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  1. I've done some searching and couldn't find anything to match my criteria. What I'm looking for is snapping interrior walls. The standard walls won't snap into place if theres anything else on that face like a floor or another building segment. I wanna be able to section off pieces of my building into descreet rooms with a view without compromising on my balcony choices :smile: Most walls can be taken care of by creatively using the prefab parts, but theres usually 1 wall or a balcony end that needs to be covered to make it seamless, an interior wall with a door would be fabulous ! I am aware of a mod called 'place in red' but its not actually a mod, its a script for cheat engine and I don't want to go that route. To give an idea of what I'm after. This balcony end. This balcony end as well And this wall would be splendid with a door.
  2. Is there any chance of some adjustments made to the "snap-connections" of the workshop mode. If anything, something more than 90* angles. Maybe control the angle with the mouse scroll wheel or something.
  3. Be it for roleplaying or simple convenience purposes, I suggest freelance fences. Skyrim forces you to work through the thieve's Guild, and only unlocks a few fences in specific locations through quest. It's strange that an organization that's rumored to be 'collapsing from the inside' owns and leads all stolen goods trade. Freelances could be new or old npc's, scattered across Skyrim. Their services could require a small quest, a disposition boost, and it needs not be obvious that they offer fencing. For example, Belethor could become a fence once you trade a certain amount of gold with him (he'll buy your relatives, so why not your stolen goods?) I've heard Inconsequential NPCs adds freelance fences, but I havn't found any yet either.
  4. I've started playing this game about a month ago now and these fences have been bothering me ever since I saw them and I can't find any mod that changes their textures, could somebody make a new texture for them
  5. Being a thief in skyrim.. Well it has two sides! Either you join the "Thieves Guild" and become wealthy in no-time just by stealing EVERYTHING and fencing it to nearly anyone... OR you don't join the thives guild and you have to get your speech high enought do fence everything anywho... But i say no more! If you just like i love being the sneaky thief that steales from the houses of skyrim by night. But might not for roleplay reasons or something else wanna join the thieves guild. I suggest an idea! I would like to see a more fluid fencing system. how can people tell the cup you sold them was stolen? and the same with the apple? this is my idea... A new upgrade to fencing. WHen fencing items to ANY vendor (based on the value of the item and possibly your speech skill) a roll is initiated. if you win the roll the merchant happily buys your items without ever considering it was stolen. How ever, if it fails you are instantly tagged with a bounty that you have to pay up or go to jail. (the vendor might even call the guards on you!) This way even a low level charecter can actually make a profit by stealing from the houses around skyrim. This also gives a more tactic aspect to stealing. Cause now the player has to decide when he/she breaks an entry if that valuable heirloom is actually worth stealing or if the player should rather find something more easily fenced and leave the treasure for a later date. BUT WAIT! There is more! My idea above is only part of the mod! the second part is to the actual fences placed around Skyrim. my idea is to add a speek (or sneak) based dialogue option with fences around skyrim allowing you to fence goods at their shop. The fences will ofcause not give you the items full value and the fences might only want to buy specific items. FOr example Belethor might say he sells everything. but truth is his inventory is mostly day-to-day items like pots, cups and genuine stuff for your house. the player might how ever in time unlock even more sell-able items from the vendor starting with basic clutter items, then clothes, pelts/materials, cheap weapons, cheap armor, etc etc. you get where i'm going. this feature would make stealing in skyrim less of a novelty and more an interesting experience where the player can't just take the most expensive item on the shelves, but starts the other way around. This also makes it so the player can steal from the same house multiple times giving the player at leased twice as much thief gameplay! I hope you guys like my idea! i have good faith in the community! and i hope someone wanna take up the mantle! Best regards, Agnon
  6. Hello. I recently five-fingered a bunch of things from someone (including a large number of alchemical components). When I tried to sell them to my Fence, however, I found myself literally selling off over 100 legitimately-picked plants to get to the one stolen one. SkyUI showed the hand icon to indicate one was stolen, but I had no idea which one of the numerous ones in my inventory was the stolen one. For immersion's sake, I'm trying not to go the Console Command route. What I'd like to humbly request is a mod that does one of the following: A) When selling something to a Merchant who is also a Fence (meaning you've invested in them and have the Fence Perk), they buy the Stolen items first, then the regular ones. Or, B) Something compatible with SkyUI that lists Stolen items separately from non-Stolen items, so you'd know exactly what to sell and not to sell. For example, a stolen Cabbage wouldn't be mixed in with the other 13 Cabbages. The Stolen Cabbage would maybe appear below the non-Stolen ones, in red or (in SkyUI) with the hand icon: Cabbage (13) Cabbage (2) Thanks in advance for the consideration.
  7. Rich merchants is a very valuable tool... but breaks with fences. That's because the code can only take up to a value of 32767. When a merchant has more gold than that, stuff breaks. So using a simple multiplier doesn't work when fences can start off with 4000 gold. User UrbanSniper posted a fix in it's forums but it looks like an abandoned mod. Anyone care to fix it up? This is UrbanSniper's post:
  8. As an Argonian fan, it bothers me that I'm required to kill Jaree-Ra and his sister in the quest Lights Out. Every time I play as an Argonian, I feel a certain sympathy for every Argonian in the game, and have often searched and helped every single named Argonian in the world. So I would really love to have some sort of option to end the Lights Out quest without killing them. I was thinking that if you choose not to kill Gulum-Ei in the thieves guild questline, you can get a speech option with Jaree-Ra about him becoming a fence for the guild, which should fail the Lights Out quest. This makes sense since Gulum-Ei is Jaree-Ra's brother. Now, I know what you're thinking. ''Just don't do the quest''. I NEED to interact with and help every argonian possible! I feel so bad for them ;-;
  9. Hello, Im playin the special edition 1.4 and im searching for a mode where i can bilnd fence around my house... its there any mode? i found some but they are not for special edition...
  10. Hi, I would love a mod that converts some of the static clutter to be craftable in the workshop. These are all available in mods that unlock everything, but I tried it and it is just cumbersome to navigate and my workshop becomes very sluggish. Like pallets. Plywood boards to put on the floor. Barrels and crates. Various cinder blocks, both single and stacked, and stairs. Small sand bags. I poked around the creation kit and found there are more junk fences than there are in the workshop. And there is an entire line of tall junk fences. - Karmamuscle
  11. This idea is already in the "Dragonborn" DLC version of the game, http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dremora_Merchant but it would be awesome to have it as a Mod. Why: Traveling around the towns of Skyrim, back and forth the Inns and Shops, for a few days selling loot is fun and all - the first few times. Wouldn't be awesome if we could 'Call a Merchant'? How: Hardish way: Use cooking pots to make a "Nocturnal Plea" (ritual) at the [cumulative] cost of a penalty to lockpick and speach abilities for X mins as well as X percent damage to health for Y time (like a curse of sorts). This would be achieved by pressing ALT+(Default Use key) on the cooking pots. After the effects kick in, a selection menu holding a list of merchants (fencers included) would appear and the user could choose one merchant to trade with. Which would then trigger said NPC default dialog to appear before the player enabling the player to buy/sell accordingly to that merchants rules. Smoother way: Use some kind of "summon spirit npc spell" (as in, The spirit of some trader/fencer) with the same effects/cost [as above], only the summoned would only last for 10 seconds and, although belonging to the player, it wouldn't defend nor attack anyone. (in fact, it'd be awesome if the npc didn't move at all). The spell would sold by the Thieves guild bartender (forgot the name). Notes/Requirements In either way, hardish or smoother, it'd be cool if the skill/spell was immersed in the story. With that thought, it could be fun to have the option between enabling or disabling "Only if Nocturnal Quest is complete". If this option is disabled (as in: skill can be used by anyone) the effects/costs of using the skill could be doubled (again, configurable for easy-gamers sake) The player *can* die from cumulative effects. If using hardish way to make the mod, a neat cut-scene of the player cutting the hand would knock my socks off. (there is such a animation already) It wouldn't feel so "cheaty" if the list of the Available merchants was a real list, from the nearby surroundings. Imagine you're in Breezehome, only merchants from Whiterun. This would make it so the player would still need to travel to towns, just not that "old in-and-out" of all the places [and most importantly: it would disable him from doing so in the midst of a dungeon - 'cause that's cheaty as it comes] If this isn't awesome, maybe pie will make you forgive me for the stolen time you won't ever get back. PS:
  12. So I just downloaded the Classic Elder Scrolls Attributes mod (CESA) and I've started experiencing a weird glitch. As soon as the mod becomes active, I am now able to sell any item type to any merchant and sell stolen goods, just like if I had teh Merchant and Fence perks. It says that this mod no longer alters any perks, so it shouldn't be conflicting with soemthing that does. I have SkyRe (Skyrim Redone) isntalled, but that doesn't seem to be conflicting. I tried disabling SkyRe and leaving CESA enabled, and the issue still occured. What files could be being tampered with that would cause this issue? CESA http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70009/?
  13. Basically after like 10-20 seconds (or any other variants) the junk fence gate will close on its own. I hate that my supply lines always open it and leave it wide open for anybody to come strolling in. i took time to wall off and secure my base and i'd like it to look the part too
  14. Hello modders and gamers. I was wondering if anyone out there that does mods for FO4 on PS4 would make a mod that allows you to build chain link fencing/gates? I've seen fences like this all through out the game world but no mod that allows you to build/place them. Would love to have these types of fences to close off generator areas and what not for a more proper look im going for.
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