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  1. I am looking for Oblivion location enhancement MODs for settlements and cities. I am not so keen of current existing MODs though. Whilst I appreciated some of the enhancements of the Better Cities MOD - such as areas of Bruma - I was not so keen of other areas, such as the Imperial City. I personally felt that the original Imperial City is one of the most impressive cities throughout the entire game and did not need further enhancements. Kvatch Rebuilt MOD did a great job at restoring Kvatch, with it's own well imagined, non lore-friendly, questline. I've even tried Sutch MODs - fully restoring the cut city of Sutch. Personally though, these don't feel like lore-friendly, vanilla-friendly, 'Bethesda work'. At least to me, they don't flow nicely within Cyrodiil. I feel that a problem with adding too much is that areas can become stale and boring. I understand more merchants can be added, but the game has many merchants already. More immersive features and immersion could be implemented, such as having to use anvils with repair hammers to repair weapons and armor. I feel these would be lore-friendly and somewhat vanilla-friendly additions indeed. I am not sure what concept art does and doesn't exist. I understand though some concept art is drastically different compared to existing locations throughout the game - such as current Anvil and the original concept art. It would be nice to have any possible cut locations, such as settlements and farmsteads, reimplemented in a vanilla-friendly, lore-friendly manner - using existing vanilla assets. I love how different parts of Cyrodiil use different styles of architecture - seen throughout the different cities. If every Cyrodiil city had the same architecture, that would be quite boring. I do feel Cyrodiil, with it's existing locations, could be further enhanced in a vanilla-friendly and lore-friendly manner. I wish I could motivate modders to work on brand new enhancement MODs but admit a lot of the modding community has left the forever aging game. As for NPCs which become obsolete and forgotten once quests for them are completed... if they haven't got existing homes to live in... perhaps these could claim a newly implemented house throughout a city. At least to me, this would be vanilla-friendly and lore-friendly. These NPCs which stand around doing nothing could be reimplemented into enhanced cities, adopting brand new roles, tasks, goals and routines. This would further enhance the game in my opinion. We could discuss many ideas, which would take many countless hours to implement, however. I dislike the Creation Club with it's paid MODs for games such as Fallout and Skyrim, but there is one thing which caught my eye - "higher quality MODs". It made me think - why not have MODs of a higher quality for Oblivion, too? Following Bethesda concept art. Implementations which naturally flow throughout the existing game's world and environment. Creations which look and feel like they could have been created by Bethesda themselves - without the bugs. Performance friendly. I've tried modding myself but have ran into issues I haven't been able to overcome. Any suggestions?
  2. So, obviously the Mantis is a play on Batman and the Batcave. I feel like it's a huge missed opportunity that the area on the left side of the cave has a generic work table and not a absurdly large credstick on a little platform similar to this. I feel like this isn't too complicated. It wouldn't need a fancy base just something raised, and might only be an issue if the credstick can't scale up well. But it would be a good chuckle if it worked.
  3. Alright so hear me out. I want to put this request here because I work on cars, not code. I know how to mod games, like putting existing mods into the game but I haven't found a mod that does what I would like to have. Basically I want to play as a character that is blind and finds his way around using echolocation. In my mind the way this would work is something like this: The world itself is black or like very very dark, you can barely make out things but not enough to identify them. Being blind is the inability to see but this would be for player comfort, like just to know that your game ins't frozen or anything. You could press any key on your keyboard to ...well start echolocating. Not sure if it would be like one, two or three soundwaves that would get sent by pressing the key once but atm that doesn't really matter. After you pressed the button, soundwaves would travel everywhere (in a fixed and maybe adjustable radius) and the edges of objects would get bright. This condition would also last a fixed amount of time. This would be your primary way to see. For NPCs I thought it would be cool if neutral NPCs would be highlighted in a normal color, whatever that would be and for hostile NPCs it would be red. I think it would be great if those variables could be changed in either an ini file or the MCM, dunno. For the most part this would be a visual mod, the key binding for echolocating is as I imagine a game mechanic and sounds that this mod would need also fall under that I assume but I have no idea how hard it would be to realize such a mod. Would be nice if someone would build it and upload it to Nexus. For good measure I provided some example pics so that you understand what I am talking about. Lemme hear your thoughts! Cya^^
  4. 1. I've tried out a bunch of the 'foggy' mods but my game doesn't seem to be as... well, 'silent hill-like' as the screenshots that the modders posted, am I doing something wrong? For reference, I'm using volumetric fog, volumetric mist, always foggy weathers(standalone), fog machine, and I also tried foggy weathers. I've been mix-matching but nothing seems to give me what I'm looking for. 2. Any possible way that anyone can think of to establish a compatibility patch between Warzones and Skyrim At War and maybe add in the creatures from monster mash with a % chance to appear instead?
  5. Is it possible to have a mod that can switch between the different environment overhaul mods for Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer depending on what day you're on in game? So say you start the game in October and then around mid to late November you start to see some snow and after sleeping one night in December the environment changes to the snowy landscape setting. Then once you get to March there's just some frost but not heavy snow and then late March early April you're in the Spring, then in to Summer, Autumn again in late September or early October and repeat. TLDR Something that can switch between mods like these depending on the actual month in game. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28665 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41201
  6. I want to see a mod, or just more mods in general, that changes different regions of the Fallout 4 Commonwealth worldspace to be significantly more distinct from each other much like the distinctions between Fallout 76 world regions. All I typically see on the Nexus and other modding websites is mods to change the wasteland near-completely. Stuff like forest mods, that desert mod, and the small handful of winter mods target nearly the whole wasteland making everything look extremely similar minus the glowing see 90% of the time. I want to see a mod that, for example, changes the area around Sanctuary into a flatland plain with tall grass, the area around Salem into a redwood forest, the area around Lexington into a desert wasteland, and the glowing sea into a crystal-ridden mountainous region. It doesn't need to specifically be these changes, I just want to see more mods that change specific regions into more fantastical environments. I've seen a similar mod in the form of The Fungal Forest on the Nexus. It's a mod that only changes the glowing sea and it adds giant fungi around the glowing sea, making it into a more visually interesting and fantasy-like region. The main issue I see with mods attempting this is LOD issues and compatibility problems. I'm not entirely sure LODs can be mixed and matched very easily, and if a mod only radically changes one region there could be issues between other mods changing different regions, moreso than existing environment mods. It's already a pain downloading 3-4 different patches for one forest mod, I imagine it'd be excruciating for most to download 20+ to ensure compatibility between PRP and each of the regional mods they download.
  7. I thought mods that light up the game when it's dark with colorful lights would be a good idea, but i can't find very many mods like that... I've had a few ideas like glowing face paint (like from the overwatch animated short: "hero") and maybe even some big bioluminescent mushrooms/trees would be cool
  8. Goal: Remove useless content in city area to make game have more areas for expansion and/or performance gain. This project aims to add more areas for mods to be created and areas to be explored differently. A new open area for modders or you with a settlement system creating and allow everyone a little bit more freedom. My goal is for modders to use that area to make new factions or make a new lootable area instead, the possibilities are endless and would allow modders to make fallout 4 better. Reason: I see a problem with the way Bethesda treated the game world in some areas as filler content using the same buildings next to each other or in other places urked me and lack of content or filler content was noticeable. What do I ask of you?: Well supporting this mod would be greatly appreciated. But I have another task that is possible. Quests are a main concern for this project. Areas that are removed might cause you not be able to obtain that quest or not be able to finish it. I have begun marking areas that can be removed but help would be appreciated. Help/Support: If you are willing to help and you have knowledge of the Creation Kit and think you might be able to help me please contact me at [email protected] or through Twitter @dlprodukce and I will be able to assign you to a role you may be comfortable with. Sorry, but no, it is not a paid "Job" As I barely have enough money to take care of myself. Textures and models for new buildings may be wanted as well as scripting for quests to change the objective so quests are not broken for people. Help or assistance manipulating the game content in creation kit may be needed as there is a lot of assets in the city areas and i'm only one person so help removing parts of cell areas may be needed too if that's something your interested in. Note: I am in school and this I a personal project so do not expect the mod to be done soon. I am also going to keep supporting this mod even after its release and plan to actually add my own town or quest mod as an add-on for this.
  9. I noticed that in the Fallout 4 trailers and the older fallout games, there were a lot less trees. Without trees, the landscape feels a lot emptier and ruined, like it should after a nuclear apocalypse. Fallout 4 though, has a shitload of trees everywhere. In my opinion, this makes the environment feel too cluttered and alive. I would make the mod myself but for some reason my computer shits the bed when I try to run the creation kit.
  10. I've downloaded the Fallout 4 Seasons Autumn version several times and no matter what I seem to do, the mod wont do anything to my world. I should be seeing colorful leaves and some greenery, but all I'm seeing are the vanilla brown grass and dead trees. I have all the necessary ini changes.
  11. Hi everyone, I've recently been working an a custom sword to eventually import to skyrim. I am working with 3ds max and photoshop, and I already have a small bit of experience modelling game assets. Now, I've read up on a lot of tutorials, guides etc. but there are still some questions regarding texturing that are seemingly left unanswered, and google is not really helping to answer them. My first question is in regards to a glossiness map. From what I've gathered so far, there is no way to use an actual glossiness map on skyrim in-game models. How is glossiness controlled then? My assumption is that the engine uses tthe specular map as a glossiness map as well, Is this actually the case? My second questions revolves around the environment map/mask. This one is for people with experience in 3ds max (or maybe similar software). Is there any way to test out an environment mask within 3ds max? So far I've figured out how to actually use a cube map, but I have no clue on how to actually mask it with a texture map. This results in my whole model being super reflective, like someone barfed chrome on it, it's driving me crazy. I have also seen people on sketchfab upload their models with the environment mask enabled, so I figured it would either be possible, or they're using different software. If anyone can share any information regarding these questions, it would make me a very happy man. Thanks in advance.
  12. http://media.moddb.com/images/members/4/3847/3846408/MODDBMW.jpgMoribund World is an environmental art mod whose main idea is to recreate the visual atmosphere of the first Fallout games, with its classic color schemes and scary desolation of scorched post-apocalyptic Wasteland. It changes the weather and lighting in almost every exterior location of Commonwealth to meet the classic Fallout style combined with stunning graphics of modern days. Prepare yourself for true survival in the ultimate post-nuclear world! Full Gallery (165 spectacular in-game screenshots\ultra settings):https://www.flickr.com/photos/144458385@N04/sets/72157667493935923 Launch Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gzo8KhgL5w This mod was created specifically for the NVIDIA Fallout 4 Mod Contest. If you like this mod, please rate it on the Bethesda.net and vote for it on the website of the competition (I hope it will be among the finalists), when the time of public vote will come. It will be the best reward for me from all of you. This is a link for the FUTURE vote, it starts from July 11, 2016:https://contests.nvidia.com/fallout4modcontest I also ask the Administration of NEXUSMODS to NOT include this mod in ANY internal competitions, since, according to NVIDIA's competition conditions, my work SHOULD NOT take part in other competitions. Thanks. RIGHT NOW YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THIS MOD FROM BETHESDA.NET! Direct link for PC-version: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/2051778 Direct link for XB1-version: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/2090930 SMALL FAQ: Q; I'm load my savegame and still have vanilla weather after mod installing, what i need to do? A: Weather will not changed instantly after first loading! Weather and climate system in the Fallout 4 works in such a way that you have to wait a couple of days or make fast travel between distant locations inside different climatic regions (Such as Sanctuary -> DiamondCity -> GlowingSea -> SouthSwampZone). After this it might be work. Q: How it works under the hood?A: This mod changes Weathers, Climates, Imagespaces and Regions of almost all Exterior locations of Commonwealth gameworld (NOT work in Far Harbor, as example). It has a dynamic weather system with a separation into different regions, each region has its chances to use one or another weather. In addition to the Glowing Sea's and cloudy weather there are also fog and rain cycles. Furthermore, it was a huge work with the way the game engine displays all colors and materials of original things. All this miracle takes only 69 kilobytes, what is undoubtedly important for XB1 and PS4 with their limited spaces. Q: What about compatibility?A: Mod is NOT compatible with other Weather-Mods (Darker Nights, True Storms, Vivid Weather, Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth, etc. ), but it can be potentially compatible with Interior-Ligthing-Mods, if they changes interior locations only and does not affects on exterior parts of gameworld. Q: What about ENBs?A: It is compatible with the ENBs, but you need to understand that they were developed under vanilla graphics and will look completely different, so it is not recommended to use them as long as they do not appear specifically for Moribund World.
  13. Why are all the trees dead? It's nuclear fallout, not the no-plants-allowed-zone! Give me mutant trees, mutant flowers, mutant vines that want to kill you, mutant seaweed, et cetera! I mean, seriously? As far as plants go, there's only dead stuff, hubflowers, bloodleaf, tarberries, mutfruit, tatos, corn, razorgrain, and a small handful of others. There should be more flora than that! How about we answer the questions on everybody's minds with a mod: what is the answer to the equation tree + FEV? Or tree + gene splicing? And what about tree + nuclear radiation over hundreds of years?
  14. I have not seen A SINGLE MOD on the Nexus that introduces new creatures. I mean, NEW creatures, not old creatures with different names and stats. I want new models, new AI's, a lore-friendly version, a non-lore-friendly version, backgrounds and logic in each new creature, new drops, new items, unique inspirations, and maybe even new locations. I am sorry if I sound demanding and pissy, but this is LONG overdue. I mean, not even ONE? It is sad. There are only 53 creatures in the game, and I'm pretty sure most of those are just variants of the same things. (ex: Ghoul, Feral Ghoul, Glowing One, et cetera) Now, you don't have to add in too much, but I don't understand how we have just Yao Guais, Super Mutants, Mutant Hounds, a few canines, some humanoids, and some insects and arachnids. A mutated cat would be cool. Or maybe a double-mutated cow. (Brahmin + FEV = ?) Just make this happen. I am sorry for going on a tangent, but this is so necessary it is a PROBLEM. Now, I am done. Maybe. Just do it! FROM YOUR IMPATIENT, MOD-GREEDY ACQUAINTANCE, (Insert my screen-name here. What? I can't help that I'm bad with names!)
  15. I've recently learned how to edit textures in Borderlands 2. I'm still tinkering with custom skins but I thought about making a more ambitious mod. I'm thinking of editing textures for various elements of the environments to make the environments look slightly more realistic, or at least just a little more detailed. It will take some time and effort so before I even begin, I'd like to know if anyone even cares. If enough people express interest than I will get started.
  16. I'd like more objects to be made into lootable containers (even if they are just given standard misc item lists), as I can't make sense of the preference the developers had to make certain objects lootable and then leave out obvious other ones. What I'm referring to specifically are objects such as the rounded chrome-ish silver boxes, wooden crates, the cardboard boxes with papers/folders stacked everywhere, the long wooden ruined record player box, possibly also the already-dead-and-decapitated bodies they often put in raider and super mutant locations (granted, those also appeared in Fallout 3 and NV, but typically clearly as a display, crucified up high somewhere - in Fallout 4 they often appear just randomly draped over objects, like they died only moments before). It annoys me that these objects cannot be looted, both because I like looting and because there seems to be no real reason behind them not being lootable when compared to similar objects, which takes me out of the game a little every time I experience the momentary but quickly quelled urge to inspect them.
  17. Simply put I need a mod that allows Skyrim to work with the Hue Lighting System. What is Hue? http://www2.meethue.com/en-us/ Hue is essentially full RGB customization colored lights that function over a WiFi network. This means they can be controlled by smart phones, computers, and more. They can set moods, tones, change to music, and so much more. http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/hue-room-colorz.jpg What I want from the mod? I want the Phillips Hue lights to create an immersive experience with the game. This means that when the player is out in the bright sunlit plains the lights in the room are bright and white light. When the player goes into a dark dimly candle lit cave the hue lights change to a dim candle lit mood. The possibilities are endless. http://wallpaperlayer.com/img/2015/7/skyrim-hd-6901-7181-hd-wallpapers.jpg http://pre03.deviantart.net/d8d9/th/pre/f/2014/029/d/4/dungeon_entrance_in_skyrim_by_summontheminions-d74abp5.jpg How can this be accomplished? Hue lights are open sourced programs with a full API. I can work with anyone willing to help who has some real skyrim modding experience to get the task done. I have experience in both hue lighting systems as well as basic level skyrim modding with the creation kit. The mod needs to recognize different player environments which isn't a very hard task, the hard part is making the connection between the in-game scripts and the external api, as of course the api needs internet connection. Overall there are some tricky aspects to figure out but the overall idea is easily expandable and a pretty simple concept. Thanks for any and all help! And again I'd love to work with someone on this to make it happen! -Rext
  18. Hiya, I am kinda new to level design in Skyrim, and ran into a little problem today. At the moment I am busy with a Nordic dungeon, which includes a shaft going up into a small room (using mostly the Static > Dungeons > Nordic > SmRooms tiles). However, it occured to me that there are no ceiling-only tiles in this category to fill up the void above the shaft. I have tried using the NorRmBgMidCeilingOnlyLow01 from the BgRooms category, but these do (1) not use the same grid to snap to (using a snap-to-grid value of 128) and (2) when manually trying to fit them into the ceiling they either leave a little space in between tiles (when leaving them the standard size) or overlap with the walls to the side or one another (when enlarged one tick). My question to you is whether there is a way to add in a ceiling-only tile above such a shaft. I will try to add some pictures in the coming ten minutes. Kind regards, Stammetje91 Edit: Pictures added. Help01 shows the situation I tried to describe, whereas Help02 shows what the problem is in-game (as well as in the Creation kit when you zoom in). Sorry for the low quality pictures, the forum limits file size of attachments severely. Edit2: I got it to work by manually incrementing the Z-values of the ceiling bit by bit. There should be an easier way to do this though. Apparently the seams where caused by the ceiling hanging a little lower than the rest, instead of a difference in tile size.
  19. I have spell induced butteries follow me around www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54572/? who die for me and I have spells that make it rain meteors as Alduin does, there are even mods that give my tits collision, so why on Earth is no one replacing the rain in the game with rain that for the most part collides? It could follow us (I think rain already does just follow us, so that's no big difference) like a meteor spell cast onto us from the sky colliding with whatever gets in its way if it has to. I am requesting a rain replacer. I imagine it's intended to load after any weather mods so that it overrides them or whatever. Instead of gigantic explosions caused by meteor impacts which the game can obviously handle quite well, it would simply splash a little 2D splash on objects that already have collision. If big ass meteor explosions raining all over the place is possible (which I assume is already a weather pattern like oblivion sky was in TESIV Oblivion), why not mere rain? In fact, I don't need it to be high resolution, no one does who need this feature itself, especially not those of us living in exterior homes such as Japan Lodge, it's not for people who need that high res stuff I guess, this mod would be a perfect alternative to Real Shelter, one compatible with mod building because it just outright collides instead of sticks a bunch of shower heads all around individual structures. Freakin Minecraft has rain collision for Sephiroth sakes. Heck, do whatever minecraft itself does, whatever, just make it rain proper, please. Also, with Minecraft in mind, why didn't bazillion dollar corporation Bethesda do this in the first place like Rockstar Games does or the aforementioned indie ... Minecraft? Or you know ... pretty much every single other modern video game with weather? TL;DR version: whenever it is going to rain, instead of vanilla rain, it rains this colliding rain instead, doesn't matter if it's consistent or dense or lower resolution or if initial versions don't splash, just make it happen, please, for the love of Sephiroth, someone make Skyrim at least on par with Minecraft in this regard :sad:
  20. I was looking around online and can't find a topic on how to disable the grass sway animation or even to change the distance at which you see the grass sway. So far I adjusted the values in SkyrimPrefs.ini : fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=50.0000 fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=2500.0000 to fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=0.0000 fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=0.0000 with no change. I also adjusted the line : fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=1500.0000 smaller so I can improve fps using Lush grass and trees mod. I tried duplicating the fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=1500.0000 into fGrassMidLODSwitchDist=0.000 but no avail. Can someone help me out? I like the lush flora but my system just can't keep the FPS above 30. :sad:
  21. With the absolutely MASSIVE selection of mods to choose from on Nexus concerning skyrim and graphics upgrades I was wondering if anybody could help a new modder who is being incredibly lazy :blush: I'd just like to know what the best mods to install are to have a beautiful looking game without needing to search for hours through thousands of different mods installing and checking them. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. this screenshot? http://i.imgur.com/hap4MC6.jpg Besides, which mods do you suggest to make graphics and interface better, the sounds more beautiful and the gameplay more advanced?
  23. I'm playing through Dawnguard, and I noticed 2 graphical bugs. First of all, the texture on Dexion's feet through his sandals is distorted. Barefoot males have the correct texture, so the problem might lie in the sandals themselves. Secondly, the walls around Valerica's garden don't seem to load. When I approach them, they block me as they do, so they appear invisible. I noticed a similar glitch in Oblivion where buildings take a while to load and appear invisible a few seconds after entering an area, but in this case, the walls are still invisible even after a while. I'm using http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1947/ for male characters. Is this what is causing the foot texture glitch? If so, what is a better male mod?
  24. I'm not terribly experienced with Skyrim modding, but I am a fairly experienced programmer (Unity, XNA, OpenGL, and several languages). I'm looking at various projects of mine that I might be able to adapt to Skyrim, and I'm trying to determine the viability of implementing some of them. One of the major projects that I've been interested in trying was Water Simulation. While there are many layers to what I want to do, the most important part is being able to modify the heights of the vertices in the water plane. Either via creating a new water plane and animating it, or by taking the existing water and animating that. I'll start by just getting wind-waker style water working (where it just moves up and down in a sine wave), if it's even possible. So the question is this: Is it possible via SKSE or otherwise to access the individual vertices of the water? Can you force the player to be considered underwater? Is it possible to procedurally create meshes via SKSE at all? Could I fake it via animating a plane and controlling the animations through script? Or is this just completely impossible with the current engine tools that we have?
  25. Hi! I started this project summer 16 but went back to school in September. Now I can finaly continue. http://www.stonecrownstudios.com/ Just wanted to share some pictures and please let me know what you think. Thank you and you are awesome!
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