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  1. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help
  2. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help, i need this marker otherwise you can't control where you appear after opening a door.
  3. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  4. Hello i'm having trouble with getting my meshes exported to the creation kit. it looks fine in nifskope but when i export to the creation kit it crashes every time i can send the file if you need it. My original topic is here with an image of what i'm exporting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/225861 Hope somebody can help so i can make good quality meshes for my mods
  5. I make videos heres my link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBtE4pMXhuuVz8EPWZIrUmQ Hope you like them let me know if i need improvements it would be greatly appreciated
  6. Have you tried Uvultak baby dragon follower? Nexus link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107336 Bethesda link https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/36889/Uvultak_Baby_Dragon_Follower watch this video for more information, don't forget to like and subscribe.
  7. A mod that allows realistic book reading, compatible with language translation patches and the touring carriages mod, would be worth gold for nerds like me who love reading books with views and long roads. Instead of a blur effect in the background and a book floating in the middle of the screen, A book that can be held with both hands on the right and left sides, and which follows the center point like a weapon when you turn the screen would be better. So I wouldn't miss any mountain sight. Even if it wasn't that detailed, it would be great if there were at least hands on the left and right and the blurry effect in the background was gone.
  8. So when figuring out how to get SKSE64 to work (which was mostly a process in trial and error) I ended up deleting some files from my skyrim special edition installation, and so the game couldn't start. I reinstalled the game, and it now works fine, and has SKSE64 working, but now none of my mods from NMM are showing up in game, even though nothing has changed with the manager itself, everything still has a green check mark next to it. When I use LOOT, it shows me that only Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, HearthFires.esm, and Dragonborn.esm loaded, everything else appears in the list but doesnt have the green check mark next to it. Do I have to reinstall NMM and then find all my mods and reinstall them one by one, or is there a fix to this issue?
  9. Hi, it is currently december 5th 2018 and i read an article that says skyrim SE got a new update on steam, xbox 1 and ps4, now my problem is skse is giving me a problem, it wont load skyrim because its accusing me that my skyrim is new and skse is old, i must check with silverlock for updates, i have SE from steam and skse aswell, so do i have to download when the new version of skse comes out or does it download automatically when it's out for steam?
  10. Have anyone managed to merge Primal Needs and W3EE? I have now only W3EE but I can't get it to work with PN... If someone is using these two, could you be so kind and share your mods- folder with merged files... :) (I'm still hoping that I can see PN 2 some day...)
  11. Hey i'm running the latest version of skyrim and skse64. My game loads fine, and i can start a new game however whenever i load the save I CTD. I thought i narrowed it down to wet and cold however it also occured with immersive weapons/ armours, as well as apocalypse spells Any help would be appreciated Load order
  12. Just downloaded this mod, was going back to the site to read more info on it while I played, and was stopped by this message: "This mod has been set to hidden by its author. The reason given by the author is: You have been banned from viewing this file for disorderly conduct. If you have complaints, contact the FBI for further details." I'm super confused. I literally downloaded the file like 30 minutes ago and now I'm facing this. Can anyone explain to me a way to uninstall the mod (without fresh installing the game)? There was an option on the mod's page but well, yeah.
  13. I am experiencing horizontal banding or striping on distant vertical objects. In this screenshot it's very noticable. https://imgur.com/a/3MBPW Disabling ENB has no effect, so it's not ENB related. I tried setting my shadowbiasscale in bethini to .25 instead of .15 and that had no apparent effect - I'm not even sure it's shadow related. I'm gonna keep messing with it and I'll post any updates, but I thought I'd ask in case anyone has any ideas.
  14. I'm actually trying to merge the shell texturing of a cloth (which have fur, but is low-poly) and a high-poly cloth with NifSkope I know i can use TES5edit scripts to "mass edit" (batch process) meshes, so i was wondering if i could code something that copy it automatically. Basically i need to copy these Fur.00x branches and paste in the "Scene Root" of another NIF with the same name but in another folder Next image is the highpoly mentioned before No need to be a complicated code, i can figure out how to code it but i need somone to explain me the part to copy a specific branch inside scene root to another file
  15. I need help with my mods for Skyrim Anniversary Edition, GOG release here. I installed the mods correctly (maybe?) for my Skyrim. I double checked with LOOT and Vortex to make sure there are no conflict or problem that could harm the game, but didn't found any. After I entered the game, some of my mods like Racemenu and SkyUI wasn't there, like it wasn't even enabled or exist in the first place, but my other mods like CBBE are able to run properly. Any advice/help/guide to fix this problem? :sad:
  16. Hello dear Modders, plsssss.... i want to play Leon, Chris, Clair etc. in the Gold Edition with 3rd Person. And pls normal, with clothes xD Thank you :)
  17. GTA SA Definitive Edition has some bugs regarding the gears, it sounds like a truck at the last gear, especially the premier and elegant Video :
  18. This includes Face Mods, Hair Mods, Texture Packs, Mesh Mods, Followers with Better Graphics than Vanilla Skyrim SE, Any CBBE Submod or CBBE itself, Diversity, SMIM, Flora Mods, Any ENB Preset, Any Custom Outfit Replacer or Custom Weapon/Armour Replacer with better than Skyrim SE Graphics. Also Includes any Lighting/Shading Mods too. Remember that you could ONLY CHOOSE ONE. And Graphics Enhancing Mods that Require Other Graphics Enhancing Mods are a NO GO, so you might not be able to run a CBBE Plugin unless you can get it standalone. However, GFX Enhancing Mods that require Mods that don't Enhance Graphics are Welcome(like SKSE, SkyUI, USSEP)
  19. TL;DR on the bottom. So, I've been trying to run my Skyrim Legendary Edition for the past week or so. Day by day, night by night all I did whenever I had an occassion to touch the PC was to try and run Skyrim. I started off as a total newb in modding and generally the technical stuff. It was years ago that I first tried my first mods for Skyrim. It was great, it was fun, everything was broken and everything kept crashing but it was mine. I did it and I was the one having fun. Then, life has taken Skyrim away from me for said years and only lately have I come back. I got myself a Skyrim LE copy with all the shiny stuff and all. It was running just fine for the first 20 minutes. Then I decided to change the course of history (of Skyrim) and get some mods. The intro is boring and takes too long, the "Helgen sequence" is more fun if you mod 5 dragons into Solitude and simply rename it to "Solitude sequence" etc etc. Anyway, I closed the game and downloaded all the mod stuff I would need. Got myself TES5EDIT, got myself NMM, got myself LOOT and then I embarked on an adventure to find the dankest mods in all nexusmods.com. Over the minutes, hours, days I was getting better and better in modding, I started understanding things that people do not normally care to understand, I started paying attention to my load order, started doing cool things with TES5EDIT and generally got gud. Then, something unexpected and horrifying struck me down... I experienced my first ever STARTUP CTD. PANIC. Panic arised inside my head and for a second I was paralysed. "Think" - I said to myself - "Think, you're prepared for this. You've been training! You CAN do it!" and started mingling with the load order as I knew it was most likely the problem. I ticked off all the variations of the compatibility patches for mods I do not have or downloaded these mods to add difficulty and epicness. I deleted a few mods said to cause plenty of startup crashes and other stability issues. I started deactivating my mods one by one starting from the least master-like mods to end with the ones most important. I was reaching the top of my load order. My fingers started trembling with fear as I knew... In a few disabled mods I will get to the horrifying part of troubleshooting... the skyrim.esm. But I did not take my hands off my keyboard. Oh no. I turned on TES5EDIT and checked the masters for errors and missing records/files/other masters. My only ally in this war came up with no results... Not a single red-tinted message, not a single warning to help me with my struggles. Panic struck again. It had to be done... I reinstalled the game. Reinstalled SKSE, started slowly adding the essential mods and stopped at a count of maybe 5 or 7 of them. Tried running Skyrim again and then another dose of terror pierced my heart. It couldn't be... More startup CTDs? On a clean reinstall?! It was madness. And so it started again. I started disabling and uninstalling the mods. Checking each plugin for errors and verifying every cache there was. I even cleaned my WHOLE load order with T5E. It was all for nothing. It didn't matter if I tried running the game as administrator. It didn't matter if it was via SKSE or the launcher. Nothing mattered anymore. My life goal has become to run the game, that I remember running just fine so many times. Visions of dragon slaughter and CBBE orgies still haunt my dreams... The will to fight in the endless warzone conflicts keeps arising every day. But now I know what to do. It will work now. I'm reinstalling the game again. This time it's all clean. Everything I could think of. If I fail, I swear to the holy nine that Bethesda will perish for what they did to me... TL;DR Startup CTD crashes. It's not a loadorder thing, can't be. It must be a problem with skyrim.esm or one of the DLCs in my copy of the game. It literally won't let the game show the main menu. What I tried: - changing default audio settings both to CD quality and to Studio quality; - disabling every mod there was; - doing a few clean reinstalls; - verifying; - using TES5EDIT to find missing masters; - running the game as admin via both launcher and SKSE; - running it without DLCs activated in load order. So far no results. I just finished the next reinstall. Trying something again and I'll get back with results. PS: Post made mainly to help those with similar problems. If I ever find a fix that is.
  20. So Skyrim Remastered is coming out in about a month, which will be running on a new version of the Creation Engine. DX11 in all likelihood, too. Bethesda has promised us that all our (non-SKSE) mods will work... but you know, Bethesda. Concerning SKSE, the Silverlock guys are going have to work their magic and make a new script extender (SRSE?) for us all, which won't necessarily work with SKSE-based mods. Mods that use SKSE today are probably going to have to undergo a lot of work in order to get them working on the Remastered edition, and there's no guarantee that non-SKSE mods will work correctly either. A lot of people who still play Skyrim might never even try modding Remastered, but certainly we can expect plenty people will. The Skyrim Nexus is very well organized and easy to use, but if we (modders) try to support Remastered edition mods on the same Nexus, I imagine things will get very messy very quickly, and modding Skyrim will become a lot harder, trying to keep track of which mods work on which versions of Skyrim. People who don't want to mod the Remastered Edition and would like to stick with the original game would also have to deal with the mess. Giving the Remasted edition it's own Nexus would solve that problem as well. There was a somewhat similar circumstance with Oblivion and it's GotY Edition, but that was not as big a change as this is now, and Oblivion's Nexus is much smaller than Skyrim's. While this decision would benefit from hindsight, it should also be made well before Skyrim Remasted Edition comes out. TD;DR: I think it would be best for Skyrim Remastered to get it's own Nexus. ...but that's just my thoughts. I haven't heard anything else about this yet, (the only thing i saw was people asking if mods would work - we know now that many won't and that others might) so I thought it would be a good idea to discuss it, at least a bit, beforehand. If I am under/mis-informed, let me know! What do you think?
  21. This is my first forum post, so sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. Anyways, I was wondering if Skyrim workshop mods will be compatible with special edition. I am considering installing mods now, but I am afraid they will no longer work when I upgrade. All help is appreciated, thanks!
  22. I have been using Climates of Tamriel for a while now but decided to try the winter edition. I installed the winter edition bsa and esp and organized with loot, the winter edition is the lowest of the cot plugins, yet when i go to play to try it out.....nothing happens.....the base cot is working, but nothing that the winter edition is supposed to do does not happen....from what it looks like is its supposed to make it snow all over skyrim not just the northern half, yet whiterun is still pale greenish yellow and everything is EXACTLY the same. The normal cot is all that runs, no winter edition. Main page gives no info or anything and half of the main complaints are people who have no idea how to install mods period. Anyone have any idea how to get it to work? Or is it a load order issue? all my lighting and other mods are all listed as compatible by the cot mod page. No other mods besides them.
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