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  1. I've been trying to make a new shield for Oblivion which uses the texture and shape of the Fighters Guild wall decoration. But now that I'm finally making progress, I try to export the shield to a .nif and it doesn't let me. I'm not entirely sure what it means by "'Object' object has no attribute 'face_maps'". Anyone know how to fix this?
  2. There has to be a way to export your own character model somehow. (Along with any armour and texture used.) (To specify, I'm not talking about editing a head in blender then importing it into the game. I want to export a character I made in BG3 and import it into blender.) How the heck do you do it? I've been going insane trying to Google it and literally can't find anything on exporting models. Why is it so hard for a simple answer regarding this sort of thing? Is there no way to do it?
  3. So, I made a model in blender that is supposed to be a farmhouse from Skyrim, everything worked great until I exported it. It exported fine (except for some identical material errors) but when I loaded it up in the Construction Set I only got an invisible plane. Here are some screenshots https://imgur.com/a/j1OaG1K I used "335544324" for the "Nif Version #" and "11" for both user versions. I left "Consistenc" on "CT_MUTABLE" and "Ni Root N..." on "NiNode" and "Shader Type" I left on "None". All of the textures' maps are set to UV Map so from what I can tell, everything is correct. Am I mistaken? My question is, how can I fix this?
  4. Okay! So I'm trying to do a simple thing: get an edited conversation to work in-game, to make sure I could successfully make a simple mod. (Spoilers: it did not work.) I edited a conversation. Previewing the lines in the toolset, everything looks/sounds as intended, VO included, decent lipsync, etc.. Unfortunately, when I tried to export the test module, I played the conversation in-game and everyone is mute. They mouth the lines, and the dialogue tree works as intended -- just soundlessly. Do I need to manually move the .fsb audio files into a specific folder? (I'm sort of hoping that this is some classic newbie mistake that other people have run into before, but a lot of the troubleshooting resources and tutorials were hosted on the now-defunct bioware forums.) Thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions as to where I might be going wrong.
  5. Since there's a lot of mods for characters and items on the game, i was wondering if its possible to extract complete 3d models from items and other assets.
  6. Hi all! I tryed my best to not disturb anyone with my problem but don't know how to solve it. I made an animation from 0 with SAE rig as base. Just my first one, for testing purpose. It's a kick atack. I want to replace the actual forearms animation, for practicing. - I have blender 3.2 - I installed Niftool pluguin (version 0.0.14, the last one) I press the "play button", the one that says "run script". The screen freeze a little bit an teorically and what other people says to me, it should be the animation file "hkx" in the "convert" folder. But no. Nothing there. The only files that creates are empty_new.kf and zBoneKey.txt, and they are in "Tool" folder. But nothing more. No hkx files. Can someone help me with this? https://im.ge/i/ODAEmLhttps://im.ge/i/ODAyHThttps://im.ge/i/ODACOc
  7. I'm trying to export a model from an Xcom 2 mod - David's jacket mod from Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Umodel does not help, it sees only an empty Material, and if unpack the file using one program, then only SkeletalMesh and Texture2D files will appear. I also tried using UDK, but there is nothing there either. Help please.
  8. Whenever I export a character's face to .nif, it comes out sideways, with their hair bent downwards and necks twisted. Also their neck gore-bits come out stretched and distorted. Some specific characters have their hair inverted (ie the front faces are culled and the textures aredisplayed on the backfaces). Is it always supposed to be this way? How do I prevent this?
  9. kindly, could someone help me to understand what error is it? I have searched but for these line n ° I have not found any correspondence I am new to all this, and I am now starting to use blender, I had it and knew it for a long time but I have never used it due to the difficulty in using it on my laptop as for the use of the button on the wheel or the numeric keys that a laptop does not ha, and so here I am on blender 2.93 (I also have 2.78 but I have a hard time using it, I have problems, and I keep it just for scripts that only work on that version) ...I'm using the latest version of niftools for blender, import and export work without any problem but when I try to export the collision to nif I get the error in the image.I also set the rigidbody taking a cue from another weapon...
  10. Please help me how to export list of item in a mod, esp, or esm I want to export list of items (weap , armo , cell, etc) and its associating ref number in a mod, in esp, esm, or bsa files. And I dont quite know how. I can use geck to open up a mod file. Sort item by type... but how to export that list of item into a text file? Specifically, I want to export a list of all the clothing and armors in FNV, both vanilla and dlc. That would open up esm files I think. I want to export a list of all the clothing and armors in Dust, That would open up esp Please, step by step would be preferable.
  11. Hey all, So I'm trying to get the Inquisition Model for Morrigan into Origins simply because it looks 10x better. But I'm running into a snag. This seems to be a common issue and I feel like I'm either missing a step or something I'm doing is screwing with the model. The problem seems to be like this user was having here. Only he never received an answer in thread, sadly. I have successfully imported a mesh into DAO after a lot of trial and error and would usually encounter this one and would always go back and redo the steps which resulted one time in getting lucky and I still don't know where exactly I'm going wrong. The mesh does not appear in-game. It's a single mesh that has the mesh parameter updated in the model manager and should already be attached to the GOB as it was dirty rigged and uses the default mesh as it's base. I have attached a zip containing the files I'm using. Rigging probably needs a lot of work but I'm just trying to get it in-game. Zip file is here for download if anyone wants to take a look. Thank you!
  12. So I've been searching everywhere, and I can't seem to find a way to export or rip my character's 3d model. Id really love to pose and 3d print some models of my player characters created in game. Im not that great of a 3d model artist or I'd just try to sculpt and recreate. Is there a program or way to rip/export the player character? I know Skyrim had spf command, but spf command in FO4 doesn't seem to do anything. BAE only extracts base models (and I'm trying to extract my character's face with mods and all intact), and I heard ninja ripper doesn't really work with FO4. . Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. OR. .or, if you're a decent 3d artist, I'd be willing to pay for commissioned 3d models. .
  13. Hello everyone. I'm not a modder or something but I'm editing here and there to adjust mods to my preference. So now I have come a cross a difficulty. I'm trying to change the male mesh of Seppoko's "Mask of Blades" mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30033?tab=posts) so that there will be no chin clips with male races (especially elves). I did so with 3ds Max, but it seems it doesn't work... When I export the nif and load the game, the mask is stationary a bit inside my character's face. when I move, it is behind my character's head. I'm using Mod Organizer so I don't know if that's the problem. I also manually import the skeleton from C:/games/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/mod organizer/mods/XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE/meshes/actors/character/character assets/skeleton.nif when I import the mask nif, so I don't know what am I doing wrong... The original nif works fine, mine never works. I'm totally new to 3ds Max so I guess there is something I'm doing wrong/haven't noticed. I'd really appreciate it if someone can help me... It'd also be a first step to becoming a modder myself! (although I don't have infinite access to 3ds Max. It's a 30 day trial, but who knows, maybe someday I'll buy it and mod myself! :D ) I'd really REALLY appreciate any help. I'm not asking for others to do it for me, just for a tip of what I'm doing wrong so I can do it myself! And no, I'm not going to upload my changes as I don't have permission to do so, I'm only doing it for me so I can have my bosmer wear the mask without making him chinless!
  14. Hello, I am trying to export some player characters from Skyrim to nifskope to 3dmax, I have a few mods, here is a list (in load order): Dragonborn.esm HearthFires.esm Dawnguard.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp SkyUI.esp RaceCompatibility.esm RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp FNIS.esp XPMSE.esp ApachiiHair.esm ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp ApachiiHairMales.esm Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp calyps-animal-ears.esp CharacterMakingExtender.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Cloaks.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp HBR_OhmesRaht(Khajiit)_Standalone.esp HDTTailsEquipable.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp Kitsune of Akavir - One Tail.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp USKP Patcher for RaceCompatibility.esp yurica_kimono.esp SheogorathPreset.esp ClassicScythe_eng.esp Dr_Bandolier.espI am changing the skeletons, but I can get the faces out, I just cant seem to find the correct body path, I have tried 3d ripper dx, but to no avail. if any more information is needed please feel free to ask. Thank you very much for any help, Justio314
  15. I've been trying to unsuccessfully export my character's face from Skyrim SE back to Oldrim so I can play with some older mods. The usual method I've used in the past with Oldrim just doesn't seem to work. Normally I'd open the console in game, type 'spf <character name>' and that would generate a *.npc file. I would then open up the Creation Kit, find an Imperial preset, import the *.npc file, then save the updated info as an *.esp file and put it in my load order. I could then invoke showracemenu from the console, choose the desired preset, and presto! I'd have my desired face. But for some reason this doesn't seem to be working. I can export my face from SSE, import it into Classic CK and save the .esp, but when I invoke 'showracemenu' in Oldrim, the 'new' face isn't there. What can I be doing wrong?
  16. I am presently helping out over at the official Witcher wiki witcher.gamepedia.com tracking the new quests etc. for the recent DLC Blood and Wine. Trying to export the in-game map markers As it turns out the map marker icons have been expanded for several new types of locations: vineyard infestationvintner's contractvintnerto only name those I have found so far. But how do you get the original in-game icons for them? Preferably as svg (if possible) or png. What I have tried so far I downloaded and installed the latest Modkit update (v1.1) and that let me uncook the <gamedir>\content and <gamedir>\DLC folders without any problems via: wcc_lite uncook -indir="D:\Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content" -outdir=D:\Uncooked -imgfmt=png and wcc_lite uncook -indir="D:\Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\DLC" -outdir=D:\Uncooked_DLC -imgfmt=png But as it turns out quite a few of the unpacked xbm files, especially those under engine\ just cannot be exported to png or tga. I.e. the huge "uncooking" fails to do so, and manual exporting on a per file basis fails as well. So, if anyone knows how to export the new map marker icons, the help would be appreciated. Thanks, AEon
  17. Could someone please help me? I’m attempting to create a face using Race Menu and export it so that a vanilla NPC can use it. I Googled some tutorials and I found this one: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_Chargen_Extension_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim The tutorial was written back in 2014 with Expired's CharGen Extension in mind, but I’ve been told that, since then, Race Menu can perform the export face (as *.nif) function as well so Race Menu users can follow the tutorial as well. So anyway, I made the face I wanted, which I’d planned to give to Gregor, one of the Hearthfires Housecarls. I followed the tutorial to the letter and it hasn’t worked. I tried again from scratch for a second time and it’s produced the same results. The *nif and everything is okay after using the NifMerger tool. It looks as the character should. But when I put the files into the correct folder structures: Meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\HearthFires.esm\0000521E.nif Textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\HearthFires.esm\0000521E.dds I can see in-game that the NPC doesn’t look right. Yes, he has the right eye colour, hair, brows, but the character gen morphs are all off. The nose and eye shape and general facial structure remains at whatever the original Gregor was set to. http://8.t.imgbox.com/AGKjGxU9.jpg The tutorial doesn’t say anything about this though. It tells you not to mess with it and only select right eye colour, hair and hair colour. The difference in the images above may be subtle at first glance, but look at the eye shape, mouth size, jaw line, nose size. You can see they look very different. What am I doing wrong? And yes, I did the whole Ctrl + F4 thing in the CK. The warpaint I used also doesn’t show up. Is there an easier more guaranteed method of going about this without having to start my character’s face from scratch? Is it not possible to forward the morph values contained in a jslot preset to an NPC in TES5Edit or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  18. Trying to create something with collision, just to get the understanding of the process. Apologies for the very detailed steps. What I do P.1 Open max 2013 Create box of 24x32x2 called c_letter. Convert to poly and make sure it's at 0,0,0 for convenience. Create text Arial black, 64 size, called LargeLetter. Set text to A. Rotated 180 Z and 90 X Extrude for 4 Move to 0,-2,0 to correspond with collision box. Convert to poly. P.2 Open material editor. Get material (G) Double click BSLightningFX Click on Load, select Materials\interiors\RedRocket\RedRExt07.BGSM as my material Drag and drop new material on text poly (materials remain white, not sure why they don't render) P.3 Select c_letter Press Select and Link Link c_letter to LargeLetter P.4 Select both, go to Havok Content Tools menu, Physics>Create rigid body with proxy(s) Select LargeLetter, set weight to 100 Select c_letter, give it a box collision (it's convex shape for some reason when first created) Go to Tools, More, d-click CollisionGroup Set Default Material to MetalLight and object type to Static Apply to selected P.4 Select LargeLetter Export as .nif <etc> as A.nif to Desktop/Export/Meshes Open Elric.exe (it is properly setup) Click Convert, select A.nif. Open A.nif with nifskope to check structure tree THIS is what I get. Why? If at P.4 I Select both objects again before applying CollisionGroup, I get same thing. If I apply the material to both objects, I get same result. I know it works, I was able to get some working nifs at one point or another. There's obviously the issue of having materials actually load and show up, even if it would be incorrect. I can't unwrap if I can't see what I'm doing.
  19. Is there a way to export the player characters face to import into the CK. There's an import button, but no way of exporting. spf in console doesn't seem to work anymore. There must be a way, because why have a way of importing a face into CK if you can't export it? I ask because I can make a face I want in 10 minutes in-game, but after 2 hours, I couldn't in the CK.
  20. Basically I import a normal Skyrim bow mesh into Blender - no errors and the bone nodes are where they should be. I touch nothing and immediately export the mesh back to .nif - no errors. Opening the mesh in Nifskope the bow looks fine but the bone nodes are moved to bizarre new positions. Only the first bow bone node (Bow_MidBone) is in the right place, the rest have gone off in wrong directions. Is there a "don't rotate" option somewhere? I've exported armors with bones and skinPartitions without this problem, is there something I'm missing? I'm using Blender 2.77a and nif_plugin-2.6.0a0.dev4. I've asked over on the NifTools forum but that place is a ghost town.
  21. so i imported mesh to 3ds max, i wanted to make a weapon as apparel, so i atached the mesh to malebody via skin modifier, then exported it. imported it to nifskope and did everything according to xgamer468 comment on this post https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4132460-armor-mod-tutorial/. but when i test mod ingame weapon is not visible until i begin to move my character while my character is moving the weapon apparel is visible and everything is ok but, when i stop moving the weapon dissapears again. Anyone knows what coul be the problem?
  22. Hello, I don't speak well english. Sorry for that. I have a problem with Blender nif export. I am using Blender 2.77a latest version(steam version) and latest Blender nif plugin. I completed mesh modeling, boneweight, skeleton rigging, and I tried export to nif. But nif export failed with 4 errors. I attached image. Who knows a solution?
  23. Could anybody tell me step by step how can i get my models from blender to geck with no problems I really tried soo many times to get it to work but nothing its soo annoying,i just cant get it to work
  24. Hello. I don't speak well english. Sorry for that. I have a problem with Blender export. I am using Blender 2.77a latest version(steam version) and latest Blender nif plugin. I completed mesh modeling, boneweight, skeleton rigging, and I tried export to nif. But nif export failed with 4 errors. I attached image. Who knows a solution?
  25. Well hello there. I'm a newbie to the Nexus Mods (and their forums) and I've only been here for a measly 24 hours or so, so pls no judge. Basically I had this idea of changing some animations within the game, simply put, in order to create a short movie using the characters and locations. After digging around the Googles and these forums, I became pretty sure that editing models, animations etc. In-game is near to impossible, or just really really difficult, and creating a proper sequence (think unreal matinee) would take a few forevers to complete. Then suddenly I've stumbled upon a WitcherExtractor so to speak, which can basically rip models from the game's files, and even though it'd be without the skeletons/rigging, it's still a start of some sorts. Haven't rigged much in Uni days, but I'm sure it could be done, even if in a simpler way. Then perhaps stuff everything into Unreal/Unity/CryEngine and continue working. So, if you did or didn't read here's a TL;DR How would one go about creating a video sequence using the ingame characters and locations? Thanks! Will EDIT: Oh, and if someone from the mods could change the topic name into something a bit more relevant, that'd be great. I shan't repeat this mistake again.
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