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  1. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  2. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  3. Emergency notice to Artisan Guild and adventurers young or old, with hair or bold! Just realized, this morning, that we are in grave danger - we are missing true mohawk hairstyle. The one like on below sexy dwarf. Shaved on the sides and Moonrise (towers) high! To be available to dwarven body 1 and 2 :cool: "The first step to receive intimidation booster is to be a dwarf and get hair like a rooster" - Volo Thank you :dance:
  4. Could someone make a little mod, that makes every men in game have any kind of facial hair? (custom ones as well). I want this for my dwarven mod set. I want to change Skyrim into the Misty Mountains and i want dwarven NPCs, which i think i can make. But they would not have beards, so that's why i need it :$
  5. Hi, I'll get straight to the point. I got a very specific shield I'd love to have in Skyrim, but I don't know the first thing about modding. I see you've made a couple of mods, so I was hoping maybe you could help me out. https://www.etsy.com/no-en/listing/266165322/10-gauntleted-buckler-in-black-and-old?ref=shop_home_active_30 https://img1.etsystatic.com/109/0/6129726/il_570xN.912826177_9lj4.jpg https://img0.etsystatic.com/134/0/6129726/il_570xN.913077266_kz9p.jpg https://img0.etsystatic.com/136/0/6129726/il_570xN.913077670_9e8m.jpg It's a pretty small shield, so it would be classified as a Light shield. The shield is supposed to be "designed" by my D&D character, a dwarf. So I'd love for it to be craftable via Dwarven smithing. I also have an idea for a 1-handed hammer (mace) but I'd love to get the shield business done first. Any takers? You can find me at: Twitter: @Nastyman_N Steam: Nastyman_Nilsen (make sure to post a comment on my profile so I know who you are) Skype: d.demoon E-Mail: [email protected]
  6. I'd like to ask some mod maker to give the leader of legion of dead a horned helmet. He would look cooler than as a baldy.
  7. Basically every time I visit Orzammar, I never cease to wonder how come only Bhelen and Harrowmont compete for the throne if the system is an elective monarchy. We know there are both kings and queens. So, how is it possible only two "parties" want to take the cake?
  8. Today after browsing the Fallout wiki I was reminded of something from older Fallout games that has yet to make it in to the newer ones; Dwarves. http://i.imgur.com/n5NaOga.jpg These were present in Fallout 1 & 2. They were never major characters or anything but they did provide extra "flavor" to the wasteland. If someone bothered making the model I at least would be interested in using it for future mods down the line. I believe there's lots of interesting/humorous possibilities for dwarves in Fallout 4 and would like to see them back.
  9. Hello everybody, I search someone who can do the work for create the dwarf character male I want on Baldur gates 3 My dwarf of baldur gates now : https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/34/2pu5.png https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/34/t71m.png https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/35/ux3x.png https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/35/n8b3.png My dwarf with another good hair looking : https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/36/eaqv.jpg I want upgrade, improves it, the face (big chubby face), hair and beard (and body mesh, the mod body already exist but armor doens't suits it have to modeling the armor for no clipping issues) that is possible someone can be interrested by this ? Thank you a lot !
  10. Hey folks! Firstly, I want to thank the modders out there who put so much time and life into creating new content for this game. You're all so creative and skilled, and it's such a privilege to enjoy your work. <3 I can't be the only person who really doesn't like the facial hair options for dwarven women. The scraggly stubble... nah. Just nah. If you're gonna have beards, you have to go all-out. Can anyone make a mod to give these dwarven ladies those full, luxurious beards that only the men sport?
  11. I've been wanting a mohawk hairstyle for my female dwarf so I was wondering if there is such a mod floating around or a way to convert the male dwarf hairstyle to female?
  12. I'm sure I'm not the only one on the Nexus who is a fan of The Hobbit. Although there's a few Lord of the Rings mods, The Hobbit mods are severly lacking. So here's a few ideas of mine for you expert modders out there: ____________________________________________________ 1.) Erebor When I first watched The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, I was taken away by Erebor. The visuals were amazing and it looked exactly how I'd pictured it. It truly shows off the Dwarves expert craftsmanship. The kingdom was immense and filled me with awe. If someone would like to take it up, the Chantry of Auri-El would be a great place to look at for a start. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130318193220/lotr/images/b/b6/Erebor_gate.jpg 2.) Rivendell Much like Erebor, Rivendell looked fascinating in the film in it's own way. It's beauty and elegance made me wanting to see more (as I'm sure others were feeling the same way). Rivendell has been requested for years and I think it's time someone finally takes it upon themselves to make it. http://images.wikia.com/lotr/images/e/e3/The-Hobbit-Rivendell.jpg 3.) Dwarven Armor(s) I've seen this been requested recently and I thought it was a great idea. There's a Dwarf race mod and this would go along great with it for any player who loves the dwarves. It, along with all the other ideas listed, is extremely lore friendly as well. http://oi50.tinypic.com/2emimpg.jpg 4.) Mirkwood Elven Armor Seen (albeit briefly) in the introduction of The Hobbit were the Mirkwood Elves. Their armors looked truly breath-taking, and it instantly reminded me of something I'd see in Skyrim. A huge fan of the elven armors myself, this would be awesome to see be created into a mod. http://www.impactcustoms.com/uploads/1/0/5/1/10517446/426333914.jpg http://www.impactcustoms.com/uploads/1/0/5/1/10517446/9406819_orig.jpg 5.) Dol Guldur Although not quite as menacing as the towers Orthanc and Barad-Dur, Dol Guldur certainly had an eerie feeling to it. This would probably be one of the easier mods to make on the list considering it'd be an open world area. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121219105141/lotr/images/4/4b/Dol_Guldur_-_An_Unexpected_Journey.PNG 6.) Radagast the Brown Although a little 'different' per say, Radagast is a very likable character in The Hobbit. I'd love to see somebody create him into an NPC and possibly a follower. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18hrt0hokm0udjpg/k-bigpic.jpg 7.) A better weapon pack As good as the first Hobbit weapon pack was, it only had 4 weapons. I want to see the other dwarves weapons, such as Balin's mace or Dwalin's axes. Or perhaps Radagast's staff would be something interesting to add. http://www.darksidecostumes.org/images/Dwarvish%20weapons.JPG Please comment your own ideas as well! I'd love to hear them!
  13. I have seen requests for this previously, but no one provided any references. I love dwarf-lore, and though incomplete Tolkien's was by far my favourite, and Weta brought their craftsmanship to life exactly as I imagined it reading Tolkien's books when I was younger. I would really like to see this bow put in as a Skyrim mod. This is the bow used by Kili in the new Hobbit films. It is a short bow, so it shouldn't be as long as some of the bows in Skyrim right now.
  14. I have this idea that if you support harrowmont and then restored to the noble cast would it be great to be able to go in an expedition to reclaim a lost thaig and colonize it and become its lord or king, battling darkspawn and clearing out and setting up a city or town. Ive always wanted a throne and troops of my own as a dwarf lol. I think its possible with toolset but im not a moder so ill be really happy if this becomes a mod.
  15. I have a skeleton from the Dwarves of Moria mod. It's a skeleton that has a normal to large upper body with a smaller lower body. It's great for Dwarves. I decided I wanted to make a Skyrim Khajiit with the same build. It looks great (to me) and is exactly what I wanted, but the tail is flat and kind of tucked under in a weird position. So, finally, to my question- How do I go about adding the actual Khajiit tail to the dwarf skeleton? What tools/programs do I need to do it? Is it Blender? Man, I hope not... Any help will be appreciated. Oh yea, it's just for my own use as I don't have permission to release or use the skeleton for the public.
  16. I have an idea for an awesome mod for skyrim, but i am not a programmer so i am requesting the awesome people at nexus to make it for me, so the general idea starts here. i am sick of always seeing dwemer cogs struts gear bent scraps ect ect, and having absolutely no use for them, my idea is for a mod that creates a single person who wanders around skyrim, he is the last living dwemer/dunmer/dwarf. he is a blacksmith, if you bring him the previously listed useless items , he will convert them into dwemer weapons armor and items, like if i bring him a stack of dwemer struts he will make me a stack of dwemer scimitars, if i bring him dwemer plates he will make bucklers or armor from them, if i bring him dwemer cogs and gyros, he will make me a dwemer crossbow. i wish i was a talented enough programmer to make this happen myself but i am not. i hope this is a good idea and i pray someone here at nexus picks it up and makes the mod a reality. im tired of over heavy useless dwemer metals hanging around and having no use for them, please nexus, please make some kind of use out of these previously useless items. in the name of Talos. Moved to Skyrim Mod requests forum Bben46
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