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  1. I am currently trying to get back into fallout and wanted to start fresh so i went down my mod list and uninstalled every mod one by one (deleting all archives as well) until my list was empty. I then downloaded a small starter mod collection (fo4 essentials) and I'm now stuck with a fo4 fps physics fix that i can't edit, interact with, or delete. its a inaccessible empty file. attached are the responses of what nexus and my computer keep telling me. I'm pretty slow when it comes to instructions but if anyone has ANY ideas on how to fix this please share! I've tried looking up solutions and none seem to be the issues I'm having.
  2. Hi! I'm trying to replace a sound file in Skyrim; specifically \sound\fx\mag\vampire mag_vampire_sunlight_01 I've renamed the new sound file and converted it to xwm but don't know exactly how to insert it back "into the game". When going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Sound\fx I can't find any "mag" folder. wat do? Thanks
  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a mod and as part of it I'd like to edit the marriage ceremony. However, I can't find the content file where the marriage event is written (it doesn't seem to be in the general 'Events' folder). Can anyone tell me where I can find the marriage event file so I can edit the marriage scene? Thanks
  4. I just downloaded Rampage ENB manually and played with it for about 30 minutes before deciding I want to switch back to RealVision. I went into the Skyrim folder and deleted everything (to my knowledge) that I had downloaded for the mod. I start Skyrim up again and the effects persist. Any idea why this could be? Did I miss something?
  5. I've checked it. Every time I disable or uninstall a big mod it leaves back a lot of files in my data folder and a lot of empty archives named "__delete_if_empty" This isn't how disabling mods should work in my opinion. Is this a bug or is deliberated? Thanks for your time.
  6. So, yesterday (Feb 26th) I was updating my mod list and went to re-download and re-install CET (Cyber Engine Tweaks). After installing the new version of the mod (without enabling it) I went on to check the extracted files and saw that, instead of this... ...the installed folder contained ONLY the "global.ini" file and also in a completely different folder path: "engine\config\platform\pc\global.ini". Weird, because the actual downloaded .zip contains the correct files presented on the mod page. After some testing, I found out some more issues: The exact same thing was happening to the mod "redscript";The mod "Better Hair" whose only file is in the root folder, also gained the path ""engine\config\platform\pc\..."The mod "Wall Hang"'s folder structure was completely alteredThe mod "Limited HUD" missed one of the subfolders ("LHUD" folder) in the middle of the pathFor some mods, Vortex is showing this error: A few mods remained correctTo summarize, all sorts of craziness. I tried everything on my side: Removed/deleted all my modsStopped managing Cyberpunk 2077 + deleted profilesUninstalled VortexDeleted the system/user folders that it creates (e.g. Roaming, App Data...)Deleted all registries associated with VortexReinstalled VortexAnd the issue continues... I don't know wether it's a bug after 1.5.5 or if I f*cked it up somehow. In the last case, I'd like some help.
  7. Yo. So I'm brand new to making my own mods, as in I just started today trying to make my own companions. It all went well and I even got it working the first time. So I went and made some more and did the exact same thing (I think) but now I'm having the issue of...no one is showing up. I did all the stuff, using the Creation Kit, went in, made my own character using the importing tool to put faces in and resaving and all. So it saves as an ESP, which honestly, I don't know what that even is because I am far from computer savvy. I use the Nexus Mod Manager and when I dropped the first file in, it worked, like I said. I did the exact same thing and now even the first companion isn't showing. I took them out of the mod manager and dropped the .ESP files directly into my mods folder, still nothing. So, what am I missing? There are no mods that are required, I just used vanilla everything. I'm going to keep messing with it, but any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
  8. my files downloaded as word docs. Anyone know what I should do to fix it so i can get them to run
  9. Is there any way to completely uninstall every mod under a game? If so how can I do that? without having to individually delete each individual mod.
  10. Can someone help? I had to reinstall Elden Ring, and I use mods for the game to spice it up, but I am missing many of the files in the root directory, i.e. steamapps/common/EldenRing the main folders I am missing are the parts, msg, chr and many others. Not the saved games, all of my progress is there. If someone has any advice, that would be much appreciated. The game runs fine, with no errors or problems, it just seems to be missing files in the root directory, and I don't know why. Here is an attached screenshot of my root directory if someone could help that would be great, Thanks!
  11. Today i noticed that when i tried to start Vortex the following message would open up: "Your Vortex Installation has been corrupted. This could be a result of a virus of manual manipulation. Vortex might still appear to work (partially) but we suggest you reinstall it" I reinstalled Vortex and cleaned all releated files, but after going to my computer Users/AppData/Local/Temp folder and cleanming the temp files (which happend to have some Vortex files) the installation broke again, Is there any critical temp files for Vortex and a way to avoid this? Because i clean my computer temp files regularly
  12. So I was modding the game, and one of the mods crashed my game. Usually, this is no biggie, I'll just remove the mod, or if it replaces game files I'll just go into my backups and replace the modded files. And this would have worked, but it seems that I had forgotten to add the vanilla ContentPDLC3 files to my backups, and guess what the mod changes? The ContentPDLC3 files. So if anyone has the vanilla, untainted, unmodded, unchanged files, can you please just help a guy out? Or maybe if someone has an alternate way to fix my problem, I'm all ears! Thanks, guys.
  13. LotR ALD - All shall Love me and Despair That mod I created and tested and everything working fine but I've got at least 2 reports of the mod files not showing on "help ald1 0" command. I converted it to esl and tested again in my system it just works fine. Could you guys test it or check game files? this is actually my first mod so expect newbe approaches.
  14. I need help!! I was trying to install SCAMPI and mods to Stardew Valley and I accidentally deleted all of the programming files in the common folder!! Does anyone know how to fix them? They aren't even in my recycling bin!! Please help me!!!
  15. I have already reduced all the loose textures of all my mods down to 1k and I only have 100GB spare left (I plan to download more mods and will likely run out of my 100 GB of space).
  16. So i was tryng to download some mods for the first time and by accident i deleted the android folder with everything in it, after i realized im wondering if theres anyway i can fix this? im not sure if theres a download out there with everything that file had in it. please help
  17. I just read on Reddit an - unconfirmed- comment that you should be able to change an .esp in to an .esl using FO4Edit instead of needing the CK. Does anyone here know about that? My game is currently 1.10.40
  18. Hey. Backstory (not sure if relevant): I have recently noticed that during my initial load of the game (first load during the session) two music files are played at the same time: one of the current ambience my character is in and the other one being "Awake" ( i believe that's its name). I didn't pay too much attention to it at first thinking it's a random occurance, one-time (two-time?) bug and... well, it didn't bother me that much tbh. Once that "Awake" track's been played, the usual rotation would go unhindered (correct music files played at their corresponding locations and events). Thinking about this matter while checking Nexus whether that mushroom house is back again, I decided to check the "Audio - Music" section of Nexus and installed a few music mods. I checked SSE High Quality Music, Unofficial High Definition Audio Project. Played a couple of days with it without noticing any difference (thoght my ears aren't qualified enough to). Then i decided to install a few music alterations (Music mods merged with correct installations). Now here's where the problem begins. The issue: My main save files don't play correct musics when they should except for the initial load of the game. Not just the savefile, but only after I start Skyrim. If i load a save - it doesn't play either. Moreover, when i try to play certain music files via console (ex: musdungeonxx), nothing happens. HOWEVER if i start a new game or load a fresh character (level 2 cat) this issue is not present - everything works fine. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling various music mods, altering .ini, nothing happens. The world of my main character has become silent. It does play a few music files (that f*#@ing "Awake" and sometimes combat music (but not always). I wonder what might be the cause of that because it's definitely not mod-related (my new games and my main have the same mod list and orders). I also tried ReSaver, cleaned around 450 scripts, but the issue did not go. What do.
  19. Okay well I looked all over the place for an answer and had no luck, I usually hate using forums because from my experience it can take an annoyingly long time to actually get an answer from someone. I have asked this on another forum and the guy that tried helping me was kind of even more confused then I was and would forget certain things that I need to do and misunderstood certain things I wrote, so sadly because they were no help and it was kind of annoying that they did not try and give me the answer in a single post, I have came to this forum and hopefully someone a bit more experienced and better at explaining themselves will help me out. So my issue is that I use Creation Kit a lot and mainly what I do on there is just make custom followers though soon I am going to get into more advanced stuff like spells, houses, and armor/weapons or a least that is what I hope but as you are probably aware because I believe most people use the Apachii Hair Mod if they don't like the vanilla hair, Apachii is a master file and though I can load it with certain master files others it does not work with, plus the Skyrim CK is pretty tedious and stuff will not work just if you don't click it the right way sometimes. I am here to find out a working solution for to get rid of that annoying pop-up message we all know and love *cough* hate, you guys probably know what message I am talking about... http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/6b75/5dv6ks7xd0ef3mxzg.jpg Yup that one ^ Now to be clear I do not have the files which typically other tutorials and guides tell you to go in, I don't have the SkyrimEditor.ini or any of those, I have checked everywhere that I have some kind of Skyrim folder and this file does not exist in my system. For a bit more detail my game was bought from Steam and I kind of think because it is Special Edition that may be why I do not have this particular file. So as most of you who read this probably figured out, all the other tutorials and guides I have tried don't really yield any results. Is there a way I can enabled multiple master files loads even though I don't have any of these files that most guides tell you to go into and change some stuff? My mods usually always work fine when I make them but this little annoying thing with Master Files really does feel unnecessary and kind of ticks me off. I know there should be a limit on master file loading to save you from breaking your game in a possible way, but still it is not like I would be dumb enough to load every freaking mod file I have, I mainly need to load only a few depending on my project that I am working on and typically those usually are just the Apachii Hair Mod and depending on certain situations sometimes modded magic files that add different magic powers to the game. So someone please help, I will try to be as patient with you as possible if you try to help me, but just please make sure you know what you are talking about and don't leave anything out, since clearly I am unaware of what to do, so I need someone to tell me. Thank you. Also sorry if this is the wrong area to post this, I tried my best to decide on the right area for this thing.
  20. Nothing posted since yesterday evening has gone through yet. Files marked as uploaded at 9PM yesterday still say they're being scanned and will be available "soon" - 12 hours doesn't count as "soon" to me. :laugh:
  21. So after a brief search on the forum and an extensive search in the actual fo4 files i was wondering if the unique named weapons such as the Last Minute and The Deliverer are in the model files as their own unique items or are just a mashup of the parts and named. i would like to extract the 3d model of the Last Minute and 3d print it/ build it for a cosplay
  22. I need some help with a standalone gun for Fallout 4. I'm planning on adding the famous Auto 9 Pistol from the two films Robocop and Sin City, but I can't figure out how to use nifskope nodes to make my 3D models into an in-game weapon. Could someone with more experience/talent take over for this last portion of this small project? I'd appreciate it greatly. :laugh: Link to files: https://www.mediafire.com/?b6fl1dw1dgwtloy
  23. Hi, I'm creating some dialogue between my player and a custom companion, but I need the player to talk back to him. I already have the companion speaking with my custom audio files and lip files, but how do I specify to use the player voice files for the player's dialogue? Thanks.
  24. Anyone have any idea where the voice files are stored? I could really use them for a small project I've got (personal use,non profit and all that). I looked through over 2000 files inside of sound.dat using Dunia2 and DecUbiSndGUI but didn't find a goddamn thing. Lots of Far Cry 4 tracks though. Thanks for any help, this forums seems unfortunately dead though :sad:
  25. ]Right So I have tried to install Oblivion Reloaded (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45749/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D45749&pUp=1) I am up to the activation step. However, I have absolutely no clue to activate the .esp files. They .esp files don't show up on the left hand panel (with the boxes) or when I try to create and select add files, when I go to the file location, I cannot see the files. Can anyone give me some guidance? Cheers to anyone who can help.
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