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  1. Hi there, this tutorial is about fixing the textures with alpha map like grass or leaves from getting darker with growing distance. The problem is that dark colors that are usually masked by the alpha start bleeding in the visible parts of the texture. That might be hard to understand but i guess the images speak for them self. This is how we like our texture: But with the distance the engine will fade over to a lower resolouted image: You can see how dark pixels have appeared on the outer edge of the grass. That is causing the problem and yes this is not a custom texture these are from Bethesda. So how are we going to fix this? First we load up the texture in gimp This is how the texture looks without alpha we want the invisible part to have a color that is as close as possible to the visible part. So we copy the layer and apply some blur to the lower layer. Then we select only the opacity layer (sorry for the german, I'm sure you'll find it anyway) And then we fill the whole layer, the color does not matter, since we only fill the alpha Then we create a selection from the top (original) layer alpha We merge the two layers and create a layer mask from the selection (continued in comments)
  2. I tried Masculine argonian mod SOS version and feet works great but when I tried G3NN4S Drachis and SOS Support but it didn't work and then I noticed that Drachis SOS support has feet textures separately unlike Masculine argonian mod that has them in argonianmalebody.dds I want to use Drachis argonian mod but just can't cuz feet has messed up textures. I would do it myself but I just can't get DDS files to work with GIMP so Im asking if some would do it :tongue: Im playing Skyrim SE and Im using Tempered Skins for Males and I think it uses better feet lol https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902/ If anybody is interested making some edits to Drachis Argonian mod I would be so happy! :smile: I found this but feet still looks bit weird https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18752
  3. I had extracted data form *.nif file: vertex, triangles, textures. And successfully displayed it via vispy's opengl example (https://github.com/vispy/vispy/blob/master/examples/tutorial/gloo/textured_cube.py). Here texture applied with next code: "gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, v_texcoord);". But how to applied two texture files, and how to apply color background (vertex color) for texture? Does anyone have experience to display nif mesh with opengl?
  4. Hi, i just tried to use a edited dds file for the hud...the "hud_main.dds" to be exact; i compressed it with BC3 without mipmaps but it doesnt load. then i tried it uncompressed ==> does not load. tried some other compression methods and even with mipmaps(dont think the are needed, correct me if im wrong) but had no luck so far. im using Gimp with dds plugin, also tried it in paint.net no luck yet; didnt try every compression. after some research i came across the unsplitting tool https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Textures_and_Images for Starcitizen, but since these HUD files are not split, i dont think i need it in this case. whats confusing, the file size of other HUD_mods (not all) is about 4 times bigger than the original file (512kb) here i should read "is opened" please, can someone tell how i get the files i changed properly loaded?
  5. I have try to edit the .dds file in photoshop and choose merge visible but don't know the proper setting to save. Diffuse (femalebody_1.dds) Normalmap (femalebody_1_msn.dds SSS (femalebody_1_sk.dds) Specular (femalebody_1_s.dds) Does anyone know? :tongue:
  6. Hey guys, Im having a problem with this files and i don't know how to fix them. Someone can help me ? Thanks !
  7. So I wanted to change the textures on a few items, but when I try to open most .dds files, both GIMP and Paint give errors. And this seems to be a fairly universal problem, as pretty much every tool, program, app and 'online converter' I've tried FAILS to open those files. Yet somehow Fallout and skyrim have no issue rendering them. And people keep making mods that use the dds format. So apperently some creature in the universe has found out how to decrypt this junk. Worse still is that every damn website and forum post I can find about the subject points back to GIMP, paint or one any number of shady 'converter programs', none of which work.
  8. Howdy, i would like to replace some meshes (NIF), e.g. replace the texture (DDS) with a transparent texture to get rid of some world objects which are precombined [PlacedObject]. Im fairly new to all of that. The logic however doesnt seem to complex. File type _d Diffuse/albedo (RGB of _d)_n normal map (RG/XY of _n)_s glossiness (R/X)_s specular/reflectivity (B/Y)Compression _d textures (dxt1/dxt5 compression, depending on alpha channel)_n textures (3Dc/ATI2/BC5 compression)_s textures (3Dc/ATI2/BC5 compression)I setup everything appropiate, folder path, texture compression, etc., BUT somehow a specific mesh, once the texture (DDS) was replaced, show up as a white mesh? So it seems that not all textures can be replaced? Is this hardcoded or some hidden NIF magic? I only replaced DDS files, is there some MWSP (material swap) going on, from my current scope the files where not attached to any BGSM. Thanks in advance.
  9. There's a great library for python that seems able to wrangle almost any image format. It also supports DDS, so I figured it could be an interesting challenge to create a more friendly and up-to-date DDS-utility than the ones out there. Any suggestions for features are welcome. How about a real-time (game-time) converter for instance? Just to get you going... (It's the Pillow/PIL library)
  10. So. I had to stop modding for a few months when i had to buy a new computer. I used to seriously enjoy editing textures and doing texture swaps. However when i edit and save a .dds file those changes do not appear in the game. FOr instance if i edit the .dds file for a ox of abraxo, the box keeps the vanilla texture when i load up the game even though the .dds file is edited. If I open the.DDS file it shows teh changesI made but they then do not load in game. I have tried both GIMP and Photoshop with the peoper .DDs plug ins and it doesnt work with either app. When I load a .DDs file in photoshop the layer appears labeled as a decompressed image instead of as a back ground layer. I actually have no idea what is going on. Please help.
  11. Hello guys! How can i edit the arms dds? Im trying to edit in t0_000_wa__c_base_d02_naked.dds but dont take effect in game, if change the color of all body, just the arms remains original.
  12. I'm actually not that new to modding, especially when it comes editing .dds files in photoshop and switching out textures. Due to unforeseen circumstances I recently had to buy a new computer. Now I can't seem to edit a simple texture to save my life. I am using the NVIDIA .dds plug in and the most recent version of photoshop. Whenever I open a .dds file it's layer label appears as "decompressed image" instead of "background". When I edit and save it appears to have saved correctly but for some reason only the old texture will show up in the game even though i edited an item's associated .dds file.I am beyond confused right now.
  13. Is there someone who can explain to me how to edit DDS files after the recent update (8 Feb 2022)? Neither Photoshop (with Intel Texture Works v1.0.4) or GIMP does not work. GIMP says: 'Invalid DDS header!'. Ps says: 'Could not complete your request because Can not load image..'. For extraction of DDSC files I've used decaGUI v0.2.13. PLS HLP!
  14. Hello i'm attempting to port some texture mods from ds1 to dsr (namely Andres Cranial Ember mod) and wanted to know when converting from png to dds which compression type should be used with which texture? e.g diffuse>dxt1, normal>dxt5, spec>dxt1
  15. Photoshop loses Blue and Alpha channels when a file is opened. Using this Intel plugin https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-texture-works-plugin There is example With Nvidia tools from here ( https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop ) just loses alpha channel, what is also bad What i do wrong?
  16. When I create an archive of my mod the file list seems to include Actor.pex, Objectreference.pex, ScriptObject.pex, Form.pex They arent in my sub directory of where my mods pex's are, and I don't include them in the BA2 Why do they show up ? Am I suppose to include them ?
  17. Ok, not really what makes the difference but some DDS files I can open using paint.net and GIMP 2.8 but some I can't. I can't even use a DDS Converter, it says 'it failed' This applies to any dds file; _d , _n, _s When I try to open it in GIMP it says: Opening 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Textures\Weapons\LaserWeapons\Institute\InstituteReflexSight_d.DDS' failed: DDS image plug-In could not open image When I try to open it in paint.net: System.FormatException: File is not a supported DDS format at PaintDotNet.Data.Dds.DdsFile.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Data\Dds\DdsFile.cs:line 469 at PaintDotNet.Data.Dds.DdsFileType.OnLoad(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Data\Dds\DdsFileType.cs:line 225 at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 496 at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158 I don't understand what makes the difference. Do I need a new plug-in or something?
  18. Me and Adobe recently parted ways, so I have stopped modding for a while so I can get up to speed with open source software. Having hopped on The Gimp train, I noticed there is practically no good info out there that details how to use its DDS plugin. I've written a guide to address this problem while using The Gimp on the Windows platform (Windows 7 Ulitmate 64-bit). The guide addresses: Where to install the plugin (path is on page 2)Explanation of the various BC / DXT formatsRGB modesCreation of cube mapsCreation of volume mapsI added info on other topics as well. You can read, print, or download it from here, or you can download it directly from this post. Its a WIP, and if anyone with more experience sees an error, please let me know and I'll correct it. ~V~ --Edit-- Uploaded version 0.2. This new version contains a few corrections and adds explanations to each of the RGB types (bit depth, with or without alphas, etc).
  19. I made a dds file as texture for a companion i was making but when i go in skyrim creation kit the texture is not showing up so i can put skin on them
  20. Hello, I'm an intermediate modder for Fallout 4 but I'm not great at texturing new 3D models, as I do not know what goes where - without a lot of testing in Photoshop (which could take forever) there's no real way to tell where to put the textures in the file. I played around with Blender and created a basic cube. What I need to do now is to create the .dds files for diffuse, normal and specular maps but I do not understand what goes where in the texture map, but I guess there must be a way of generating a blank texture map somehow? Any help with this is appreciated, Thank you Michael
  21. Hi, I am in need of someone who is good at texturing. I currently have an M1014 model that I would like to add into the game but I do not have any textures for it and would like someone to make some textures for it. The textures don't need to be anything amazing but something that at least looks good. If you are interested either PM me or leave a comment. Thanks.
  22. Found on reddit.com/r/movies this morning. Seeing as there are some FO4 mods appearing that have light sabers and such, thought some would appreciate this. One the VFX guys who worked on the force awakens released these for FREE http://www.videocopilot.net/blog/2016/05/free-star-wars-model-pack/ Included Models: OBJ with DDS Textures! Tie FighterImperial Corridor PiecesLuke LightsaberObi-Wan LightsaberDarth Vader LightsaberR2-D2BB-8X-WingTatooine Water VaporatorP.S. Hoping someone makes a functional Tatooine Water Vaporator replacement, for you know, water needs. http://www.videocopilot.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/saber_Group_medium.jpg
  23. I'm attempting to make a custom holotape retexture to go with one of my mods. My problem is this: after loading the dds file into photoshop, the background is not transparent, but white. This causes a lot of colour bleed along the edges (though I'm seeing it everywhere) which makes it impossible for me to layer the retexture files as I cant make out where the actual edge of different parts are. I've scoured the internet trying to find a solution, and along the way I've seen numerous images from other mods (of the dds file open in photoshop) that show a non-white background; usually black or grey. Also, I've not come across any tutorials online that even mention anything about this specific problem and how to avoid it. If it's something that I'm doing wrong, then any pointers in the right direction would help! If I can't fix this, then it looks unlikely that I will be able to complete the retexture, so any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  24. I'm attempting to make a custom holotape retexture to go with one of my mods. My problem is this: after loading the dds file into photoshop, the background is not transparent, but white. This causes a lot of colour bleed along the edges (though I'm seeing it everywhere) which makes it impossible for me to layer the retexture files as I cant make out where the actual edge of different parts are. I've scoured the internet trying to find a solution, and along the way I've seen numerous images from other mods (of the dds file open in photoshop) that show a non-white background; usually black or grey. Also, I've not come across any tutorials online that even mention anything about this specific problem and how to avoid it. If it's something that I'm doing wrong, then any pointers in the right direction would help! If I can't fix this, then it looks unlikely that I will be able to complete the retexture, so any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  25. Hello, First, I have to say that english isn't my native language so I will probably write this post with a terribly weird spelling that will make you tear your hair out. I am very sorry for this annoyance but I'm really in need of answers. Please, don't hesitate to ask me to explain weird sentences in a more consistent way. Second, I am also sorry if my asking was already answered somewhere, but I was searching since days and I found nothing that could help me. So, if i'm wrong, it is probably an issue with my keywords during my researches (as I have mentioned, english isn't my native language and...well there's actually almost nothing about DAO's modding in french forums). So please, don't hesitate to redirect me to any useful posts/topics/forums/blogs/whatever if something like this does exist and can fix my problem. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ In short, my actual problem concerns the creation of skin textures. I wasn't able to find a step by step tutorial about this stuff in DAO but I was thinking to simply edit some .dds face textures. I firstly did this with PhotoFiltre7 that I use since years for miscellaneous drawings, pictures editions and random stuff, but I couldn't get a decent result. By searching, I learned that this software isn't able to correctly treat alpha channels. Later, I have found this great tutorial about the edition of face textures in DAI. I know textures aren't in the same places depending in which game you want to use them, but I tried to adapt the most of the tutorial to my attempt on DAO's face textures. So I've downloaded the Nvidia plugin, did my texture...and then I had to save my work in .dds. That's the headache. I checked the alpha channel: http://ekladata.com/[email protected] Also checked it in the save popup: http://ekladata.com/[email protected] And then, my problem: http://ekladata.com/[email protected] The author of the tutorial linked up (Deyaneria) use another version of Photoshop, and this version seems to shows waaaaaays modest Nvidia's options, as you can see. http://ekladata.com/Pm8LdI3A57NF3G35zKpEl9INIU0.jpg (this screen directly comes from the tutorial of Deyenaria) I couldn't find anything about the options needed to be checked/unchecked with my version of Photoshop (CS6). I tried different configs but none of mines seems to works fine. At best, I've got in game a fine-looking texture for 5 seconds, but when the first lightning change come, I get the super-gothic-transparent-rainbow on my PC face u_u: http://ekladata.com/[email protected] I mostly tried the dxt5 option under the [save Format] section in the upper left of the Nvidia window to obtain the normal map and I tried random option to obtain my diffuse map but nothing seems to work and there is too much options to try them all. So, here are my questions: -What options need I to check/uncheck to obtain a functional diffuse map (with the suffix _0d, if I finely understand my searchs about it) and which ones need I to obtain a normal map (with the suffix _0n if I am not too dumb)? -And...well, I've been reading something about a normal map plugin in for Photoshop, but it hadn't work for me (probably something to do with Windows 8.1). Must I do something with another normal map generator (online or by downloading another software) or will the options offered by the Nvidia plugin be sufficient? I'm going to get crazy with this stupid options. If someone can help me, even slightly, please reply so I could die in peace. You will be my savior and I will make you a giant cookie! Pretty please é_è. I hope I was understandable, if not please say it so I could correct my post. Thanks for your time.
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