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  1. How long do in-game (already dead) bodies hang around after the character comes across them? Are they a permanent game fixture? For example the dead caravan merchants outside Dragon Bridge Some bodies seem reluctant to leave, Miraak followers or hired thugs... there was a body removal timer mod for Skyrim, just wondered if anyone knows of (or could assemble) a mod that removed decomposing dead bodies after a duration for Skyrim SE - even dragon skeletons (due to the glitches they can often create) Thanks
  2. I've been streaming New Vegas on Twitch for the past few weeks with Stewie's Tweaks installed, and one of the features that that mod offers is that enemies that have been recently killed but not looted have a gray tick on the compass. It really helps me, because I want to get as much loot from each encounter as possible. I've looked, but I can't seem to find anything like that for Fallout 4. I know there's a mod to give unlooted corpses the same effect that you get on living enemies with Orange Mentats, but that's not really the implementation I'm looking for. Having a marker on the compass appeals to me much more. It could be as simple as having a gray version of the standard quest marker or enemy indicator, or it could be a unique icon, perhaps a skull (to symbolize the corpse) or a bindle on a stick (to symbolize the loot). If this sounds like an interesting project to anyone, I would be happy to help you test whatever you come up with. Just send me a PM.
  3. Hi. I have a mod request! Please link to the mod in the comments here if this already exists. (I've searched and haven't found it!) Request: 1. Allow us to completely exhaust all dialogue/questions with the dead. (No longer limited to 5.) 2. Even if we're the dead NPC's killer, allow us to bypass that restriction so that we can speak to their lifeless bodies. (How is holding a grudge helping them in the afterlife?)Thank you!! P.S. Are there any BG3 Discords where authors and users hang out to talk about mods and such? If so, can you link it here? Past requests made by others for this same thing: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13224408-mod-requestunlimited-use-speak-with-dead/?hl=%2Bspeak+%2Bwith+%2Bdead https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13114440-mod-request-speak-with-dead-infinite-questions/?hl=%2Bspeak+%2Bwith+%2Bdead&do=findComment&comment=126405381 https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13110837-mod-request-unlimited-speak-with-the-dead-allow-speak-as-killer/?hl=%2Bspeak+%2Bwith+%2Bdead&do=findComment&comment=126405360
  4. I checked out the mod section for SE and could not find a mod that I would like to see. Have you ever lost dead bodies in the foliage? That is a real problem when you have a large fight or a body slides away and disappears in the underbrush before you can loot it. Would anyone be willing to create a mod that would cause a dead body to glow, maybe with a spirit mist over them to simulate the soul leaving the body? It would really make looting easier in the denser areas of the game. Just a thought. Thanks!
  5. So, I'm in the process of tracking the ''last known whereabouts'', so to speak, of a number of old mods that... seemingly... have vanished from the surface of the Earth- or, at least of the Internet, without as much as a trace, which is a strange feat on its own. I have search for a while and at quite a few places, but either found nothing at all or nothing conclusive. 1. Downloaded file's name : attack and hide medium v2.1.rar Esp's name : attack and hide medium v2.1.esp Details : Nothing. Also, NOT the 'Russian' version... I already know there's a 'RUS' version out there. 2. Downloaded file's name : Homes In Shivering Isles.rar Esp's name : Homes In Shivering Isles.esp Details : There's a ''Homes In Shivering Isles.txt'' file also in the *.rar and, between other ordinary details, it says this « v1.0 as of 01, May, 2007. By Elazul » 3. Downloaded file's name : Playable Captains Armor.rar Esp's name : Playable_Captains_Armor.esp Details : There's a ''Playable_Captains_Armor.txt'' file also in the *.rar and, between other ordinary details, the ''name'' ByblosHex comes up once. This mod makes the « Imperial Watchman Armor set to Playable » (wore by the Captains). Note : I *do* have these files currently on my computer. So, as a side-thought, I'm wondering if there's an ''etiquette'' about reviving mods confirmed *absolutely vanished without a trace or sound* ? You know, after like 10 years ? A ''mod museum'', maybe, I don't know ?
  6. In a world with as much magic (and presence of Daedric princes), you'd think deaths would be a little more spectacular? Plus, some bodies never seem to just go away. My idea for a mod is a little odd, and would have to apply to only new-deaths/player-kills, and not simply "the dead" (or a lot of "quest corpses" would go missing). My proposal is for the dead so slowly (with a possible exponential increase) float up towards the sky, and/or fading out (and then disable). This could be delayed by either time, player distance from the body, or triggered after looting. It's just an idea of how to clean up bodies... ...sort of like this Saints Row cheat: https://youtu.be/EMVHSP33qm0?t=30s The floating component would obviously be disabled for indoor cells, and perhaps there could be some "obstruction detection" in the body's "flight path" so that if the body is outdoors, it won't get stuck in a tower or building, and instead just "fade away" on the floor.
  7. Hi, I'm interested in a mod that removes the animation played for downed companions (where you can stimpack them mid battle) or (One of your automatron robots just looks at the ground) and just have them ragdoll and fall on the ground. After combat end or a set time limit (Could be a mod option), like old games your companions would "un-ragdoll", "get up" and follow you. Basically this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52681/? But for Fallout 4 Thanks, :happy:
  8. I would like a simple mod that uses, the civil war's siege body eraser during normal game-play.
  9. Is this something that might even be possible? I'm tired of hunting for dead bodies to loot, especially when someone other than me kills something in my vicinity. Nothing more painful than killing 20 things and trying to find all the bodies afterward.
  10. So my MCM stopped working quite some time ago. Woe is me :sad: I posted about it and everyone seemed to know the cause but no solution was offered. I understand mod authors have to be the ones to correct faulty scripts that get stuck, but that doesn't seem like it will be happening anytime soon. SO... since I can't even open MCM without it getting stuck, is there a way to configure mods outside of the game? An .INI or something?
  11. Hello, i would like to propose a mode to deal with dead bodies in the game. Some dead bodies are persistent and wont leave game world, for instance corpses of a raider and wild mongrel just outside of sanctuary, after the bridge, or corpses of ghouls in sunshine tidings, they really bother me. Also randomly spawned enemies also can become persistent corpse if they are turned into ash piles or goo piles via weapon (either laser or plasma), i have like 10 goo piles in sanctuary by now and no way to remove them, only option is to "activate" them but that does nothing. Would it be possible to either make ash piles, goo piles and regular corpses scrap-able to get rid of them, or maybe put some other option in game to get rid of them? For instance in other Bethesda game, Morrowind, there was such option, to "remove the corpse" it would remove dead body from the game and transfer all it's belongings to the player inventory, could such a thing be possible? I think the scraping route would be better, and it could give players some resources, for instance goo piles could give 1 acid and ash piles 1 fertilizer and such. I know those bodies could be removed via console but i prefer not to use it unless it necessary, having an option to deal with them int he game would be useful. I already have some mods that allow me to scrap more objects like trash piles and such, this mod also allows to scrap object-like corpses, like old skeletons and such, which is useful, but it does not deal with regular corpses of killed enemies or piles of ash and goo. I will be thankful for responses and i hope such mod is possible to make, cheers.
  12. Looks like I have to ask for help again! I am trying to have a dead deer and a dead sheep spawn next to each other. In an exterior cell. I have given them both unique IDs and zeroed out EVERYTHING as far as stats and AI go. There is no PC Offset Level checked, and the creatures are set to level 1. The WIERD part...... If I test with a level 6 character, everything is fine....animals appear where they are supposed to and positioned exeactly as in the CS.. But If if test with a higher level character, the animals either appear alive/or dead, although standing and not moving. Or... they spawn away from their CS editor locations, or not at all. At least I can't find them , maybe they fell through the world. I don't understand why the player level makes a difference. ...... I am using Beta Testing Charecters by LHammonds. Really need help here. I've read all on the CS site. Been working on this for a week and the mod for 2 years.....and I'm almost ready to turn it over to the testing guild. This is like the last thing. Please....... Help meeeeeee! OC3
  13. Hi Has anyone else noticed that dead bodies in towns will attract a guard to come over and investigate but is then just left there to rot for days till they disappear? Would love to see undertakers come from the town's hall of the dead and take the body to the hall. considerations would be needed regarding: + how to transport the bodies? (cart, stretcher?) + overflow areas for when they run out of slabs + possible future integration with Bring Out Your Dead by Arthmoor (Who I will msg about this as well) Cheers Alex
  14. I've seen quite a few mods for dealing with corpses, but how about a mod that simply causes a corpse to slowly accelerate towards the sky, and disintegrate with some sort of effect (much like killing a raised body or something, but perhaps with a slowed animation). And of course, removing the body from the game as to not leave the corpse in the save like vanilla Skyrim seems to do. I know there are similar mods in which spells are cast, or menus are opened, but is there a way to automatically remove a body, and perhaps have an animation like what I've described here?
  15. Hi, I recently installed a few mods to my fresh copy of New vegas, and it seems that the corpses are disappearing very quickly. If I kill an enemy in a building, leave the building, it is immediately removed from the interior, along with my chance to loot it. I don't remember this happening when I played un-modded NV, and I have searched everywhere with no help. My current modlist is all DLC Nevada skies, electro city more perks Vurts flora overhaul perk every level fortune canyon new vegas bounty and some radio stations. Has anyone experienced this issue or can offer any suggestions?
  16. http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Ebony_Blade_Victims It says that reanimated dead count towards the kill total. However, I found that only reanimated dead that don't turn into ash upon death (using higher level reanimation spells) count. Those lower reanimated dead that turn into ash upon death don't count towards the kill total. I am currently using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. For people who are playing the vanilla game, do reanimated dead that turn into ash upon death count or not?
  17. Im new at this Forum and my english isnt good. I have played Fallout New Vegas on PC complete and now i do some "funny" things at the Game :D I cheat some functions and test something. Now i tried to play with an crippled Character (No Head :D) the game. It looks very funny. But when i type after a Death "player.resurrect" into the console, servere Bugs appears or the game crashes instantly. I would only to play with an "destroyed" Character without any limbs :D (Very funny Imagination to shoot NPC's without Arms oder Head :D) I tried to revive my dead and crippled Chracters but it dont work :D Is it possible? Are they Commands to cheat limbs "away"?
  18. I've been trying to figure out how to place a dead body in a certain position or pose using the creation kit. I cannot seem to find any relevant information and I can't think of any instances in game that I can reference to. Is it a matter of just having them fall into place, or am I looking more at having to actually make custom meshes? If anyone has any relevant information please let me know. Either you know how or you can remember finding a body that seems like it was posed, I appreciate it.
  19. Im trying to get into modding and I alredy have a few ideas. For the mod im currently trying to work on I'd like to to something similiar to the begining of dead money. That is to say remove all the gear from the player and putting it into a container and then giving the player a set of equipment and forcing them to equip a bomb caller and not let them take it off until the mods over. Could anybody tell me how to go about doing this? Cheers!
  20. I've been crashing all over Solstheim. I first noticed when I tried to use LAL's dark elf - solstheim start. I could play for more than a couple minutes without crashing. At the time, I thought it was the fault of Dovahkiin and the Apprentice of Thuum, because my logs were filled with bugs tied to that mod. Unfortunately, months later, I'm finding the same issue again. I'm fairly sure that it's not a bug with Live Another Life, or more people would be having my problem. Which begs the question, where's the conflict? The crashes happen in raven rock and solstheim in general, but they seem to happen most often around the farmhouse outside raven rock. The one where you start, "March of the Dead." I've not confirmed that this bug is present when entering solstheim the vanilla way, but I'll try to see asap. Boss Log If anyone could help, that would be lovely!
  21. Hey, I've been trying to place a dead body into the game and have come up with an error. I've been putting in a normal actor and then selecting the "Start Dead" option when editing it in the render window. This has worked fine except for one thing: All of my spawned bodies have their backs arched alarmingly, they are not lying down. I've got a picture so you can see what it looks like: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/332/mfd1.jpg And as you can see it looks strange when all of my spawned bodies are doing it: http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/169/xhd5.jpg So what I'm asking is if someone knows how to fix this, I've tried rotating the bodies with the "W" Hotkey, but that doesn't seem to work, as they cannot rotate. Does anybody know the fix for this? Thanks, Will :smile:
  22. Right now a dead body is like some sort of container, if you loot already equipped clothes from it, the corpse will remain nude. I think there should be a possibility to dress corpses with clothes the way you equip settlers and companions with new gear. The thing is I have no idea how to do this. Maybe there is some who does? I remember there was a mod like this for FNV and it even didn't require a script extender, it added a new option "Equip" while in sneak mode (just like cannibalism), to dress corpse with one click if it has any clothes in inventory, but I don't recall if it allowed to equip corpses after opening inventory as well (choose which armor to equip).
  23. Hi, I just walked through Skyrim and saw one of the many tragedies happening in Skyrim. A young couple of traders were been robbed and killed. I feel sorry for them (even if it's just a game) and want to bury them, but I can't. Well I'm no modder, but maybe one of you have time, fun and passion to make such a Mod where you can, equpped with a shovel, dig graves somewhere. With Greetings Richard
  24. Here was my request for "Gruesome decorations" mod I posted on Loverslab forums, because I thought it is a mature content. I made some edits to the post looking back at it now, which I marked in colour: "Hello there, I like making a bit rougher raider themed settlements, but I'm lacking proper tools for it. I have downloaded mods like Butcher Meat Rack, Settlement Objects Expansion Pack, Just Debris, Raider Themed Workshop and such. One of them even had FX tab where there were things such as smoke, sparks and fire, etc. But it is still not quite enough. There is a mod here that replaces hung and impaled dead bodies to naked one and that's nice, but could there perhaps be something like standalone, non-replacement version that would also have unmutilated corpses ( both dressed and nude, even skeletons ), because I don't want all my dead bodies to be headless so I can achieve something like this: http://www.horrify.m...caustimpale.jpg or https://pluckyoutoo....90505144208.jpg Actually some mutilated bodies would serve a proper horror effect as well and some could be in different positions like the hung bodies in Predator films or Wrong turn series ( for cannibal themed settlements ) http://vignette3.wik...=20140818004650 http://www.horrorarc...1024_996574.jpg https://tommyudo.fil...6/butchered.jpg And also so much needed placeable blood stains, splatters and puddles. It is quite disrupting to have torture chamber and butcher's kitchen "squeaky" clean. Some further decorations inspiration can be found in this short video from Event Horizon ( starting at approximately 3:01, I picked this video because one can better pause to see the images ). Some of the bodies could perhaps have their ragdoll mechanism kept ( if you wanted to put them in cages, trolleys or elsewhere ) and they wouldn't despawn then, but you could still scrap them. I read somewhere that the ragdoll mechanism cannot be reproduced in workshop, but there are enough dead bodies models in the original game that it is perhaps not even necessary. Something less gory could be of use too. Some places have clouds of dust that nicely capture and reflect the light, litting the space up a bit in a dim way ( like above the campfire in County Crossing ). The list could go on and contain other things like various medieval torture devices made in Wasteland style like working assignable guillotine ( public executions could even raise happiness in the settlements, because people have been wicked beings since the past and still likely are in this harsh future ). But it's up to fantasy and capabilities of the modder to make this actually real. I apologise for the pictures being in links, but I had more then I was allowed to contain in this post. Have a nice day everyone." Another couple of links here is from Vampires the Masquerade: Bloodlines for an idea. Some of the tzimisce decorations were pretty horrifying as well. http://www.manapool..../11/vtmb-3.jpeg https://vignette3.wi...ath-prefix=vtmb I was also wondering if bloodied bones and bodies you can sometimes see at Super mutant camps and dens could be added to it. You can loot a bloodied skull for example, but once you loot it and drop it again it is "clean" somehow. I am making an extra "raider-hell" themed settlement out of Vault 88 aside of other raider settlements and these would all add to a really good and grotesque look.
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