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  1. These mods still need to be updated. I just want to raise awareness. I attempted to do it myself, but really had difficulty. Simply Knock Skyrim's Paraglider Upscaler
  2. Hello everyone, this is my first post here, so I politely ask for your understanding if everything doesn't fit right away. I have a question about a DLL file called "D3D11.dll". I use the mod "FO4LoadAccelerator v1.8" which includes the above file (115 kb). The mod works very well for me. I would like to use the "Polluted Climate v1.08" mod too, but I need to install the enbseries v0489 files first. But unfortunately there is also a DLL file with the same name "d3d11.dll" (2.6 mb) included. I tried replacing the smaller file with the larger one, but unfortunately then the mod "FO4LoadAccelerator" didn't seem to work anymore. What can I do to make both mods work at the same time, even though both use different DLL files that have the same name? Or is this - like so often - just a question of the load order of the mods? Thank you very much for your help!!! Kind regards walrossmaus2
  3. use all unlock dll fixed is not work in win11,how to unlock?
  4. Hey dovahs, im having a repeated issue even though ive updated my mods, its still not wanting to boot my skyrim how i want it. im currently updated to the latest AE build 1.6.640.0 Upon opening skse loader i get this message "a DLL plugin has failed to load correctly, if a new version of skyrim was just released, the plugin needs to be updated. Please check the mods webpage for updates. -enginefixes.dll: disabled, only compatible with version 1.6.629 -po3_tweaks.dll: disabled, only compatible with version 1.6.629 -proteus.dll: disabled, only compatible with version 1.6.629 -skee.dll: disabled, incompatible with current version of the game continuing to load may result in undesirable behavior." ive went and did every update i could to get these error messages to go away but still they persists. Any help would be appreciated
  5. I'm looking to create a mod akin to this one https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/65955?tab=files I have a mod that allows the player to interact with unconscious characters, the only issue is, when the player interacts with them a "... is unconscious" message. The mod still functions properly, I just don't feel like it's necessary to have the message pop-up whenever the player tries to access the NPC. I feel like it would be simple enough to make a dll file that'd disable these unconscious messages, my only issue is the fact that I can't open up the .dll file that comes with the mod linked above, and when I manage to, I can't decipher what it even says. I can't find any templates or tutorials for creating a nvse .dll, but so many people have mods that include them, so I feel like I'm just not looking in the right places. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, StealthDick
  6. Hi, I got a new laptop. Specs are: Windows 10 Home 64BIT / Intel® Core™ i7 Processor 6500U (2.50 GHz up to 3.10GHz 4 MB L3 Cache)/8GB RAM/ DIRECTX 12 /NVIDIA GEFORCE 940M/ REALTEK HD AUDIO. First, i had dll issues with d3dx9_42.dll , Xinput1_3.dll and X3daudio1_7.dll. So i googled and tired to install directx 9,10 and directx end-user runtime. But it only tells me to check DXERROR.LOG AND DIRECTX.LOG and won't install. I tired turning off antivirus, restart pc. but nothing worked, so i downloaded the dll files online and put them in skyrim folder. Then the game ran but without sound. furthermore i found that i actually had those dll files above in system32 folder but the game couldn't find it. It's no fun without sound. PLease help.
  7. Is there any modder/programmer out there, who is able to add a "notepad" to No Man's Sky using the NMS Extender? Exploring planets would be nice with a way to write down things about them within the game. It would be great to have a notepad in the System/Planet-List, optional with keyvalues like 'weather', 'temperatures', 'size', etc.
  8. Here is the issue... I have optimus laptop so I have to use the optimus fix for any d3d9.dll-type mods out there. I prefer around 50-60 fps so a straight up enb is out of the question, I want to use the enboost memory management feature though, so I downloaded the enblocal.ini file to overwrite the default one from the newest enbseries. To compensate for not using enbseries, I decided to use Ultimate Lighting Overhaul (sweetfx version) to get bloom and the other effects i want. So in case you don't see my issue yet, it's this: I have "3" d3d9.dll's and I have no idea how to make them work together... I understand that there is a way to chain two d3d9.dll's together by using the proxy settings in the enblocal.ini but I wouldnt know how to chain these three together properly... To make it easier to answer I currently have in my TESV.exe folder: d3d9.dll --------------- (with the all the appropriate enb series files) sweetfx_d3d9.dll ------ (from ultimate lighting overhaul) optimus_d3d9.dll -------(from the optimus fix) and these are my current proxy settings in enblocal.ini (this is the enboost ini file) : [PROXY]EnableProxyLibrary=trueInitProxyFunctions=trueProxyLibrary=sweetfx_d3d9.dll I realize that I may overlooking something obvious, but for the life of me I can't figure out what!! -Todd and if you're interested in my specs for whatever reason: i7 2670qm (2.2GHz quad ) 8 gigs of ram and a dedicated 580m (1024 vram) with an integrated intel hd graphics (optimus derp) -nothing overclocked- cant really oc this processor and 580m's still throttle a little early (though not as much as they used to)
  9. i get this message when starting oblivion http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2yvozsn&s=8#.VEJQJPmSxCg how to solve?
  10. So, I got a FCOM installation up and running for whenever I want it, and I want to use DLL with it. Does anyone have any recommended settings for the optimal experience?
  11. http://puu.sh/s4Krc.png xedit-lib Description xedit-lib is a project to build a DLL Wrapper for the xEdit framework. This will allow developers in the TES/FO modding communities to make use of xEdit's record definitions and functionality to read and write plugin files from the language of their choice. Developers can then focus on implementing larger solutions rather than constantly re-inventing the wheel. The library will include extensive documentation, a full suite of tests, and plug-and-play wrappers for multiple programming languages. The languages which I plan on building wrappers for, in order of priority, are listed below: - Delphi (primarily for testing) - Javascript (with NodeJS) - C# - Python - C++ - Ruby - Java Design The library will be designed similar to xEdit scripting, though with a number of notable improvements. A primary goal is to yield enough functionality from the library to create a full GUI application as an alternative to TES5Edit at a future point in time. It's also important to return arrays from library functions so users can use functional programming paradigms for iteration, filtering, mapping, etc. All functions in the library will use the cdecl calling convention for maximum accessibility. All functions will use boolean return values to indicate whether or not the function executed correctly. All functions are internally wrapped in an exception handler which prevents exceptions from bubbling up to the calling application (which results in runtime errors). The library will allow applications to load multiple load orders without having to unload the DLL. The library will never directly pass out interfaces to files, records, groups, or elements. Instead, when an interface would be returned from a function the library instead stores the interface in an internal list and passes out an index (or handle) to the stored value. The calling application can release a single handle, or reset the entire interface store between extremely large operations. This should not be an issue, as the limit for handles is ~4 billion, which could only be reached if you loaded ~4GB of plugins or stored all elements in all loaded plugins multiple times over. We would run out of RAM accessible to the 32-bit DLL before we would run out handles. The library will feature extensive serialization methods, which will allow users to serialize and deserialize elements, records groups, or even entire plugins to/from JSON, XML, and YAML. Progress You can track my progress on the library from the GitHub repository. The planning document shows an overview of the functions that have been implemented and have not been implemented. As of 11/2/2016, I'm close to being halfway done implementing the library itself. Once the library itself is implemented, I will be working on the testing suite and wrappers for different programming languages. If you are a software developer and would like to help make this project happen sooner, please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate any help the community can offer me on this project. Use Cases I envision a number of use cases for this project, including patching, automation, resolving plugin errors, and building new mods. This project is, in many ways, a spring board from which many other projects can be made. I personally plan on making an Electron AngularJS application using this library. Working on Mod Picker has shown me that I really like the architecture and systems involved in web development, which are by my measure superior to desktop application development in many areas. (most notably GUI design) Please refer to the use cases document for more information about how I plan on using this library in the future. FAQ Q: What about Mator Smash and Merge Plugins? A: Those application will continue to be supported and developed. While fighting with Delphi to get the GUI to act as I want is very tiring at times, the battle is mostly won for these applications. I do not currently plan on phasing out support for them any time soon, and I am looking forward to coming back to them to polish things off. It is possible that these applications may be "remastered" into Electron AngularJS applications using xedit-lib sometime in the distant future. Q: What about Mod Picker? A: Mod Picker is still my primary focus. I'm only working on xedit-lib in my off-hours. (~10 hours/week, where 60-90 hours a week goes to Mod Picker) Q: This is awesome, but I'm not a developer, how can I help? A: I don't have a job right now. I'm building modding tools full time right now. I'm hoping to continue doing this for the next 6 months, but when my funds dry up I will, inevitably, have to go out and get a Software Engineering position somewhere locally. If you'd like, you can donate to me on PayPal to support my efforts. Additionally, I greatly appreciate your feedback and encouragement on all of my projects. Q: Can you really match or exceed the xEdit GUI's functionality in a new application? A: Absolutely. xEdit has a fairly simple GUI, and building a GUI using HTML/CSS/JS is a heckuvalot faster, easier, flexible, and customizable compared to building a GUI with Delphi or another programming language. Q: When will you be done? A: I expect to have the library "completed" sometime in December. By Christmas at the latest. The GUI application will follow, with an alpha release ready for use by 2017. Things should be pretty solid by the end of February. This is all just estimations though, and really depends on how much time and work Mod Picker will require over the next few months.
  12. Now, this is not a quick and easy request to answer, because I know it takes quite a bit of effort to port DLL plugins from oldrim to SSE as opposed to simple form edits in SSEEdit, but I am here wanting to learn how to do it, and there is no information on how to even attempt this as far as I can find. So here it is: I want to learn how to take a DLL plugin made in 32 bit and port it to 64 bit. The plugin Im attempting to work with is the Enchantment Reload Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52717/?tab=posts&BH=2 the author egocarib already gave the source code and permission to port to SSE and stated he is not going to be working on a port anytime soon. So now I want help learning how to do it. And Im talking about beginner user with visual studio. I know some coding, but not C++. From what I gathered, porting requires changing the memory addresses since 64bit addresses are different than 32, which really only takes place in the hooks, I think. So things I want to know: How to open the source code in Visual Studio to begin porting How to find what needs to be changed How to find what it needs to be changed to and stuff that might be associated with doing the above tasks. I am willing to discuss on another medium since forums are not good for real time discussion, although if I learn something useful or learn of a site with useful information in that discussion, I may post it here for others who want to take the first few steps in creating/porting SKSE plugins. If I can get enough help to actually port the plugin, I will upload it and provide credit to anyone that provided help.
  13. Good day! So I recently bought a new laptop. It is an Acer Aspire V3 - 771. Here's the specs: Intel® Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHZ Dedicated Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M Integrated Video Card Intel® HD Graphics 4000 RAM 8.00 GB System Windows 8 64-bit Also attached is my dxdiag file but another oddity is the dedicated card doesn't show up except towards the end of the report. The problem is my gameplay is very choppy with a super low FPS of 20 or below even on low graphics. I believe this is due in part to my laptop choosing between the two cards and selecting the integrated card and not the dedicated one. I have researched online and have found this is a common problem. I have tried the basic quick fixed for this... i.e. forcing the NVIDIA control panel to use the dedicated card, making sure to have the laptop plugged in, trying to disable the integrated card in the device manager... etc. It has been a long and grueling trial and error but I am almost ready to give up. I have no internet in the house except for super slower than slow dial up haha... needless to say Skyrim is one of my few outlets but on this new laptop I cannot get it to run properly. From my understanding of what my specs are and what Skyrim needs to run even on High I should be able to play it no problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you can solve this problem I'll love you forever <3 P.S. From the screenshot you could infer I have some mods installed and yes... I have even tried running the game vanilla and it has no affect on the FPS. Thanks, Ixie
  14. Good day! So I recently bought a new laptop. It is an Acer Aspire V3 - 771. Here's the specs: Intel® Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHZ Dedicated Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M Integrated Video Card Intel® HD Graphics 4000 RAM 8.00 GB System Windows 8 64-bit Also attached is my dxdiag file but another oddity is the dedicated card doesn't show up except towards the end of the report. The problem is my gameplay is very choppy with a super low FPS of 20 or below even on low graphics. I believe this is due in part to my laptop choosing between the two cards and selecting the integrated card and not the dedicated one. I have researched online and have found this is a common problem. I have tried the basic quick fixed for this... i.e. forcing the NVIDIA control panel to use the dedicated card, making sure to have the laptop plugged in, trying to disable the integrated card in the device manager... etc. It has been a long and grueling trial and error but I am almost ready to give up. I have no internet in the house except for super slower than slow dial up haha... needless to say Skyrim is one of my few outlets but on this new laptop I cannot get it to run properly. From my understanding of what my specs are and what Skyrim needs to run even on High I should be able to play it no problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you can solve this problem I'll love you forever <3 P.S. From the screenshot you could infer I have some mods installed and yes... I have even tried running the game vanilla and it has no affect on the FPS. Thanks, Ixie
  15. https://github.com/43897689431805741092/PermanentEvasion Wanted to change something that bothered me slightly about a mod, but I'm not a coder. After 4 hours I got to the point of having Visual Studio assemble a DLL only for it to throw errors about missing assembly references to things like Harmony.dll, which I know are used by ModTek/BTML but I have no idea how to compile the mod 'against' this, or whatever I'm meant to do. But, apparently, compiling is very simple for persons who know how.
  16. Hello, I modified TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.dll -> Sandbox.CampaignBehaviors -> CraftingCampaignBehavior -> HourlyTick() so that it becomes private void HourlyTick() { foreach (KeyValuePair<Hero, CraftingCampaignBehavior.HeroCraftingRecord> heroCraftingRecord in this._heroCraftingRecords) { if (heroCraftingRecord.Value.CraftingStamina < 100) heroCraftingRecord.Value.CraftingStamina = Math.Min(100, heroCraftingRecord.Value.CraftingStamina + 5); } }In doing so, smithing energy is restored even outside of the town where it was depleted. I tried to include it in a mod by having the basic xml file pointing to it, though I'll admit I didn't expect it to work too well (it didn't). I then just copied that into the root/bin/Windows... folder and it now works. How would I go about doing this properly? Is it even possible? To be frank, I don't really understand the entry point we have into the game's code. It's all classes, but they have to be called somewhere. For instance, if I inherit from CraftingCampaignBehavior, and override the HourlyTick() method, how do I ensure it's my class that's used and not the parent class? Thanks in advance, EDIT: Just realized the redundancy of the if and min... That's the result of removing one of the two conditions in the if() clause. Whoever wrote that sure didn't want smithing energy to go past 100 !
  17. Hi, I get the pop up that tells me that last time I ran the game a script extender .dll plugin failed to load. I nuked everything in my game folder, returning to a completely default game. However the pop up still pops up telling me about the .dll error, I can dismiss it, but on Vortex restart, it will be back up. I was wondering where Vortex reads this information and if I can delete said file?
  18. Good afternoon everybody! N00b question here: Do I need to completley reverse the FO4.exe and all of its dependencies to create custom F4SE plugins? Because as far as I understand it, F4SE plugins are dlls that get dynamically loaded at a specified adress into the exe file, right? So, in order to create those plugins, I would need to have a complete and deep understanding of the fo4.exe and how it works, right? If so, are there any "resources" that could help with this? (I don't mean "basic" reversing, I mean specifically for fo4, because I don't want to "re-invent the wheel" if somebody else has already worked on this ...)
  19. Just trying to figure out stuff for future where I might be able to make mods for these games. I know literally nothing about .dll files - once I tried to open one the content was not something I could make sense out of. Does someone know what to do in order to open/edit one in a way that I could predict a working end result?
  20. Over the course of the past few days, I installed one mod - Auto Harvest 2- into my Enderal install using the Nexus Mod Manager. It worked perfectly, enabled on a clean save, and everything was fine. Then I upgraded to Vortex because I didn't know NMM was defunct. I made sure to uninstall the mod (mod, singular. No other mods to conflict with). I still had my clean save too so I reinstalled the mod using Vortex, which in theory should've done the *exact* same thing as using the NMM to designate Enderal as the Skyrim mod folder . . . and now I have this problem. The mod installs, but when I load up the save, I get a message $unloadDLL, and when I activate the mod with MCM, I get the message that a dll file, HarvestHelper, is not found, and the mod's main function does not work. I checked the folder, lo and behold the dll file is still there. I messed around with different load orders and got nothing. The mod used to work just fine, now I reinstalled it, an identical version, and it has decided the very real dll file in the SKSE folder no longer exists. I would appreciate any help at all, as I'm pretty exasperated at this point. PS I also tried a manual install, that didn't work either.
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