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  1. It doesn't need to be highly complex or intuitive, I mean, it can be as barebones as possible for all I care. Maybe something along the lines of "enemies deal 25%/50%/75%/100% increased damage" and similar for how much damage you and your pawns deal but decreased by 25%, etc, instead. Praying someone who knows what they are doing feels the same way! Sending positive thoughts lol.
  2. Having been playing a pretty heavily modded game with Party Limit Begone and numerous difficulty mods including Tactician Plus, I find one area lacking in difficulty is Camp Supplies and their abundance, especially as a true in-game hoarder. I find that even in Act 1, with just the first hour (or even less time) of exploring and/or entering the Emerald Grove you already have the 80 camp supplies to take a long rest and even more if you run around enough. I find this to be pretty boring and more of a hindrance as another screen to go through. I could gimp myself by not collecting/buying camp supplies or if I do, deleting them in some capacity, but that also removes the ability to get a bit of extra gold when you need or messing around with the Monkey passive for Wildheart Barbarian. It also just makes it a lot more tedious in both the short and long run as it's something else I would have to manage on top of everything else. I did find this mod, Tactician Camp Supplies Balanced, which is neat as it is but I don't want something that's static, I want something that feels a bit more integrated into the game. If I have 2 people in my active party, maybe my camp supply usage could be dropped to 40 (in Tactician), or if I've recruited others but they're just sitting in my camp, shouldn't they also be eating, even if they're just technically sitting around? So I have 4 people in my active party but 4 others in my camp, it could instead be +20 or +40 for each member, making 160 camp supplies required if you think about them requiring 20 each, though I'm not a numbers guy. And what about the other passive campsite NPCs that show up, whether temporary or not, shouldn't they also use supplies per Long Rest? Owl Cub, Scratch, Elminster (even just that one night, maybe a special case and he takes 100 by himself? Lol), Volo, Isobel and Dame Aylin, Yenna, etc. I think a mod that could integrate dynamic scaling Camp Supply costs for Long Rests would be a great mod to add not only some difficulty, but some flavor and give real use to them. I would imagine that it'd be balanced by the difficulty and not just be applied to Tactician, but that's up to the creator. That being said, as mentioned I'm also not a numbers guy so I can't say for certain what would make sense, but a +20 or +40 camp supply required for each active and/or passive member (or maybe a way to customize or separate files for what people want) could be really cool. I'm not sure if this is at all possible considering I haven't delved into modding BG3, but if anyone has any ideas or would like to take on this project I'd love to hear about it.
  3. I was wondering if anyone has or can make a mod that makes it so that boss fights are difficult but regular enemies and foot soldiers are easy. I like playing on story mode to feel like a badass jedi when facing random enemies but that's way too easy for bosses to be any threat. Is there a way to mix the difficulties up to get story mode level mods but at least jedi knight level bosses? The big animals should be a little more difficult too probably.
  4. I'm relatively unfamiliar with modding and scripting in general. But I gotta start somewhere. I want to create a mod puts fast travel on a cooldown after using it.
  5. Hey I am have problem with difficulty balancing, I just started a new game with a fresh modlist. So the problem is enemies outside a bandit camp or dungeons are weak bandits and inside they are a lot stronger for my level, im only level 6. Btw i am playing on adept. I dont think any of my mods changes level scaling, except maybe Ordinator. So any help would be very appreciated. Modlist
  6. Hey guys, I've been trying to challenge myself in Fallout 4 without switching to survival mode. I have carry weight mods that force my carry weight to very miniscule numbers, but I'm past level 23 and now I'm getting by pretty well just tossing a few items here and there. I have too many guns, and I love that. I don't want to. I guess what I want is a way to limit the number of weapons I can carry with me regardless of their weight values. Like how Call of Duty limits you to 2 guns by default, plus a knife and grenades, and tactical grenades. Like how Halo limits you to 2 weapons plus up to 4 types of grenades in some games. I believe Far Cry also does something like this. Battlefield does this. This will greatly increase the challenge for me, and cause me to make more tactical decisions with my inventory. I also wonder if I should have a limit on apparel I can carry, regardless of weight. Do any mods for these things exist? Are they even possible?
  7. *I say simple(?) because I've very little experience with scripts. The idea behind a script like this would be something to expand on this existing mod [link] by automatically increasing the difficulty upon increasing the character's level. My personal preference would be having the game start off with both the player and the computer dealing 1.5x damage, with player damage decreasing by 0.01x and computer damage increasing by 0.03x every level. A UI capable of customizing this (with options to change the increments, frequency etc.) would be a dream. The reason behind my personal preference seeming so high in damage (from both computer and player) is because I strongly dislike having a game where the player can't take two hits while having to dish out 10+ hits to finish off a bandit. The idea is to start the game off and increment the damage in such a way that keeps combat fast, challenging and balanced. Of course there's no perfect way to do this, which is why a UI with options to customize the damage increases would be fantastic.
  8. I am disappointed in the run at Red Mile - instead of being scored based on how quickly I get to the beacon and back, the leaderboard is based on how many times I've completed the run. This would be impressive if the difficulty somehow increased based on how many times I've already completed it, such as by adding some extra enemies after the 5th, 10th, etc. run. However, in the vanilla game, each run is roughly the same even after over 20 times, making it hard for me to believe it's exciting enough for patrons to enjoy watching me on the screens that they continue betting on me (and somebody has to be betting against me, right?) I realize this will probably require the creation kit before it can be made properly, but since nobody else has requested it yet that I can find, I'm posting this now so that interested modders can start planning.
  9. Coming right to the point: I thought about writing down my ideas to re-balance the permanent bonuses you can pick up while playing through Baldur's Gate 3. If I don't mention an ability, I'd either leave it unchanged or not have a good idea yet. I'm using this Page on the fextralife Wiki for reference: *Spoilers btw Auntie Ethel's hair: Gain +1 to an Ability Score of choice. (Defeat Auntie Ethel during Save Mayrina and take her deal to spare her life.) Proposed Change: Make it droppable, so even people that decide to kill her are rewarded OR implement a check that triggers should Auntie Ethel die in Act 3, which would remove the buff, since with her dead you also loose her borrowed power. Either way introduce a limit so you can't use the hair to raise a stat over 20. Instrument Proficiency: You know how to play a variety of musical instruments and are able to entertain a crowd with them. (Pass two Charisma checks while helping Alfira with her song in the Druid Grove.) Proposed Change: Just straight up remove this. It's a cute interaction but so are the other ones that don't lead to this ability, and it takes away from bards uniqueness. 0/10 Loviatar's Love: When you have 30% Hit Points or less, you gain a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls and Wisdom saving throws. (Submit to Abdirak and put on a good performance for him in the Shattered Sanctum.) Proposed Change: Simple change, give it a duration of 1 or 2 long rests, after which the buff wears off. I know boring, but you got a lashing and long rests heal you to full, even after you've been submerged in lava and revived. So I interpret it that the lashings actually invest you with the blessing, but those heal. Survival Instinct: Gain the additional Illithid Power Survival Instinct. (Help Omeluum investigate the parasite.) Proposed Change: Honestly such a minor thing. The power sucks, the quest is a red hering. So maybe just let the player choose if they want to receive the ability for roleplay purposes. Potion of Everlasting Vigour: Gain +2 Strength (Convince Astarion to bite Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers) Proposed Change: Potion grants +1 Strength OR +1 Constitution (Cannot exceed an ability score of 22) ; simple rationale, I think putting the story and roleplaying into opposition with a mechanically bonus this harshly isn't good. Nerfing the potion a little hopefully makes the interaction more interesting, or not as punishing for standing up for Astarion. Githzerai Mind Barrier: Advantage on Intelligence Saving Throws (Insert the Waking Mind into the nearby Mind Interface, speak to the Slack-Skinned Head, and agree to purge its mind.) Proposed Change: Simple change, give it a duration of 1 or 2 long rests, after which the buff wears off. Same thing as above, the buff already wears off if you die and have to be revived, so it makes sense to me that the buff isn't actually permanent. As far as general design principle is concerned. To me this is about removing the "need" to checklist through the game on a repeat playthrough. By making most things more situational you're able skip things outright or aren't discouraged from taking a different path on a repeat playthrough. Additionally by loosening up the big ability score bonuses the situations, in which they occur end being up more open and interesting. I might revisit this, as for now I don't have a clear idea for act 3 bonuses, but I will say this. They seem like the most idiotic and non-sensical of them all. You sacrifice one thing to gain another but can regain your sacrifice through remove curse!? And similar but another case: You sacrifice knowledge previously acquired, but retain said knowledge, I'm just flaggergasted, positively flumoxxed. Waiting for patches since act 3 is messy at times anyway. The saving grace is that act 3 is fairly late in the game (I know hurr durr right), so the bonuses don't have as far-reaching consequences. Anyway thank you for reading this if you did, see you space cowboys.
  10. (Once more with Clickbai--- errrr I mean Feeling ^^, as it says in the title, I'd happily give the person who makes this mod 5€ via Paypal) Dear readers, esteemed people who are good with computers, I request a mod that changes the effects on five items: Warped Headband of Intellect - Sets Intelligence to 17 -> Change into +2 to Intelligence (Up to 17) Club of Hill Giant Strength - Sets Strength to 19 (formerly 15) -> Change into +2 to Strength (Up to 19) Gloves of Dexterity - Sets Dexterity to 18 / +1 Attack -> Change into +4 to Dexterity (Up to 18) / unchanged +1 Attack Amulet of Greater Health - Sets Constitution to 23 / Grants Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws -> Change into +4 Constitution (Up to 23) / unchanged Grants Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength - Sets Strength to 23 / Strength Saving Throws +1 -> Change into +4 Strength (Up to 23) / unchanged Strength Saving Throws +1 The reason for this proposed mod is that the existence of items that flatly set your ability scores to a certain value in combination with "free" respeccing, allows a character whos class traditionally relies on a certain attribute to dump said attribute and boost his secondary stats. Examples include, Rangers dump Dexterity with the Gloves of Dexterity equipped, Paladins dumping Strength with the Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength equipped, equipping the club of hill giant strength in your off-hand while using the Titanstring bow to gain potentially +4 to damage, straight up dumping Con when encountering the Amulet of Greater Health and of course using the warped headband of intelligence to excel at intelligence, and allowing pretty much any spellcaster to dip into wizard with 8 intelligence and still being granted 4 slots in his wizard spellbook. All these cases would be more balanced and made more immersive if these items only granted a bonus to you already existing ability score and I hope my proposed changes also keep these items attractive enough to justify them occupying their respective equipment slot. Thank you whoever has read this for taking the time, and I dearly hope this idea will prove interesting to some. Be good everyone.
  11. Mod Request/Idea: Scale Up Tech Check For Car Theft Reasons: Overall making character builds a tad more meaningful (tech tree in this instance) and would compliment car theft/sell mods like Thalonmook's Sell Stolen Car mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1395?tab=posts) a bit more interesting and a little less exploitable as a game mechanic. As of now it seems low to mid range vehicles require a mere 4 Tech to jack and all luxary/sport vehicles require an embarassing 8 Tech. Does that sound like the security a rich kids daddy or corpo would pay for to protect their investment? So there is an immersion aspect to this also. Idea/Suggestion: If there has to be low end to high binary, I would suggest starting low end vehicles at 8. This is impactful yet modest leveling investment. For high end I would start at 12 at least. I'd personally be ok with that. A more dynamic spectrum, could be fun and more immersive though. Character just starting out wants to jack a ride? Tech 4 for a clunker doesnt seem so unreasonable. Mid range less emabarassing: 8. Sport/raceer: 12. Higher end sport, luxury, military: 16. My intention for this post is to see if someone would be intersted in making this (i realize this may not be the most interesting idea for some) or suggestions in how I might achieve these tweaks on my own. Than You for your time :)
  12. We've all had tough times in this game, no matter how early on we played it in our lifetime Skyrim experience. From trolls to great invincible warriors to nuclear mages, what was your greatest challenge? It doesn't matter if this enemy isn't the strongest in the game or you don't agree with your past self anymore. You could have struggled with a Mudcrab as a beginner and it would be a viable answer. :) Personally, Krosis was my nemesis as a beginner. Taught me how powerful magic really could be.
  13. I've been racking my head trying to figure out why I have to dump nearly a whole mag into a mob on Professional mode at the start of the game just to stagger/kill them. Thanks to input from someone else, I managed to POSSIBLY narrow a large contributor of this to "Dynamic Difficulty". Would love a mod to be able to make the difficulty of mobs more static in their progression so that it rewards due diligence and skill rather than punish it. Thanks ahead of time!
  14. I know there are other mods like More Werewolves But it doesn't quite do it for me. I looked at leveled/spawn list creators and such but I can't seem to wrap my head around them. The concept I had planned was to simply add werebeasts to vanilla Wolf and Bear spawns. After level 10, Wolves and packs of Wolves have a chance of spawning with a werewolf/wolves, with the difficulty/type of werewolf increasing as the players level increases. Same with Bears and Werebears, but at higher levels of course.
  15. When I was playing Elden Ring, it really caught my eye how most bosses keep their health bar for their second phase. Except for Malenia and Rykard, with Malenia making some sense and Rykard not in my opinion. But, I was thinking that for all bosses with a second phase (I.E. almost every single main boss), they would get a second health bar. Hoorah Loux gets stronger with his full health, and Fire Giant becomes longer than ever. It's a small idea I had, but first I need to know where I can find boss health/data in the files or if it's even accessible.
  16. I was bamboozled into thinking that PS5 was the optimal way to play Hogwarts Legacy, and it was the reason I bought my console. But after 5 years of hype, thinking HL would be my next "forever RPG", I was a little disappointed. The combat was so easy that you didn't have to engage with the potions or crafting system. Not to mention the target highlight, protego bubble, and block indicators just made me less engaged with the combat. So I came to terms with the game being mid, but I wanted to play more. I had one look at the mods, and I knew that they would make a second playthrough worthwhile. I removed the UI elements I thought made the game too easy, added the "Enhanced" mods, and EnemisExtremis, and now this game is my wizard combat sandbox where I can make my own fun. It's challenging enough to where I have to drink potions, and engaging enough to where I'll want to upgrade my gear at endgame. A HUGE thank you to Khione95 and DekitaRPG and the other modders that make this game worth playing.
  17. I struggle to enjoy Starfield unmodded. Luckily there's so many good mods already that have helped me start to get into the game. My biggest issue with the game right now.. I want nothing to do with Space combat.. it's just not my thing. I enjoy traveling space but the combat is so infuriating. Mod ideas Space difficulty slider: Allow space combat to be on easy difficulty while the rest of the game can be on very hard. Force interior ship combat: Instead of shooting from ship to ship the game will force you into each ship one by one for an all out interior conflict. I imagine a prompt, possibly a generated AI voice line "Let's do this the old fashion way, board up and let's settle this right here, right now" or something on those lines. After each conflict, a prompt pops up to board the next ship until the final prompt to undock. Each ship will be idle in space after you loot them and then they can be destroyed for cargo/materials. Decide space combat by a card game or roll of dice: yes this might be my silliest but simplest idea yet.. inspired by The Witcher gwent potion mod.. instead of fighting ship to ship, open up a card game such as blackjack or gwent. anything to keep me away from having to fight in these darn ships. Possibly roll multiple dice to decide the outcome. Skip space combat: a simple skip prompt that ends space combat and stops fights in their track. Travel star systems without limits or multiple prompts Turn based ship fights Imagine playing a simple turn based fight with health, missiles, movement, and shield allocation. Heck, even a rock paper scissors or dice system would do. If anyone can make one of these mods come true, I would be truly grateful. Thank you.
  18. Have you found Lobotomite easy as paper target? Not surprising because you arrive at Big Empty will highly skill levels and equipments after all. How about raise their difficulty to make them not paper-thin to survive-3rd-burst? A simple, no fuss, easy to make mod? Will you please make two simple modification to these two clothes to up the difficulty of Old World Blue combat? - Patient Gown, raise its DT to 8, to make it better than leather armor and make it so HP bullets wont one-burst kill targets. - Lobotomite Jumpsuit, raise its DT to 12, to make it equivalent to metal armor and make it so AP bullets are necessary to kill targets. The idea is to make the Lobotomites in Big Empty not so easy to kill, what with player's mostly at 20+ to start that area. This idea take inspiration from the old Raider Armor Improvement mod which up raiders' difficulty from paper-thin to survive-3rd-burst. I used that mod because of its nature (simple, no fuss) and the raiders start become a real threat at low level. Lobotomite has worse fate than raiders: they meet players at middling 20s to 30 level, full of skills and high tech equipment. They fall like target practices. Let's make them tougher, Pretty Please?
  19. The supposedly "too easy" difficulty of this game is a topic that has generated a lot of discussion among switch players. I wonder if it would be possible, on the PC, to create a MOD that would allow difficulty adjustments according to the player desire. It would be great to be able to modify Monster HP, Resistance and Base/Elemental Damage, if possible. And a lot, a LOT of players are eager for something like that.
  20. I'm using mods but not any that truly change or buff combat. I leveled smithing & enchanting to 100. Created a 100% smithing boost set and wore those to create & upgrade my dual wield axes. After crafting them, I created a Daedric armor set and enchanted 4 total pieces with 40% 1h damage boost each (gloves, boots, ring, necklace). I've leveled & put perks into 1h so I have the 100% damage boost there as well. At level 55 the damage each of these axes do is 297. So... I ask: Is this normal? On Legendary difficulty I do still have to watch my HP and play smart but I still DESTROY most enemies with this build.
  21. This is my first time downloading mods at all, but I've downloaded 2 mods, https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13879/, and http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35969/?, but when I go to install them I get a pop up that says "an exception has occurred in the script." I have the steam version of the game, if that could be the issue. This is probably not a big deal, but I'm new to modding and I'm lost. What should I do?
  22. Hello i'm playing SSE and I'm seeking help balancing my combat mods and sneak effects with an eye towards progression as related to ordinator perks, magic and general character power over the course of play through. Firstly let me say this is my first time modding and this community is really incredible. Totally over whelmed by how awesome mod creators are. This s#*&#33; is really incredible, even more incredible is how mod authors and users support one another even if its very frustrating/annoying to some mod authors, looking at you EnaiSiaion(ur incredible tho, frreal). so funny when people complain about adjustable settings and Enai just griefs em... XD Im using NMM and LOOT fyi What i'm looking for is a way to make sure that my sense of progression over the course of the game isn't too impacted by my growth in skill with my combat mods intact. Im concerned that ordinator perks and my desire for sneaking to be more realistic will make it so that i can easily best most enemies thus making the game too easy. I am interested in Requiem but there are too many other mods i want to try that seem to conflict by definition. Unless i'm wrong? Also SKSE is in alpha still so i dont feel comfortable trying it yet, i've avoided all mods dependent on it. So heres how it all went down: At first i put in combat evolved and wildcat and animal tweaks (also realistic AI detection and sneak tools, iNeed and some other stuff) and i couldnt get out of the caves beneath Helgen. Spiders kept killing me draining me with poison. Basically had to wait until my ally killed them all. Got out of there and eventually made my way into that cave near Whiterun for that first companions quest. (always wonderd: why am i fighting falmer at lvl2?) got one shotted a bunch but eventually made it to the chaurus room there and encountered a chaurus hunter that i couldnt get past. Got frustrated, replaced animal tweaks with skytest. ok great, played again, animals easier. ok. bandits fun. Combat mods are freaking amazing but it already felt too easy. changed difficulty up to expert went to bleak falls barrow and wrecked em. It makes sense that many characters would die from an arrow to the chest with sneak. ok. i like that, for humans and humanoids.... good flavor. goes with my immersion desires. Got into draugr area and they don't wake up. this must be my realistic ai detection lite mod. they are all asleep. i one hit all of them. boring. i kill the death lord at the end in one hit with a cinematic sequence. So i'm looking to balance this all out a bit. I'm thinking move up to master difficulty? turn off wildcat +25% damage ?ROTE? Deadly combat perhaps? Im probably gonna download the realistic ai detection 'medium' for that bit. One of my fears is that my sneak skills stack too much with ordinator and i will be able to sneak kill anything and everything going dow the line. I haven't played through very much of the game yet but I'm looking for suggestions that CURRENTLY exist for SE. There are some things that haven't been ported over that i would've liked to have used, but cant obvs. I really want to balance ai magic use with my own, have a challenging, but doable melee combat feel. have sneak feel practical on humanoid opponents. im worried about compatibility adding any more combat tweaks. Not having SKSE for the more extensive mod menu's seems to be complicating things... I'm gonna keep tweaking, but if anyone has suggestions or wants to riff on preferences they would be appreciated. This is all very personal preference stuff, but seeing what others are up to could help me figure it all out. its tough to know how whats happening at lvl 10 will look like at lvl 40 when ur a noob like me. Thanks. <3 heres my mod list: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Campfire.esm 7 7 Falskaar.esm 8 8 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 9 9 Sneak Tools.esp 10 a SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 11 b Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 12 c Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp 13 d NoBSAIProjectileDodge.esp 14 e iNeed.esp 15 f iNeed - Extended.esp 16 10 MagicalCollegeofWinterhold.esp 17 11 RLO - Interiors.esp 18 12 RLO - Exteriors.esp 19 13 goodbrother.esp 20 14 tcbm.esp 21 15 OBIS SE.esp 22 16 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 23 17 Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp 24 18 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp 25 19 Training Dummies & Targets - Falskaar Edition.esp 26 1a Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 27 1b DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp 28 1c BetterQuestObjectives.esp 29 1d AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 30 1e Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 31 1f Dragon Souls To Attributes.esp 32 20 FastTravelSpeedMultiplier.esp 33 21 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 34 22 BarenziahQuestMarkers_Droppable.esp 35 23 timescale10.esp 36 24 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 37 25 AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp 38 26 ArcheryDummyXP.esp 39 27 Dr_Bandolier.esp 40 28 Immersive Patrols II.esp 41 29 Phenderix Magic Evolved.esp 42 2a Frostfall.esp 43 2b WetandCold.esp 44 2c Convenient Horses.esp 45 2d The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 46 2e OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp 47 2f Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp 48 30 RichMerchantsSkyrim_x5.esp 49 31 BetterShapedWeaponsLW-XB.esp 50 32 ClimatesOfTamriel-Falskaar.esp 51 33 Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp 52 34 50 More Perk Points.esp 53 35 RLO - Effects.esp 54 36 Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp 55 37 Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp 56 38 Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp 57 39 UnreadBooksGlow.esp 58 3a BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp 59 3b icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp 60 3c Combat Evolved.esp 61 3d Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 62 3e Guards Attack Hostiles.esp 63 3f Wildcat - Realistic Damage Plugin.esp 64 40 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 65 41 dD-Medium Script Range.esp 66 42 dD-No Screen Blood.esp 67 43 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp 68 44 Realistic Melee Range.esp 69 45 Mortal Enemies.esp 70 46 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 71 47 RealisticWaterTwo.esp 72 48 RealisticWaterTwo - iNeed.esp 73 49 RLO - IC Patch.esp 74 4a Reduced Carry Weight -100.esp
  23. There are a lot of armor/weapon mods that add their weapons to the Sentinel Site in the Glowing Sea, so much so that if you had a lot of those mods that breaking in to there is a bit disapointing because its kinda easy. Im looking for a mod that can make it a real challenge getting into the site so the difficulty reflects the rewards given by all those sweet mods. I use Horizon btw
  24. I'm a fan of survival mode (for the most part.) There's some things I can't stand about it though, like no fast travel or auto saving and how using chems increases hunger/thirst. I also don't like how much you have to eat in order to satisfy your needs (I have to drink like 5 purified waters to go from hydrated to ok.) Is there anyone creating a mod that lets you turn select survival features on/off or that changes the rate of primary needs?
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