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  1. Hello! Is there a way to make armor and weapons more durable? I've been looking through the game files but I could not find it. Would anyone be kind enough to help me? Thank you.
  2. I have one request and one problem. Request: I use Dragon Soul Relinquishment, that allows me to boost unarmed damage, which is importnant for me, since IMO more powerfull character should also be stronger. Yet, it seems, that it boosts him ONLY without any weapons. Some would say "Duh, it says +unarmed+" but it actually should give some kind of damage level also added to every weapon. In other way, as I have currently, many weapons are simply weaker than Dragonborn's fists. Is there any mod that could fix it? Problem: I have problem with creating semi-god character, that would be current-times Talos. Reason is that he isn't as durable as he should be. He has 99 level with over 500 HP and still I don't have a feeling that people often talk about: "My character is so overpowered, that even without armor, I barely got any damage". Without enchanmetns and using only Steel Armor set, along with mentioned stats, I can get killed with 7-10 strikes from Bandit Chief. I am using Ordinator, but even when I turn it off, there is no effect. Going by NMM categories, my only Combat mod is "Warzones 2015" that shouldn't affect Bandit Chiefs, nor other enemies that can take me down. Among others, my most notable mods are Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Overhauls: Deadly Dragons Immersive College of Winterhold Ordinator Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel Weapons: Immersive Weapons Gameplay effects and changes: Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade Death Souls Dragon Soul Relinquishment Fishing In Skyrim Proper Aiming Reallistic Ragadolls and Force IDK if any other category should somehow affect my durability.
  3. I belive that weapons and armor should both have a durability system similar* to power armor. Armor: When hit, it will lose a bit of durability. The less durability it has, the less it protects you. When it breaks, you can't use it/equip it until you repair it. To repair it, you need to go to an armorer bench, and it will either cost a specified amount of materials with armorer perk, or it will require a peice of armor of the same type. There can be the vanilla mods that make repairing easier or cost less. Certain armor will be more durable than others, like combat armor will be tougher than raider, and some armor (especially ones with high tiered mods) will require blacksmith. Ranged weapons: When fired (or if you successfully hit something when bashing), the weapon will lose a bit of durability, and slowly lose accuracy, range, and little damage falloff. Repaired similar to armor, and requires weapons bench and it's gunsmith perk respectively. (Laser/plasma weapons should require science) different barrels, recievers, stocks, etc should reduce material cost/skill requirment for repairing. (Certain guns should feel unique, like the pipe weapons are very cheap, but break easily. The combat rifle is more durable, but in cost requires perks to repair, and more material) Melee weapons: When you hit any object, the weapon will lose durability. Requires blacksmith perk and weapons bench respectively. Though, since most melee is usually just an object you swing at someone, like a baseball bat or tire iron, should be very easy and cheap for repairs, while others like power fist and an electrical blade Chinese sword, should require blacksmith perk and more materials. (Maybe even science/robotics perks for electrical/powered weapons?) *By similar, I mean the way you repair it, and the way the durability is showed in the inventory.
  4. Hi, this request is simple, just to update the Unlimited Durability - No Weapon Degradation Mod to last game version , patch 1.10, so all gear an weapons are always 100% durability http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/342/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fwitcher3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D342%26preview%3D&pUp=1 we really, really need this mod asap if you want, you can also update the Unlimited Weight Mod http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fwitcher3%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D3&pUp=1 and an update to the Time Flow Mod 1 minute in game 1 minute in real life http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/399/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fwitcher3%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D399&pUp=1 thanks :smile:
  5. Hello, I'm using this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44795/? to prevent any armor/weapons from breaking so they don't take any damage at all. The only reason I'm using this is because NPCs cannot repair their gear at all. I've tried to look for mods that got NPCs to repair but there wasn't any. The only problem with this mod is that my armor skills cannot increase. Is there any way to make armor skills go up but still take no damage? What about a script that constantly renews durability of ALL ACTORS' gear, so technically armors and weapons still take damage but they just get renewed? There is a mod called enchantment restore that does the same thing for enchantments maybe a clone of that mod but for durability could be a good idea? :blush: Please share your thoughts :cool: Notes: I use original Oblivion + Shivering Isles + 1.2 Patch + Unofficial Patches + OOO + MOO + Severeal other petty mods, if that helps ;)
  6. I'm looking for a kind of tiered material mod that makes weaker materials degrade faster when clashing with harder ones, e.g. Ebony armor pieces are degraded x2 by Daedric hits. Ebony weapons degrade 2x against Daedric armor: The overall effect would be that common weapons are more disposable and worth picking up, used for tanky bosses. Degradation reduces your equipments' tempering; down towards the base value. A weapon or armor that is no longer tempered will have its enchantment removed after 10/20/30/40/50/60 clashes with a harder material (see below list). This means that Daedric enchanted pieces cannot lose their enchantment (like uniques requiring daedric smithing) Daedric - perk modifier (4% magic resistance per daedric item equipped, add an additional smithing perk for it) Stahlrim - (Already has the frost enchantment modifiers and is dragonborn DLC, so it would be unwise to mod) Ebony (50) - perk modifier (5% fire resistance per ebony item equipped, add an additional smithing perk for it) Glass (50) - perk modifier (5% shock resistance per glass item equipped, add an additional smithing perk for it) Dragonbone (60) - perk modifier (5% power attack str, 5% power attack resistance per Dragonbone item equip) Dragonscale (60) - perk modifier (4% attack speed per Dragonsteel/scale item, shares perks with Dragonbone) Orchish (40) - perk modifier (for every orcish item you have equipped you get 10% stronger critical hit damage) Corundum (40) - perk modifier (for every corundum item you have equipped you gain 20% disease resistance) Dwarven (30) - perk modifier (for every dwarven item you have equipped your stamina costs decrease by 10%) Elven (30) - perk modifier (for every elven item you have equipped you gain 20% poison resistance, nice huh?) Steel (20) - perk modifier (for every steel or iron item you have equipped you do 5% more damage to undead) Iron (10) - This has no perk, so no modifier either, you temper them to prevent enchantment loss. Wood (10) - This has no perk, so no modifier either, you temper them to prevent enchantment loss. Leather (10) - This has no perk, so no modifier either, you temper them to prevent enchantment loss. Cloth (100) - Since cloth can't be tempered, their enchantments are removed after being hit 100 times. The purpose of this mod would be to grant themed armor sets an edge when you are also invest more in smithing. You can see all perks in the attached tree image, Arcane 2 prevents losing enchantments: http://imgur.com/QylqQf4 The point of adding new perks paths would be to not intervene with modifications to vanilla perks from other mods. What do you think about this idea, would it be possible, or is the durability degradation tiers worth skipping atm?
  7. The Remnants power armor and the Gannon Family power armor both have very low HP compared to other power armors, considering that they are probably newer than the much more durable T-51b and T-45d armors it doesn't make sense for them to be so fragile.
  8. The Trail Carbine is absurdly durable for a lever action rifle, and there were two weapon mods planned for it, but they were cut. I want the Trail Carbine to have 200 HP, and 300 hp with the Steel Forged Receiver applied. I want the Custom Stock to reduce the weight by 1. There are a few mods that include the cut weapon mods, but I don't want to use WMX or WME and the other mods that use the cut Trail Carbine weapon mods aren't satisfactory.
  9. Is there any way to make durability actually have a purpose in the game, like remove the bonfire function that makes it so that durability might as well not be in the game? ds1 had it right have durability something to have concern about, even the weakest weapons take forever to break at least have it so that loss actually matters and not completely negate it with bonfire auto-fix
  10. So, I guess it's selfexplanatory. And maybe someone already did a post about it, but anyone knows if someone working on this? I think it could work and would spice up FO4 bringing the FO3 feeling to the game.
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