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  1. Part 1: the ability to restore clothes to corpses. Part 2: removability of underwear as an item, likewise restorability Part 3: a setting for NSFW content to toggle between genitalia visible or not, which would swap between two skins that are identical except for one having and one without. These be variants of all skins. Part 4: animal genitalia - just to make it more realistic, may have its own toggle setting too Part 5: physically carry creature corpses instead of telekinesis, toggle setting Part 6: toggle settings for a lot of other animations that make it more realistic, such as looting, declothing, reclothing, skinning/harvesting, etc. Part 7: skill chart expansion - along with main screen that is normal, you can swap to filtered screens that have a basis and show perks related to that basis, less expansion more filters for ease of finding perks. Part 8: more undergarments, in case this mod is not viable with other mods, especially since the expanded animations Part 9: Survival Settings - P1 eat and drink, P2 sleep requirements, P3 bathroom brakes dependent on food and drink, P4 cleanliness such as bathing and showering at least once a week to avoid illness or gain resistance to some environmental factors Part 10: relationships Part 11: Other NSFW content people like, in this animation heavy bundle of realisticness no other mods seem to have, sure they have content but it's the realisticness that I'm looking for Part 12: mating, birthing and hatching, and lactation - mostly for animals, such as to make a farm, but others may want nsfw stuff as well which would be Part 13: nsfw versions of part 12 for they who want it (humans, ghouls, etc) Part 14+: anything else to expand realisticness and animation heavy content Settings Toggles to make it pretty universal so people can toggle what they want and leave off or turn off what they don't want Personally, I'm not really gonna use the NSFW, except maybe the under-the-underwear because realisticness. And if you consider animal genitalia nsfw as well, then that too. Groping and sex I won't use, but others might. Let them have it.
  2. Starfield is really great but it's missing an essential feature of a Bethesda game, GORE SYSTEM, it's such a shame not to have added the same system as on a Fallout especially with this new engine that is the Creation engine 2, the renderings could have been so terrible !! Plz modder, add this for all the psychopathic gore lovers like me :D
  3. I'm a fan of survival mode (for the most part.) There's some things I can't stand about it though, like no fast travel or auto saving and how using chems increases hunger/thirst. I also don't like how much you have to eat in order to satisfy your needs (I have to drink like 5 purified waters to go from hydrated to ok.) Is there anyone creating a mod that lets you turn select survival features on/off or that changes the rate of primary needs?
  4. NMM will check for updates and warn when a new version is available, but there doesn't appear to be an option to automatically update the mod to the latest version. am i missing something/is there a reason it's not an option?
  5. Skyrim definitely did something right, but they changed a lot from oblivion to do so. It could be argued that all bethesda would have to do for TES VI to be a success would be to remake skyrim with a new story line and better graphics, but as we all know, that's not how the elder scrolls work. So basically, what I want to ask is this, what should be changed in Tes VI, and what should be kept? Here is what I think Keep: Leveling System: Skyrim's leveling system is probably one of the best (If not the best) leveling system out there. It's dynamic, adaptive, and easy to use. It adapts to your play style, whether you want to be an axe wielding mage, or a fire-ball slinging thief, all you had to do was play that way, and that is how your character would level up. Modability: This one is a given, from morrowind to Skyrim, mods have helped create a dedicated sub community, and gave each game thousands of hours of extra playable content. Kill Moves: Specifically for stealth characters. In earlier tes games, being a stealth character was sort of... static. Unless you were using a bow, you would just be wacking people with a dagger which, let's be honest, looked tacky. Skyrim's kill animations allow for a more "Assassination" type feel, where you literally slit the throat of your enemies. Werewolves Add: Romance System: Skyrim added marriage, Hearthfire added adoption, but there really isn't much in the way of romance in Tamriel, which is really sad. Sure there are plenty of romance mods out there, but they don't come close to what an official release would add. The elder scroll's number one competitor right now is probably dragon age, (remember when it used to be fable? Moment of silence) has great romance options, and that's one of the things that make it so popular. More Dialogue Options: I found Dialogue in Skyrim was extremely limited, now I understand that it's a huge game, with thousands of lines of dialogue already, but I feel that being given only one or two options to choose from when replying to a character greatly detracts from a game with so many different character types. More Appearance Options: The only thing that ESO did better than Skyrim was its character creation, because there was more too it. I was really disappointed in Skyrim's character creation options, thankfully it was easy to customize my character with mods, but still.. More Spells: I felt the spell selection in Skyrim was sort of limited compared to it's predecessors, it seems with each elder scrolls game there are less and less spells to choose from. Better Animations: Skyrim broke new ground with a lot of it's new animations, such as being able to dual wield, and kill moves, but I feel that the aesthetics of it all needs improvement. How about you fine folks of the nexus? What would you like to see kept, tossed, or added/improved in the next elder scrolls game?
  6. HDT Features: - Breasts *check* - Butts *check* - Clothes *check* - Hair *check* - Weapons *check* What else are we missing? lol
  7. To clarify, the timer that is usually shown when mods are featured is gone, and replaced by the text shown in the image below. Since mods are no longer being featured, content creators aren't getting as much exposure as they normally would. This has been an issue for about 3 days now. http://s18.postimg.org/iag65lwyx/fea.png
  8. Hello everyone! I've recently been wanting to play a high elf but there is one facial feature that I can't seem to get past. I just made a fast character to show to you guys what I mean! http://i60.tinypic.com/2ltaf6.jpg The weird patch of skin sticking out next to her mouth making her look like a silly chipmunk. Not that I mind chipmunk, but it really annoys me! So! Anyone ideas on how to change this?
  9. Hey guys, I have been modding since Fallout: New Vegas, but i have never seen any mod that enables the character to dual wield a pistol (or if possible even SMGs). So, I was thinking to myself that maybe I can make the mod using Skyrim's dual wielding animation. The problem, is that I have never created an animation mod before or heck I've never make a mod using anything other than G.E.C.K. and it was back when I'm still playing New Vegas. So, maybe you guys out there who are more experienced in this sort of thing can make my dream (and maybe other people who was thinking the same)'s dream come true. Thank you in advance. (sorry for bad english)
  10. How can I remove scars from custom followers mods? Nifskope,Creationkit, etc... I like the way a follower I downloaded from nexus looks but I want to remove a scar on their face
  11. When I equip a companion or settler with enchanted or legendary gear, only the last gear equipped, armor or weapon, has its bonuses activated when I close the trade menu. For example, if I equip an NPC with a pair of glasses that adds +1 to Perception, then equip her with a dress that adds + 1 Charisma, then close the trade menu, only the +1 Charisma bonus gets added because I equipped it last. I found out this was happening while I was testing my mod. I already made a fix for it for my mod, but I would like to know if this is caused by a vanilla bug or by a mod.
  12. Hello. I assumed there would be an option to disable all mods with a single button. I dont see it if that feature does exist. If not, may i suggest adding one? Would help tremendously. If there is a button already then I would love to know where it is. I've searched everywhere but dont see one.
  13. Finally getting around to using Vortex for a Bethesda game. This is a phenomenal improvement over NMM and I have been loving it. So fast, sleek, user friendly in most ways, and the knowledge base is an amazing addition. I've been using MO for the most part for the past few years, and there are some things I'd like to see translate if possible, plus some other ideas: Settings - Option to disable/enable certain things from the notification bell. - Things like installed, downloaded, needs deploying, etc. Really irritating when mass installing a lot of mods. - Apply Mod Staging Folder change to all games. I've had to change it each time I go to add a new game I'm working on. - Change panels sizes and shapes on the Dashboard. You can already move them around, but it would be helpful to reshape them (at least say long rectangle or box like). Features - Send feedback through Vortex in some capacity. - Show what mods have FMOD installers before installing them. - Have FMOD installers discover mod files and suggest plugins to enable/disable - Ability to re-run FMOD installers after installing the mods. This is for if you have mods later on that install and you need to re-do plugins. - When FMOD installers run, let the user move the box and still access the mod list. That way if the idea for mods to find the plugins they need, the user can cross-check on their own in app. - Dismiss some notifications like Missing Masters when a mod is looking for a master with a different plugin name (updates generally). Could also just let you find it on its own. - Search Nexus for mods through the application. Something like Steam's in-app web service (I know its not great). Would be super helpful for finding cool new mods to add (or like in my case just go through hundreds of pages looking for different mods). - Check mod list and see if any mods conflict but have patches to fix them on the nexus. (Might be super hard to do but thought it was worth a shot mentioning). Modlist - Define dependencies for mods by typing in mod name, not just dragging. - Rename mod names for user convenience. - Export mod list to a text document. - Add user-made categories to mods for sorting + allow said categories to be collapsable. - Add the ability for mods to have multiple categories as well. (Could just pull from Nexus's mod tags?) - When managing rules/conflictions allow the user to search them, or collapse mods once all of the conflicts have been resolved to their standards. That way its not endless scrolling and searching for if anything wasn't changed yet. - Add a filter in Downloads to help with showing mods recently added to the list to download. The "Downloaded" filter worked until multiple mods got downloaded and messed up the list I was going down trying to make sure I requested all the mods I wanted from the servers. Would be cool to see what others have to add to this list, or your guys' feedback on any of these. Happy Modding!
  14. How about a mod favorites system? Basically be able to drag and drop, or click a favorites button, to add a mod to your favorites section, per account, while also sorting them into categories and have NMM be able to pull that information up and suggest installing favorite addons when NMM is installed on a system it's never been installed on, once the user has logged on. Maybe also provide a button that lets the user decide if they want the mod manager to automatically start downloading each mod and set in settings to automatically activate the mods if they want to. That's my suggestion for a feature. Thanks for your time.
  15. I'll post the fan-chosen features in this part of the thread. Now, to explain why me and not Bethesda: They've got their hands full; furthermore, I'm merely "hosting" this poll and thread, while the fans do the actual debating. Still, why am I so special, that this thread must be the sole decision of the fans? Who's to say that I'm the only one, or the first? In fact, so as to make sure that all recognition of the desire for the MMO from the fans is well-renowned, I'm adding some hyperlinks to other threads of a very similar belief: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/551166-fallout-mmo/?hl=fallout%20mmo http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/547110-fallout-3-mmo/?hl=fallout+mmo&do=findComment&comment=4483305 http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/451900-fallout-online/?hl=fallout+mmo&do=findComment&comment=3747294 Okay, so what do you guys want for the MMO? As far as this thread is concerned, we're debating the new features--we're not necessarily asking for the MMO itself, though a number of us may reply with this, which is the only case of whether or not this is asking for the MMO. Fan-Chosen Features: TBA... Edit 17:48, March 13, 2014: The creation team needn't be Bethesda, though if not, they (the team in question) will need the rights to it, or a copy of the rights, or however that would work.
  16. Would be nice when visiting a mod page to have a sidebar(s) (and other places, or link to lists based on the mod) with: random mod;mod of the day / month, etc. in that category;popular, respectively trending mods in same category / with similar title;mod most others have chosen downloading after visiting this mod (like Amazon's etc. what other people interested have bought);mods other people also download / use / endorse who have downloaded this (like Amazon's etc. people also buy);you get the gist.The idea of course is to more naturally discover a greater variety of mods (and more obscure but maybe fascinating ones) and even better / newer alternatives / "reborn" ones why not etc.
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