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  1. http://steamcommunity.com/prof... I have been having a problem where this blizzard, picture in link above and picture below, has been following me where ever I go. I have tried the tutorial but it wasn't wisp mother or frost atronach. I don't know and can't seem to find the effect id for blizzard spell. Please Help if you know how to fix it List of mods UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul SkyUI Caliente's Vanilla Outfits for CBBE Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- ApachiiSkyHair Immersive Weapons Unique Uniques Elemental Arrows Faction Crossbows Lore Weapon Expansion Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO INIGO Realistic Lighting Overhaul Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 Immersive Armors The Witcher 3 Music Overhaul Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Dawnguard Arsenal Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds Better Bows True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio RaceMenu Jaxonz Renamer Animated Enchantments Overhaul - OVERFLOWING MAGIC Cutting Room Floor Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Make Inferno - Enhanced and More Realistic Fire Fire and Ice Impact Mod Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM Deathwing Inspired Alduin (Reloaded) skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds
  2. I have a mod that has an actor value (Vasaki_BloodPool). Right now I'm using multiple magic effects to change this AV via scripting. It's kind of annoying to make a new effect and script any time I need a slightly different value. I'm trying to make one magic effect that edits the AV based on the magnitude. But I can't get it to work. I've attached the magic effect to a potion (with a magnitude, both with and without a duration), but when I go in game, use the potion, and check my AV with player.getav, it never changes. I feel kind of like I'm missing something simple and obvious. Because I can't get a Value Modifier effect type to actually change a value. And it's making me want to bash my head into my desk. Is there some special trick to this that I'm just not getting? (oh and yes I saw that SE has a function that passes the magnitude into the script which would fix my problem, but I'd rather not depend on script extender for only this, it's a small problem really)
  3. Hey folks It always bugged me that there was no kind of impact on the world once you completed the story, I mean we just killed The first born of the main God of almost every religion on nirn and we dont even get a plaque or at least a nice park bench. So I thought as a possible solution, after finishing the main quest a giant brazier appears on top of the throat of the world, kind of like a beacon of victory. For what it would look like I thought just a scaled up version of the braziers you find around whiterun with a giants bonefire inside to make it look a bit more impressive. As a bonus it could maybe be activated to give you an effect, something like 30% resistance to fire, 30% resistance to frost and 30% quicker shout cooldown, all handy and appropriate for any further dragon slaying activities. Perhaps make it last 24 hours real time, much like the voice of the sky effect, so you don't have to slog up a mountain every few hours. I'm not sure how simple or complicated this would be but if you made it this far, thanks for reading! Shmwe shmwe
  4. So I'm wondering Is it possible to add a visible reload effect when reloading the drops the used / old magazine from the weapon after reloading, and makes a sound when doing so? Think of when reloading the Tommy gun or others, you hear the drum magazine clatter to the ground. I'm wondering, will this be possible? Will it be possible to add sfx to the mag drop as well, or just the reloading sound of the weapons? Thanks!
  5. Hi all, so I'm trying to create a few new enchantments as part of my mod, but I've ran into a bit of trouble. I'm trying to create enchantments that affect the speed of attacks - one that affects bows and another that affects weapon swing speed. I can made the enchantments using the "WeaponSpeedMult" item and setting it to only apply when using a "WeapTypeBow" or whatever, and it seems to work except for one thing. When creating the enchantment the magnitude needs to be given as a decimal, such as 1.25 for 25% faster, due to it being a multiplier. Therefore when I put in the description: "Draw your bow <mag>% faster", it doesnt work, because mag isnt the actual percent, rather its a decimal. In-game it rounds anyway down to 1 so the information is useless, its not like I can even put it as "Draw your bow <mag> times faster.". Basically what I'm asking is if theres a way to change this so you can maybe do a calculation in the description, such as (mag - 1) * 100, to get it to a percentage? Or is there any way I can do this differently or something in order to get it to read off as a percentage. Thanks in advance
  6. Hello everyone. First sorry for my bad english but i know that only from mmorpg. My first post in forum from 1 or 2 year :D in this website is "How to fix magic effect in Active Effect Menu in game.". now i test more from 2 method for that. First is on every Magic Effect i add Info (Magic Item Discription) : example : Heal Effect : +<mp> health example2 : Mana Effect : +<mp> Mana Now create magic and add this two effect after casting on my self. in Active Effect in game after casting this magic (with 2 min duration) i see two line with note: 1------------------------------------ Heal Effect : +<mp> health 2------------------------------------ Mana Effect : +<mp> health Only name change and show me text from first Magic effect. test 2 : Clear magic item discription from first 2 effect and make new text in Spell but now on Active effect dont show realy how more health and magic i will get for 2 min Realy problem is how can put this two effect in One Active Menu effect ? I apologize for the trouble. Thanks for your attention.
  7. I think the flamer is an interesting weapon but the critical death effect where the entire body is burned and charred is so good, and it seems like it should happen to anyone you kill with a flame thrower. I am trying to figure out how to get the game to apply the charred body crit fire effect on each kill done by the flamer. Any thoughts or anybody that can make this mod? Currently the charred burning body effect is the critical hit effect applied on death. I was trying to just increase the critical hit chance for the flamer to 100% and then removing any bonus damage from getting a crit, but I can't see how to do that. Maybe I'm going about it wrong, the burned body effect is also a spell called immolation.
  8. I've created a new unique weapon that has an enchantment attached to it that is supposed to cause paralysis for 60 seconds and a small amount of electrical damage. While the effect seems to operate just as intended 100% of the time on my system, across multiple save games and in un-modded and heavily modded versions of the game, when the mod is run on another system (as in a playtester's game) the paralysis effect seems to either not work, only doing the small amount of electrical damage OR partially work, only paralysing a select few types of enemies. To make things stranger I've had the same exact version of the mod work on one system fine but then not function correctly on another and had one system where the paralysis effect functioned in one save game but then not at-all in the other all for no discernible reason. I'm really stumped as to what could be causing problem and would really appreciate some help. Thanks.
  9. There is this Soul Trap Poison mod, but the recipes for each poison are ridiculously expensive and the effects don't last long, so I aim to fix that. I asked Dante (red name) in chat and he said that I can do the "same" mod as long as I do it from scratch. I more or less know what I need for every poison: 1 recipe, crafted at the Cooking Pot. Easy. 1 poison item (bottle) to be generated from the recipe and to be applied to weapons. Can't find a single poison to copy. 1 poison effect that will be 'cast' by the poison bottle. Can't find that either. 1 script that causes a poison to use a magic. Doable, but not by my skills. I know that if I wanted to make it through Alchemy I'd need new plants to add the Soul Trap effect to them, but that's too much hassle for me. I just need to make 5 poison bottles that are cooked with three reagents, each increasing in effect duration and reagent complexity.
  10. Hi Guys , so basicaly , I was wondering if anyone knew how Effect shaders worked ? I want to make a custom one but I'm completly lost and there isn't really anything I could find to help me. What I want to do is have this shader work on swords (or only one specific sword really) and the visual effect would create a coating in a crystal clear blue light with litle lighting effect around it, a bit like the one in the picture (well actually , what I'm trying to do is exactly like what is in the picture). This effect would be part of a magic effect aplied to an enchantment that a spell uses , so basiacly when I cast the spell my sword gains shock damage and get the effect I'm trying to give it for 60 seconds. But Yeah I have absolutely no Idea how to do this and would need a bit of help please =P http://fr.tinypic.com/r/2yzewwk/9 (Image of my exemple)
  11. Hi Guys , so basicaly , I was wondering if anyone knew how Effect shaders worked ? I want to make a custom one but I'm completly lost and there isn't really anything I could find to help me. What I want to do is have this shader work on swords (or only one specific sword really) and the visual effect would create a coating in a crystal clear blue light with litle lighting effect around it, a bit like the one in the picture (well actually , what I'm trying to do is exactly like what is in the picture). This effect would be part of a magic effect aplied to an enchantment that a spell uses , so basiacly when I cast the spell my sword gains shock damage and get the effect I'm trying to give it for 60 seconds. But Yeah I have absolutely no Idea how to do this and would need a bit of help please =P http://fr.tinypic.com/r/2yzewwk/9 (Image of my exemple)
  12. Hi Guys , so basicaly , I was wondering if anyone knew how Effect shaders worked ? I want to make a custom one but I'm completly lost and there isn't really anything I could find to help me. What I want to do is have this shader work on swords (or only one specific sword really) and the visual effect would create a coating in a crystal clear blue light with litle lighting effect around it, a bit like the one in the picture (well actually , what I'm trying to do is exactly like what is in the picture). This effect would be part of a magic effect aplied to an enchantment that a spell uses , so basiacly when I cast the spell my sword gains shock damage and get the effect I'm trying to give it for 60 seconds. But Yeah I have absolutely no Idea how to do this and would need a bit of help please =P http://fr.tinypic.com/r/2yzewwk/9 (Image of my exemple)
  13. Here is the ring: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77034/? I want to create an optional file that makes the ring add a fear effect to all human/elf NPCs (EDIT: within 15 feet) that are at least 30% below the player's level. If that is not possible, just a fear effect up to level 10 would be acceptable. Can someone help me to do this in the creation kit? If you don't feel like walking me through it, I would also accept it if you just did it for me, I would credit your help either way.
  14. I need to create condition (for perk effects/abilities) which will say whenever player has any armor that increases Damage Reducton. Example of usage: two inddependent perks that will grant DR when armor with less than 10 AR is worn - stacking with eachother. Like Toughness and Pitt Fighter but only for light armored characters. Problem is that function GetArmorRating returns player DR, which can be modified by perks and thus not being actual armor rating. On the other hand GetArmorRatingUpperBody (checking only upper body DR is a compromise I can agree at) does not return DR at all - it only returns 0 when no armor is worn or 1 otherwise. MY FIRST QUESTION: Is it possible to write new function which can be used as condition? (or enable FOSE's GetArmorAR to be chooseable as a condition) I've searched a lot of forums and it seems it's impossible so I get another idea: script that will do following when equipping armor (upper body item) it will check it's ARif this AR is what I want (0), script will garant player a perkwhen unequipping the perk will be takenthis perk could be used along with HasPerk function in my conditionAND THERE COMES SECOND QUESTION: Waht type of script should it be (effect/quest), what block should I use (GameMode etc.) and where would I attach it? Note that attaching it to every armor in game is what I want to avoid since some armors, especiallly those from mods, can already have their own scripsts attached and it would be very time-consuming and mod-unfriendly. THIRD QUESTION: Do You see any workaround to my problem? If so, please share Your' ideas.
  15. What I'm trying to accomplish is adding an always-on effect shader (burning, glowing, that sort of thing) to a common creature type in the game, similar to the intended behavior of feral ghoul reavers. Using the reaver script, however, it doesn't always seem to apply. It seems that, whenever the creature's 3D data is unloaded, the shader goes with it and doesn't come back. I've tried to homebrew a solution with simple true/false ints and HasLoaded3D checks, but my attempts always seem to end with the game infinitely applying the shader until the game crashes. Is there any way I can accomplish this? I'm sure this must be terribly simple, but everything I've tried has fallen through.
  16. Greetengs, The first thing that I want to say is that I'm a begginer in modding. I remember the times when I spend many hours playing Fallout 3. I also remember that i used a mod called Flesh-burning plasma http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/3321/? . I really want to see this mod in fallout 4 so I decided to create one. There are many skeleton models in the game that i can use...the ony problem is scripting. I dont have any idea how to write them. I have read some tutorials but they did not help me with my "project". I have seen that the game spawns a goo pile after a critical effect with plasma. I just want to add a script that spawns a model of a skeleton in addition. Anyone can give me some advices? Thanks
  17. Well, I made an magic effect that is added when a weapon is equiped(added via script). The thing is, the effect is working properly, but the effect description does not appear on the magic tab. I have made other mods like this, effects always working properly but they dont show on the Active Effects on Magic Tab. What am I doing wrong here?
  18. I need to create a mod. A power(spell) that would activate a shader effect on pc. So after pressing Z pc would be set on fire(fire atronarch death shader).Sound simple, yet I cant figure it out.
  19. So i had a look around in the nexus to see if there was a mod to remove the drunken double vision when Geralt consumes any Alcohol but unfortunately couldn't find one that existed i was wondering if it would be possible for any kind person to see if they could give it a whirl or if it would be even possible, i tried to see if i could get to know the modding tools myself although it doesn't really do anything but crash instantly for me. Thanks in advance for any answers.
  20. An idea for a special weapon effect like bloodskal blade except without the energy projectile. The concept is a short katana that can extend it's blade and retract instantaneously. The blade would extend 10 meters after a power attack in a slash similar to bloodskal projectile except it would be the blade itself and hit anything behind or inbetween with whip like animations but follows a straighter path, excluding immobile objects (walls trees etc.) it would not affect any companions/followers however. Another addition would be to use a power attack and right or customizable hot key simultaneuosly to initiate a thursting animation but when the activation keys are released would make the sword extend and impale whatever is in it's path (holding the animation keys longer will increase the range of the extension regular activation extends something like 10 meters) idea comes from bleach's zanpakuto . I would like to know how to achieve this at it's not as easy as simply making a texture for a weapon. Anyone may use this idea for this mod with permission if it is needed. If anyone would like to help me or join me in making this mod that would be greatly appreciated ^^!
  21. Ok I need help with what im guessing is a very easy thing. I want to use portal effect just like a door to go in and out of new world space to lets say whiterun Soo in short i just want to change a model of a door to the one of a portal that is in game but i just cant seem to find it. Any ideas ? I mean i can always find some other idea to get to this worldspace but this one seems just cool
  22. Currently trying to add an enchantment to the Institute weapons to make them do a small amount of electrical damage over time, but only to robots, synths, and power armor (and a couple other electronics). Essentially, I'm trying to make them a weaker version of New Vegas' pulse pistol. I've simply copied and renamed the existing dtElectricalEnchChanceAlways magic effect and its associated enchantment entry. I changed the damage amounts slightly and tried to add conditions to check race. I don't really understand the formatting of the conditions though, and I think I may have told it to check the race of the player, because the effect does not work in game. I applied the enchantment to all three institute weapon entries and gave it a value of 1, but no dice on robots. The same conditions are copied over to the Magic Effect. Do I need to reformat the conditions, or is there a completely different way I have to do this? An enchantment seemed simpler than make a new perk and messing with keywords and such, but from what I've read and seen enchantments can be a bit finicky.
  23. Main focus: Instead of summoning the bound bow, I wish to use an actual bow and have arrows made out of magicka. (I know one of the perk overhauls does this, But I kinda only want the magicka arrow thing) Other Concepts: The longer the bow is drawn, the more magicka is used and the power of the magicka arrow is increased. Another one could be when the magicka arrows hits a target it applies a DoT effect that actively exchanges magicka for damage A mark that when applied to a target makes all projectiles home in on that target
  24. I would like to have a mod that behaves like candlelight (you cast it and the orb follows you for X ammount of time) but would apply detect dead/life magic effect instead of the creating light. Any idea how to get this done? I have been trying to mess with creation kit but seems i can't figure it on my own. Any help please?
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