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  1. It was the sexiest armor Fromsoft has made before Carian Knight Armor but I can't find anything suitable to my taste for an Ornstien type build I want to try next file. Youtube link for inspiration! Also Archer and Lancer from Fate/Stay Night would be epic!
  2. one of the biggest artistic problems i have with ds2 is the sound effects. Every audio file sounds like it was recorded inside a tin can using a cheap standard xbox 360 microphone, and any that do come in clear don't sound anything like what its supposed to be emulating. Meanwhile DS1 and 3 had very crisp and distinguishable sound effects. I know recently the capability of extracting and editing sound files has made its way to the souls franchise, but I dont know how to use any of that. I was wondering if someone had the time to make, or is already working on, a sound effects overhaul for Dark Souls 2 that replaces most if not all of the sound effects like sword clashing, parrying, spells, weapon impacts, footsteps, armor clinking in motion, etc. with those used in ds1 or 3 (preferably 3). This would do a lot to breathe new life into DS2 for me since (unpopular opinion, i know) i think ds2 is the best gameplay in the dark souls trilogy, even if the content and some artistic choices were flubbed real hard
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