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  1. Hi ,After defraging mhw using razorcortex the game cannot access chunk file and does not give any error ,just closes after 2sec . The file is undamaged and in its proper location , but the quicksfv says file doesn't exist . How can i fix it without reinstalling?
  2. Dear All, I have recently decided to play the Dragonborn expansion, which I downloaded a few months back and never got around to playing. Important: At the time I stopped playing, I was quite happily running the game on high settings, with a very nice, flawlessly consistent frame rate which only dropped in heavy, heavy battle sequences. But now, when I have returned to play the game, I am experiencing crippling lag, regardless of what settings I choose - the framerate remains low and mouse movement delayed severely irrespective of graphical settings chosen at launch or in-game. About two weeks ago, after reading up on the subject a bit, I re-installed the game and to my delight, everything was as it was - framerates restored and no whiff of lag present. But alas, work got in the way so I resolved in confidence to play it over the festive period, when I have some time off, but to my horror, I have returned home to find that when I open the game to play (at this point vanilla, no mods installed), the lag has returned with a vengeance. I am currently re-installing the game right now but surely there must be a solution to this other than to keep on re-installing every time I want to play? I have tried many suggestions - CCleaner, De-fragging, un-installing unnecessary programs, de-selecting unnecessary background Windows services at boot, graphics tweaking, hard-drive cleaning, frame-rate boosters, all sadly to no avail. And surely the fact that the game can run perfectly after being re-installed proves that it is not a graphics issue? As I said, this machine can run it flawlessly on High normally - what has changed over the past few months? My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L855-10P with an Intel Core i7-3610QM @2.30 GHz with an AMD Radeon HD 7670M graphics card with 2GB of VRAM and 8GB of RAM. I am running Windows 7 with bags of room on my hard-drive. This is an extremely mystical and frustrating problem that is ruining my Christmas! Please, if you have any solution to offer, I would welcome your help! Many thanks in anticipation of any response, Tom
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