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  1. The Armaros Drone is one of the best features in the game, in my opinion. I love the tactical feel and blowing up enemies from the sky, and from a distance, but it needs a buff. You aren't given much time to use the Armaros Drone, and the payloads it delivers are not even as good as the rocket launcher, and slower (cooldown), and also very limited. I am hoping someone on this forum could make a mod or hack or knows of a mod or hack that would buff the Armaros Drone ability. I am sure there are others here that would love to have such a mod too.
  2. I hate when fans try to excuse a company's lazy behavior. For example: (Quote from the UESP Wiki). Imperial Law is only the Shivering Isles justice system because the developers thought creating an entirely new system based on madness would have been costly in terms of engine changes. So inexplicably Sheogorath is suddenly fair, punishing theft and murder. His realm should have been CHAOS incarnate. Trials are supposed to be insane. In some cases criminals should have been rewarded, in others, they should have been punished in creative ways. Copying the justice system from tamriel is an oversight, though I'm sure many people will justify this by coming up with plausible excuses such as "Look, maybe the laws were like that because Sheogorath was about to turn into Jyggalag, and thus he became more orderly". It's a nice excuse... a very nice one. But I can't do it. I know the real reason. The Shivering Isles has 14 side quests and 17 chain quests from the Main Story. I only liked three out of the 14 side quests: Vitharn, The Great Divide and the Museum of Oddities. Everything else is *trash*. Fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest. Bethesda's specialty. And then there's the SI Main Quest, which was amazing. You could argue that back in 2006 Bethesda still made some considerable effort toward their main content (i.e, the Guild Quest chains such as the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Arena [simple but fun], Mages Guild [Fun until the Voldemort clone appeared] etc. I'm not giving that merit to the Fighters Guild, because it's one of the most deplorable, lazy and stupid questlines ever written). The Knights of the Nine expansion is also pretty good and worthy of playing or replaying. But the rest ISN'T. The Shivering Isles was delivered to us as a fraction of what it could have been. The Lore is generally interesting, the Dungeons are kind of fun to conquer, the Oblivion Gates are interesting thematically and aesthetically, Vaermina's plane of nightmares is one of the most amazing in theory, but the Realm of Madness is without a doubt the best concluded idea for a setting they ever had. I find myself in a position where I acknowledge what we really got and feel happy about it, and also find myself looking at the true potential - and feeling sad for it. What would it be like if the NPCs weren't stupid but really mad? What if the demented were really intelligent and the worst psychos to ever grace the earth (sexually deranged, calculating, deceiving the player into complex ways)? What if the manics went really crazy with their imagination? What if the DLC had more side quests that were BETTER WRITTEN and way more imaginative (and mad), instead of the rushed two to four dialogue plot we got? Even the Shivering Isles MQ had room for improvement, though I admit it's a great questline (8.5/10). It's a few steps short from extraordinary (each step to the top takes a lot of extra effort), but at least it's something you can replay excited when revisiting the game. Another problem I have with the SI expansion is that there is nothing to do after you become the Madgod. There's no endgame content. An expansion in one of the few games where it's interesting to become a god deserved a huge free patch full of quests that would make you feel as one of the top tiers of the verse (the daedric princes). You also have no power by the way. Jygallag leaves you and if you don't mod your game or give yourself real power though cheats, you're the same adventurer you were. At least Bethesda made several NPCs recognize you as sheogorath, even though that's a small detail when you consider the ES Lore and how the game should have treated you. A couple of long and exciting post-game quests as a daedric god with challenges among the other gods (such as the Aedric gods or the other Princes) would have realized that potential. Gods fight their peers, and it would have been more than enough to "keep the game challenging from a gameplay perspective". But that requires passion. If the gaming industry - led by an interest in profit - would allow the devs to be more passionate about their works, these ideas would be commonplace. The devs would "feel" their games and think of ways to improve them beyond their initial scope. It's obvious these improvements have to end at some point, but I think we would be getting longer, better and way, way more interesting games. The only devs I think of now (2024) that are passionate or somewhat passionate about their works are the Indies.
  3. I really don't know that. Can a Daedric Prince "invade" another plane of oblivion that isn't his or her own plane? Can Vaermina enter Sheogorath's realm at her discretion, or can Mehrunes Dagon visit Boethia's plane of oblivion without his consent? And if he can do that, is the visiting Prince weaker or does he retain his full godhood? And how weak is he? Can he only keep his immortality as every lesser daedra or can he pull back more abilities than that? (try to provide proof).
  4. A laid-back thread where everyone's welcome to drop their thoughts and join the banter about Dragon Age Origins, modding and Nexus.
  5. I don't usually think about Survival (I'm a loot goblin), but I figured that it'd be nice to play just once to have the experience. So I looked into the differences between SE/AE Vanilla Survival and Modded Survival. From the look of it, Vanilla is more simplified and Modded is more complex; but with that complexity comes deeper and more fleshed out features, which would be really cool. So, now I'm gonna fish for opinions. Vanilla or Modded? Should I stick to Vanilla first while I get used to it, or should I go ahead and jump straight into Modded?
  6. After a few weeks, today I woke up to my first endorsement on my mod. A big deal mostly cause its a mod I made originally for me and to simply track my skill level at serious modding, so its a nice indicator that I'm able to put a coherent mod together to at least one person. It tells me the mod works, and thats the best part. But what about everyone else? How do you veterans judge if your mod is 'good'? Do you all judge based on endorsements and downloads? Or even judge the mod in general? Its all for fun and enjoyment, but Im curious what other motivations play into mod makers and what they create I guess? Or really anyone who mods in general, even new folks like me. Why do you create mods? Whats the end goal for you? Like, I enjoy modding because its a nice between to making a game and playing one. I get a huge sense of accomplishment working with my hands and making something function. Regardless if its using a wrench or a keyboard. And modding is another skill I can get a sense of accomplishment from. And far less greasy. Lol.
  7. With the update to Skyrim, Bethesda has launched its new Verified Creator Program. This allows mod authors to sell their mods through Bethesda's Creation Club store and earn a cut of the sale price. This looks to be the long-suspected "paid mods" update to Bethesda.net ahead of modding being enabled for Starfield. Check out the details here: https://creations.bethesda.net/en/creators/bethesdagamestudios What do you think?
  8. In playing this game, I've been thrown into DnD. With this level of freedom, I got curious about what playstyles people prefer. Do you like stealth? Talking your way out of things? Guns blazing? What are some fun niche playstyles I could try out?
  9. Okay, so I'm making a mod that combines aspects from a slew of other mods, though not drawing inspiration from any in particular (if that makes sense). Basically I started out making a mod that just removed the souls from a gem, but that was proving a pain and I figured I could squeeze more features into the mod if I instead went with a crafting path. What I mean by that is that I have to basically make a ton of recipes for soul gems. The idea is you can grind soul gems, empty or full, into a soul gem powder, and that soul gem powder will be an alchemy ingredient, but can also be used at [smelter or forge idk yet] to make soul gems. The [Powdered Soulgem]'s alchemy stats are currently as follows (though I'm open to suggestions): 1 - Paralysis 2 - Restore Magicka 3 - Fortify Enchanting 4 - Fortify Magicka My current amounts for grinding up soul gems are as follows (again open to suggestions): Petty - 1 powder Lesser - 2 powder Common - 3 powder Greater - 4 powder Grand - 5 powder Black - 7 powder Pretty straightforward I know, increments of one, but if anyone has a better idea that's the kind of thing I'm looking for input on. Ingredients for each gem is respective to its powder return, so 1:1. I'm not going to touch the capture feature in the game (compatibility with inquisitive soul gems), but I will consider any other suggestions thrown my way, given I can figure out how to do it. Thanks in advance, any input is appreciated!
  10. Hello! I've been wanting to do something that might be a great undertaking, creating a whole arsenal of historical and awesome weapons that I want to add to Skyrim. Only thing is I have no idea how to create the models, textures or even add it to the game. Any help would be much appreciated (I have fiddled with the creation kit and have a good understanding of the creation kit and its resources but nothing else).
  11. I was keen on chatting with the few modding enthusiasts remaining in 2017. I figured it would be nice to have an active Discord server, dedicated to both Mod Authors and Active Downloaders. Can I publicize a Discord server without getting banned from Nexus? I'm honestly not sure.
  12. So, I've been working on this web series for the past two months or so, called "Fallout New Vegas: Vice and Sin". It can be seen here if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCR3xp-dIv6-epo9BIfB6KViLLDQ00zzx Anyways, for those of you that do watch the show, do you want a Vice and Sin mod adaptation? Like the topic suggests, what would you want to see in the mod. It's not going to be crazy in terms of scale, and the plot of the mod would be different than the plot of the show, but despite that, I'm willing to put in a lot of work into the mod (as much as I can with the negative free time I currently have). What would you like to see in terms of quests, features, and other such content. I'm curious :happy:
  13. A general Discussion thread for Star Trek Online, clearly I am a Trek fan but let's not get into that, let's just make it an STO related thread for those who play the game. How did everyone enjoy Agents of Yesterday?
  14. I know that there are some unsung heroes from Skyrim's original counterpart that we all wish to see. I guess if there is any way we could see some of these ported over would be fabulous, but for some it is uncertain due to one time modders or Mods that seemed to be awesome but didn't receive that much recognition. Me, i'm a fan of Skyrim the Old Republic and My Home. These two mods i used constantly since i discovered them and would love for them to be ported over. -What are some of the mods you've seen or had that you would love to see again? -Any Fan Faves that you are still waiting on?
  15. Hello, I've been using nexus mods since 2008 and lurking but I thought I'd join the community because I have some Dev experience and I would love to contribute! :laugh: :laugh: My name is Claire and I'm currently working as a paramedic/ER tech :cool: so my time to help contribute to this site may be limited but I'd love to help everyone in any way I can. Feel free to add me! :laugh: :wub:
  16. hello everyone, i play SV a decent amount and even upload some to youtube, i also help out several other players and youtubers, through all of this i decided that there are several mod ideas i wish to create myself, however it would seem that info on how to make a mod for this game is rather rare. i am hoping that between the community members we can find, consolidate, and brainstorm ways to do different types of mods on here. i will try to keep the main post up to date with the current modding tutorial/tips. the main types of mods which i really wish to learn how to do are these: 1. tools 2. weapons 3. blacksmith trades (or even an entirely new npc) 4. maps 5. totems 6. crafting recipes 7. accessories 8. buildings 9. animals 10. tv shows 11. events/festivals 12. fishing mini-game (planning on making a game as challenging, but more realistic and easier for those with arthritis / carpal tunnel) 13. house upgrades 14. new foods 15. monster spawns 16. monsters 17. giant crops i know this is a big list, and there are way more things to add, but i want to try and make a full modding help topic
  17. I have an idea for a mod I want to make. Its called Self-Levelling Armoury (until I decide on a better name) and it does basically what it suggests. That your armour, weapons and mage clothes with level up with you. It is inspired by InsanitySorrow's mod 'The Huntsman' which increases its damage and speed with each five levels the character gains. How I think it want to work is that each time you level up, a script fires that updates that item you have equipped. For example, if a sword is equipped, and you have levelled up, then the base weapon damage will increase, its critical chance might increase, its speed might increase. Things like that. For armour, I think the armour rating might increase and the weight might decrease. (Not sure if i want to include armours yet or not) For mages clothes, it will have an enchantment that boosts a particular type of magic depending on the player, as well a resistance enchantment, and it gets stronger each time you level up. As a specific example, say you are a destruction mage. You have a hood that boosts total magicka and magicka regen. You have robes that boost magic resistance and physical resistance. It starts off at level 1 with a 10% rating. Then for each level it increases by, lets say 1% up until level 70. that would mean that by the time they reach level 80, the resistance is 80%, the maximum the vanilla enchanting system goes to. So in that sense the system scales with the level. To me it seems more immersive, as your character gets stronger they learn to use the items better, and so the item values will reflect this. It also will help in convenience, as a mage will get a set of magic clothes at the start of a playthrough and not have to change for the rest of the playthrough, their set will level with them. I dont think it would be that hard to set up a framework for this so that anyone could add their own custom creations to the self-levelling system. Let me know about any ideas you have on this. Do you think its crap, or a good idea? Any idea for improvements or another direction this mod could take? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Sorry for this post, but I have a doubt.Although among the Fallout 4 files, there are files regarding the "Nuka World" and two about new "Wasteland Workshop."I suspect that after this E3, Bethesda will stop the production of other DLCs to concentrate their workforce on The Elder Scrolls 6 aka Argonia / Black Marsh.I know well, we all would like more DLC with maps to explore, new quests and many other content for use in our adventures. But I suspect this never comes.And that this "Nuka World" can be just as Automatron. One new quest with a unique workbench. That only adds a few new location and a new companion.It would be a shame if all this proves true. Since there are many other features which should be regarded: as the enclave, the aliens, the brotherhood's past and why Maxson is an elder, or the option to save Nate / NoraI just wonder why not make them?I have the impression that Bethesda have exploited the Fallout brand only for easy money, just in time before it is announced TES6 kicking off a huge hype with preorder and collector edition. Just as it happened with Fallout 4. And suddenly we find ourselves with a new TES with almost the same Fallout 4's mechanics (probably settlements and Dwemer Power Armor ... maybe eh).And I think I understand why they gave support to the mod console. They know that they will not do anything but the minimum to earn money. Release contained very few, just enough to earn money without much effort. The mod will think create better content. And not surprisingly, they are in development, different quest mod. With larger maps and a better gaming experience than Bethesda could do.But I wonder if Bethesda really held us to work even on Fallout 4. He could at least take the initiative to work on other content similar to Far Harbor?Size doesn't matter (although the map of Far Harbor is shamefully almost large as Boston). I would rather see maps, although small, at least capable of hosting an interesting scenario with lore, and to travel outside the normal map in most areas. Just as it was in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.But this seems be in the logic of Skyrim's dlc.A mini dlc with quests, mini dlc with items for a house and a dlc with a new map to explore with new quests.I hope to be wrong and this E3, Bethesda announces not only TES6, but also other dlc, and especially map dlc. Because, this game, although interesting, is incomplete, and there are still too many questions in this game that need to be answered.
  19. Hello there, and welcome. I'll start off by stating that this topic is quite heavily about game design theory, and it more relates to the fundamentals of what modders can do to enhance the core-gameplay factors that make up Skyrim. For a long while I've endeavored in tinkering with Skyrim's various mechanics through a variety of different mods. But in the end, I've always felt a certain lackluster experience - the core game still feels like it doesn't play to its strengths, and so while many mods add a ton of high quality sparkle, flair, and revision or revitalization of many of the game's features, in the end, I feel that the fundamental way that Skyrim was constructed makes it addictive, but not necessarily that meaningful or rewarding. So to talk about what the core engagement factors of Skyrim are, we first need a more defined vocabulary, so we can come at this with clear terms. Here is a short video, by the fantastic game-design channel Extra Credits, that discusses what are called the Aesthetics of Play, breaking down the approximate experiential engagement factors that games can deliver into 9 distinct parts, such as Discovery, Expression, Challenge, Fantasy, etc. [/line] So, with that video in mind, let's discuss what the core aesthetics or engagement factors of Skyrim are. Personally, my list is as follows: 1. Fantasy A staple of most RPGs, the Fantasy element of Skyrim can be found in our role as the Dragonborn, or in the various roles we can choose as members of different guilds, or in the characters we play who are made up of their specific skillsets (eg. the division between warrior, mage, and thief). Fantasy can also be brought about through specific roleplay and character-choice experiences. Immersion is a key component of Fantasy. 2. Discovery In the wide choices and open world that Skyrim presents, Discovery can be found largely through geographical exploration of the various locations in the world, or in coming to know the greater lore of Tamriel. Discovery can be one of the driving factors of multiple playthroughs, to try playing an assassin in the Dark Brotherhood compared to the warrior who joined the Companions. Discovery is also present in the process of understanding the mechanics of Skyrim (eg. the combat system). 3. Expression Another staple of many RPGs, Expression is found in our personal choices about who we want our character to be, and what choices we want to make in the game through them. Our choice of weapons, armour, spells, appearance, faction-sympathies, home, roleplay factors, and more, can all be tied to elements of player Expression. Skyrim also has the capacity to deliver on; Challenge, Sensation, and Narrative, but to a somewhat lesser extent in my opinion. In terms of Challenge, while some mods raise the difficulty of, for instance, combat, it still remains only that - a difficulty increase. The combat in Skyrim is hardcoded to be fairly simplistic, with minimal emphasis on space, timing, and strategic awareness. Even with heavily scripted mods, it is hard to pull out of this state. The reason for this is that most of the core combat mechanics of the game can't be combined into enough categorically different Dynamics that the player can tackle and think through. While some Dynamics are different in scale - enemies may be tougher to beat than one another - there still is a fundamental similarity in the minimally-diverse way you overcome their toughness with combat. Challenge may be improved significantly out of combat by modders, but at its current state, Skyrim does fairly little to engage players meaningfully on the level of Challenge. Sensation does have significant space for improvement, as the modding community has already shown to a stellar level. But the game is large and resource intensive even with moderate graphics settings. While Skyrim delivers decently on Sensation, for many who are interested in the game as an open-world RPG, it's more the gravy than the meat. Narrative too has been developed quite wonderfully with some mods, but for those most part these were overhauls that completely changed the setting and lore of the world. Skyrim itself is of moderate Narrative merit, but it hardly has a complex and intricate storyline with complex and intricate characters. This could be improved on, no doubt, but vanilla Skyrim doesn't seem to have this as one of its core engagement factors. [/line] Well, that's all I'm writing for now. I might come back to this later, but it's a lot of work to finish all this in one go and I'd rather see what any of you have to say on the matter before I continue. My intent was to discuss the current groups of Dynamics that Skyrim offers (such as exploration, dialogue, storyline, character-creation, inventory). My feeling so far is that a lot of the Dynamics don't really hone in on the core Aesthetics of Skyrim, and so the game experience feels diluted (largely due to the expansive but minimally intricate way in how Skyrim's content was made). The thing about the Creation Kit (which is a mechanic) is that it can be combined with the other mechanics into an incredible scope of different Dynamics, as you're probably all well aware. This topic is mostly meant as food for thought for modders thinking of what could be meaningful additions to (or revisions of) the game. That's all for now, hope some of you have found this interesting.
  20. Abstract The vanilla Fallout 4 assets makes my imagination run wild. I see so much potential for the game and I'm hoping this is the right forum to express myself. In short I'd like to detail a series of gameplay expansion ideas I think would enrich Fallout 4 or any survival game with base building elements. I plan to organize my thoughts a bit better but here's a start. Settlements and the Overworld. I feel that use of the settlement building features where sorely overlooked as a tool for exploration. - Imagine if the commonwealth wasn't immediately accessible on foot. The first thing that comes to mind is ruins, rubble and radiation. - Ruined buildings and rubble blocking access to large urban areas that can be built over or cleared - Collapses metro tunnels that can be cleared to unlock new areas - Water with lethal radiation that needs bridges or barges - Generators to restore power to facilities (thereby granting access to terminals and doors etc, or for the least lighting) - Construction missions ( imagine you need to set up a MILA for the railroad but in order to do it, you need to construct a series of platforms and scafolding so you can scale a tall structure) - Faction Specific Technologies - Imagine if the recon missions for the brotherhood scribes or semper invicta to a lesser degree unlocked unique workbench schematics or more efficient building techniques. - What if by working with or studying factions or finding blueprints unlocked different snap and build style structures, defences, resources etc. (lets say you complete the missions for gray garden and in turn you learn better crop techniques, can train settlers to be more productive [more than 6 food per person]). - Building raider settlements, or military outposts, or recon camps, or trading posts. Thanks for having a look, if you in fact had a look. These are just a few abstracted ideas, most of these aren't so much individual concepts in my mind as much as they are entire quest lines brought to life by expanded gameplay. Edit: I had to fix up some text
  21. I want to make an Assassins Creed character specifically Connor Kenway. However, I feel I cannot due so for faction specific reasons for example The Dark Brotherhood and The Thieves Guild have elements of the Assassin Order faction but those factions lack morals and justice particularly. I do not have the modding capabilities so I would like some tutorials (perhaps even tips) to be Adept or an Apprentice level enough to be sufficient without fully relying on a staff team. Feel free to drop any ideas or discussion about the mod which I would very much be appreciated. Furthermore, as a side note, just because this will be my first mod does not mean I will release it half-baked, I want this mod to be good enough for Role-play.
  22. No hate really but I wondered why all the hype for a city that is kinda a mockery of itself. Let me explain; Whiterun is the center city, so I understand why both sides of the civil war would want to obtain it for themselves. But wouldn't the city be cursed by its history, and despite being the center, it actually recieves no trade routes side from the khajiit caravan. The cities history has it that Numinex, the dragon- was trapped within Dragonreach, he remained there going mad until his death, or to some accounts, he escaped as it was part of a deal with Olaf. Now if its true that Numinex was captured till his death, then why the tree? Kyne's tree in the middle of the wind district is it? Kyne represents peace, kindness, and respect for nature. (maybe not all those.) But if we are to take that seriously, then how can a tree of Kyne grow there, while whiterun's history held a captured dragon without mercy? Without respect, or consideration? Even if the tree didn't grow there on its own, wouldn't kyne immediately destroy it for the evil history that Whiterun had with Numinex? no matter how evil something can be, Kyne wouldn't see it fit to imprison them until they go mad right? Can the tree serve as a hidden example that Numinex was let free in the end? Or is this another fail that wasn't thought of during the devolopment of the game? Secondly: No trade routes besides Khajiit, and those caravans aren't allowed within the walls...very smart, of course its natural not to trust them, but if appears as though legitimately in game, they are the only people trading with Whiterun that is visible to us (the gamer). And the Khajiit caravans even say themselves how many caravans and traders have stepped out because of the war, but they only see opprotunity. Soooo both sides want the city, because of easy trade routes, and having a center control for Skyrim, yet the walls themselves are old and probably wont last a full frontal assault...the city itself gets too much credit for what it truly is. Again, I'm not mad, or showing any hate (not intentionally) My only beef with Whiterun is its history and how it crashes mostly in my gameplays outta every other city. What are some of your thoughts?
  23. There may be a chance some of you heard about a new mod known as Atmora Calling, but in case you haven't it is a survivalist adventure mod. Started by Rhodiera, this mod has been working towards a community project to bring Atmora to life in the game of Skyrim. It has recently garnered some attention from Reddit (r/teslore) as well as several other places. I myself have joined in their team, though I had started working on Atmora mod myself, I saw a chance to pool what I had into this project. I had initially begun my beginning mod to remember & honor an old Minecraft server I had been admin on, which was set in Atmora. You can still find the old forums for this at http://tesatmora.enjin.com , so I welsome you to see that as well. There have also been other mod authors who were working on making an Atmora mod come on board. The mod in essence, is a chance to explore Atmora on a new expedition. You & the expedition crew land in Atmora but must survive the harsh weather among other things. You as a player get to explore the ruins, seek treasures, & search through the legends of Atmora. The Dragonborn may also face some surprises & possibly get lost in time. We do plan to get the initial mod out sometime within a year or so, but may well work on further expansions. We can be largely found at http://atmora-calling.freeforums.net/ so do check it out. Do feel free to discuss this & share as well. We are currently looking for voice-actors, but modders are welcome just as well. Let me know if you want more information by commenting or messaging. I can also give the information if you are interested voice-acting. It is also on the modding forum as well (posted by Rhodiera, here is a link), but here is just a spot for more general purposes & discussion. Thank you all for reading
  24. So, someone makes Immersive Weapons, and I'm running through Skyrim for the millionth time, and I note something odd. I kill a vampire, and acquire a Eastern Dwemer Bastard Sword! Silly me, to think,"Awesome, a sword I can wield one handed or two!" Little did I find out, there was no programming for that. I want to know if it's genuinely possible, and I thought of a nice idea, but don't know any way to incorporate it. Now follow me. In Skyrim, spells can be in one hand or both. Do something like that with the sword. Right or left clicking puts it in the left or right hand normally, but right and then left clicking places it in both for use as a two hander. Then we give the mod a place in the MCM menu (making it require SkyUI, of course) and we let it access all weapons available in the game on a list. You can run along these lists and make certain swords wield-able this way. So whatcha think? Cool, or drool?
  25. Hey everyone! I've had Skyrim for a little more than half a year now (I joined the party late, I know), and been modding skyrim for about four months maybe? The first 130 hours were completely modless (last 20 were with lanterns on waist), and the other 343 hours have been more and more modded with each playthrough. I am currently running 120 mods (surpirsingly the game didn't break permenantly yet), and I've decided to review my use of mods. My mods are made of categories (I'll explain on those requiring): -Armors, Weapons & Clothes (18) -Audio ( 8 ) -Character, Gameplay & Misc. (28) -Cities, Towns & Villages (7) -Combat Tree Suitable (6)* -Display (12) -Followers, Companions & Mounts (12) -Hyper-Immersion ( 8 ) - Since many mods are called "Immersive" something, yet affect different areas, I have created the "Hyper-Immersion" category, which is a category for mods that realism feels quite non-existent without (well, kinda). -Magic Tree Suitable (10)* -Patches (12) -Quests (15) -Stealth Tree Suitable (6)* *The Tree Suitable categories are meant for mods that I want to use for a character using mostly this tree - E.G. a Wizard probably wants every mod in the "Magic Tree Suitable" Category, but not every (if any) mod from the "Combat Tree Suitable" Category. As you can see, not all of my mods (142) are installed, and yet 120 is not what your average Dovahkiin would call "Vanilla". I would like to hear your exeprience modding Skyrim. Do you like many mods? Do you like just a few? What kinds of mods do you like to use, and why? Do you like a slighlty changed Skyrim, or an Immersive, Overhauled a 1000 times "The Modding Scrolls V: Middle Earth"?
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