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  1. I tried Masculine argonian mod SOS version and feet works great but when I tried G3NN4S Drachis and SOS Support but it didn't work and then I noticed that Drachis SOS support has feet textures separately unlike Masculine argonian mod that has them in argonianmalebody.dds I want to use Drachis argonian mod but just can't cuz feet has messed up textures. I would do it myself but I just can't get DDS files to work with GIMP so Im asking if some would do it :tongue: Im playing Skyrim SE and Im using Tempered Skins for Males and I think it uses better feet lol https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902/ If anybody is interested making some edits to Drachis Argonian mod I would be so happy! :smile: I found this but feet still looks bit weird https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18752
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