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  1. I was just wondering (and hoping) if someone could create my main character, my dunmer from ESO. I've tried before, but I am just HORRIBLE at it. Also, I don't know if this is in the correct forum, but I am putting it here as it is a 'request' of sorts. Here are screenies of her face. If you do, thanks! Also, let me know what mods you used if you do this (Hopefully Ethereal Elven Overhaul). Also, there is no need for the scar things, I'm fine without those.
  2. Sorry if this is a bit premature as I have nothing but an ever-growing folder of notes, ideas, outlines, scripts, etc. That's because this mod is still in its pre-production and planning phase. I'll explain more after I tell you about the mod. Great House Veloth aims to add a touch of Morrowind (as well as a fair amount of new story-driven content) to the game. Twelve years ago, tired of being bullied and pushed around by the Nords in Windhelm, a large number of Dunmer set off for the Velothi Mountains to start anew. Once their first settlement, Sadrith Ouada, was established they decided to reach for the sky as it were and unofficially founded Great House Veloth, as well as a new chapter of the New Tribunal Temple. In the intervening years, Great House Veloth and its influence has grown significantly, founding two more settlements, Bal Graeme, and Maar Tien. Over the years, displaced Dunmer (as well as even a few non-Dunmer), have flocked to House Veloth. They now are entirely self-reliant with their own guards and own trained militia. Some say that even elements of Old Morrowind have gotten involved, such as the Morag and Camonna Tongs and the Twin Lamps. Finally, the time has come for House Veloth to make things official. Messages have been dispatched to all relevant parties both requesting to be recognized officially as an extension of Morrowind and as a Great House. Obviously, you can see that this is a mod of some scale. That's why I'm already announcing it, in the hope that there are at least a few, or even just one experienced modder willing to take this on with me. I'm not looking for someone to do the work for me, I'm just looking for (preferably experienced) people to help out as best they can, however that may be. Either way I plan to continue to proceed with this mod, however, until either it's done, or I simply find I cannot do it.
  3. Is it my imagination, or is there a shortage of Dark Elf/Dunmer companion/follower mods in the game? Seems like two thirds of those mods that I investigate turn out to be savegames.
  4. I suppose it's just my own weird take, but I find that a good many of the Dark Elf mods exhibit a kind of anti-Dark Elf bias. It seems that a rather large percentage of the modders want Dark Elves/Dunmer to be more like humans...with near perfect complexions and large luminous eyes to boot. Sorry, I like the original Dunmer physiognomy just fine. In fact, my preferred running toon is usually a Dunmer male and I have a very strong tendency to make him look like a grim, hard bitten elf who's spent most of his life coping with the harsh world that outdoor Morrowind has become. I like my ladies to have the same look. Imho, Damned1492s Dunmer assassin (supre/super AI) is one of the most realistic Dark Elf assassin faces in the game. Pursuant to that comment, the assassin trio he/she has created is one of the best sets of followers in the game. I know, we're dealing with a FANTASY game here, so it's all just a matter of personal taste. I suppose if I want hard core reality, I should go play Game of Thrones or Witcher. Actually, those are all good, but I really, really like the open world of Skyrim. I've played this game for thousands of hours(It's my version of Solitaire.) just to pass the time and escape reality, and I still discover the occasional nook or cranny that offers a new experience in the game. I play without the music as well. It's amazing how many voices and sounds there are. Okay, time to stop. Have fun all.
  5. I'm talking about this here scarf piece: http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/31854-2-1361127991.jpg it's been utilised in this mod, so I am assuming it's not a massive issue to strip from the rest of the outfit and made into a new item. I can't edit meshes worth crap though, and I have like 4 houses to finish modding, so I'm just leaving this suggestion here in case someone feels like doing a tiny bit of nif editing x) http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/56395-1-1406790015.png This would be a wonderful thing to wear with pauldron pieces and such, and with proper keywords, it might even work with Frostfall I think. Thanks, and keep being awesome, Nexus modders.
  6. I notice that dark elves in Battlespire (and some in Daggerfall: http://uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Helseth) have brown skin and red eyes, rather than gray skin and red eyes, which more closely matches a lot of other fantasy lore for dark elves. In Skyrim, I often use mods to make my dark elf characters brown-skinned. And then, there are a couple dark elves even in vanilla Oblivion that had this skin color: http://uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Arvin_Dalvilu which appears to be a blend of brown and green. I don't see that in other fantasy lore. Don't over-interpret it. Just making some observations.
  7. I would think about it like this : Altmer : 1000-1500 Years Bosmer : 500 Years Imperials : 50-100 Years Nords : 40-100 Years Redguards : 50 to-100 Years Dunmer : 1000-1500 Years Khajiit : 40-60 Years Argonians : 100-200 Years Bretons : either 40-60 or 100-250.While their half-elven blood would make sense to grant them a longer life than most other races,I also heard that Bretons get sick at around middle-age or more frail when they are older.With the "get sick" part,if they become...let's say a werewolf,which makes them immune to diseases,would they be able to live through the sickness and get a few centuries old? Please tell me what you think.
  8. Hello! I'm fairly new to TES and Skyrim, coming straight from Morrowind and skipping Oblivion, and first of all I'd like to acknowledge the Nexus modding community. It's great and I've found great mods already! :laugh: However, there is one thing I'm still looking for: a complete elven overhaul mod. Why? well, let's say that I'm a bit of a warcraft fanboy and although I've never played WoW, WC3 + FT are the last games in the franchise I played, I've always kept up with the lore etc. I know that not too many TES players are particulary fond of 'mixing' the Warcraft and other universes with their own but I think it would be a nice twist for those who are more eager to such a mod. I did some research and stumbled upon a few mods that implement Warcraft-style elves as custom races such as the "Epic Elves mod" and "Elves of Azure" (that one's from *site not allowed*, and is probably the only mod i'd ever download from that place :blink: ) Personally, I prefer the looks of the "Azure" mod because it is closest to Warcraft elves. However, these are custom races mods and not mods that affect NPC's. So, in conclusion what would I like to see?: Dark Elves would become Night Elves High Elves would become High/Blood ElvesWood Elves could also be either High or Blood Elves or maybe half-elvesNo fiddling with the Elder Scrolls lore whatsoever, the focus should be on the visual overhaul onlyWorks wih Skyrim - Legendary Editionoptional and/or later add-ons: Armor, weaponry etc.ArchitecturePlayable custom racesImportant NPC's like Tyrande Whisperwind, Furion, Shandris etc. (although technically that would be tinkering with TES lore)That's all I've got to say so far! I would love to help with the modding itself but sadly I don't have any modding, skinning, coding or scripting experience or know-how. Nevertheless, I'm open to any questions regarding the above-mentioned Warcraft races or anything else :smile: . Many Thanks! P.S.: contacting or collaborating with the teams behind the mods I mentioned might be a good idea. (Or ask them for modding resources)
  9. Hi ! I'm here to show you my project about a mod whose story would take place in the Grey Quarter and would improve the story about this quarter in the videogame. Let's be honest, the Grey Quarter was a good idea on the paper but, in real, there's nothing exciting in the game about it. So, I've decided to develop a story that would change a little depending the race of your character. Please read all the explanations below (I know, this is a big long...) and forgive me about my english (this is not my native language). Renascence of the House Hlaalu A.Join the faction. First of all, there should be a little group of dunmers seeking to oppose the Nords of Windhelm to be heard, to have the opportunity to live in the city and Skyrim like anyone else and to develop the Grey Quarter. I thought Belyn Hlaalu might be the chief of that little group, seeking to revive the House Hlaalu in the same way. Then, we should be able to join this faction but, according to our character, in different ways. Thus, in case where our character would be a Dunmer, we should be able to join the faction directly after receiving a letter (after completing a number of quests - which could correspond to a certain fame in Skyrim and in the letter). This letter would be an invitation to join a man in one of the rooms below the bridge of Windhelm. This man would be an associate of Belyn Hlaalu who would make us enter in Windhelm by underground and would explain us the dunmers' situation in Windhelm and the Grey Quarter. Then, he would lead us directly in the headquarter of the faction where, finally, we would meet Belyn Hlaalu. There, we would learn the essential about the faction and its goals and we could officially join it. From there, the missions would be given directly by Belyn Hlaalu. If our character is a Bosmer or an Altmer, we would have to go to Windhelm to trigger the quest (by talking to the female dunmer after helping her against the two Nords who are harassing her when we get in the city for the first time). This female dunmer could ask us: If we are a Bosmer: "But you who are not so far from us other Dunmer, perhaps you could help us ?" If we are an Altmer: "But you who are somewhat responsible for these conflicts between the Nords and the Mers these days, maybe you feel concerned?" From there, depending to our answer ("Yes"/"No"), she could tell us to join a man in the New Gnisis and ask him: If we are a Bosmer: "I want to help the Dunmers and the Grey Quarter." If we are an Altmer: "I feel somewhat responsible when I see the state of the Grey Quarter. I know that the actions of Altmers and the Thalmor in Skyrim influence tensions between the Nords and the Mers. I wish I could redeem myself from your people." Then, the guy we came to see would act so: If we are a Bosmer, he would lead us in a cellar under the New Gnisis where we would meet a strange guy with his face masks (Belyn Hlaalu with a mask). There, they would give us a quest: caught the Nord who likes to fight dunmers in the act by finding him in one of the house of the Grey Quarter, threatening a dunmer. We would have to lock him in a room and then call a guard. This quest finished, we could go back to the cellar under the New Gnisis where we would met Belyn Hlaalu and join officially the faction. From there, Belyn would give us some quests only from that cellar and we would not see the headquarter of the faction before a few other quests. If we are an Altmer, he would ask us to prove we want to redeem ourselves. To do so, we would have to caught the Nord who likes to fight dunmers in the act by finding him in one of the house of the Grey Quarter, threatening a dunmer. We would have to lock him in a room and then call a guard. This quest finished, we could go back to the New Gnisis. There, the guy would take this act as a proof. He would lead us to the cellar under the New Gnisis where we would meet a strange guy with his face masks (Belyn Hlaalu with a mask). Then, this masked guy would give us a few quests to complete before officially joining the faction. After that, we would have a few other more quests before being able to go to the headquarters of the faction. If our character is a Khajiit, a Redguard, a Breton or an Imperial, we would have to go to Windhelm and directly to the New Gnisis to trigger the quest (by talking to the guy in the club). From there, we would have to tell him: "I want to help the Dunmers and the Grey Quarter." Then, he would ask us to prove we are not some spy from the Nords. To do so, we would have to caught the Nord who likes to fight dunmers in the act by finding him in one of the house of the Grey Quarter, threatening a dunmer. We would have to lock him in a room and then call a guard. This quest finished, we could go back to the New Gnisis. There, the guy would take this act as a proof. But, he would give us some other quests to be sure we are motivate. After a few quests, he would lead us to the cellar under the New Gnisis where we would meet a strange guy with his face masks (Belyn Hlaalu with a mask). Then, this masked guy would give us a few quests to complete before officially joining the faction. After that, we would have a few other more quests before being able to go to the headquarters of the faction. If our character is a Nord, we would have to go to Windhelm and directly to the New Gnisis to trigger the quest (by talking to the guy in the club). From there, we would have to tell him: "I know I am Nord and understanding between our two peoples is difficult, but I want to show that we are not all you haters. I want to help the Dunmers and the Grey Quarter." Then, he would ask us to prove we are not some spy from Ulfric and the Stormcloaks. To do so, we would have to do two quests: Firstly, we would have to caught the Nord who likes to fight dunmers in the act by finding him in one of the house of the Grey Quarter, threatening a dunmer. We would have to lock him in a room and then call a guard. Secondly, we would have to steal some secret documents in Ulfric's bedroom about the Grey Quarter and his doubts that the killer of Windhelm is a dunmer. These quests finished, we could go back to the New Gnisis. There, the guy would ask us to resolve the quest "Blood on the ice" (in order to prove that the killer isn't a dunmer). This quest finished, we would go back to the New Gnisis. There, the guy would take this act as a proof. But, he would give us some other quests to be sure we are motivate. After a few quests, he would lead us to the cellar under the New Gnisis. There, he would explain us that the main chief of his faction doesn't trust us yet, but that we are on track to join them. To be more discrete, we would have to meet him there everytime. There, the guy would give us some other quests. After which we will meet a strange guy with his face masks (Belyn Hlaalu with a mask). There, the faced guy would give us one big quest (I was thinking about a quest including the Thalmor ambassy) before he would lead us to the headquarters and officially accept us in the faction (with a little speech to the troops about the fact that people can change). If our character is an Argonian, it would be impossible to join the faction. We would have the possibility to talk to the guy in the New Gnisis, but I will not answer, or he will be really fierce. B. The main faction quests. Here, I think there should be a single path, no matter the race of the character, with perhaps some additional quests for Nords characters. I thought about three parallels paths of quests. One path to improve the Grey Quarter (by a contract with the sawmill of Anga, by escorting merchant to Windhelm, by leading Aranéa Iénith from the Azura's shrine to the Grey Quarter - after the daedric quest - to make a temple, etc). Another path to improve the neighborhood's image in the eyes of the people of Windhelm (by making quests helping Windhelm from the game - as The White Phial - and some new ones). And one last path to improve the House Hlaalu, with a bigger headquarter, some new recruits and, why not, some outposts in other cities of Skyrim. Maybe we could have some quests concerning Riften (where the dunmers are much more welcome) and some merchants, or the Khajiit caravans... Also, I thought about another path of quests concerning the civil war and depending the side we could have chosen, but I don't know if it's possible (I thinkg it might be too difficult to do). C. Rewards/Final changes. At the end of all these quests, we shouldn't become the leader of the faction, but: If we are a Dunmer, a Bosmer or an Altmer, the henchman, or the confidant, of Belyn Hlaalu and an honored guest or a member with an honorary title of the House Hlaalu and the Grey Quarter. With that, we could have a house in the Grey Quarter (something fun but not kitsch or hallucinating with a nightclub instead of an enchantment and alchemy table). And, finally, the Grey Quarter could evolve as quests are going on. I was even thinking about some dunmer sguards in a Hlaalu armor (a variant from the redoran armor, that could be done as a gift from the whole quarter at the end). D. A few extra additions. When we look at the Grey Quarter from the sky, we can see two lanes forming a diamond-shaped building with a thick wall around it, forming the walls of Windhelm.. Knowing that, I think it would be "easy" to add some homes on different levels or in empty places. To add some homes, but an Azura's temple and maybe a blacksmith specializing in the elven armor (vanilla and mods), too. And, of course, the Hlaalu headquarters. The New Gnisis could be improve as well. Two armors could be had: One for the members of the faction and one in chitin for some dunmers guards (3 or 4) in the two lanes. There is one big thing I would like to add to this mod: being able to play this quest as a falmer (from the mod "Snow Elf Race - The True Falmer"). I love that race and I'm playing one in the game. So, maybe it could be cool to add some lines of dialogue when we met the guy in the New Gnisis, like: "You are not an Altmer or from any race I could know. What are you ?" By answering, "I'm a falmer from the Jerall Mountains" (for example), he could just tell us: "Well, this is not something you see every day." (or prepare some lambda lines of dialogue for every mods adding new races). I want this because I make a huge scenario for a Skyrim mod about ancients falmers. E. Note. The title I finally choose is "Renascence of the House Hlaalu". But I don't know how to change the title of this topic (and if we can do that, indeed). If using Belyn Hlaalu is too complicated, it should be able to create another hlaalu's character (like a brother or something). What I've told you in all that description is only what I have in my mind. All is not fixed and dialogues are purely symbolic. If some people are interesting to help me to make this mod a real thing, just contact me ! I have a scriptwriter formation from Quebec and I know how to built a scenario for cinema, TV, web AND videogames. I hope, at least, I will have some feedback about this.
  10. Does anybody know of good Dark Elf mods? It could be any kind of mod like hair, beards, eyes, clothes (that would be good *hint hint*), armour/armor (same thing), houses, enemies, ruins/forts, bandit camps, weapons, places, marriable NPCs... Maybe someone is making a mod or will make one?
  11. The idea: I'm going to start a new character with much more roleplay than I've ever done before. I've been writing a backstory in my head and setting some goals and restrictions on my new toon before even starting the game. So, I thought I'd write most of the thoughts down here in terms of backstory and personality and others can play through with the "same" starting character if they like and it might be interesting to see what different choices our characters make. Skills/Personality: Mods "required": The short story: The detailed story:
  12. This is some sort of log book to keep check of my progress on my current WIP mod: Falasmaryon Reloaded. See my fresh Tumblr if you want regular updates. http://swordguru.tumblr.com/ I apologize for the dark screenshots. these were taken from the creation kit with the light switches turned off. Sorry for the segmented and sometimes incoherent writings. I'm typing this at 4 AM. The concept of Falasmaryon is something I've conceived, thrown away, reconceived, changed, and reconceived again. There has been many changes in the ideas of what would compose the mod overtime. The first mod I had released was a demo preview I had made back then to demonstrate the general outlay of the house mod, and comparing it to my work now, it will pretty much be unrecognizable. http://i.imgur.com/CdoTWri.png So what's a Falasmaryon ? The name comes from an old Dunmer fortress in TES3: Morrowind, quite fitting name to describe a dark elf stone fort. But the similarity ends here. Falasmaryon is nothing close to a medieval looking stronghold filled with sixth house worshippers. The house mod is in fact, a relatively big bunker located inside the mountains of Skyrim, close to an underground watercave system. Greatly inspired from Bioshock designs, the house's particularity revolves around often anachronic technologies powering the dome, more than unfit for the Tamriel Universe. But worry not, I got everything covered with the "ancient lost dwemer magick!" excuse. Hell, you'll find familiar urban items such as a jokebox aptly named "Bard Vault" or a nice motorbike that is actually a "Mechnostead". Of course none of these creations aesthetically stand out of the game as they're often collages of various dwemer themed statics to form the rough shape. http://i.imgur.com/EfPWSUj.png http://i.imgur.com/p7Skquo.png Back to the impossibly advanced technology part, you'll find holographic generators, aetherium-powered false nightskies for your bedroom, and the most important part: A hecklot of aquariums. Not the furniture type. Rather, they will be comprised as windows or walls giving you a sense of depth indoors. They're all unique in shapes as well as I took the time to carefully design each and every of them. Because I did lack models, you'll be surprised to see that the only type of fish living in underwater caves are salmons of all sizes. If any of you have custom animated sealife models to share, you would do me a great favor. In the current making of the house, I wanted to keep 3 big principles clear: Ease of access from one room to another and reduced loading time despite the cells being filled with bajillions of details. My 3rd wish was the use of unique architecture and design to keep the player unfamiliar with the environement and make sure the house stands out from other housing mods in some ways. the 2 first principles were attained by using an elevator system with buttons leading to each rooms, greatly reducing the time the player would have to take to travel between them. Amongst the important rooms you'll find: -The Penthouse. Where you and your favorite companions sleep. There are 2 bedrooms and both of them have artificial night sky view from the bed itself, giving a huge contrast to the aquarium windows right next to them. I was afraid it wouldn't mix out well but the end result was very satisfying. http://i.imgur.com/MJuzBY9.png EXTRA IMAGES: http://i.imgur.com/0SMCG3Y.png http://i.imgur.com/qzDns8h.png http://i.imgur.com/jHPqwTm.png http://i.imgur.com/HwqtNVf.png -The Library: or Hall of Arcana. This is where all the magick happens. The library design is heavily inspired on castlevania's respective library stages. I wanted to give the feeling of unending rows of shelves filled with various books, leaving the impression that you could spend the rest of your time "harvesting" knowledge in there. If you look up you'll be able to see constellations with the help of the magic astrolabe dome. http://i.imgur.com/XHQwL7x.png http://i.imgur.com/jvnT2N9.png EXTRA IMAGES: http://i.imgur.com/TGs5Gje.png http://i.imgur.com/q0NbJyJ.png http://i.imgur.com/qlaEJ2Y.png http://i.imgur.com/hG1iKhs.png http://i.imgur.com/ahZ7w0r.png http://i.imgur.com/dJ7IeXO.png http://i.imgur.com/yIJOXhM.png -The Hall of War: this one is still WIP. Contains all the smith amenities including leatherworking. It will be in the shape of a drop, the center being a temple with a view up another huge aquarium and a giant, frozen sword in the middle. -The Stone Church: WIP. Apparently a sunken akaviri temple. What is it doing deep inside the mountain halls of Skyrim ? The previous owner rebuilt it as a fancy pub. Most of your extra companions can have smaller personnal rooms there. Also the biggest aquarium window extending over roughly 100 in-game meters (328 feet). -Balmora's Bath house: WIP. Sphere shaped glass room with an intricate fountain in the middle and view on space, of courrrrse. I love designing these. -Hanging Gardens: WIP. Only exterior cell of the mod to limitate conflict with others. Though it's location being nearly unreachable by normal means, it shouldn't be a problem. -The Treasury: WIP. Custom artifact stocking furnitures will be available there as well as a war room to prepare your next adventure. That's about it. The mod will be pretty much fully functionnal once the Hall of War will be completed, so that's when I'll probably release it. So why am I posting about my shitty mod here in the forums when I can't even announce a proper release date ? See, my allergy to scripting is crippling. I need some volunteers to write out simple scripts such as one that allows an activator to make a static hidden or reveal it at whim. Another one would be the ability to turn a monster (ex: mother wisp) into a bartering/conversing NPC, and last but not least, some cool auto-sorting script would be nice... Obviously I'm demanding a lot here. That is why if you have the will to code these on papyrus or are really kind hearted, I would welcome any form of help in that domain. http://i.imgur.com/nU4ijmg.png Many of the custom assets you see in the screenshots were from other modders obtained either with their permissions or as free to use resources. I will add the full list of credits once the first part of the mod is released. Right now I'm not sure I'll be using all of them. Really hope you'll like it as it is my first full public mod release.
  13. Well basically what I thought up in the shower was a unique follower that people might care about. Obviously when people go through the trouble of getting specific mods for followers they don't want them to die, but they won't be emotionally impacted if they do. But that's beside the point. Being more specific, I imagined that you, the Dragonborn, get caught up in some little insignificant quest, so you go to do it. Thing is, there's a group of Argonian slavers that are in the way and they capture you, not really knowing who you are. You get transported to a slave camp in Southern Morrowind/Northern Blackmarsh (because the Argonians invaded Morrowind when the Red Mountain erupted, then enslaved many Dunmer and claimed a good portion of Morrowind, in case you didn't know). Because the slave camp's overseer or whatever it's called (who also happens to be an Argonian Shaman (I was thinking they'd be a female)) sees strength in you, they assign you to the deepest, most physically grueling part of an (was thinking ebony, or maybe you could make up some other rare ore) mine. Then, enter the Dunmer follower (whom I haven't cared to name). He's been in those mines for quite some time, and knows his way through them well. He knows how the guards operate, he knows their names, and he knows how to get around them. Basically, he's a bad ass just biding his time until an opportunity arrives. He also happens to be the de-facto leader of the other slave-miners. So after you enter the mine and get to work, he approaches you and offers you work to make your life a little easier in the deep mines. This would allow the entire quest line thing to be drawn out, and also add a lot more room for character development and the exploration of life outside of Skyrim's borders. Anyway, after you prove your worth to him doing odd-jobs like stealing, brawling, and murdering certain people for him, he realizes that you're just what he needs to get out of there. You do even more work for him preparing for the breakout, and get to know him more as a person. And now the great escape. You have everything you need to escape, now just to execute the plan. You and the Dunmer use what you've gathered and make your way to the surface, freeing other slaves as you go. Of course like any plan, nothing goes perfectly according to it. Something happens and you have to solve the issue and save the Dunmer or whatever, it's up to you (the modder). After reaching the surface, you, the Dunmer, and your small army of slaves work to free the rest of the slaves from that particular camp. Eventually you face the overseer and yaaaaay you've won. You can get all your stuff back from her quarters or something that makes more sense (forgot to mention earlier, all your belongings are confiscated when you're captured). You've helped the Dunmer, so he vows to help you and figures that anywhere, even Skyrim, is better than this hell hole (the slave camp). About the slave camp, it should be a location in southern Morrowind or northern Black Marsh. It should be pretty large, maybe a good portion of Solstheim in comparison. You should be able to leave it by carriage directly to one of Skyrim's border gates. It should have extensive underground tunnels and mines, because that's a pretty big part of the quests I described. All the guards and non-slave staff should be Argonians, with maybe a few exceptions. This should also be fully voiced, because fully voiced mods are awesome (when the voice actors do a good job). It should have around six actors at least, for the follower, the overseer, the guards (male/female), and slaves (male/female). This is considering that all the guards are Argonians and all the slaves are Dunmer. You'll probably want to use a bit more if you want to add slaves/guards of other races to the mix. Because it's also supposed to be a follower mod, he's got a bunch of dialog for different crap and can do everything a regular follower can do, yada yada yada. Think Inigo (another follower mod, a Khajiit) as a Dunmer. So what do you think of this shower-wrought idea? Any takers? Any extra ideas? Any questions? Let me know below.
  14. Ok something that I cam across that made me totally switch to the Stormcloaks side. While in the library at the Bards college I found this book called the Dunmer of Skyrim. I noticed it as one I haven't read before so picked it up, and the contents... well it was written by one of the "oppressed" elves living in Windhelm. Here's a few excerpts (thanks to the usep wiki) that give a general synopsis of the book. we dark elves have come, and little by little, shall claim Skyrim as our own. But where, you may ask, have we taken up residence? Why none other than the ancient city of Windhelm once the capital of the First Empire. The district once known as the Snow Quarter is thus named no more. Now, they call it the Gray Quarter, for such is the reality of the Dunmer occupation. The district is now populated entirely by my kind, a victory not lost on its residents. Oh, but the peaceful occupation goes even further.You'll find no Nord mead hall in the Gray Quarter. But the spirits flow well enough in the New Gnisis Cornerclubb. Seeking a respected family? You'll find no Gray-Manes within these walls. But perhaps you'd like to pay a visit to the home of Belyn Hlaaluu, descendant of one of the most noble housess in all of Morrowind. So now, "children of Skyrim," you have the truth of it. You may call this province home, but you can no sooner claim to own it than a cow can claim to own its master's field. You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter. It should also be noted that the Dark Elf that talks with Brun-wulf who becomes Jarl of Windhelm should Ulfric die has an imperial banner hanging in the second floor of the new Gnisis cornerclub. I'm starting to think those two peasants you see bullying that dark elf chick when you first walk into the city might have been close when they suggested that the Dark Elves might be Imperial spies. What do you guys think about this. Are those Dark Elves in Windhelm still as innocent as you previously thought? Edit: Also another book I found called Scourge of the Grey Quarter puts even more light to the situation. The Dunmer living in Riften aren't oppressed at all. The only reason the Dunmer of Windhelm are in such conditions is because 1. Ulfric had no where else for them to live besides the Snow Quarter (I belief he removed several Nords from their homes there to make room there.) 2. As shown above they have superiority complex and want to transform not just Windhelm but all of Skyrim into Morrowind MK II. Also the Argonians are kept on the docks to avoid racial tension with the Dark elves who were their slave masters for centuries. The Nords actually have a fondness for their Argonian workers.
  15. I was just wondering (and hoping) if someone could create my main character, my dunmer from ESO. I've tried before, but I am just HORRIBLE at it. Also, I don't know if this is in the correct forum, but I am putting it here as it is a 'request' of sorts. Here are screenies of her face. If you do, thanks! Also, let me know what mods you used if you do this. Also, there is no need for the scar things, I'm fine without those.
  16. Hi, having read a bit of the lore of TES, and Morrowind specifically, I've found that for several reasons the "right" (for me, at any rate) race to play in Morrowind is the Dunmer. However, I'd like to tweak them a bit, since I do in fact want to play a (pure) mage character - which the dunmer really are not. What I was thinking is to duplicate the Dark Elf race and create a new version that has been culturally brought up in say, e.g., High Rock. Yes, you guessed it: I simply want a Dunmer that has the skills and abilities of a Breton (tweak the attributes a bit, though). To create this in itself in the TES CS isn't the problem. What has me stumped is the Body Parts bit and voices. So I was wondering if either a) I could give the full requirements specification of how I want this to work, and hope that an angelic soul of a fellow Morrowind player/modder can do this for me :-) or b) someone could give me CLEAR instructions on how I create Body Parts for my new race. I simply don't get it; do I need a 3D modelling program to do this? Basically I thought I just had to duplicate the existing ones for Dunmer... But also seems like A LOT of work, and I'm not sure what I must do in order not to mess up the Body Parts for the original Dunmer. I use the Morrowind Overhaul MGSO 3.0 with better bodies. No other head/hair mods for Dunmer (I do for Bretons though).
  17. I really need some input on a lore matter, and hope someone in here is up for discussing it. Having recently begun to read up on the very mysterious House Dagoth, I came to re-read this text, and it struck me just how much it would change Dunmer history if its accounts are true. And since the Tribunal tried to hide it, something points to that being the case... Basically, if what this text says is true, it really alters House Dagoth and the story of TES 3. Dagoth Ur isn't the primary antagonist if you think about it, he was betrayed just as much as Nerevar was. He didn't go mad due to simple greed, he went mad after being betrayed, attacked by his comrades after he failed to protect his friend and beloved king, and left to "hybernate" in the glow of the heart's corruptive powers. If this book is to be believed, one could argue the Nerevarine only had to kill Ur because his plans for revenge were too extreme, and ranged too far beyond that. The betrayal transformed him into this deranged demi-god. The Tribunal are the true root of all evil. They deliberately betrayed everyone and in doing so actually created Dagoth Ur, and Azura sent the Nerevarine to simply "clean up" the aftermath of The War of the First Council, and set things straight - Not primarily to defeat Dagoth Ur, who was as much a victim of betrayal as Nerevar himself, and made deranged by the actions of Almsivi. This would also mean there could be a possibility for House Dagoth to rise again and be accepted by the new Temple, just as the Nerevarine, Reclamations and Ashlanders were. I think this is backed up by the fact that the alternative makes less sense in my opinion, and the Tribunal did lie about, well, basically most other things. I just thought it was an interesting thought that the percieved antagonist of TES 3 isn't really the main villain if you actually look into the lore. Thoughts?
  18. I'm hoping after this is posted someone with quality modding experience will be inspired to recreate lord vivecs armor preferably the design from ESO. I've seen some dunmer armor mods surfacing on the nexus and bethesda I think this would be a great addition for pc and xbox players if this were to be made.
  19. I really want to see this armor in 4K or 2K textures.
  20. Can anyone make a light armor version of the dunmer robes from Dragonborn DLC please it's ok with enchantments or without them
  21. Hello there, there are a plethora of armor mods out there for the Dunmer, but I am looking for two to complete the set. Something themed around Azura to go with the Mephala and Boethia themed armors that are already present [Morag tong and Mephala Prelate. Boethia ritual and ebony mail]. The other is the Buoyant Armiger armors, anything along those lines is just a mash up or just a recolor of other existing armors. ESO has their version based off of the Glass armor from Morrowind, but do not need to go in that direction. I know skywind already has their glass armor, but that is not publicly available [would also like to get my hands on their rederon ebony armor but that is wishful thinking]
  22. This is a simple task many people on nexus have made these mods so please have the option of adopting beast kids and kids of mer please this needs to be done my bethesda launcher wont work so i cant myself but please i beg someone and this mod will be much supported and downloaded as noone has done this at all
  23. Iâd like to request a simple heavy armor mod that would add in the ESO Dunmer Style motif Heavy Armor.
  24. Hullo! I have a dark elf on my skyrim game, and I feel like the skin is to light looking, granted most enbs make it lighther, vanilla game's skin texture for dark elves is too light for me. I'm looking for any sort of mod that will fix this, I want that grey color. I would like a recommendation for basically anything that will make the Dark elf skintone more like the original morrowind one. Here is a screen from my game on how it currently looks http://i.imgur.com/M1TaFHx.jpg
  25. Needs a better name, obviously. I am in no way capable of creating this, but I think it's an interesting concept. The mod begins with a quest from a stranger. A treasure hunter sulking in the far corner of a tavern requests that the player join him in exploring some nearby ruins, offering a share of the ritches and stating that the player is 'the best canditate out of this sorry bunch.' He then leads the player to said ruins and, once (s)he reachs the final chamber, turns on him/her. In an animation sequence similar to a certain Thieves Guild quest, he stabs you and leaves you dying on the floor after looting your stuff. As the screen fades to black, you hear a Khajiit and Argonian say lines based on race. (Player is a Khajiit/Argonian:) They will sadly proclaim that "(s)he is another victim of such mindless violence toward our kind and to quickly bring him/her to the sanctuary, there isn't much time." (Player is a Nord or High Elf) Arguments regarding "we can't just leave him/her here to die, nobody deserves that." and (for Altmer) "might be Thalmor scum." The player then wakes up in the bedroom of a small shack. A female Khajiit enters and says she's glad you're awake, her husband was in a scouting party that found you on the brink of death. She took you in and cared for you. Again, she will say something about your race. She will then offer the player food and clothes, "it's not much, but it's all they have." The player's inventory has been cleared* (now wearing only ragged trousers and a new apparel called 'bloodied bandages:' a bandage wrapped around the chest) and (s)he is given basic cloths and bread. Scattered next to the bed are a few 'empty healing potions' and bloody rags. The player emerges from the shack (depending on the player, after offering to repay for the kindness) and finds him/herself in a massive underground cavern. Similar in style to Shadowgreen Cavern, about the size of Blackreach, and packed with tents and shanties bordering a large underground lake. It's an entire town built to shelter the unwanted and the abused: victims of the civil war, the Thalmor, and other displaced people. It's made up of Khajiits, Argonians, Dunmer, and any other refugee. It also serves as a home base for Khajiit caravans and has a fairly impressive 'foreign' market at its center (offering exotic new items). Since you lost all of your items, you have to obtain unique or basic local gear through quests. Quests: The Watch (better name needed) Broken Wheel's version of the town guard. It's a brotherhood dedicated to keeping Broken Wheel secret and safe. The player has the option of joining their ranks and rising to the top. Watch Quests would include: * Assisting the Khajiit caravans (finding goods, providing protection on the road). The player patrols alongside the caravans and fends off bandit or animal attacks. An example of a larger quest under this catagory: A member of the Watch runs up to the player and informs them that a caravan has been ambushed by bandits. The player then discovers a band of bandits holding the Khajiit prisoner on the side of the road (their guard either dead or currently being 'roughed up') while they riffle through the caravan's supplies. You have the option of fighting the bandits, taking them out stealthily, confronting the chief and persuading/intimidating/bribing, etc. * Seeking out potential refugees and transporting them safely to the sanctuary. * Helping out 'citizens' in need. * Hunting down and dealing with a Falmer camp that has been causing trouble. * "Some bandits found their way into the tunnels outside of Broken Wheel. Make sure they don't get any further." * Defending Broken Wheel from a Thalmor or Bandit/slaver/bounty hunter/racist Nord attack. * And more, all with unique dialog trees and player-centered options. Other Quests and Features Quests gained from the people of the town. Possible quests include (again, each with varied dialogue trees and options): * Rescuing someone's captive brother/sister/husband/wife or freeing a slave. * Something involving skooma or thievery. Ties to the Thieves Guild. * Hunting down the person that left you for dead, recovering your stuff from a chest in his home. * Tensions between Argonians and Dunmer which the player could chose a side or attempt to resolve. * An arena where one can watch, bet, or participate in animal fights or unarmed brawls. * A new player home. * A market offering unique items of Khajiit, Argonian, and Dunmer origin. * Hist smuggling. * Seeking out Dunmer in Winterhold. * Entering the Thalmor Embassy near Solitude and informing them of Broken Wheel's location. Leading a party of Thalmor into the town and destroying it. (Despicable Thalmor Scum that you are) * So much more that I can't think of. Notable NPCs * The Khajiit that takes you in. The husband is a member of the Watch. For starters, you can replace or repay the healing potions used to fix you up and other favors. Their home acts as a player home until you get your own. * An exiled Renrijra Krin: a fearsome Khajiit and high ranking member of the Watch. This Khajiit was once a slave. His owner cut out his tongue as punishment for his violent actions and attempts at leading a revolt. He can become a follower. * An ex-Ordinator Dunmer: Another high ranking member of the Watch. Possible follower, his quest rewards include Ordinator gear and heirlooms. * Broken Wheel acts as a safe haven for players with bounties: one can find a man who is willing to make any bounty dissapear. . . for the right price of course. * Plenty of shady characters offering poisons and other less than legal items. Fences. * Merchants and members of the Khajiit Caravans. * More Layout The entrance to Broken Wheel consists of a twisting series of caves and guard posts leading up to a massive underground cavern and lake. Broken Wheel's opening is hidden behind a waterfall, and the cavern itself is tucked away deep into the mountains. There is also a large hidden area that serves as both a shortcut to the town and a stable for horses/ caravan storage. Obviously I don't expect anyone to make this mod, but I think it would be fun to discuss the possibilities.
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