bass in crazy water: bass, tomato, garlic, mirriam frost, Black-Briar Reserve [legendary food] enough, I spent several hours and touched all the critical points, I conclude by saying that we need an amulet that improves the performance of the shegorath staff, for example raw amber and gold. (since in the best cases the enemies become bags of gold "King Midas' touch/King Midas' necklace) "The ogre" model already exists and was made by @4thUnknown I wanted to mention this user because he has the ability to add and has added a lot. Nexus should create a sort of guild, that is, guarantee a large and serious project like this, allowing funds to be raised and released to the modders who participated, this would speed up and improve mod ideas to realization... I am willing to finance because I have a clear idea of where to expand and improve. Please share, because I want users to enjoy these improvements and fixes, so it will be done! Black Magician idea pack.7z
  12. Hello guys, this is a Mod Request for Skyrim SE/AE, for fixing a bug, which occurs in Skyrims movement: In Skyrim SE/AE the player character stutters when starting to run or when changing movement speed, WHILE being on sloped ground (hill). Unlike in Skyrim LE, where the movement is smooth. Take a look at this video if interested, i showcased it there. The problem doesn't seem to get fixed by any mod. Not by bugfix mods (i tried many, basically all of them) or miraculously by mods that alter movement like True Directional Movement, S.M.C. - Skyrim Motion Control, or by mods that change animations (stutter happens even while t-posing, but not in LE). Additionally i tried to see if different versions of Skyrim would fix the problem, but to no avail. 1.6.1170, 1.6.640 and 1.5.97 are the ones i tested. I just posted this for the possibility of an incredible modder seeing this, that wants to address this issue. Since the bug isn't in Legendary Edition, i wondered if there might be a "fairly" easy solution like porting LE behaviour to SE or something... If anybody has an idea what could be the cause i'd highly appreciate a reply. I don't really have modding skills, but if anyone wants to address this issue, i offer my help wherever i can.
  13. There is an error in the game that occurs on some systems (Windows 10) from version 1.5.5 onwards. It consists of the audio stuttering at some random point in the game in progress and there are also fps drops (everything seems choppy). I tried everything, it seems that the only solution proposed on Steam is to use a 32-bit beta version (but that is not an option for me). I am opening this thread to see if someone could find the problem in question of the “audio crackling” that is not resolved in version 1.6. I exhausted all possible options
  14. when ever i try to launch fo4 with mods it keeps crashing on launch screen on the grey screen and idk how to look for what mod is crashing or plugin's that is crashing also what it says {FATAL ERROR The game has crashed. Would you like to upload the crashlog?} and when i click no it show's all the thing that idk how to say but i copied all the things to the note pad and im gonna paste it on here some of the mods or plugins are NSFW stuff im kinda new so ya.. Fallout 4 v1.10.163Buffout 4 v1.28.6 Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF6191E8F6A Fallout4.exe+1AF8F6A [Compatibility]F4EE: false[Crashlog]AutoOpen: truePromptUpload: true[Fixes]ActorIsHostileToActor: trueCellInit: trueCreateD3DAndSwapChain: trueEncounterZoneReset: trueGreyMovies: trueMagicEffectApplyEvent: trueMovementPlanner: truePackageAllocateLocation: trueSafeExit: trueTESObjectREFRGetEncounterZone: trueUnalignedLoad: trueUtilityShader: true[Patches]Achievements: trueArchiveLimit: falseBSMTAManager: trueBSPreCulledObjects: trueBSTextureStreamerLocalHeap: falseHavokMemorySystem: trueINISettingCollection: trueInputSwitch: falseMaxStdIO: -1MemoryManager: trueMemoryManagerDebug: falseScaleformAllocator: trueSmallBlockAllocator: trueWorkshopMenu: true[Warnings]CreateTexture2D: trueImageSpaceAdapter: true SYSTEM SPECS:OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro v6.2.9200CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT 6-Core Processor GPU #1: AMD Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT]GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render DriverPHYSICAL MEMORY: 16.67 GB/47.93 GB PROBABLE CALL STACK:[ 0] 0x7FF6191E8F6A Fallout4.exe+1AF8F6A -> 1447818+0x3A[ 1] 0x7FF619273FC9 Fallout4.exe+1B83FC9 -> 116219+0x1F9[ 2] 0x7FF619275FD7 Fallout4.exe+1B85FD7 -> 847044+0x57[ 3] 0x7FF619266832 Fallout4.exe+1B76832 -> 270048+0x42[ 4] 0x7FF61926A34B Fallout4.exe+1B7A34B -> 1309589+0x9B[ 5] 0x7FF619269F44 Fallout4.exe+1B79F44 -> 1285198+0x1C4[ 6] 0x7FF61925FCDC Fallout4.exe+1B6FCDC -> 1566228+0x61C[ 7] 0x7FF61926D93A Fallout4.exe+1B7D93A -> 1261045+0x3A[ 8] 0x7FF61780D319 Fallout4.exe+011D319 -> 1279060+0x199[ 9] 0x7FF618431FC4 Fallout4.exe+0D41FC4 -> 1411710+0x94[10] 0x7FF61842F3ED Fallout4.exe+0D3F3ED -> 1429949+0x15D[11] 0x7FF61842F022 Fallout4.exe+0D3F022 -> 407290+0x32[12] 0x7FF6184435A9 Fallout4.exe+0D535A9 -> 1085735+0x29[13] 0x7FF9694BA8AC f4se_1_10_163.dll+000A8AC[14] 0x7FF61920CFED Fallout4.exe+1B1CFED -> 1079791+0x3D[15] 0x7FF99B52257D KERNEL32.DLL+001257D[16] 0x7FF99D74AA78 ntdll.dll+005AA78 REGISTERS:RAX 0x0 (size_t)RCX 0x1000 (size_t)RDX 0x0 (size_t)RBX 0x7FF61D2F7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)RSP 0x7DDE3FE9E0 (void*)RBP 0x1 (size_t)RSI 0x7FF61D2F7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)RDI 0x1F8351D4100 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)R8 0x326162FA46A777 (size_t)R9 0x1F8351D4100 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)R10 0x7FF61D257580 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B67580)R11 0x7DDE3FE8D0 (void*)R12 0x1F7DB94BC78 (char*) "DATA\"R13 0x0 (size_t)R14 0x1F7DB94BD20 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)R15 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " " STACK:[RSP+0 ] 0x7DDE3FEA50 (void*)[RSP+8 ] 0x1F8351D4100 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)[RSP+10 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+18 ] 0x9 (size_t)[RSP+20 ] 0x9 (size_t)[RSP+28 ] 0x7FF619273FC9 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B83FC9)[RSP+30 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+38 ] 0x7DDE3FEA60 (void*)[RSP+40 ] 0x7FF61D257580 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B67580)[RSP+48 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+50 ] 0x1D4319F4 (size_t)[RSP+58 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+60 ] 0x1F7DB94BD20 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)[RSP+68 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+70 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+78 ] 0x1F8351D4100 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)[RSP+80 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+88 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+90 ] 0x72676F72705C3A43 (size_t)[RSP+98 ] 0x73656C6966206D61 (size_t)[RSP+A0 ] 0x735C293638782820 (size_t)[RSP+A8 ] 0x6574735C6D616574 (size_t)[RSP+B0 ] 0x635C737070616D61 (size_t)[RSP+B8 ] 0x61465C6E6F6D6D6F (size_t)[RSP+C0 ] 0x5C342074756F6C6C (size_t)[RSP+C8 ] 0x736F425C41544144 (size_t)[RSP+D0 ] 0x69465350466E6F74 (size_t)[RSP+D8 ] 0x74616D6F74754178 (size_t)[RSP+E0 ] 0x614D202D206E6F72 (size_t)[RSP+E8 ] 0x3261622E6E69 (size_t)[RSP+F0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+100 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+108 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+110 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+118 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+120 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+128 ] 0x7FF619232FE8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B42FE8)[RSP+130 ] 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " "[RSP+138 ] 0x1F7DB98F7C0 (void*)[RSP+140 ] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (size_t)[RSP+148 ] 0x7FF99AD43B7F (void* -> KERNELBASE.dll+0023B7F)[RSP+150 ] 0x7DDE3FEF70 (void*)[RSP+158 ] 0x7FF960D5BDCE (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004BDCE)[RSP+160 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+168 ] 0x7FF619232FE8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B42FE8)[RSP+170 ] 0x100 (size_t)[RSP+178 ] 0x7FF61927580B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B8580B)[RSP+180 ] 0x7FF961028CA0 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+0318CA0)[RSP+188 ] 0x7FF960D5C289 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004C289)[RSP+190 ] 0x1F7DB98F7C0 (void*)[RSP+198 ] 0x100 (size_t)[RSP+1A0 ] 0x7DDE3FEF70 (void*)[RSP+1A8 ] 0x7DDE3FF310 (char*) "BostonFPSFixAutomatron - Main.ba2"[RSP+1B0 ] 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " "[RSP+1B8 ] 0x100 (size_t)[RSP+1C0 ] 0x3000 (size_t)[RSP+1C8 ] 0x1F835D2B2D8 (char*) "BostonFPSFixAutomatron - Main.ba2"[RSP+1D0 ] 0x7FF61D2F7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)[RSP+1D8 ] 0x7FF619275FD7 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B85FD7)[RSP+1E0 ] 0x7FF61D4319F4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5D419F4)[RSP+1E8 ] 0x1F835CE7640 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+1F0 ] 0x7FF61D2F6838 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06838)[RSP+1F8 ] 0x7FF61D2F7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)[RSP+200 ] 0x7DDE3FEC00 (void*)[RSP+208 ] 0x7FF619238300 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B48300)[RSP+210 ] 0x7FF61D2F6008 (BSResource::Archive2::Index*)[RSP+218 ] 0x7FF619266832 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B76832)[RSP+220 ] 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " "[RSP+228 ] 0x7DDE3FEF70 (void*)[RSP+230 ] 0x7DDE3FEF90 (void*)[RSP+238 ] 0x100 (size_t)[RSP+240 ] 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " "[RSP+248 ] 0x9 (size_t)[RSP+250 ] 0x7DDE3FEF70 (void*)[RSP+258 ] 0x7FF61926A34B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B7A34B)[RSP+260 ] 0x7FF61D2F6008 (BSResource::Archive2::Index*)[RSP+268 ] 0x7FF61D2F7C60 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07C60)[RSP+270 ] 0x7FF61D2F6008 (BSResource::Archive2::Index*)[RSP+278 ] 0x16001 (size_t)[RSP+280 ] 0x7DDE3FEF70 (void*)[RSP+288 ] 0x1F8344D08A0 (void*)[RSP+290 ] 0x7DDE3FEE10 (char*) "\0000E4CC.uvd"[RSP+298 ] 0x7FF619269F44 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B79F44)[RSP+2A0 ] 0x1F8344D0880 (void*)[RSP+2A8 ] 0x7FF61D2F7C68 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07C68)[RSP+2B0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+2B8 ] 0x1D4319F4 (size_t)[RSP+2C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+2C8 ] 0x7FF619268A2B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B78A2B)[RSP+2D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+2D8 ] 0x7FF61D2F6000 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06000)[RSP+2E0 ] 0x4C524E47 (size_t)[RSP+2E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+2F0 ] 0x7DDE3FEF90 (void*)[RSP+2F8 ] 0x7FF61925F0FB (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B6F0FB)[RSP+300 ] 0x7F9 (size_t)[RSP+308 ] 0x7DDE3FEE10 (char*) "\0000E4CC.uvd"[RSP+310 ] 0x9 (size_t)[RSP+318 ] 0x7FF61D2F6000 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06000)[RSP+320 ] 0x4C524E47 (size_t)[RSP+328 ] 0x7FF61925FCDC (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B6FCDC)[RSP+330 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+338 ] 0x7DDE3FEF70 (void*)[RSP+340 ] 0x1F8344D0880 (void*)[RSP+348 ] 0x7DDE3FEF0C (void*)[RSP+350 ] 0x7DDE3FED98 (void*)[RSP+358 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+360 ] 0x27F (size_t)[RSP+368 ] 0x1F835D2B2C0 (void*)[RSP+370 ] 0x1F7C5000800 (void*)[RSP+378 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+380 ] 0x100000 (size_t)[RSP+388 ] 0x100000 (size_t)[RSP+390 ] 0x11F1C (size_t)[RSP+398 ] 0x100000 (size_t)[RSP+3A0 ] 0x158445442 (size_t)[RSP+3A8 ] 0x7F94C524E47 (size_t)[RSP+3B0 ] 0x1D41B967 (size_t)[RSP+3B8 ] 0x1608D (size_t)[RSP+3C0 ] 0x64 (size_t)[RSP+3C8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+3D0 ] 0x1F700000000 (size_t)[RSP+3D8 ] 0x100000 (size_t)[RSP+3E0 ] 0x326162E11B9C60 (size_t)[RSP+3E8 ] 0x7FF900000000 (size_t)[RSP+3F0 ] 0x1F7C5102840 (void*)[RSP+3F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+400 ] 0x1D41B967 (size_t)[RSP+408 ] 0x1D4319F4 (size_t)[RSP+410 ] 0x1608D (size_t)[RSP+418 ] 0x1608D (size_t)[RSP+420 ] 0x6C6C61465C736900 (size_t)[RSP+428 ] 0x6D73652E3474756F (size_t)[RSP+430 ] 0x433445303030305C (size_t)[RSP+438 ] 0x7379006476752E43 (size_t)[RSP+440 ] 0x46494E2E736369 (size_t)[RSP+448 ] 0x1F70046494E (size_t)[RSP+450 ] 0xC49ADD740707 (size_t)[RSP+458 ] 0x315F353831383230 (size_t)[RSP+460 ] 0x7DDE3FF1E0 (char*) "!"[RSP+468 ] 0x7FF96E1943B8 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+00243B8)[RSP+470 ] 0x7D00000002 (size_t)[RSP+478 ] 0x1F7BEE70B10 (void*)[RSP+480 ] 0x1F7BEE70B20 (void*)[RSP+488 ] 0x7FF96E1C3659 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+0053659)[RSP+490 ] 0x7FF61A347A60 (char*) "%s%s"[RSP+498 ] 0x7FF96E1976E9 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+00276E9)[RSP+4A0 ] 0x7DDE3FF1E0 (char*) "!"[RSP+4A8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+4B0 ] 0xFFFFFFF5 (size_t)[RSP+4B8 ] 0x7DDE3FF1E0 (char*) "!"[RSP+4C0 ] 0xB (size_t)[RSP+4C8 ] 0x7FF96E1C4087 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+0054087)[RSP+4D0 ] 0x7FF61A346390 (char*) " - Main.ba2"[RSP+4D8 ] 0x7DDE3FEFB0 (void*)[RSP+4E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+4E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+4F0 ] 0x1F7BEE70B20 (void*)[RSP+4F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+500 ] 0x7DDE3FF201 (void*)[RSP+508 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+510 ] 0xB00000021 (size_t)[RSP+518 ] 0x7D00000000 (size_t)[RSP+520 ] 0x7F900000000 (size_t)[RSP+528 ] 0x7F9 (size_t)[RSP+530 ] 0x4 (size_t)[RSP+538 ] 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " "[RSP+540 ] 0x1F7DB94BD20 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)[RSP+548 ] 0x7FF61D2F6000 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06000)[RSP+550 ] 0x1F834C763E0 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+558 ] 0x1F7BEE70B20 (void*)[RSP+560 ] 0x7FF61A347A64 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C57A64)[RSP+568 ] 0x7FF900000AAF (size_t)[RSP+570 ] 0x1F7CBA7FF70 (char*) "C"[RSP+578 ] 0x1F7CBA7D150 (void*)[RSP+580 ] 0x1F7BEE70B10 (void*)[RSP+588 ] 0xAAF30315801 (size_t)[RSP+590 ] 0x1F835CE7640 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+598 ] 0x7DDE3FED50 (void*)[RSP+5A0 ] 0x7DDE3FEDD0 (void*)[RSP+5A8 ] 0x7F9 (size_t)[RSP+5B0 ] 0x326162E11B9C60 (size_t)[RSP+5B8 ] 0x7FF900000000 (size_t)[RSP+5C0 ] 0x7DDE3FF310 (char*) "BostonFPSFixAutomatron - Main.ba2"[RSP+5C8 ] 0x7F94C524E47 (size_t)[RSP+5D0 ] 0x1F7CBA88A00 (void*)[RSP+5D8 ] 0x1F7000004D0 (size_t)[RSP+5E0 ] 0x1F7BEE70B10 (void*)[RSP+5E8 ] 0x7FF617812C01 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0122C01)[RSP+5F0 ] 0x1F834C763E0 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+5F8 ] 0x4D0FFFFFB30 (size_t)[RSP+600 ] 0x21 (size_t)[RSP+608 ] 0x7D0000005D (size_t)[RSP+610 ] 0x1F835CE7640 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+618 ] 0xB0 (size_t)[RSP+620 ] 0xCB850D00 (size_t)[RSP+628 ] 0x7DDE3FEFD0 (void*)[RSP+630 ] 0x1500000023 (size_t)[RSP+638 ] 0x7DDE3E0000 (void*)[RSP+640 ] 0x7DDE400000 (void*)[RSP+648 ] 0x7FF9111025A0 (void* -> AcLayers.DLL+01325A0)[RSP+650 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+658 ] 0x4000 (size_t)[RSP+660 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+668 ] 0x7FF961028CB0 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+0318CB0)[RSP+670 ] 0x2 (size_t)[RSP+678 ] 0x7FF960D5A221 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004A221)[RSP+680 ] 0x4000 (size_t)[RSP+688 ] 0x7FF961028CB0 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+0318CB0)[RSP+690 ] 0x1F834F94000 (void*)[RSP+698 ] 0x7D00000008 (size_t)[RSP+6A0 ] 0x1F7DB887640 (void*)[RSP+6A8 ] 0x7FF960D5A54E (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004A54E)[RSP+6B0 ] 0x7FF961028CA0 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+0318CA0)[RSP+6B8 ] 0x3B (size_t)[RSP+6C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+6C8 ] 0x27C (size_t)[RSP+6D0 ] 0x100000010 (size_t)[RSP+6D8 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+6E0 ] 0x1030 (size_t)[RSP+6E8 ] 0x1F835248000 (void*)[RSP+6F0 ] 0x7DDE3FF200 (char*) "!"[RSP+6F8 ] 0x7FF99D70DDEF (void* -> ntdll.dll+001DDEF)[RSP+700 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+708 ] 0x7FF960D5ADC6 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004ADC6)[RSP+710 ] 0x7DDE3FF248 (void*)[RSP+718 ] 0x1F7DB887580 (void*)[RSP+720 ] 0x8 (size_t)[RSP+728 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+730 ] 0x1F7DB887640 (void*)[RSP+738 ] 0x3B (size_t)[RSP+740 ] 0x3B (size_t)[RSP+748 ] 0x7FF960D5BF65 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004BF65)[RSP+750 ] 0x7FF961028CA0 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+0318CA0)[RSP+758 ] 0x7FF961028CA0 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+0318CA0)[RSP+760 ] 0x7FF900007884 (size_t)[RSP+768 ] 0x3B (size_t)[RSP+770 ] 0x7DDE3FF248 (void*)[RSP+778 ] 0x1F7BC3D9AC0 (char*) " "[RSP+780 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+788 ] 0x7E36 (size_t)[RSP+790 ] 0x7FF61D2D78E0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE78E0)[RSP+798 ] 0x7FF960D5C1EC (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004C1EC)[RSP+7A0 ] 0x3A (size_t)[RSP+7A8 ] 0x21 (size_t)[RSP+7B0 ] 0x22 (size_t)[RSP+7B8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+7C0 ] 0x9 (size_t)[RSP+7C8 ] 0x7FF96E1A6480 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+0036480)[RSP+7D0 ] 0x7DDE3FF210 (void*)[RSP+7D8 ] 0x7FF96E1A416E (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+003416E)[RSP+7E0 ] 0x652E6E6F7274616D (size_t)[RSP+7E8 ] 0x73652E7374007073 (size_t)[RSP+7F0 ] 0x21 (size_t)[RSP+7F8 ] 0x7FF6192331F9 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B431F9)[RSP+800 ] 0x21 (size_t)[RSP+808 ] 0x7FF61A4FF340 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2E0F340)[RSP+810 ] 0x7FF61A4FF340 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2E0F340)[RSP+818 ] 0x7FF61D2D78E0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE78E0)[RSP+820 ] 0x21 (size_t)[RSP+828 ] 0x7FF619233F5D (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B43F5D)[RSP+830 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+838 ] 0x7FF61D257580 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B67580)[RSP+840 ] 0x7FF61D2D78E0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE78E0)[RSP+848 ] 0x7DDE3FF310 (char*) "BostonFPSFixAutomatron - Main.ba2"[RSP+850 ] 0x7D00000022 (size_t)[RSP+858 ] 0x1F7C1F3AD00 (void*)[RSP+860 ] 0x2200000021 (size_t)[RSP+868 ] 0x1F835D2B2C0 (void*)[RSP+870 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+878 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+880 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+888 ] 0x1F7C1F39B80 (void*)[RSP+890 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+898 ] 0x1F7C1F3ADE0 (void*)[RSP+8A0 ] 0x7DDE3FF3E0 (void*)[RSP+8A8 ] 0x7FF61926D93A (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B7D93A)[RSP+8B0 ] 0x1F758445442 (size_t)[RSP+8B8 ] 0x7FF61A33BB83 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4BB83)[RSP+8C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+8C8 ] 0x1F835CE7640 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+8D0 ] 0x7FF61A5038C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2E138C8)[RSP+8D8 ] 0x7DDE3FF300 (void*)[RSP+8E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+8E8 ] 0x7FF61D2F7F20 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::GlobalPaths*)[RSP+8F0 ] 0x7FF61A33BB83 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4BB83)[RSP+8F8 ] 0x7FF61780D319 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+011D319)[RSP+900 ] 0x7FF61A33BB83 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4BB83)[RSP+908 ] 0x1F7C1F39B80 (void*)[RSP+910 ] 0x7FF61A347A60 (char*) "%s%s"[RSP+918 ] 0x7DDE3FF540 (char*) "BostonFPSFixAutomatron"[RSP+920 ] 0x7FF61A346390 (char*) " - Main.ba2"[RSP+928 ] 0x3 (size_t)[RSP+930 ] 0x50466E6F74736F42 (size_t)[RSP+938 ] 0x6F74754178694653 (size_t)[RSP+940 ] 0x2D206E6F7274616D (size_t)[RSP+948 ] 0x61622E6E69614D20 (size_t)[RSP+950 ] 0x32 (size_t)[RSP+958 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+960 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+968 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+970 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+978 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+980 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+988 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+990 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+998 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9A0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9A8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9B0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9B8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9C8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9D8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9F0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+9F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A00 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A08 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A10 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A18 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A20 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A28 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A30 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A38 ] 0x7FF6177367B2 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+00467B2)[RSP+A40 ] 0x7F007073652E (size_t)[RSP+A48 ] 0x6F97 (size_t)[RSP+A50 ] 0x7FF61D257580 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B67580)[RSP+A58 ] 0x7FF96E231630 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+00C1630)[RSP+A60 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A68 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+A70 ] 0x5545535F4641412A (size_t)[RSP+A78 ] 0x4E7300007073652E (size_t)[RSP+A80 ] 0x6167796C6C6F4C6F (size_t)[RSP+A88 ] 0x73652E676E696767 (size_t)[RSP+A90 ] 0x7073652E6E000070 (size_t)[RSP+A98 ] 0x6C62756F44200000 (size_t)[RSP+AA0 ] 0x6C65727261422065 (size_t)[RSP+AA8 ] 0x6E7567746F685320 (size_t)[RSP+AB0 ] 0x68672E7073652E73 (size_t)[RSP+AB8 ] 0x7F000074736F (size_t)[RSP+AC0 ] 0x7FF61D2F7F20 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::GlobalPaths*)[RSP+AC8 ] 0x7DDE3FF6F0 (char*) "cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl"[RSP+AD0 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+AD8 ] 0x7DDE3FF600 (void*)[RSP+AE0 ] 0x6363635C41544144 (size_t)[RSP+AE8 ] 0x313030346F667372 (size_t)[RSP+AF0 ] 0x2E616F637069702D (size_t)[RSP+AF8 ] 0x6C707200006C7365 (size_t)[RSP+B00 ] 0x6C73652E617A61 (size_t)[RSP+B08 ] 0x6C73006C (size_t)[RSP+B10 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+B18 ] 0x7FF61A42C119 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2D3C119)[RSP+B20 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+B28 ] 0x7DDE3FF578 (void*)[RSP+B30 ] 0x7FF61A5038C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2E138C8)[RSP+B38 ] 0x7FF61926FC81 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B7FC81)[RSP+B40 ] 0x1F758445442 (size_t)[RSP+B48 ] 0x7DDE3FF420 (char*) ".esp"[RSP+B50 ] 0x1040004 (size_t)[RSP+B58 ] 0x1F833FA78E0 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)[RSP+B60 ] 0x50466E6F74736F42 (size_t)[RSP+B68 ] 0x6F74754178694653 (size_t)[RSP+B70 ] 0x62006E6F7274616D (size_t)[RSP+B78 ] 0x766F00737463656A (size_t)[RSP+B80 ] 0x6900656469727265 (size_t)[RSP+B88 ] 0x7FF99D740078 (void* -> ntdll.dll+0050078)[RSP+B90 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+B98 ] 0x7FF61D2F7E60 (BSResource::SDirectory2::ThreadCursor*)[RSP+BA0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+BA8 ] 0x7DDE3FF480 (char*) "e Barrel Shotguns.esp.ghost"[RSP+BB0 ] 0x7D01040004 (size_t)[RSP+BB8 ] 0x7FF99D743320 (void* -> ntdll.dll+0053320)[RSP+BC0 ] 0x346F667367626363 (size_t)[RSP+BC8 ] 0x3230782D353131 (size_t)[RSP+BD0 ] 0x7DDE3FF702 (char*) ".esl"[RSP+BD8 ] 0x7FF960D5BF65 (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004BF65)[RSP+BE0 ] 0x1F8345AFD00 (void*)[RSP+BE8 ] 0x7FF619267B42 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B77B42)[RSP+BF0 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+BF8 ] 0x7FF619271C78 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B81C78)[RSP+C00 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C08 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C10 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C18 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C20 ] 0x7DDE3FF6A0 (void*)[RSP+C28 ] 0x7FF960D5C1EC (void* -> Buffout4.dll+004C1EC)[RSP+C30 ] 0x100 (size_t)[RSP+C38 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C40 ] 0x8 (size_t)[RSP+C48 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C50 ] 0x20 (size_t)[RSP+C58 ] 0x7FF619201042 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B11042)[RSP+C60 ] 0x7DDE3FF6F0 (char*) "cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl"[RSP+C68 ] 0x7DDE3FF540 (char*) "BostonFPSFixAutomatron"[RSP+C70 ] 0x1F701040016 (size_t)[RSP+C78 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C80 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+C88 ] 0x7FF618431FC4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0D41FC4)[RSP+C90 ] 0x1F7C1F3ADA0 (void*)[RSP+C98 ] 0xB96BC713 (size_t)[RSP+CA0 ] 0x1F835D2B2C0 (void*)[RSP+CA8 ] 0x7FF61A346440 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C56440)[RSP+CB0 ] 0x7FF61A33A948 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4A948)[RSP+CB8 ] 0x7DDE3FF6A0 (void*)[RSP+CC0 ] 0x1F7C1F39B80 (void*)[RSP+CC8 ] 0x400 (size_t)[RSP+CD0 ] 0x7FF60000024C (size_t)[RSP+CD8 ] 0x7FF61D2F7F01 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07F01)[RSP+CE0 ] 0x1F7DB95C2F8 (char*) "cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl"[RSP+CE8 ] 0x7FF61842F3ED (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0D3F3ED)[RSP+CF0 ] 0x9E (size_t)[RSP+CF8 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+D00 ] 0x0 (size_t)[RSP+D08 ] 0x9E (size_t)[RSP+D10 ] 0x346F667372636363 (size_t)[RSP+D18 ] 0x637069702D313030 (size_t)[RSP+D20 ] 0x6C73652E616F (size_t)[RSP+D28 ] 0x652E617A616C7072 (size_t)[RSP+D30 ] 0x6C73006C006C73 (size_t)[RSP+D38 ] 0x1F7BE327D80 (void*)[RSP+D40 ] 0x1F7BE327F40 (hkLifoAllocator*)[RSP+D48 ] 0x7FF618F83A79 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1893A79)[RSP+D50 ] 0x1F7BE327F40 (hkLifoAllocator*)[RSP+D58 ] 0x7FF960FF2200 (Patches::HavokMemorySystemPatch::detail::hkMemorySystem*)[RSP+D60 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+D68 ] 0x2 (size_t)[RSP+D70 ] 0x2 (size_t)[RSP+D78 ] 0x7FF6194C649B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1DD649B)[RSP+D80 ] 0x3 (size_t)[RSP+D88 ] 0x1F7BE327D80 (void*)[RSP+D90 ] 0x3 (size_t)[RSP+D98 ] 0x7DDE3FF810 (void*)[RSP+DA0 ] 0x2 (size_t)[RSP+DA8 ] 0x1 (size_t)[RSP+DB0 ] 0x7DDE3FF810 (void*)[RSP+DB8 ] 0x7FF6194AC55D (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1DBC55D)[RSP+DC0 ] 0x3 (size_t)[RSP+DC8 ] 0x0 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0x7FF964F60000BakaScrapHeap.dll 0x7FF965460000BulletCountedReload.dll 0x7FF965B90000f4se_1_10_163.dll 0x7FF9694B0000tier0_s64.dll 0x7FF96CEC0000gdiplus.dll 0x7FF96D150000F4z Ro D'oh.dll 0x7FF96D520000vstdlib_s64.dll 0x7FF96D590000flexRelease_x64.dll 0x7FF96D650000ESPExplorer.dll 0x7FF96E080000GFSDK_SSAO_D3D11.win64.dll 0x7FF96E0E0000MSVCR110.dll 0x7FF96E170000BetterPowerArmorRedux.dll 0x7FF96EC40000cudart64_75.dll 0x7FF974A60000hudextension.dll 0x7FF974FC0000MSVCP110.dll 0x7FF975010000AUDIOSES.DLL 0x7FF976380000GFSDK_GodraysLib.x64.dll 0x7FF976FF0000bink2w64.dll 0x7FF977050000crafting_highlight_fix.dll 0x7FF977900000RustyFaceFix.dll 0x7FF977990000ConsoleUtilF4.dll 0x7FF977AB0000flexExtRelease_x64.dll 0x7FF977B90000achievements.dll 0x7FF979A40000WINSPOOL.DRV 0x7FF97C280000f4se_steam_loader.dll 0x7FF97F1D0000textinputframework.dll 0x7FF97F330000MPR.dll 0x7FF97F850000AcGenral.DLL 0x7FF97F870000atidxx64.dll 0x7FF97F950000MpOav.dll 0x7FF980020000amsi.dll 0x7FF9800A0000amdxx64.dll 0x7FF980190000wbemsvc.dll 0x7FF983C70000aticfx64.dll 0x7FF983D50000fastprox.dll 0x7FF983F10000WeaponDebrisCrashFix.dll 0x7FF985FC0000CoreUIComponents.dll 0x7FF986500000directxdatabasehelper.dll 0x7FF9872C0000Windows.UI.dll 0x7FF987330000wbemprox.dll 0x7FF9877B0000amdihk64.dll 0x7FF9877D0000WININET.dll 0x7FF988AC0000COMCTL32.dll 0x7FF98A090000wbemcomn.dll 0x7FF98DD10000VCRUNTIME140_1.dll 0x7FF98F360000MSVCP140.dll 0x7FF98F840000VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x7FF98F8D0000SprintStutteringFix.dll 0x7FF9901B0000VERSION.dll 0x7FF9925E0000nvToolsExt64_1.dll 0x7FF9932F0000SortWindows61.dll 0x7FF993300000MMDevApi.dll 0x7FF993490000DbgHelp.dll 0x7FF9945F0000WINHTTP.dll 0x7FF9954D0000WINMM.dll 0x7FF995610000d3d11.dll 0x7FF9965C0000CoreMessaging.dll 0x7FF997220000avrt.dll 0x7FF9975D0000apphelp.dll 0x7FF997600000UxTheme.dll 0x7FF997FF0000dxcore.dll 0x7FF9980F0000dxgi.dll 0x7FF998130000resourcepolicyclient.dll 0x7FF9984A0000wintypes.dll 0x7FF998890000windows.storage.dll 0x7FF9989D0000HID.DLL 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0x7FF99CA50000IMM32.DLL 0x7FF99CAB0000advapi32.dll 0x7FF99CAF0000MSCTF.dll 0x7FF99CBA0000GDI32.dll 0x7FF99CCF0000SHELL32.dll 0x7FF99CD20000clbcatq.dll 0x7FF99D600000ntdll.dll 0x7FF99D6F0000 F4SE PLUGINS:achievements.dllauto_backup_executable.dllBakaFramework.dll v1.10BakaScrapHeap.dll v1.3BetterPowerArmorRedux.dllBuffout4.dll v1.28.6BulletCountedReload.dllClassicHolsteredWeapons.dllConsoleUtilF4.dll v1.0.1crafting_highlight_fix.dllEscapeFreeze.dll v1ESPExplorer.dllf4ee.dllF4z Ro D'oh.dll v1.1.6.1030FloatingDamage.dllHHS.dllHighFPSPhysicsFix.dllhudextension.dllKnockoutFramework.dll v1.4LL_fourPlay_1_10_163.dllLooksmenuPlayerRotation.dllmcm.dllplace.dllpo3_SpellPerkItemDistributorF4.dll v2PowerGridTools.dllRobCo_Patcher.dll v3.5RustyFaceFix.dll v2SprintStutteringFix.dllSUP_F4SE.dllWeaponDebrisCrashFix.dllwsfw_identifier.dllXDI.dll PLUGINS:
  15. It's all in the title. In games, the map and mini-map are completely black, with the exception of tp, objectives, bookmarks and nearby people. Not to lie, the gaming experience is partly ruined. While you might think that discovering the game by recalling the map by heart is more RP, it immediately becomes more of a hassle to get an advantageous position over the enemy rather than being ambushed (reference in particular to Gekh Coal). The problem seems to be linked to the age of the graphics card. Apart from this problem, the rest of the game works perfectly. If a charitable modder could create a mod to add a map (perhaps just an image instead of an interactive one), you'd be answering the help of many less well-off players facing this problem. Forum on Larian Studio: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=876830 Steam Community: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/discussions/0/3808408963762528288/ Thanks a lot for your attention.
  16. There's a bug in Fallout 4 which makes the cigarette go into the npc's hand when they walk. It's a real b*tch to edit vanilla animations. I've tried this myself using 3ds Max. This bug has been present since the game released. If someone could point me to a comprehensive guide on how to get the models displaying so I can edit the animation, that would be appreciated greatly. Otherwise this is a request. We need to be able to fix vanilla animations in an easier manner...it's ridiculous.
  17. I used to play this game way back in the day and i used to mod it very heavy too adding tonnes of quests dungeons and what not. What got me off the game was the memory leak. I know it could be slowed down using the 4GB patch back in the day but did anything change since then? The game would be unplayable when i got too many mods and not because it crashed but because of the leak. Has the memory leak been resolved some how or are there any patches fixes or mods to further prolong the gaming? I would love to mod and play the game so if you have any info I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
  18. Hey, I was wondering if there are any fixes to the Plus UI, Norbyte's Script Extender, Transmog Enhanced and Appearance Edit that I am just not seeing. I know these are developed independently so time is a factor. Does anyone have any workable alternatives the aforementioned mods?
  19. Hi there, I'm playing an honor mode run and was romancing Karlach. I went straight for Last Light Inn to fix her heart and wanted to progress the romance. I had no idea the Minzora scene would completely bug my romance. Going back to an older save isnt an option since its honor mode and after that night ended it saved. I tried resting again and just got my Evil Butler telling me to kill someone. Does anyone have any tips to somehow salvage this and if not, would it be possible to make a mod or edit my story to force first night with karlach to happen? So f*#@in' frustrated to be locked out of this. Willing to do whatever to try to fix this even if it's complicated lol.
  20. Hi, I downloaded this mod (not SKE file): https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15773?tab=description&BH=5 But there is a small problem with it, the author added doors and other things in this mod, but apparently forgot to "enable" them, I made this conclusion because of the fact that the files of doors and other things are in the archive, as well as in the screenshots. But when I try to find them in the game, they are not there, there are only walls, floors and ceilings. Could you please help me to fix this? I think I installed everything correctly, because the same problem is not only for me, other people also complain, but the author has abandoned this mod and does not respond P.S. I am inexperienced in mods and have never created them, so it is unlikely that I will manage without your help
  21. So, with and without mods, apparently from the get go for Baldur's Gate 3, in combat the game will hang if you reach the end of your available actions. You can't attack, move, end turn, switch characters, you can't save or load a game, or even exit the game from the escape menu. Getting a bug fix for this would be greatly appreciated.
  22. I am currently trying to get back into fallout and wanted to start fresh so i went down my mod list and uninstalled every mod one by one (deleting all archives as well) until my list was empty. I then downloaded a small starter mod collection (fo4 essentials) and I'm now stuck with a fo4 fps physics fix that i can't edit, interact with, or delete. its a inaccessible empty file. attached are the responses of what nexus and my computer keep telling me. I'm pretty slow when it comes to instructions but if anyone has ANY ideas on how to fix this please share! I've tried looking up solutions and none seem to be the issues I'm having.
  23. Hi, I´ve modding starfield and installing several mods and found lately weird and messed up textures in some outfits, and i can´t find out what´s causing this issue... by now, i`ve found this problem with the constellation space suit and masako´s outfit. Anybody with the same problem? how could be the fix for this issue?. I tried loading a clean save without any mods and the problem stills there, so i can´t figure out if this is a problem with some mod or it´s about the vanilla game... I leave some screenshots, when i use the outfits with my character, the problem appears but is not that notticeable as is in the NPC.. there´s the screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/890Z84B To keep it short, I´ve installed mostly retextures and another mods that inittially doesn´t mess with those outfits. Hope you could help me, thanks!
  24. There can be multiple reasons why it happens. I found, however, one persistent which happened to me multiple times until I figured it out and solved it via console. If this is the one you have - following should work for you as well: Load your save and check if there is any castle or town owned by a minor faction - most likely Beni Zilal in Aserai territory. If yes than this is the case. Open console and kill off every Beni Zilal clan member destroying it in the process. Corrupted location will turn to whomever should own it (99,99999% Aserai) because it should have been Aserai taking it in the first place but Beni Zilal - while at war with Aserai - used influence to force Aserai to give it to them (WTF?). This happened to me several times - twice I was the part of AI Aserai army taking the town and then trying to siege it again. The crash happens when AI is re-sieging "now-Beni Zilal" location.
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